115 research outputs found

    Containing costs in public sector hospitals - a strategy for the future. Lessons from a large teaching hospital

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    Escalating costs of providing health care are cause for worldwide concern. In South Africa there is increasing concern about expenditure in the public and the private health care sectors. Although public sector expenditure has increased in per capita terms over the past 2 decades, at the micro-level comparison of expenditure over a 14-year period in one major teaching hospital region indicates that, despite increasing complexity and sophistication, real costs have not escalated at a greater rate than the consumer price index, if extraordinary factors are discounted. The development and utilisation of productivity and performance indicators are reviewed and some mechanisms for containing costs in public hospitals are discussed. These include formalised strategic planning and allocation of resources, rationalisation and reorganisation of services, improved productivity and utilisation of scarce health manpower, improved accounting and management information systems, and the development and use of measures of outcome. Concern is expressed regarding excessive quantification of costs and efficiency to the detriment of health care in general

    Renormalization group parameter evolution of the minimal supersymmetric standard model with R-parity violation

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    A comparison of spectra obtained using the 1-loop MSSM and 2-loop R-parity violating MSSM renormalization group equations is presented. Influence of higher loop corrections and R-parity violating terms is discussed. Some numerical constraints on the R-parity violating parameters are also given.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, using RevTE

    Theory-Motivated Benchmark Models and Superpartners at the Tevatron

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    Recently published benchmark models have contained rather heavy superpartners. To test the robustness of this result, several benchmark models have been constructed based on theoretically well-motivated approaches, particularly string-based ones. These include variations on anomaly and gauge-mediated models, as well as gravity mediation. The resulting spectra often have light gauginos that are produced in significant quantities at the Tevatron collider, or will be at a 500 GeV linear collider. The signatures also provide interesting challenges for the LHC. In addition, these models usually account for electroweak symmetry breaking with relatively less fine-tuning than previous benchmark models.Comment: 44 pages, 4 figures; some typos corrected. Revisions reflect published versio

    CP and Lepton-Number Violation in GUT Neutrino Models with Abelian Flavour Symmetries

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    We study the possible magnitudes of CP and lepton-number-violating quantities in specific GUT models of massive neutrinos with different Abelian flavour groups, taking into account experimental constraints and requiring successful leptogenesis. We discuss SU(5) and flipped SU(5) models that are consistent with the present data on neutrino mixing and upper limits on the violations of charged-lepton flavours and explore their predictions for the CP-violating oscillation and Majorana phases. In particular, we discuss string-derived flipped SU(5) models with selection rules that modify the GUT structure and provide additional constraints on the operators, which are able to account for the magnitudes of some of the coefficients that are often set as arbitrary parameters in generic Abelian models.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figure

    Supersymmetry and the positron excess in cosmic rays

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    Recently the HEAT balloon experiment has confirmed an excess of high-energy positrons in cosmic rays. They could come from annihilation of dark matter in the galactic halo. We discuss expectations for the positron signal in cosmic rays from the lightest superpartner. The simplest interpretations are incompatible with the size and shape of the excess if the relic LSPs evolved from thermal equilbrium. Non-thermal histories can describe a sufficient positron rate. Reproducing the energy spectrum is more challenging, but perhaps possible. The resulting light superpartner spectrum is compatible with collider physics, the muon anomalous magnetic moment, Z-pole electroweak data, and other dark matter searches.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, references added, minor wording change

    Non-universal gaugino masses: a signal-based analysis for the Large Hadron Collider

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    We discuss the signals at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) for scenarios with non-universal gaugino masses in supersymmetric (SUSY) theories. We perform a multichannel analysis, and consider the ratios of event rates in different channels such as jets+ET/jets + {E}_T/ , samesame - and oppositeopposite-signdileptonssign dileptons +jets+ET/+jets+ {E}_T/ , as well as singleleptonsingle-lepton and trileptontrilepton final states together with jets+ET/jets + {E}_T/ . Low-energy SUSY spectra corresponding to high-scale gaugino non-universality arising from different breaking schemes of SU(5) as well as SO(10) Grand Unified (GUT) SUSY models are considered, with both degenerate low-energy sfermion masses and those arising from a supergravity scenario. We present the numerical predictions over a wide range of the parameter space using the event generator {\tt Pythia}, specifying the event selection criteria and pointing out regions where signals are likely to be beset with backgrounds. Certain broad features emerge from the study, which may be useful in identifying the signatures of different GUT breaking schemes and distinguishing them from a situation with a universal gaugino mass at high scale. The absolute values of the predicted event rates for different scenarios are presented together with the various event ratios, so that these can also be used whenever necessary.Comment: 54 pages, 18 figure

    The MSSM fine tuning problem: a way out

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    As is well known, electroweak breaking in the MSSM requires substantial fine-tuning, mainly due to the smallness of the tree-level Higgs quartic coupling, lambda_tree. Hence the fine tuning is efficiently reduced in supersymmetric models with larger lambda_tree, as happens naturally when the breaking of SUSY occurs at a low scale (not far from the TeV). We show, in general and with specific examples, that a dramatic improvement of the fine tuning (so that there is virtually no fine-tuning) is indeed a very common feature of these scenarios for wide ranges of tan(beta) and the Higgs mass (which can be as large as several hundred GeV if desired, but this is not necessary). The supersymmetric flavour problems are also drastically improved due to the absence of RG cross-talk between soft mass parameters.Comment: 28 pages, 9 PS figures, LaTeX Published versio

    Density and well width dependences of the effective mass of twodimensional holes in (100) GaAs quantum wells measured by cyclotron resonance at microwave frequencies

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    Cyclotron resonance at microwave frequencies is used to measure the band mass (m_b) of the two-dimensional holes (2DH's) in carbon-doped (100) GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs heterostructures. The measured m_b shows strong dependences on both the 2DH density(p) and the GaAs quantum well width (W). For a fixed W, in the density range (0.4x10^11 to 1.1x10^11 cm^-2) studied here, m_b increases with p, consistent with previous studies of the 2DHs on the (311)A surface. For a fixed p = 1.1x10^11 cm^-2, mb increases from 0.22 m_e at W = 10 nm to 0.50 m_e at W = 30 nm, and saturates around 0.51 m_e for W > 30 nm.Comment: to appear in Solid State Communication

    Relic Neutralino Densities and Detection Rates with Nonuniversal Gaugino Masses

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    We extend previous analyses on the interplay between nonuniversalities in the gaugino mass sector and the thermal relic densities of LSP neutralinos, in particular to the case of moderate to large tan beta. We introduce a set of parameters that generalizes the standard unified scenario to cover the complete allowed parameter space in the gaugino mass sector. We discuss the physical significance of the cosmologically preferred degree of degeneracy between charginos and the LSP and study the effect this degree of degeneracy has on the prospects for direct detection of relic neutralinos in the next round of dark matter detection experiments. Lastly, we compare the fine tuning required to achieve a satisfactory relic density with the case of universal gaugino masses, as in minimal supergravity, and find it to be of a similar magnitude. The sensitivity of quantifiable measures of fine-tuning on such factors as the gluino mass and top and bottom masses is also examined.Comment: Uses RevTeX; 14 pages, 16 figure

    Neutralino Dark Matter from MSSM Flat Directions in light of WMAP Result

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    The minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) has a truly supersymmetric way to explain both the baryon asymmetry and cold dark matter in the present Universe, that is, ``Affleck-Dine baryo/DM-genesis.'' The associated late-time decay of Q-balls directly connects the origins of the baryon asymmetry and dark matter, and also predicts a specific nature of the LSP. In this paper, we investigate the prospects for indirect detection of these dark matter candidates observing high energy neutrino flux from the Sun, and hard positron flux from the halo. We also update the previous analysis of the direct detection in hep-ph/0205044 by implementing the recent result from WMAP satellite.Comment: 32 pages, including 40 figure