467 research outputs found

    Opaske o Središnjoj Europi u suvremenoj poljskoj prozi

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    The topic of Central Europe is one of the key problems for contemporary Polish literature, as it defines the issues of social identity as well as both individual and collective self-identification. As a “middle country” chocked in between two major spheres of influence: Russia and Germany; the East and the West, Poland has been voided of its statehood ever since the second half of the 18th century and has been the place where these two spheres of influence kept clashing. The perception of Poland as the boundary between the influences, a historical bulwark of the West, the interwar bastion of western culture or a country from behind the Iron Curtain did not strengthen the bonds between its culture and Central Europe. The Iron Curtain bolstered the polarization of Central Europe after World War II and Polish literature observes this crack on two facets – chronological and spatial.Tema Središnje Europe je jedan od ključnih problema za suvremenu poljsku književnost, budući da definira pitanja društvenog identiteta, kao i individualne i kolektive samostalne identifikacije. Kao „posrednica“ između dvije velike sfere utjecaja, Rusije i Njemačke – Istoka i Zapada – Poljska je lišena svoje državnosti od druge polovice 18. stoljeća i bila je mjesto na kojem se te dvije sfere stalno sudaraju. Percepcija Poljske kao granice između utjecaja, povijesnog štita Zapada, grudobrana zapadne kulture ili zemlje iza Željezne zavjese nije ojačala vezu između njene kulture i Središnje Europe. Željezna zavjesa je ojačala polarizaciju u Središnjoj Europi nakon Drugog svjetskog rata i poljska književnost primjećuje ovu pukotinu u dva smisla – kronološkom i prostornom

    Spis pracowników Biblioteki Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego za lata 1945–2014

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    Dynamika systematycznego wzrostu, nowoczesna przestrzeń intelektu, labirynt znaków, magia zaangażowanych w swoją pracę ludzi z pasją – to tylko kilka haseł, które przychodzą na myśl, kiedy chcemy przywołać nazwę Biblioteki Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego i 70 lat jej historii. Łódź przed dwoma wiekami powstawała z tradycji niejednorodnych, i podobnie powstawał – jako mozaika różnych treści intelektualnych – Uniwersytet Łódzki

    Chiral Biosensors and Immunosensors

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    Negatywna rekomendacja w mediach społecznościowych – ujęcie teoretyczne i studia przypadków

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    The Internet, including the social media services, has considerably changed the manner in which consumers voice favourable or unfavourable recommendations about products and services. Development of social media allowed reaching a significantly greater number of persons in a quicker way. One may also notice that the range of thematic comments has been expanded – customers speak not only about the quality of the products, their prices, service levels, but also about other aspects of how marketing companies function. Finally, it is worth paying attention to the language of these opinions, which – in the case of a negative experience with a product or retailer advertising – is often aggressive. With the development and dissemination of social networking, PR and marketing communications managers must learn how to communicate and satisfy customers and those who express their discontent at different stages of the purchase funnel. This is especially important in the case of negative word of mouth (NWOM) because every negative opinion can become the nucleus of major problems within brand image and the brand crisis. The aim of the article is to show the specificity of word of mouth in social media (sWOM) as one of the forms of electronic word of mouth (eWOM) and to depict phenomenon of NWOM in social media basing on selected case studies from the Polish market.Internet, w tym media społecznościowe, znacząco zmieniły sposób, w jaki konsumenci przekazują pozytywne bądź negatywne rekomendacje na temat produktów i usług. Rozwój mediów społecznościowych umożliwił szybsze dotarcie z takim komunikatem do znacznie większej liczby osób. Można również zaobserwować, że rozszerzył się zakres tematyczny komentarzy – klienci wypowiadają się nie tylko na temat jakości produktów, ich ceny, poziomu obsługi, ale także innych aspektów marketingowego funkcjonowania firm. W końcu, warto zwrócić uwagę na język owych opinii, który – w przypadku negatywnych doświadczeń z produktem, sprzedawcą czy reklamą – jest nierzadko agresywny. Wraz z rozwojem i upowszechnianiem się sieci społecznościowych, menedżerowie ds. PR czy komunikacji marketingowej muszą nauczyć się jak komunikować się i z usatysfakcjonowanymi klientami i tymi, którzy na różnych etapach lejka zakupowego (purchase funnel) wyrażają swoje niezadowolenie. Jest to szczególnie ważne w przypadku neagative word of mouth (NWOM) bo każ a negatywna opinia może stać się zalążkiem poważnej akcji kryzysowej i problemów wizerunkowych. Celem artykułu jest ukazanie specyfiki word of mouth w mediach społecznościowych (sWOM) jako jednej z form elektronicznego WOM (eWOM) oraz zobrazowanie zjawiska negatywnej rekomendacji w social media na podstawie wybranych studiów przypadków z rynku polskiego

    Spatial distribution of economic entities and their classification according to technology levels in the Dolnośląskie voivodship.

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     Contemporary socio-economic processes increase the significance of domains which rely heavily on intensive knowledge utilization. It concerns, above all, the II and III sector of the economy.The purpose of this study was to examine the shaping of spatial diversity of economic entities in the industry sector measured by technology levels and the service sector assessed by intensity of research and development at the local level. The analysis also concerned factors determining the creation of these diversities as well as relationships between the occurrence of economic entities in production activity and the service sector. The survey was conducted at the level of NTS 4 units (counties) in the Dolnośląskie Voivodeship in 1998 and 2004.The analysis revealed an increase in the participation of entities belonging to the high tech service sector and high tech industry sector at the local level of the Dolnośląskie Voivodeship. This participation was accompanied by a tendency of their spatial structures to become alike. It indicates that general conditions of emergence of companies characterized by the highest level of research and development intensity within the II and III sector of the economy are becoming alike.The development of high tech industry companies is connected with the general development of services. This interrelation increases together with intensity of research and development within sector III (high tech services and knowledge-based services). It also increases with time.There exists a high, positive correlation between the value of the entrepreneurship index in the II and III sector and the general level of entrepreneurship. The crucial factor determining the formation of new economic entities in the group of high tech industry companies and high tech services is the overall rise of entrepreneurship index

    Kinematics of concurrent vibratory rolling – screw system on the example of screen

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    The kinematics concurrent vibratory rolling screw system used in rolling screw screen that is used for sieving materials of fine and very fine grain was examined. The conducted experiments regarded the measurement of the torsional vibration sieve column (X and Y axis) and the measurement of the vertical vibration of the column (Z-axis)

    Opaske o Središnjoj Europi u suvremenoj poljskoj prozi

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    The topic of Central Europe is one of the key problems for contemporary Polish literature, as it defines the issues of social identity as well as both individual and collective self-identification. As a “middle country” chocked in between two major spheres of influence: Russia and Germany; the East and the West, Poland has been voided of its statehood ever since the second half of the 18th century and has been the place where these two spheres of influence kept clashing. The perception of Poland as the boundary between the influences, a historical bulwark of the West, the interwar bastion of western culture or a country from behind the Iron Curtain did not strengthen the bonds between its culture and Central Europe. The Iron Curtain bolstered the polarization of Central Europe after World War II and Polish literature observes this crack on two facets – chronological and spatial.Tema Središnje Europe je jedan od ključnih problema za suvremenu poljsku književnost, budući da definira pitanja društvenog identiteta, kao i individualne i kolektive samostalne identifikacije. Kao „posrednica“ između dvije velike sfere utjecaja, Rusije i Njemačke – Istoka i Zapada – Poljska je lišena svoje državnosti od druge polovice 18. stoljeća i bila je mjesto na kojem se te dvije sfere stalno sudaraju. Percepcija Poljske kao granice između utjecaja, povijesnog štita Zapada, grudobrana zapadne kulture ili zemlje iza Željezne zavjese nije ojačala vezu između njene kulture i Središnje Europe. Željezna zavjesa je ojačala polarizaciju u Središnjoj Europi nakon Drugog svjetskog rata i poljska književnost primjećuje ovu pukotinu u dva smisla – kronološkom i prostornom

    Profesor Sylwester Dworacki – człowiek prawdziwie akademicki

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    Nota recenzyjna: Eva Celada, Sekrety kuchni Watykanu, Wyd. Świat Książki, Warszawa 2010, ss. 320

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    Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Network Reconstruction and Radial k-Space Acquisition MR Technique for Enhanced Detection of Retropatellar Cartilage Lesions of the Knee Joint

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    OBJECTIVES To assess diagnostic performance of standard radial k-space (PROPELLER) MRI sequences and compare with accelerated acquisitions combined with a deep learning-based convolutional neural network (DL-CNN) reconstruction for evaluation of the knee joint. METHODS Thirty-five patients undergoing MR imaging of the knee at 1.5 T were prospectively included. Two readers evaluated image quality and diagnostic confidence of standard and DL-CNN accelerated PROPELLER MR sequences using a four-point Likert scale. Pathological findings of bone, cartilage, cruciate and collateral ligaments, menisci, and joint space were analyzed. Inter-reader agreement (IRA) for image quality and diagnostic confidence was assessed using intraclass coefficients (ICC). Cohen's Kappa method was used for evaluation of IRA and consensus between sequences in assessing different structures. In addition, image quality was quantitatively evaluated by signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) measurements. RESULTS Mean acquisition time of standard vs. DL-CNN sequences was 10 min 3 s vs. 4 min 45 s. DL-CNN sequences showed significantly superior image quality and diagnostic confidence compared to standard MR sequences. There was moderate and good IRA for assessment of image quality in standard and DL-CNN sequences with ICC of 0.524 and 0.830, respectively. Pathological findings of the knee joint could be equally well detected in both sequences (κ-value of 0.8). Retropatellar cartilage could be significantly better assessed on DL-CNN sequences. SNR and CNR was significantly higher for DL-CNN sequences (both p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS In MR imaging of the knee, DL-CNN sequences showed significantly higher image quality and diagnostic confidence compared to standard PROPELLER sequences, while reducing acquisition time substantially. Both sequences perform comparably in the detection of knee-joint pathologies, while DL-CNN sequences are superior for evaluation of retropatellar cartilage lesions