216 research outputs found

    REAM intensity modulator-enabled 10Gb/s colorless upstream transmission of real-time optical OFDM signals in a single-fiber-based bidirectional PON architecture

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    Reflective electro-absorption modulation-intensity modulators (REAM-IMs) are utilized, for the first time, to experimentally demonstrate colorless ONUs in single-fiber-based, bidirectional, intensity-modulation and direct-detection (IMDD), optical OFDM PONs (OOFDM-PONs) incorporating 25km SSMFs and OLT-side-seeded CW optical signals. The colorlessness of the REAM-IMs is characterized, based on which optimum REAM-IM operating conditions are identified. In the aforementioned PON architecture, 10Gb/s colorless upstream transmissions of end-to-end realtime OOFDM signals are successfully achieved for various wavelengths within the entire C-band. Over such a wavelength window, corresponding minimum received optical powers at the FEC limit vary in a range as small as <0.5dB. In addition, experimental measurements also indicate that Rayleigh backscattering imposes a 2.8dB optical power penalty on the 10Gb/s over 25km upstream OOFDM signal transmission. Furthermore, making use of on-line adaptive bit and power loading, a linear trade-off between aggregated signal line rate and optical power budget is observed, which shows that, for the present PON system, a 10% reduction in signal line rate can improve the optical power budget by 2.6dB. © 2012 Optical Society of America


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    ABSTRAKMasalah keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (K3) secara umum di Indonesia masih sering terabaikan. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan masih tingginya angka kecelakaan kerja. Sektor jasa konstruksi adalah salah satu sektor yang paling berisiko terhadap kecelakaan kerja, disamping sektor utama lainnya yaitu pertanian, perikanan, perkayuan, dan pertambangan. Jumlah tenaga kerja disektor konstruksi yang mencapai sekitar 4.5 juta orang, 53% diantaranya hanya mengenyam pendidikan sampai dengan tingkat Sekolah Dasar, bahkan sekitar 1.5% dari tenaga kerja ini belum pernah mendapatkan pendidikan formal apapun.Di dalam penelitian ini, perencanaan K3 dibuat berdasarkan pedoman/standar OHSAS 18001 juga sesuai dengan peraturan dan standar teknik terkait konstruksi di Indonesia bahkan juga menurut undang-undang dan peraturan yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah.Pada penelitian ini peneliti langsung mengadakan survey di lapangan untuk mengidentifikasi mengenai risiko K3, kemudian langsung memberikan penilaian tentang risiko-risiko K3 yang terjadi di lapangan, serta mempelajari bagaimana tindakan penanganan yang baik terhadap risiko K3 pada kegiatan proyek pembangunan PT. Trakindo Utama.Dari hasil penelitian didapat bahwa masih banyak tenaga kerja yang tidak mengetahui tentang K3. Apa yang dimaksud dengan K3, bagaimana cara penerapan K3, dan lain-lain sebagainya. Ini menunjukkan bahwa masih kurangnya perhatian ataupun komitmen dari perusahaan kontraktor untuk melaksanakan program K3 dengan baik.Kata kunci: K3, tenaga kerja, penilaian resik

    Analytic curves in algebraic varieties over number fields

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    We establish algebraicity criteria for formal germs of curves in algebraic varieties over number fields and apply them to derive a rationality criterion for formal germs of functions, which extends the classical rationality theorems of Borel-Dwork and P\'olya-Bertrandias valid over the projective line to arbitrary algebraic curves over a number field. The formulation and the proof of these criteria involve some basic notions in Arakelov geometry, combined with complex and rigid analytic geometry (notably, potential theory over complex and pp-adic curves). We also discuss geometric analogues, pertaining to the algebraic geometry of projective surfaces, of these arithmetic criteria.Comment: 55 pages. To appear in "Algebra, Arithmetic, and Geometry: In Honor of Y.i. Manin", Y. Tschinkel & Yu. Manin editors, Birkh\"auser, 200

    Near Infrared Diode Laser THz Systems

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    The generation and detection of radiation in the THz frequency range can be achieved with many different electronic and photonic concepts. Among the many different photonic THz systems the most versatile are based on diode lasers. In this paper we describe and review the different concepts and optimization ideas for diode laser based THz systems in order to achieve the best performance for different types of THz setups.</p

    HER2 therapy. HER2 (ERBB2): functional diversity from structurally conserved building blocks

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    EGFR-type receptor tyrosine kinases achieve a broad spectrum of cellular responses by utilizing a set of structurally conserved building blocks. Based on available crystal structures and biochemical information, significant new insights have emerged into modes of receptor control, its deregulation in cancer, and the nuances that differentiate the four human receptors. This review gives an overview of current models of the control of receptor activity with a special emphasis on HER2 and HER3

    Effects of viscous dissipation and boundary conditions on forced convection in a channel occupied by a saturated porous medium

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    Forced convection with viscous dissipation in a parallel plate channel filled by a saturated porous medium is investigated numerically. Three different viscous dissipation models are examined. Two different sets of wall conditions are considered: isothermal and isoflux. Analytical expressions are also presented for the asymptotic temperature profile and the asymptotic Nusselt number. With isothermal walls, the Brinkman number significantly influences the developing Nusselt number but not the asymptotic one. At constant wall heat flux, both the developing and the asymptotic Nusselt numbers are affected by the value of the Brinkman number. The Nusselt number is sensitive to the porous medium shape factor under all conditions considered

    Effects of viscous dissipation and boundary conditions on forced convection in a channel occupied by a saturated porous medium

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    Forced convection with viscous dissipation in a parallel plate channel filled by a saturated porous medium is investigated numerically. Three different viscous dissipation models are examined. Two different sets of wall conditions are considered: isothermal and isoflux. Analytical expressions are also presented for the asymptotic temperature profile and the asymptotic Nusselt number. With isothermal walls, the Brinkman number significantly influences the developing Nusselt number but not the asymptotic one. At constant wall heat flux, both the developing and the asymptotic Nusselt numbers are affected by the value of the Brinkman number. The Nusselt number is sensitive to the porous medium shape factor under all conditions considered

    Neural network modelling of RC deep beam shear strength

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    YesA 9 x 18 x 1 feed-forward neural network (NN) model trained using a resilient back-propagation algorithm and early stopping technique is constructed to predict the shear strength of deep reinforced concrete beams. The input layer covering geometrical and material properties of deep beams has nine neurons, and the corresponding output is the shear strength. Training, validation and testing of the developed neural network have been achieved using a comprehensive database compiled from 362 simple and 71 continuous deep beam specimens. The shear strength predictions of deep beams obtained from the developed NN are in better agreement with test results than those determined from strut-and-tie models. The mean and standard deviation of the ratio between predicted capacities using the NN and measured shear capacities are 1.028 and 0.154, respectively, for simple deep beams, and 1.0 and 0.122, respectively, for continuous deep beams. In addition, the trends ascertained from parametric study using the developed NN have a consistent agreement with those observed in other experimental and analytical investigations

    Calorimetric study of geopolymer binders based on natural pozzolan

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    This paper investigates the kinetics of geopolymerisation in an inorganic polymeric binder based on a natural pozzolan. The heat released by the exothermic geopolymerisation reaction process is monitored under isothermal temperature conditions, maintained in a differential scanning calorimeter using a water circulation cell. Calorimetric data are obtained isothermally at 65, 75, and 85 °C with various Na2O/Al2O3 and SiO2/Na2O molar ratios and in the presence and absence of small amounts of calcium aluminate cement (used as an efflorescence control admixture in these binder systems). The first stage of reaction, which is rapid and strongly exothermic, is shortened as the temperature increases. The total heat of reaction increases in the mixes containing calcium aluminate cement, but the apparent activation energy calculated using a pseudo-first-order reaction model is lower than without added calcium aluminate cement. At a constant overall SiO2/Na2O molar ratio, the apparent activation energy is decreased as the Na2O/Al2O3 molar ratio increases. Calcium aluminate cement, therefore, reduces the minimum energy required to initiate geopolymerisation reactions of this natural pozzolan and facilitates the progress of the reactions which lead to formation of a cementitious product