26 research outputs found

    コウナイホウ LeFort IIガタ コツキリジュツ ニヨリ チュウガンメン ノ カンオウ オ カイゼン サセタ コッカクセイ カガク ゼントツショウレイ

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    The patient was a 15-year 6-month female, and her chief complaint was severe nasomaxillary hypoplasia with anterior crossbite. After extraction of bilateral upper and lower third molars, the preoperative orthodontic treatment was initiated at 15-year and 7-month old. After 10-month orthodontic treatment, she received a surgery of intraoral LeFort II midfacial advancement using a piezoelectric braze. The naso-maxillary LeFort II segment was placed forward and downward by 8.0 mm using a Rigid External Distractor (RED) system, and internal rigid fixation was performed. For the mandible, the bilateral intraoral vertical ramus osteotomy was also performed, resulting in 6.0 mm mandibular setback. After 6-month of postoperative treatment, multi-bracket appliances were removed. At 7-month after surgery, the satisfactory facial profile and acceptable occlusion were obtained

    Myosin Vb Is Required for Trafficking of the Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator in Rab11a-specific Apical Recycling Endosomes in Polarized Human Airway Epithelial Cells

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    Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR)-mediated Cl(-) secretion across fluid-transporting epithelia is regulated, in part, by modulating the number of CFTR Cl(-) channels in the plasma membrane by adjusting CFTR endocytosis and recycling. However, the mechanisms that regulate CFTR recycling in airway epithelial cells remain unknown, at least in part, because the recycling itineraries of CFTR in these cells are incompletely understood. In a previous study, we demonstrated that CFTR undergoes trafficking in Rab11a-specific apical recycling endosomes in human airway epithelial cells. Myosin Vb is a plus-end-directed, actin-based mechanoenzyme that facilitates protein trafficking in Rab11a-specific recycling vesicles in several cell model systems. There are no published studies examining the role of myosin Vb in airway epithelial cells. Thus, the goal of this study was to determine whether myosin Vb facilitates CFTR recycling in polarized human airway epithelial cells. Endogenous CFTR formed a complex with endogenous myosin Vb and Rab11a. Silencing myosin Vb by RNA-mediated interference decreased the expression of wild-type CFTR and DeltaF508-CFTR in the apical membrane and decreased CFTR-mediated Cl(-) secretion across polarized human airway epithelial cells. A recombinant tail domain fragment of myosin Vb attenuated the plasma membrane expression of CFTR by arresting CFTR recycling. The dominant-negative effect was dependent on the ability of the myosin Vb tail fragment to interact with Rab11a. Taken together, these data indicate that myosin Vb is required for CFTR recycling in Rab11a-specific apical recycling endosomes in polarized human airway epithelial cells

    Alternative splicing isoforms of synaptotagmin VII in the mouse, rat and human.

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    Synaptotagmin VII (Syt VII) has been proposed to regulate several different types of Ca2+-dependent exocytosis, but its subcellular localization (lysosome or plasma membrane) and the number of alternative splicing isoforms of Syt VII (single or multiple forms) are matters of controversy. In the present study, we show by reverse transcriptase-PCR analysis that mouse Syt VII has one major isoform (Syt VIIalpha), the original Syt VII, and two minor isoforms (Syt VIIbeta and Syt VIIgamma), which contain unique insertions (of 44 and 116 amino acids respectively) in the spacer domain between the transmembrane and C2 domains of Syt VIIalpha. Similar results were obtained with respect to rat and human Syt VII mRNA expression. An antibody against the N-terminal domain of mouse Syt VII [anti-(Syt VII-N)], which specifically recognized recombinant Syt VII but not other Syt isoforms expressed in COS-7 cells, recognized two major, closely co-migrating bands (p58 and p60) and minor bands of approx. 65 kDa in mouse brain. Immunoaffinity purification of proteins that bind the anti-(Syt VII-N) antibody, and peptide sequence analysis revealed that: (i) the major p58 and p60 bands are identified as adenylate cyclase-associated protein 2; (ii) actin-binding protein is localized at the plasma membrane; and (iii) Syt VIIalpha (65 kDa) is the major Syt VII isoform, but with a much lower expression level than previously thought. It was also shown that FLAG-Syt VII-green-fluorescence-protein fusion protein stably expressed in PC12 cells is localized in the perinuclear region (co-localization with TGN38 protein, even after brefeldin A treatment) and in the tips of neurites (co-localization with Syt I), and not in the plasma membrane