130 research outputs found

    Recommendable block sizes: a case study on Finnish official variety trials of barley cultivars

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    Well-established results in the current statistical literature imply that plant breeders should use incomplete block designs wherever spatial variability exists and the number of treatments is large. But the theoretical position does not indicate the recommendable number of cultivars in an incomplete block. In this study we used data from 28 official variety trials conducted in Finland during the period 2001-2005 to study theffect of block size on the efficiency of testing pairwise yield differences of barley cultivars and cultivar rankings. In previous trials some 6-7 cultivars have usually been included in one block. Our results imply that the efficiency of testing procedures could be improved by using a block size as small as 4-5. The results further imply that if an experiment with an incomplete block design is well planned to mitigate the effects of within-block heterogeneity, the spatial mixed model techniques and the conventional analysis of variance techniques have approximately the same efficiency in testing pairwise yield differences. Thus, if appropriate blocking strategies are used in planning the trials, there is usually no need to change the conventional practice followed in statistical analysis

    Valkoisen valon interferometri matalan taajuuden mikromekaanisten resonaattoreiden värähtelyanalyysiin

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    Micromechanical (MEMS) resonators are currently the subject of intensive research for applications in timing and frequency control. Due to their small size, low power consumption and compatibility with integrated circuits, they are being considered as alternatives for quartz oscillators. Relying only on numerical modeling and electrical measurements has proven insufficient for understanding the behavior and validating designs of vibrating structures. Instead, direct optical measurements are needed for accurate dynamical characterization of vibration in the devices. During the last decade, white light interferometry (WLI) has become an established method for making three-dimensional profile measurements of various surfaces in the microscale. This form of interferometry with low coherence light sources has the advantage of unambiguous surface height determination over interferometric applications using lasers or other monochromatic light sources. A vertical resolution below one nanometer can be achieved with suitable hardware and post processing techniques. With synchronized stroboscopic illumination, a periodically vibrating object can effectively be "frozen" in place. This allows the use of stationary three-dimensional probing techniques to be used on vibrating samples. Using a CCD imaging sensor enables simultaneous spatial measurements over a wide area of interest. Therefore, stroboscopic imaging white light interferometry is an interesting alternative for vibration measurements of MEMS resonators. In this thesis, a stroboscopic white light interferometer with a frequency range up to a few megahertz and a minimum detectable amplitude limit of one nanometer is designed, implemented and evaluated.Mikromekaanisia (MEMS) resonaattoreita pidetään hyvien ominaisuuksiensa, kuten pienen koon, alhaisen tehonkulutuksen ja integroitavuutensa ansiosta otollisina kvartsioskillaattoreiden korvaajina mm. langattoman tiedonsiirron ajastus- ja taajuussovelluksissa. MEMS-resonaattoreiden viimeaikaisen nopean kehityksen yhteydessä matemaattisiin malleihin ja sähköisiin mittauksiin nojaaminen on osoittautunut riittämättömäksi MEMS-laitteiden toimintaa ja suorituskykyä tarkastellessa. MEMS-laitteiden värähtelyjen täsmällistä tutkimista varten tarvitaan suoria optisia mittauksia. Viime vuosikymmenen aikana valkoisen valon interferometria on vakiintunut tehokkaaksi työkaluksi mikroskaalan pintojen kolmiulotteiseen mittaamiseen. Verrattuna perinteiseen monokromaattisen valon interferenssiin, valkoisen valon interferometrian etu on mahdollisuus mitata pinnan korkeus yksikäsitteisesti. Sopivalla laitteistolla ja tarkoilla signaalinkäsittelyalgoritmeilla voidaan saavuttaa alle nanometrin pystysuuntainen mittaustarkkuus. Jaksollisesti värähtelevä liike voidaan näennäisesti pysäyttää käyttämällä pulssitettua valaistusta. Tämän ansiosta liikkumattomien kohteiden kolmiulotteiseen mittaamiseen tarkoitettuja keinoja voidaan soveltaa värähteleviin näytteisiin. Lisäksi CCD-kuvakennon käyttäminen mahdollistaa mittaamisen suurelta alueelta kerrallaan. Siksi pulssitettu, kuvantava valkoisen valon interferometria on mielenkiintoinen työkalu MEMS-resonaattoreiden värähtelyanalyysiin. Tässä diplomityössä on suunniteltu ja toteutettu valkoisen valon interferometrinen mittauslaitteisto, joka mahdollistaa nanometriluokan värähtelyjen mittaamisen muutaman megahertsin taajuusalueelle asti

    Forest Bioeconomy and Climate Change

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    Climate change, global population growth, declining natural resources and the loss of biodiversity challenge us to move towards a global bioeconomy, based on the sustainable utilisation of renewable natural resources in the production of energy, products and services. The linear economic model based on fossil raw materials and products is coming to an end. Major global agreements and policy goals––the Paris Climate Agreement and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals––have given licence for our economic model to be changed. There is the need for a new economic paradigm that will place the basis for human prosperity within the planetary boundaries. One essential part of this new paradigm has to be a forest-based circular bioeconomy. The shift to this bio-based economic paradigm should be a long-term strategy for decoupling economic growth from climate change and environmental degradation. Developments in science and technology are laying the foundations for the bioeconomic age. Bio-based products have already emerged that can substitute for fossilbased materials, such as plastics, chemicals, textiles, cement and many other materials. Now, the big question is how to turn these scientific and technological successes into a global economic paradigm shift, and in a sustainable way. This requires us to look at the potential synergies and trade-offs that such a change will inevitably bring and how these can be integrated with the economic, ecological and social goals of society. Right now, we know that climate change will take place in this century, although there is uncertainty as to the degree of disruption it will bring. It will have an impact on forests. Like humans, trees are mortal. Climate change threatens to increase the mortality rate of trees. Disturbances, such as droughts, fires, storms and bark- beetle outbreaks, have already become stronger, more extensive and more damaging. This trend requires us to adapt to climate change and to build resilience in our forests against climate change. So, how can we do this? These themes and questions are the focus of this book, which builds upon recent scientific evidence concerning forests and climate change, and examines how the development of a forest bioeconomy can help to address the grand challenges of our time. In the book, experts analyse the economic, ecological and social dimensions of forests and climate change, along with the basis for, and shaping of, a forest-based bioeconomy, and the links between these. In this way, it provides information on the potential of forests and forest-based products to help in mitigating climate change, and the types of measures that can be taken to adapt forests to climate change, thereby building forest resilience. The book outlines a climate-smart forestry approach, based on three main objectives. First, reducing net emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Second, adapting and building forest resilience to climate change. Third, sustainably increasing forest productivity and economic welfare based on forestry. The climate-smart forestry approach is illustrated by case studies from Czech Republic, Finland, Germany and Spain––countries that have quite different forests and forest sectors. Finally, we suggest the types of policy measures required to address the challenges of developing, and increase the opportunities associated with, a sustainable forest bioeconomy. To the best of our understanding, this is the first book devoted to examining the links between climate change and a forest bioeconomy, and outlining the need for a climate-smart forestry approach to address the many needs we have for forests. The book is directed at forest- and environment-sector stakeholders and decision- makers, as well as the research community, the broader education sector and the media.Non peer reviewe

    Understanding uncertainty in forest resources maps

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    Maps of forest resources and other ecosystem services are needed for decision making at different levels. However, such maps are typically presented without addressing the uncertainties. Thus, the users of the maps have vague or no understanding of the uncertainties and can easily make wrong conclusions. Attempts to visualize the uncertainties are also rare, even though the visualization would be highly likely to improve understanding. One complication is that it has been difficult to address the predictions and their uncertainties simultaneously. In this article, the methods for addressing the map uncertainty and visualize them are first reviewed. Then, the methods are tested using laser scanning data with simulated response variable values to illustrate their possibilities. Analytical kriging approach captured the uncertainty of predictions at pixel level in our test case, where the estimated models had similar log-linear shape than the true model. Ensemble modelling with random forest led to slight underestimation of the uncertainties. Simulation is needed when uncertainty estimates are required for landscape level features more complicated than small areas

    Virallisten lajikekokeiden tulokset 1992-1999

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    Virallisen lajiketoimikunnan tehtävänä on selvittää uusien peltokasvilajikkeiden viljelyarvo ennen niiden viljelyyn ottamista. Peltokasvien viralliset lajikekokeet järjestää Maatalouden tutkimuskeskus. Lajikekokeita on tärkeimmillä viljelykasveilla eri puolilla maata vähintään kahden vuoden ajan ennen lajikkeen viljelyyn ottamista. Virallista lajikekoetoimintaa johtaa Maatalouden tutkimuskeskuksen Alueellinen tutkimus. Viralliset lajikekokeet ovat perusta peltokasvien lajikkeista annettavalle tiedolle. Uusien lajikkeiden viljelyarvo tutkitaan alustavassa ja virallisissa lajikekokeissa. Uusien lajikkeiden viljelyarvoa, viljelyvarmuutta, satoisuutta ja laatua selvitetään alustavissa ja virallisissa lajikekokeissa. Alustavat ja viralliset lajikekokeet ovat maksullista tutkimusta. Kasvinjalostuslaitos tai lajikkeen omistaja ilmoittaa lajikkeen kokeisiin ja vastaa kokeiden kustannuksista. Lajike on virallisissa kokeissa vähintään kaksi vuotta tai kunnes se hyväksytään maa- ja metsätalousministeriön kasvilajikeluetteloon. Tämän jälkeen lajike on vielä kokeissa 2-3 vuotta neuvonnan tarpeita varten. Lajikkeen kokeilu virallisissa lajikekokeissa kestää yhteensä 4-6 vuotta. Virallisia lajikekokeita järjestetään tärkeimmillä viljelykasveilla. Lajikekokeet tehdään kunkin lajikkeen viljelyyn soveltuvalla alueella. Esimerkiksi kevätvehnän lajikekokeita on vain Etelä-Suomessa. Ohran lajikekokeita on vastaavasti mallasohraa lukuun ottamatta koko maassa. Lajikekokeet ovat käytännön viljelyä vastaavia kenttäkokeita. Virallisia lajikekokeita on vuonna 1999 ollut kaikkiaan 17 koepaikalla (Kuva l). Virallisia lajikekokeita ovat suorittaneet MTT:n toimeksiannosta ja valvonnassa myös Mildola Oy, Kemira Agro Oy ja Perunantutkimuslaitos.The task of the Plant Variety Board is to determine the value of new field crop varieties before they are released. The official variety trials of field crops are arranged by the Agricultural Research Centre of Finland. Variety trials of the most important plants are conducted around Finland for more than two years before they are released. The official variety trial operations are organised by the Regional Research of the Agricultural Research Centre of Finland. The official variety trials form a basis for the provision of information on the value of field crops. The value, cultivation stability, yield potential and quality of new varieties is evaluated in preliminary and official variety trials. The preliminary and official variety trials are subject to a charge. The Plant Breeding Institute or the owner of the variety enters the variety for the trials and covers the expenses related to the trials. The variety undergoes official trials for at least two years or until it is entered in the National List of Cultivars of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland. Thereafter the variety undergoes trials for another 2-3 years to collect information for growers. Altogether the testing of a variety in official variety trials lasts a total of 4 to 6 years. Official variety trials are arranged for the most important cultivated crops. The variety trials take place in areas suitable for the cultivation of the crop in question. For instance, variety trials on spring wheat are conducted only in South-Finland, whereas variety trials on barley, except for malt barley, are arranged all over the country. The variety trials are field trials which simulate practical cultivation. Official variety trials were conducted at a total of 17 trial sites in 1999 (Fig. 1). In addition, official variety trials have been conducted by Mildola Oy, Kemira Agro Ltd. and Potato Research Institute to order and under supervision of the Agricultural Research Centre of Finland.vokMyynti MTT tietopalveluyksikk