10 research outputs found

    Cultivating Distress: Cotton, Caste and Farmer Suicides in India

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    Nearly 4,00,000 farmers committed suicide in India between 1995 and 2018. This translates into approximately 48 suicides every day. The majority of suicides were those from ‘backwarded’ castes including Dalit farmers. This ethnographic study on cotton farmer suicide reports narratives of surviving Dalit families. The results reveal that financial and moral debt when accrued within a web of family and caste-related relationships result in patterns of personal and familial humiliation, producing a profound sense of hopelessness in the Self. This loss of hope and pervasive humiliation is ‘cultivated’  by a cascade of decisions taken by others with little or no responsibility to the farmers and the land they hope to cultivate as they follow different cultural and financial logic. Suicide resolves the farmers’ humiliation and is a logical conclusion to the farmer’s distress, which results from a reconfiguration of agricultural spaces into socially toxic places, in turn framing a local panopticon. The current corona virus pandemic is likely to impact adversely on peoples who are culturally distanced

    Generating Toxic Landscapes: Impact on Well-being of Cotton Farmers in Telangana, India

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    Existing literature demonstrates agro-chemicals result in physical toxicity and damages human health, flora and fauna. However, little is known about how such ‘toxicity’ relates to mental well-being and social suffering. This paper aims to demonstrate how local, national and international vectors are interlinked to shape social distress among cotton farmers in India. Ethnographic interviews and focus group discussions were conducted in a cotton-growing village of the Warangal district, Telangana state, India. The results advance the concept of counter therapeutic spaces and hypothesise that toxic landscapes emerge through a dynamic interaction between dispersed agencies that interact and reconfigure agricultural spaces into socially toxic places. The paper argues that the disciplines of public health and agriculture suffer from a failure of imagination to forge vital interdisciplinary links that could address farmer suffering. Unpacking local ecologies of farmer suffering offer innovative ways for enhancing mental health policy and interventions in India

    The timing of death in patients with tuberculosis who die during anti-tuberculosis treatment in Andhra Pradesh, South India

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    Background: India has 2.0 million estimated tuberculosis (TB) cases per annum with an estimated 280,000 TBrelated deaths per year. Understanding when in the course of TB treatment patients die is important for determining the type of intervention to be offered and crucially when this intervention should be given. The objectives of the current study were to determine in a large cohort of TB patients in India:- i) treatment outcomes including the number who died while on treatment, ii) the month of death and iii) characteristics associated with “early” death, occurring in the initial 8 weeks of treatment. Methods: This was a retrospective study in 16 selected Designated Microscopy Centres (DMCs) in Hyderabad, Krishna and Adilabad districts of Andhra Pradesh, South India. A review was performed of treatment cards and medical records of all TB patients (adults and children) registered and placed on standardized anti-tuberculosis treatment from January 2005 to September 2009. Results: There were 8,240 TB patients (5183 males) of whom 492 (6%) were known to have died during treatment. Case-fatality was higher in those previously treated (12%) and lower in those with extra-pulmonary TB (2%). There was an even distribution of deaths during anti-tuberculosis treatment, with 28% of all patients dying in the first 8 weeks of treatment. Increasing age and new as compared to recurrent TB disease were significantly associated with “early death”. Conclusion: In this large cohort of TB patients, deaths occurred with an even frequency throughout anti-TB treatment. Reasons may relate to i) the treatment of the disease itself, raising concerns about drug adherence, quality of anti-tuberculosis drugs or the presence of undetected drug resistance and ii) co-morbidities, such as HIV/ AIDS and diabetes mellitus, which are known to influence mortality. More research in this area from prospective and retrospective studies is needed

    Ecologies of Suffering: Mental Health in India

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    This article proposes an "ecology of suffering" which mediates between the sufferer and the "clinic." "Ecology" refers to the network of forces acting on and by the people suffering and those around him/her. It is chosen to stress the mix of "natural," and "social" such as landscapes or air pollution. "The clinic" refers to what happens locally between the sufferer and mental health professionals attempting to actualise the National Mental Health Policy. The aim is to enhance a crucial, yet neglected, aspect of India's National Mental Health Programme: that individual mental suffering is related to a wide range of local factors

    MHealth and the management of chronic conditions in rural areas: A note of caution from Southern India

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    This article examines challenges facing implementation of likely mHealth programmes in rural India. Based on fieldwork in Andhra Pradesh in 2014, and taking as exemplars two chronic medical ‘conditions’ – type 2 diabetes and depression – we look at ways in which people in one rural area currently access medical treatment; we also explore how adults there currently use mobile phones in daily life, to gauge the realistic likelihood of uptake for possible mHealth initiatives. We identify the very different pathways to care for these two medical conditions, and we highlight the importance to the rural population of healthcare outside the formal health system provided by those known as registered medical practitioners (RMP), who despite their title are neither registered nor trained. We also show how limited is the use currently made of very basic mobile phones by the majority of the older adult population in this rural context. Not only may this inhibit mHealth potential in the near future; just as importantly, our data suggest how difficult it may be to identify a clinical partner for patients or their carers for any mHealth application designed to assist the management of chronic ill-health in rural India. Finally, we examine how the promotion of patient ‘self-management’ may not be as readily translated to a country like India as proponents of mHealth might assume

    Adolescent and adult perceptions of the effects of larger size graphic health warnings on conventional and plain tobacco packs in India: A community-based cross-sectional study

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    INTRODUCTION: We studied adolescent and adult perceptions of the effects of larger size, 85% versus 40%, Graphic Health Warnings (GHWs) on conventional and plain tobacco packs, in India. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was conducted with 2121 participants (aged ≄13 years), during the period 2015-16, in Delhi and Telangana, India. Four categories of GHWs on tobacco packs were shown: A - 40% existing (April 2013-April 2016), B - 40% new (April 2016-present), C - 85% new, and D - plain packs (85% new). Regression models tested percentage differences in choice of categories for eight outcomes, adjusted for gender, area of residence, socioeconomic status, age, and tobacco use. RESULTS: Of the total 2121 participants, 1120 were from Delhi, 1001 from Telangana, 50% were males, 62% were urban residents, 12% were adolescents, and 72% had never used tobacco. Among packs shown, the majority of participants perceived the 85% size GHWs more effective than the 40% size GHWs across all outcomes. The perceived increase in noticeability of GHWs was 45% for category C (p<0.05) and 43.5% for category D (p<0.05) versus category B. In Delhi, participants perceived plain packs to be most effective in motivating quitting, preventing initiation and conveying the health message. In Telangana, adolescents believed GHWs on plain packs were most noticeable, most effective for quitting and preventing initiation. CONCLUSIONS: The larger size 85% GHWs were perceived to be more effective in increasing noticeability of warnings, motivating cessation, preventing initiation, and conveying the intended health message. Support for plain packaging was higher in Delhi and among adolescents in Telangana

    A Real-Time IVR Platform for Community Radio

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    Interactive Voice Response (IVR) platforms have been widely deployed in resource-limited settings. These systems tend to afford asynchronous push interactions, and within the context of health, provide medication reminders, descriptions of symptoms and tips on self-management. Here, we present the development of an IVR system for resource-limited settings that enables real-time, synchronous interaction. Inspired by community radio, and calls for health systems that are truly local, we developed "Sehat ki Vaani". Sehat ki Vaani is a real-time IVR platform that enables hosting and participation in radio chat shows on community-led topics. We deployed Sehat ki Vaani with two communities in North India on topics related to the management of Type 2 diabetes and maternal health. Our deployments highlight the potential for synchronous IVR systems to offer community connection and localised sharing of experience, while also highlighting the complexity of producing, hosting and participating in radio shows in real time through IVR. We discuss the relative strengths and weaknesses of synchronous IVR systems, and highlight lessons learnt for interaction design in this area