198 research outputs found

    Biotechnological Approaches to Improve Potato: Review Article

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    This article was planned to summarize available information's on biotechnological approaches to improve potato. The potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is a major world food crop. It gives an exceptionally high yield and also produces more edible energy and protein per unit area and time than many other crops. The developed countries make the most diversified use of potatoes as food, feed and raw material for processed products, starch and alcohol, while the developing countries are increasingly adopting potato cultivation primarily as a food crop. Potato is propagated by both sexually (using true potato seed) and asexually (vegetatively). Conventional propagation of potato is done vegetatively using seed tubers which ensure uniformity of the crop in terms of growth and yield, but results in degeneration of the crop due to virus infection. The availability of tissue culture technology for rapid multiplication of disease free planting material has facilitated potato seed production to a great extent. Potato is an ideal crop for the introduction of traits using biotechnology. Conventional potato breeding as it is practiced worldwide is an inefficient, slow process that has changed little in the past century. Potato breeding efforts have historically focused on yield, fresh market and processing quality, and storability as well as disease resistance. Genetic variation for these traits in commercial cultivars is low, but related wild species contain many traits not found in cultivars and represent an especially rich source of disease resistance and tuber quality genes. Combining tuber quality traits desired by consumers and processors with the agronomic performance and disease resistance preferred by farmers remains the most significant challenge in potato breeding. Fortunately, the tremendous amount of genetic diversity in wild and cultivated relatives of potato allows for relatively easy identification, isolation, and introduction of new genes for a specific trait using biotechnology. Keywords: Biotech potato, Genetic modification, Biotechnology, True potato seed, Seed tuber

    Biotechnological Approaches to Improve Potato: Review Article

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    This article was planned to summarize available information's on biotechnological approaches to improve potato. The potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is a major world food crop. It gives an exceptionally high yield and also produces more edible energy and protein per unit area and time than many other crops. The developed countries make the most diversified use of potatoes as food, feed and raw material for processed products, starch and alcohol, while the developing countries are increasingly adopting potato cultivation primarily as a food crop. Potato is propagated by both sexually (using true potato seed) and asexually (vegetatively). Conventional propagation of potato is done vegetatively using seed tubers which ensure uniformity of the crop in terms of growth and yield, but results in degeneration of the crop due to virus infection. The availability of tissue culture technology for rapid multiplication of disease free planting material has facilitated potato seed production to a great extent. Potato is an ideal crop for the introduction of traits using biotechnology. Conventional potato breeding as it is practiced worldwide is an inefficient, slow process that has changed little in the past century. Potato breeding efforts have historically focused on yield, fresh market and processing quality, and storability as well as disease resistance. Genetic variation for these traits in commercial cultivars is low, but related wild species contain many traits not found in cultivars and represent an especially rich source of disease resistance and tuber quality genes. Combining tuber quality traits desired by consumers and processors with the agronomic performance and disease resistance preferred by farmers remains the most significant challenge in potato breeding. Fortunately, the tremendous amount of genetic diversity in wild and cultivated relatives of potato allows for relatively easy identification, isolation, and introduction of new genes for a specific trait using biotechnology. Keywords: Biotech potato, Genetic modification, Biotechnology, True potato seed, Seed tuber

    Reliability and Validity of the Star Excursion Balance Test in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the measurement properties of the star excursion balance test (SEBT) in patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA). Specific objectives were to estimate: 1) test-retest reliability, 2) concurrent validity of observer measurements compared to a 3D motion capture system, and 3) longitudinal validity in response to 12 weeks of neuromuscular exercises. Thirty-eight patients diagnosed with knee OA participated. They performed the SEBT on three test occasions. The first two test sessions were completed within one week and the third was 12 weeks later. Participants performed exercises at home over the 12-week period. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) ranging from 0.70-to-0.94 suggested good-to-excellent reliability. Pearson r ≥0.96 between observer and motion capture measures suggested excellent concurrent validity. Participants significantly improved (p≤0.05) on six directions and the composite score of the SEBT, with standardized response means \u3e0.4. Improvements in the SEBT were low-to-moderately correlated with improvements in 40m walk times and patient-reported outcomes (r=0.24-0.48) suggesting adequate longitudinal validity. The present results suggest appropriate measurement properties for the SEBT in patients with knee OA and support its use in clinical and research settings

    Perceptions of Community-Based Participatory Research from Community and Academic Members

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    Community-based participatory research (CBPR) is an increasingly popular form of public health research. However, little is known about the application of CBPR and the levels of involvement for partners in specific phases of the partnership. This phenomenological study addressed the application of CBPR from the perspectives of 7 academic researchers and 6 community members experienced in CBPR. Arnstein\u27s ladder of citizenship participation and the community coalition action theory provided the framework for the study. Semi-structured interviews addressed participants\u27 levels of involvement in the CBPR process, as well as challenges, concerns, successes, and recommendations for improvement. Interview transcripts were analyzed by identifying recurrent themes relevant to the experience of being a CBPR partner. These themes were then used to develop descriptions of their experience. Results indicated that participants knew the term CBPR and had experienced it, but not all participants understood the depth of CBPR and how much bargaining power they could have for their community. Sustainability of partnerships and programs was a major concern. Ethical problems were also raised regarding the long-term commitment to projects and the need for CBPR partnership evaluation. Results may be used to strengthen awareness of the principles of CBPR to advance culturally tailored public health interventions

    Arkkitehtuurikasvatus ympäristöhuolen aikakaudella: tutkielma eettistä maailmasuhdetta vaalivasta arkkitehtuurikasvatuksesta

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    Diplomityö on tutkielma arkkitehtuurikasvatuksesta akuuttien ekokriisien ja ympäristöhuolen varjostamana aikana, jota kutsutaan antroposeeniksi. Antroposeenia on kuvailtu ennen kaikkea ihmisen kriisinä, sillä sen ongelmat asettavat vaatimuksen ajatella uusiksi totuttuja käsityksiä ihmisyydestä ja luonnosta sekä myös kasvatuksesta ja sen tavoitteista: siitä, millaisena hyvä ja tavoiteltava elämä ajatellaan ja mikä on oikeutettua ihmisen hyvinvoinnin tavoittelussa. Tutkielma etsii tapoja kohdata antroposeenin hankaluudet ja elää niiden kanssa. Se etsii toivoa ajassa, jossa tulevaisuus vaikuttaa epävarmalta. Diplomityön teoreettisena viitekehyksenä on ajankohtainen antroposeenikeskustelu, jota käydään aktiivisesti myös kasvatuksen alalla ja jota työssä esitetään tarpeelliseksi tuoda esiin myös arkkitehtuurikasvatuksessa. Tutkielman lähestymistapa aiheeseen muistuttaa narratiivista kirjallisuuskatsausta, jonka aineisto muodostuu monitieteisestä ja -taiteisesta keskustelusta. Työ asettuu luennassaan posthumanistiseen diskurssiin, jossa kyseenalaistetaan vakiintuneita ajatusmalleja ihmiskeskeisyydestä ja kulttuurillisista subjekti/objekti -kahtiajaoista. Tutkielmassa luonto ja arkkitehtuuri käsitetään laajasti niin, että ihminen sekä arkkitehtuuri ihmisen arkisena toimintaympäristönä ovat osa luontoa. Arkkitehtuurikasvatusta taas tarkastellaan osana taidekasvatusta. Arkkitehdin ja kasvattajan ammatit perustuvat paremman tulevaisuuden kuvittelulle. Molempiin ammatteihin sisältyy paljon valtaa, johon kuuluu myös vastuuta ja omien arvojen kanssa työskentelyä. Diplomityö pohtii arkkitehtuurikasvatuksen mahdollisuuksia tukea maailmasuhdetta, joka pyrkii toimimaan elämää säilyttävästi ja sen ehdoilla, olosuhteiden mahdollisuudet ja rajat tunnistaen. Elämää säilyttävä kasvatus edellyttää eettisempää maailmasuhdetta, johon tutkielma etsii reittejä posthumanismista sekä fenomenologiasta, joissa haastetaan perinteistä käsitystä erillisestä ja autonomisesta subjektista. Työ ottaa lähtökohdakseen kriittisen tulkinnan arkkitehtuurikasvatukselle annettuihin merkityksiin ja tavoitteisiin. Se ehdottaa tutkailevan, villiytyvän ja raunioita asuttavan otteen arkkitehtuurikasvatukseen mahdollisuutena suhtautua vaihtoehtoisella tavalla arkkitehtuurin ja rakennetun ympäristön tulkitsemiseen sekä arkkitehtuurikasvatuksen tavoitteisiin, tietämisen tapoihin ja käsitteellistyksiin. Tutkielma pyrkii kokonaisvaltaiseen lähestymistapaan henkilökohtaisen arvotarkastelun kautta, alkusysäyksenä myöhemmälle aiheen parissa työskentelylle. Taidekasvatukselle tyypillisesti tutkielma ei tarjoa vastauksia valmiina, vaan se pyrkii havainnoimaan yhteyksiä, kietoutuneisuuksia ja uusia mahdollisia suuntia


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    The purpose of this study was to compare the performance of a 2D video-based markerless motion capture system to a conventional marker-based approach during a counter movement jump (CMJ). Twenty-three healthy participants performed CMJ while data were collected simultaneously via a marker-based (Oqus) and a 2D video-based motion capture system (Miqus, both: Qualisys AB, Gothenburg, Sweden). The 2D video data was further processed using Theia3D (Theia Markerless Inc.), both sets of data were analysed concurrently in Visual3D (C-motion, Inc). Excellent agreement between systems with ICCs \u3e0.988 exists for Jump height (mean average error of 0.35 cm) and ankle and knee sagittal plane angles (RMS differences \u3c 5°). The hip joint showed highe


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    The purpose of this study was to compare the performance of a video-based markerless motion capture system to a conventional marker-based approach during a counter movement jump (CMJ). Twenty-three healthy participants performed CMJ while data was collected simultaneously via a marker-based (Oqus) and a 2D video-based motion capture system (Miqus, both: Qualisys). The video data was further processed to 3D-data using Theia3D (Theia Markerless Inc.). Excellent agreement between systems with ICCs \u3e0.99 exists for jump height (mean average error of -0.27 cm) and sagittal ankle and knee plane angles (RMSD \u3c 5°). The hip joint showed an average RMSD of 21° with a strong correlation of 0.80. As such the markerless system is capable of detecting jump height, sagittal ankle and knee joint angles and 3D joint positions of a CMJ to a high accurac

    Occurrence et composition chimique de l’huile essentielle des feuilles de Lippia multiflora M. (thé de savane) selon le pH, les teneurs en Carbone, en Azote et Phosphore du sol en zones de savane guinéenne en Côte d’Ivoire

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    Pour améliorer les productions quantitative et qualitative de l’huile essentielle de Lippia multiflora, plante adventice aromatique, l’influence du sol via son pH, ses teneurs en C, NT, PT et PA a été évaluée sur les Coefficients d’Abondance-Dominance (CAD) de la plante et la concentration de l’huile essentielle de ses feuilles associée à celle de leurs composantes volatiles. Trois sites de peuplement naturel de L. multiflora, au stade de floraison, ont été choisis chacun dans les régions de Bouaflé, Séguéla et Yamoussoukro. Sur chaque site, les CAD ont été évalués et les échantillons de feuilles et de sol ont été prélevés, à mi-versant. La composition chimique de l’huile extraite des feuilles a été analysée. Au niveau du sol, le pH, les teneurs en carbone (C), en azote (N), en phosphore assimilable (P) et en phosphore total (Pt) ont été déterminés. Des corrélations ont été établies entre les paramètres du sol et le CAD ainsi que les teneurs des constituants majoritaires des huiles essentielles. Les résultats ont montré l’influence significative du phosphore assimilable du sol sur l’occurrence et les teneurs des constituants majoritaires des huiles essentielles de L. multiflora. Il serait possible de cultiver L. multiflora, dans la savane guinéenne, en appliquant le phosphore pour une production importante et l’obtention d’une plus grande concentration de Citral, 1,8-Cinéole et Linalol dans l’huile essentielle des feuilles.Mots-clés: Lippia multiflora, huile essentielle, chimiotype, écosystème, mi-versant, interaction des nutriments.Occurrence and Leave extractable essential oil of Lippia multiflora M. (Verbenaceae) contents as affected by soil acidity, carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus contents in guinean savannah of Côte d’Ivoire For generating a strategy of quantitative and qualitative productions of invasive aromatic plant, L. multiflora, influence of soil pH and the contents of organic carbon (C), total nitrogen (NT), total (PT) and available (PA) phosphorus were explored via dominant-abundance index (DAI) of species as well as the leave extractable essential oil constituents contents. In three sites (Bouaflé, Séguéla and Yamoussoukro), corresponding DAI were recorded coupled with soil and leave sampling at middle slope. Soil pH and the contents of C, NT, PT and PA were determined as well as the concentrations of essential oil constituents. The relationship was established between soil parameters and DAI thus those majority constituents of essential oil contents. The result showed significant influence between PA and occurrence thus those essential oils majority constituents of L. multiflora contents. In order to produce and to obtain high quantity of Citral, 1,8-Cinéole et Linalol of essential oil from leave, the cultivation of L. multiflora may be possible, in guinean savannah, with the applying phosphorus.Keywords: Lippia multiflora, essential oil, chemotype, ecosystem, middle slope, nutriments relationship

    Les teneurs en carbone, azote et phosphore du sol sur l’occurrence de Lippia multiflora M. (théier de savane) et la composition chimique de son huile essentielle extraite des feuilles au Nord-Ouest de la Côte d’Ivoire

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    Pour améliorer les productions quantitative et qualitative de l’huile  essentielle de Lippia multiflora, l’influence du sol via ses teneurs en carbone (C), azote total (NT), phosphore total (PT) et phosphore assimilable (PA) a été évaluée sur les Coefficients d’Abondance-Dominance (CAD) de la plante, le rendement et les teneurs des composés volatils. Trois peuplements naturels de L. multiflora ont été choisis le long d’une toposéquence dans la zone de Séguéla. Sur chaque peuplement, les CAD ont été évalués, les échantillons de feuilles et sol ont été prélevés. Le rendement des huiles essentielles a été calculé et la composition chimique de ces huiles a été analysée. Les teneurs en C, NT, PT et PA du sol ont été déterminés. Des corrélations ont été établies entre les nutriments du sol et les CAD ainsi que les rendements et les teneurs des constituants majoritaires des huiles essentielles. Les résultats ont montré l’influence significative du phosphore assimilable et de l’azote total du sol sur  l’occurrence, le rendement et les teneurs des constituants majoritaires des huiles essentielles de L. multiflora. La culture de L. multiflora nécessiterait un apport de phosphore et d’azote au sol pour produire une huile  essentielle de chémotype 1,8-Cinéole dans les feuilles.Mots clés : Lippia multiflora, huile essentielle, chémotype, toposéquence, nutriments du sol


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    INTRODUCTION: In distance running, many coaches and runners pay attention not only to leg motion but also to arm and trunk motion. Hinrich (1987) studied angular momentum in running and suggested that main role of arm and trunk motion in running was to maintain the balance about vertical axis against leg motion. Unfortunately, there was little biomechanical study about arm and trunk motion for elite distance runners in races. The purpose of this study was to investigate the angular momentum about vertical axis for elite distance runners in the 10000m races
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