356 research outputs found

    Potilasohje mielenterveysosastolle saapuvan potilaan ohjauksen tueksi

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    TiivistelmĂ€ TekemĂ€mme opinnĂ€ytetyö on tuotokseen painottuva työ, joka on tehty yhteistyössĂ€ Keski-Suomen sairaanhoitopiirin kanssa. OpinnĂ€ytetyömme tarkoituksena oli tehdĂ€ kirjallinen potilasohje Keski-Suomen sairaanhoitopiirin mielenterveysosastoille 1-6. Saimme aiheen suoraan työelĂ€mĂ€stĂ€, jossa koettiin tarvetta potilasohjeelle, joka auttaisi potilaita ymmĂ€rtĂ€mÀÀn osastolla kĂ€ytettĂ€viĂ€ yleisiĂ€ termejĂ€. Onnistuaksemme työssĂ€mme, meidĂ€n tehtĂ€vĂ€nĂ€ oli myös selvittÀÀ, millainen on hyvĂ€ ja toimiva potilasohje. Tavoitteena opinnĂ€ytetyössĂ€mme oli tehdĂ€ potilasohje, josta on kĂ€ytĂ€nnön hyötyĂ€ osastolle saapuvan potilaan ohjauksessa. Ohje on tarkoitettu annettavaksi potilaalle pian hĂ€nen saapuessaan osastolle. Ohjetta on suositeltavaa tarjota myös potilaan omaisille ja lĂ€heisille, sillĂ€ se sisĂ€ltÀÀ tietoa eri osastoista sekĂ€ auttaa ymmĂ€rtĂ€mÀÀn hoidon aikana kĂ€ytettĂ€vÀÀ sanastoa. SelitettĂ€viksi termeiksi valittiin esimerkiksi omahoitaja/hoitotiimi, hoitoneuvottelu sekĂ€ hoito- ja kuntoutussuunnitelma. Erityisen tĂ€rkeĂ€nĂ€ pidettiin tahdosta riippumattoman hoidon mÀÀrittelemistĂ€, koska potilaan oikeuksien rajoittamiselle pitÀÀ olla painavat syyt. Potilasohjeen sisĂ€llön ja ulkoasun suunnittelussa kĂ€ytimme apuna ajan tasalla olevaa kirjallisuutta ja osastonhoitajilta saamiamme neuvoja ja ehdotuksia. Ajatuksena on, ettĂ€ potilasohjeemme tĂ€ydentÀÀ osastolla tapahtuvaa sanallista potilasohjausta. YhtenĂ€ työn tĂ€rkeimmistĂ€ asioista koimme myös sen, ettĂ€ osastojen henkilökunnan oli nyt mietittĂ€vĂ€ kĂ€sitteiden kĂ€yttĂ€mistĂ€ ja niiden yhdenmukaistamista osastoilla. Toivomme, ettĂ€ ohjetta pĂ€ivitettĂ€isiin tarvittaessa, jotta myös potilaille annettava kirjallinen ohjaus pysyisi ajan tasalla.Abstract The purpose of this study was to create a written patient guide for patients after they have arrived to the Keski-Suomen sairaanhoitopiiri’s psychiatric wards 1-6. The patient guide would help patients to understand common terms and concepts used at the ward. The subject was selected by taking into account the desires and needs of Keski-Suomen sairaanhoitopiiri and our own interests. One of our purposes was to figure out what a good patient guide is like. The goal of this work was to make a patient guide that could be used to help patient education when patient first arrives to psychiatric ward. It’s also recommended to give this guide to a patient’s relatives and people close to him, because it gives general information of the wards and help understand terminology used there. Terms chosen for the guide were for example nursing team, nursing consultation and treatment plan. We used information found in the literature, when we were planning the guide’s content and layout. Head nurses of the psychiatric wards also gave us counsel, when we needed experience from the field. One of the important things we achieved was that staff needed to standardize the terms used at the wards. We hope that the patient guide would improve the patient education happening at the wards. Second, we hope that the patient guide would be updated if needed be, so patients would get up-to-date information

    Exploring the Link between System Integration and Technology Usage

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    Recent developments in the area of electronic accounting information systems have enabled accounting firms to move their focus from paper-based, mandatory business reporting and book-keeping to value-added services, such as providing cash flow forecasts to their customer companies (typically SMEs). In this study, we explore the usage of cash flow forecasting systems in accounting firms. Drawing on the theories of technology acceptance and usage and empirical data from 108 accounting firms, we find that system integration is a key determinant in explaining the task-technology fit which, in turn, explains the usage of cash flow forecasting systems. Further analysis revealed that frequent users of cash flow forecasting systems relied on commercial, highly integrated solutions, whereas ad hoc users preferred spreadsheet programs

    Luonnontuotteet elintarvikealalla

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    Suomessa kasvavia lukuisia luonnonmarjoja, -yrttejÀ, -sieniÀ ja muita luonnonaineksia kÀytetÀÀn elintarvikealalla alle mahdollisen kÀyttöasteen. Luonnontuotteita jalostavat yritykset ovat pÀÀosin hyvin pieniÀ. Suomessa kasvavien luonnonkasvien kÀyttöastetta olisi varaa nostaa huomattavasti. Samanaikaisesti luonnonkasveista jalostettavaa tuotevalikoimaa olisi mahdollista laajentaa merkittÀvÀsti. KehittÀmisen painopisteiksi nousevat yhteistyön lisÀÀminen toimijoiden kesken, jalostusasteen nostaminen tuotekehityksen ja markkinatutkimuksen kautta sekÀ vienninedistÀmistoimet

    Kiertuemanagerointi tapahtumatuotannoissa

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    Opinnäytetyöni aiheena oli Suomessa järjestettävän tapahtuman kiertuemanageroinnin toteuttaminen. Olin tapahtumatuotantoyhtiö ACE Revolutionsilla työharjoittelussa kesällä 2010. Siellä pääsin tekemään käytännössä niitä asioita joita olin opiskellut Tampereen Ammattikorkeakoulussa digitaalisen äänen ja kaupallisen musiikin suuntautumisvaihtoehdon linjalla. Harjoittelussa saatujeni kontaktien kautta pääsin mukaan Music Against Drugs – kiertueelle. Oli mielenkiintoista aloittaa kiertuemanagerointi tehtävät, sillä en aikaisemmin ollut kyseisiä töitä tehnyt. Perehtymällä kiertuetuotantoon ja keskustelemalla organisaation henkilöiden kanssa, sain hyvän kuvan siitä mitä kiertuemanagerointi pitää sisällään. Työtehtävänäni Music Against Drugs –kiertueella oli kiertuemanagerointi. Työnkuvani piti sisällään työnjohtamista, kokonaisuuden ja aikataulun hallintaa. Tutkin erilaisia viestintä- ja vuorovaikutusmenetelmiä, joita hyväksikäyttäen voisin toimia parempana työnjohtajana kiertuetuotannossa. Kiertuemanageroinnin tarve kasvaa siinä vaiheessa kun suomalaiset yhtyeet lähtevät kiertämään ulkomaille.The objective of my graduation project was carrying out the tour management in events arranged in Finland. In summer 2010 I had my practical training in the company called ACE Revolution. There I was able to practice the matters that I had studied in the option of digital sound and commercial music in the degree programme in Media at Tampere University of Applied Sciences. Through the contacts that I made during my practical training I managed to get to the tour called Music Against Drugs. It was interesting to start working as a tour manager, because I had not done that kind of job before. By studying tour production and discussing with the people from the organization I obtained a good view of what tour management is. I worked as a tour manager on the tour. My job was to supervise and manage the whole organization and schedule on the tour. I examined different methods of communication and interaction in order to be a better foreman in tour production. The tour manager will be especially important when Finnish bands go touring abroad

    Determinants of technology usage in outsourced cash flow forecasting service

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    Cash flow forecasting is an emerging cash management function and business tool that hasn’t received much scientific attention outside the finance and accounting field. Recent technological development of business process automation and networked services has enabled accounting companies to better service their clientele, focusing more towards value-added services. The purpose of this study is to examine the cash flow forecasting services offered by the accounting companies in the SME sector. Special focus is placed on the technology usage aspect; how the solutions fit with the forecasting tasks, what are the motivational drivers that enable the service outsourcing, and how does the outsourcing affect the forecasting process. The research problem was first considered from a contextual perspective. Financial accounting and cash flow forecasting related theories and best practices were examined. In addition, the forecasting service environment was considered for three players: customer, service provider and solution provider. Once the research context had been studied, the theoretical framework was developed, first, by examining technology adoption and usage related literature from information systems field, and then, by synthesizing relevant theories for a conceptual research model. In addition to existing IS literature, the research context and expert interviews that were done in theempirical part of the study were taken into account when developing the research model. To evaluate the conceptual framework, a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods was used. First, expert interviews were done with representatives from all forecasting service environment players to better understand practical point of views. Then, a research instrument was developed in the form of online survey, and targeted to accounting companies. The survey resulted in 108 valid responses, which were analyzed using covariance-based structural equation modeling (SEM) techniques. The main findings based on the survey results were that system integration is a key determinant when considering the fit of technology solutions to the forecasting tasks, especially from the data quality point of view. Furthermore, the good fit and level of data quality incline higher utilization rates of the forecasting solutions. Deeper analysis on the forecasting solution characteristics related to integration capabilities and solution specificity supported this finding. Additionally, outsourcing setting highlighted the importance of integration and automation. Unexpected finding was that neither good fit nor increased utilization of forecasting solutions seemed to have positive impact for company performance. Motivational drivers focused toward long-term uses of strategic planning and decision making tool, and short-term use of solvency management

    Techno-economic evaluation of retrofitting CCS in an integrated pulp and board mill - Case studies

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    Urgently reducing global greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) could be achieved by carbon sinks or negative emissions, i.e. removing CO2 from the atmosphere and offsetting historical CO2 emissions. Negative emissions can be achieved when CO2 is captured from processes based on biomass feedstock (bio-CCS). Biomass withdraws atmospheric CO2 through natural processes such as the photosynthesis. Capturing and permanently storing this CO2 away from the natural carbon cycle enables a withdrawal of CO2 from the atmosphere. Sustainable growth and harvest of biomass resources is critical to achieve carbon negativity and to allow for sound biomass regrowth. As a result, bio-CCS provides a potential mitigation tool to reduce the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. The pulp and paper industry is one of the potential candidates for large scale demonstration of bio-CCS and industrial CCS application. In Europe, the pulp and paper industry is the largest user and producer of biomass energy, contributing to around 60% of the biomass based electricity and heat production. There are three main sources of CO2 emissions in the pulp and paper production (via Kraft pulping process): (1.) the Kraft recovery boiler, (2.) the lime kiln and (3.) the multi-fuel boiler (bark boiler). Typically, over 90% of CO2 emissions from a pulp mill are of biogenic origin as fossil fuel is used only for firing the lime kiln. The main function of the recovery boiler is to recover the spent cooking chemicals from the black liquor for reuse in wood chips cooking and the combustion of the organic matter in the black liquor to produce heat for steam and electricity generation. The lime kiln is part of the chemical recycle loop and this includes the calcination of the lime mud (mainly calcium carbonate) to produce CaO that is used in the recovery of the cooking chemicals (i.e. processing of the green liquor). As a result, the lime kiln produces a flue gas with high concentration of CO2. The multi-fuel boiler is typically used to burn any wood waste and residue biomass (i.e. bark and bio-sludge) from the pulp production to produce steam used in the process and for power production. This study addresses the operational costs, capital investment costs and technical aspects of retrofitting a modern Kraft market pulp mill with a split flow post-combustion CO2 capture based on amine absorption. The pulp production units and the CO2 capture units are presented with detailed mass and energy balances. Two types of mills were evaluated; i) Stand-alone pulp mill producing 800 000 adt of softwood pulp annually and ii) Integrated pulp and board mill producing 740 000 adt of softwood pulp and 400 000 3-ply folding boxboard annually. Annual CO2 emissions are 2.1 Mt CO2/a. Six different cases were studied for each mill type; CO2 capture from the three individual point sources and three combinations of these. The implementation of a post-combustion CO2 capture process requires additional steam for the amine reboiler and additional power input for pumps and compressors. In some cases the excess power production at the pulp mill may be sufficient to support the integration of a CO2 capture plant. In other cases an additional auxiliary boiler is required. The split flow MEA-based capture process enables a reduction in the heat duty for the CO2 stripper reboiler. The average reboiler duty was calculated to around 2.7 – 2.8 MJ/kg captured CO2. Steam is provided from the steam turbine island. A major focal point of the study was to investigate the optimal extraction of steam and condensate return. Most pulp and paper mills are self-sufficient with electricity and produce excess electricity that is exported to the local/national grid. 90% CO2 capture was assumed for all cases, but in future evaluations partial CO2 capture might prove more viable, depending on the amount of excess steam or electricity available at the mill. This is also affected by the price of electricity, price of emission allowances and any renewable energy subsidies/incentives. Capturing biogenic CO2 could potentially create additional revenues for the mill operator, depending on whether the emission of biogenic CO2 would be accounted for as negative CO2 emissions in emission allowance trading schemes. As a result, accounting for negative CO2 emissions could potentially be a low-hanging fruit and lead to demonstration or large scale industrial business cases for the implementation of CCS in the near future

    Results of official variety trials 1991-1998

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    Virallisen lajiketoimikunnan tehtÀvÀnÀ on selvittÀÀ uusien peltokasvilajikkeiden viljelyarvo ennen niiden viljelyyn ottamista. Peltokasvien viralliset lajikekokeet jÀrjestÀÀ Maatalouden tutkimuskeskus. Lajikekokeita on tÀrkeimmillÀ viljelykasveilla eri puolilla maata, vÀhintÀÀn kahden vuoden ajan ennen lajikkeen viljelyyn ottamista. Virallista lajikekoetoimintaa johtaa Maatalouden tutkimuskeskuksen LÀnsi-Suomen tutkimusyksikkö. Viralliset lajikekokeet ovat perusta peltokasvien lajikkeista annettavalle tiedolle. Uusien lajikkeiden viljelyarvo tutkitaan alustavissa ja virallisissa lajikekokeissa. Tavoitteena on selvittÀÀ lajikkeen viljelyvarmuus, satoisuus ja laatu perusteellisin tutkimuksin. Nykyisin virallinen lajiketoiminta on maksullista tilaustutkimusta. Kasvinjalostuslaitos tai lajikkeen omistaja ilmoittaa lajikkeen kokeisiin ja vastaa kokeiden kustannuksista. Lajike on virallisissa kokeissa vÀhintÀÀn kaksi vuotta tai kunnes se hyvÀksytÀÀn maa- ja metsÀtalousministeriön kasvilajikeluetteloon. TÀmÀn jÀlkeen lajike on vielÀ kokeissa 2-3 vuotta neuvonnan tarpeita varten. Lajikkeen kokeilu virallisissa lajikekokeissa kestÀÀ yhteensÀ 4-6 vuotta. Virallisia lajikekokeita jÀrjestetÀÀn tÀrkeimmillÀ viljelykasveilla. Lajikekokeet tehdÀÀn kunkin lajikkeen viljelyyn soveltuvalla alueella. Esimerkiksi kevÀtvehnÀn lajikekokeita on vain EtelÀ-Suomessa. Ohran lajikekokeita on vastaavasti mallasohraa lukuunottamatta koko maassa. Lajikekokeet ovat kÀytÀnnön viljelyÀ vastaavia kenttÀkokeita. Virallisia lajikekokeita on ollut kaikkiaan 17 koepaikalla. Virallisia lajikekokeita ovat suorittaneet MTT:n toimeksiannosta ja valvonnassa myös Mildola Oy, Kemira Agro Oy ja Perunantutkimuslaitos. Maa- ja metsÀtalousministeriön kasvilajikeluetteloon otettavat lajikkeet pÀÀtetÀÀn virallisten lajikekokeiden tulosten perusteella. Kasvilajikeluettelossa pidettÀvistÀ lajikkeista pÀÀttÀÀ maa- ja metsÀtalousministeriön kasvilajikelautakunta. Kasvilajikeluettelo julkaistaan vuosittain. Nykyisin se on luettelo lajikkeista, joiden markkinointi on sallittua maassamme. Lajikkeiden vyöhyke- ja viljelysuositukset julkaistaan erikseen joko valtakunnallisina yhteenvetoina tai alueellisina tiedotteina. TÀssÀ vuosittain julkaistavassa virallisten lajikekokeiden tulostiedotteessa on esitetty tulokset vuosilta 1991-1998.The task of the Plant Variety Board is to determine the value of new field crop varieties before they are released. The official variety trials of field crops are arranged by the Agricultural Research Centre of Finland. Variety trials of the most important plants are conducted around Finland for more than two years before they are released. The official variety trial operations are organised by the Western-Finland Research Unit of the Agricultural Research Centre of Finland. The official variety trials form a basis for the provision of information on the value of field crops. The value of new varieties is evaluated in preliminary and official variety trials. The aim is to determine the cultivation stability, yield potential and quality by thorough studies. Nowadays official variety trials are carried out to order and a charge is made. The Plant Breeding Institute or the owner of the variety enters the variety for the trials and covers the expenses related to the trials. The variety undergoes official trials for at least two years or until it is entered in the National List of Cultivars of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland. Thereafter the variety undergoes trials for another 2-3 years to collect information for growers. Altogether the testing of a variety in official variety trials lasts a total of 4 to 6 years. Official variety trials are arranged for the most important cultivated crops. The variety trials take place in areas suitable for the cultivation of the crop in question. For instance, variety trials on spring wheat are conducted only in South-Finland, whereas variety trials on barley, except for malt barley, are arranged all over the country. The variety trials are field trials which simulate practical cultivation. Official variety trials have been conducted at a total of 17 trial sites. In addition, official variety trials have been conducted by Mildola Oy, Kemira Agro Ltd. and Potato Research Institute to order and under supervision of the Agricultural Research Centre of Finland. Decisions on the inclusion of varieties in the National List of Cultivars of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland are based on the results of the official variety trials. The Plant Variety Board of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland decides which varieties are retained on the National List of Cultivars. The list is published annually. Nowadays it is a list of the varieties which are permitted to be marketed in Finland. The zone and cultivation recommendations are published separately either as national summaries or as a regional bulletin. This annually published bulletin presents the results of the official variety trials in 1991-1998.vokMyynti MTT tietopalveluyksikk

    Results of official variety trials 1990-1997

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    Virallisen lajiketoimikunnan tehtÀvÀnÀ on selvittÀÀ uusien peltokasvilajikkeiden viljelyarvo ennen niiden viljelyyn ottamista. Peltokasvien viralliset lajikekokeet jÀrjestÀÀ Maatalouden tutkimuskeskus. Lajikekokeita on tÀrkeimmillÀ viljelykasveilla eri puolilla maata, vÀhintÀÀn kahden vuoden ajan ennen lajikkeen viljelyyn ottamista. Virallista lajikekoetoimintaa johtaa Maatalouden tutkimuskeskuksen LÀnsi-Suomen tutkimusyksikkö. Viralliset lajikekokeet ovat perusta peltokasvien lajikkeista annettavalle tiedolle. Uusien lajikkeiden viljelyarvo tutkitaan alustavissa ja virallisissa lajikekokeissa. Tavoitteena on selvittÀÀ lajikkeen viljelyvarmuus, satoisuus ja laatu perusteellisin tutkimuksin. Nykyisin virallinen lajiketoiminta on maksullista tilaustutkimusta. Kasvinjalostuslaitos tai lajikkeen omistaja ilmoittaa lajikkeen kokeisiin ja vastaa kokeiden kustannuksista. Lajike on virallisissa kokeissa vÀhintÀÀn kaksi vuotta tai kunnes se hyvÀksytÀÀn maa- ja metsÀtalousministeriön kasvilajikeluetteloon. TÀmÀn jÀlkeen lajike on vielÀ kokeissa 2-3 vuotta neuvonnan tarpeita varten. Lajikkeen kokeilu virallisissa lajikekokeissa kestÀÀ yhteensÀ 4-6 vuotta. Virallisia lajikekokeita jÀrjestetÀÀn tÀrkeimmillÀ viljelykasveilla. Lajikekokeet tehdÀÀn kunkin lajikkeen viljelyyn soveltuvalla alueella. Esimerkiksi kevÀtvehnÀn lajikekokeita on vain EtelÀ-Suomessa. Ohran lajikekokeita on vastaavasti mallasohraa lukuunottamatta koko maassa. Lajikekokeet ovat kÀytÀnnön viljelyÀ vastaavia kenttÀkokeita. Virallisia lajikekokeita on ollut kaikkiaan 16 koepaikalla. Virallisia lajikekokeita ovat suorittaneet MTT:n toimeksiannosta ja valvonnassa myös Mildola Oy, Kemira Agro Oy ja Perunantutkimuslaitos. Maa- ja metsÀtalousministeriön kasvilajikeluetteloon otettavat lajikkeet pÀÀtetÀÀn virallisten lajikekokeiden tulosten perusteella. Kasvilajikeluettelossa pidettÀvistÀ lajikkeista pÀÀttÀÀ maa- ja metsÀtalousministeriön kasvilajikelautakunta. Kasvilajikeluettelo julkaistaan vuosittain. Nykyisin se on luettelo lajikkeista, joiden markkinointi on sallittua maassamme. Lajikkeiden vyöhyke- ja viljelysuositukset julkaistaan erikseen joko valtakunnallisina yhteenvetoina tai alueellisina tiedotteina.The task of the Plant Variety Board is to determine the value of new field crop varieties before they are released. The official variety trials of field crops are arranged by the Agricultural Research Centre of Finland. Variety trials of the most important plants are conducted around Finland for more than two years before they are released. The official variety trial operations are organised by the Western-Finland Research Unit of the Agricultural Research Centre of Finland. The official variety trials form a basis for the provision of information on the value of field crops. The value of new varieties is evaluated in preliminary and official variety trials. The aim is to determine the cultivation stability, yield potential and quality by thorough studies. Nowadays official variety trials are carried out to order and a charge is made. The Plant Breeding Institute or the owner of the variety enters the variety for the trials and covers the expenses related to the trials. The variety undergoes official trials for at least two years or until it is entered in the National List of Cultivars of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland. Thereafter the variety undergoes trials for another 2-3 years to collect information for growers. Altogether the testing of a variety in official variety trials lasts a total of 4 to 6 years. Official variety trials are arranged for the most important cultivated crops. The variety trials take place in areas suitable for the cultivation of the crop in question. For instance, variety trials on spring wheat are conducted only in South-Finland, whereas variety trials on barley, except for malt barley, are arranged all over the country. The variety trials are field trials which simulate practical cultivation. Official variety trials have been conducted at a total of 16 trial sites. In addition, official variety trials have been conducted by Mildola Oy, Kemira Agro Ltd. and Potato Research Institute to order and under supervision of the Agricultural Research Centre of Finland. Decisions on the inclusion of varieties in the National List of Cultivars of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland are based on the results of the official variety trials. The Plant Variety Board of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland decides which varieties are retained on the National List of Cultivars. The list is published annually. Nowadays it is a list of the varieties which are permitted to be marketed in Finland. The zone and cultivation recommendations are published separately either as national summaries or as a regional bulletin.vokMyynti MTT tietopalveluyksikkö. Yksikön huom.: Kirjasto Aj-

    Virallisten lajikekokeiden tulokset 1992-1999

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    Virallisen lajiketoimikunnan tehtÀvÀnÀ on selvittÀÀ uusien peltokasvilajikkeiden viljelyarvo ennen niiden viljelyyn ottamista. Peltokasvien viralliset lajikekokeet jÀrjestÀÀ Maatalouden tutkimuskeskus. Lajikekokeita on tÀrkeimmillÀ viljelykasveilla eri puolilla maata vÀhintÀÀn kahden vuoden ajan ennen lajikkeen viljelyyn ottamista. Virallista lajikekoetoimintaa johtaa Maatalouden tutkimuskeskuksen Alueellinen tutkimus. Viralliset lajikekokeet ovat perusta peltokasvien lajikkeista annettavalle tiedolle. Uusien lajikkeiden viljelyarvo tutkitaan alustavassa ja virallisissa lajikekokeissa. Uusien lajikkeiden viljelyarvoa, viljelyvarmuutta, satoisuutta ja laatua selvitetÀÀn alustavissa ja virallisissa lajikekokeissa. Alustavat ja viralliset lajikekokeet ovat maksullista tutkimusta. Kasvinjalostuslaitos tai lajikkeen omistaja ilmoittaa lajikkeen kokeisiin ja vastaa kokeiden kustannuksista. Lajike on virallisissa kokeissa vÀhintÀÀn kaksi vuotta tai kunnes se hyvÀksytÀÀn maa- ja metsÀtalousministeriön kasvilajikeluetteloon. TÀmÀn jÀlkeen lajike on vielÀ kokeissa 2-3 vuotta neuvonnan tarpeita varten. Lajikkeen kokeilu virallisissa lajikekokeissa kestÀÀ yhteensÀ 4-6 vuotta. Virallisia lajikekokeita jÀrjestetÀÀn tÀrkeimmillÀ viljelykasveilla. Lajikekokeet tehdÀÀn kunkin lajikkeen viljelyyn soveltuvalla alueella. Esimerkiksi kevÀtvehnÀn lajikekokeita on vain EtelÀ-Suomessa. Ohran lajikekokeita on vastaavasti mallasohraa lukuun ottamatta koko maassa. Lajikekokeet ovat kÀytÀnnön viljelyÀ vastaavia kenttÀkokeita. Virallisia lajikekokeita on vuonna 1999 ollut kaikkiaan 17 koepaikalla (Kuva l). Virallisia lajikekokeita ovat suorittaneet MTT:n toimeksiannosta ja valvonnassa myös Mildola Oy, Kemira Agro Oy ja Perunantutkimuslaitos.The task of the Plant Variety Board is to determine the value of new field crop varieties before they are released. The official variety trials of field crops are arranged by the Agricultural Research Centre of Finland. Variety trials of the most important plants are conducted around Finland for more than two years before they are released. The official variety trial operations are organised by the Regional Research of the Agricultural Research Centre of Finland. The official variety trials form a basis for the provision of information on the value of field crops. The value, cultivation stability, yield potential and quality of new varieties is evaluated in preliminary and official variety trials. The preliminary and official variety trials are subject to a charge. The Plant Breeding Institute or the owner of the variety enters the variety for the trials and covers the expenses related to the trials. The variety undergoes official trials for at least two years or until it is entered in the National List of Cultivars of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland. Thereafter the variety undergoes trials for another 2-3 years to collect information for growers. Altogether the testing of a variety in official variety trials lasts a total of 4 to 6 years. Official variety trials are arranged for the most important cultivated crops. The variety trials take place in areas suitable for the cultivation of the crop in question. For instance, variety trials on spring wheat are conducted only in South-Finland, whereas variety trials on barley, except for malt barley, are arranged all over the country. The variety trials are field trials which simulate practical cultivation. Official variety trials were conducted at a total of 17 trial sites in 1999 (Fig. 1). In addition, official variety trials have been conducted by Mildola Oy, Kemira Agro Ltd. and Potato Research Institute to order and under supervision of the Agricultural Research Centre of Finland.vokMyynti MTT tietopalveluyksikk
