107 research outputs found

    High-throughput analyses and Bayesian network modeling highlight novel epigenetic Adverse Outcome Pathway networks of DNA methyltransferase inhibitor mediated transgenerational effects

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    A number of epigenetic modulating chemicals are known to affect multiple generations of a population from a single ancestral exposure, thus posing transgenerational hazards. The present study aimed to establish a high-throughput (HT) analytical workflow for cost-efficient concentration-response analysis of epigenetic and phenotypic effects, and to support the development of novel Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP) networks for DNA methyltransferase (DNMT) inhibitor-mediated transgenerational effects on aquatic organisms. The model DNMT inhibitor 5-azacytidine (5AC) and the model freshwater crustacean Daphnia magna were used to generate new experimental data and served as prototypes to construct AOPs for aquatic organisms. Targeted HT bioassays (DNMT ELISA, MS-HRM and qPCR) in combination with multigenerational ecotoxicity tests revealed concentration-dependent transgenerational (F0-F3) effects of 5AC on total DNMT activity, DNA promoter methylation, gene body methylation, gene transcription and reproduction. Top sensitive toxicity pathways related to 5AC exposure, such as apoptosis and DNA damage responses were identified in both F0 and F3 using Gaussian Bayesian network modeling. Two novel epigenetic AOP networks on DNMT inhibitor mediated one-generational and transgenerational effects were developed for aquatic organisms and assessed for the weight of evidence. The new HT analytical workflow and AOPs can facilitate future ecological hazard assessment of epigenetic modulating chemicals

    The impact of microplastics on female reproduction and early life

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    Plastic pollution in our environment is one of the most important global health concerns right now. Micro- and nanoplastics (MNPs) are taken up by both humans and animals, mainly via food and water, and can pass important epithelial barriers. Indications of plastics in the blood circulation have recently been shown in both humans and farm animals, but standardized methods to quantify the exact levels of MNPs to which we are exposed are currently lacking. Potential hazards of MNPs are being investigated very recently, including the impact that MNPs may have on reproduction. However, studies on mammalian reproduction are scarce, but a wealth of data from aquatic species indicates reproductive effects of MNPs. The first studies in rodent models demonstrate that MNPs reach the gonads after oral exposure and may impact offspring after maternal exposure during the gestational period. These effects may arise from the particles themselves or the presence of plastic contaminants that leach from plastics. Plastic contamination has been detected in human placentas, fetal fluid and the meconium of newborns, indicating the presence of plastics from the very first start of life. Currently there is a lack of studies that investigate the impact of MNP exposure during the periconception and embryonic period, whereas this is an extremely sensitive period that needs considerable attention with the growing amount of plastics in our environment

    Farm animals as a critical link between environmental and human health impacts of micro-and nanoplastics

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    Plastic pollution is an increasing global health concern, particularly the ever-increasing amount of tiny plastic particles commonly referred to as micro- and nanoplastics (MNPs). Most research to date on MNP exposure and hazards has focused on environmental species such as aquatic organisms and, more recently, humans, leaving impacts on farm animals largely unstudied. MNPs have been detected in all environmental compartments, including agricultural environments, farm animals and food products originating from them. The health of farm animals can be directly affected by MNPs, while humans can be affected by MNPs present in animal-derived food products. In this perspective article, we argue that MNP research should give more attention to farm animals forming a critical link between the environment and human health. Here, we summarize evidence on sources, exposure routes, levels in farm animals, and potential health effects of MNPs on farm animals, and identify knowledge gaps for future research, such as effects of MNPs on reproduction and development. In particular, the bovine embryo model is a promising model to study effects of MNPs on early development of both farm animals and humans. This perspective article signals the need for follow up studies that will increase our understanding of the transfer of MNPs between environment, farm animals, and humans, and the potential of farm animals to serve as an indicator for other animals, including humans

    The effects of hexabromocyclododecane on the transcriptome and hepatic enzyme activity in three human HepaRG-based models

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    The disruption of thyroid hormone homeostasis by hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) in rodents is hypothesized to be due to HBCD increasing the hepatic clearance of thyroxine (T4). The extent to which these effects are relevant to humans is unclear. To evaluate HBCD effects on humans, the activation of key hepatic nuclear receptors and the consequent disruption of thyroid hormone homeostasis were studied in different human hepatic cell models. The hepatoma cell line, HepaRG, cultured as two-dimensional (2D), sandwich (SW) and spheroid (3D) cultures, and primary human hepatocytes (PHH) cultured as sandwich were exposed to 1 and 10 ”M HBCD and characterized for their transcriptome changes. Pathway enrichment analysis showed that 3D models, followed by SW, had a stronger transcriptome response to HBCD, which is explained by the higher expression of hepatic nuclear receptors but also greater accumulation of HBCD measured inside cells in these models. The Pregnane X receptor pathway is one of the pathways most upregulated across the three hepatic models, followed by the constitutive androstane receptor and general hepatic nuclear receptors pathways. Lipid metabolism pathways had a downregulation tendency in all exposures and in both PHH and the three cultivation modes of HepaRG. The activity of enzymes related to PXR/CAR induction and T4 metabolism were evaluated in the three different types of HepaRG cultures exposed to HBCD for 48 h. Reference inducers, rifampicin and PCB-153 did affect 2D and SW HepaRG cultures’ enzymatic activity but not 3D. HBCD did not induce the activity of any of the studied enzymes in any of the cell models and culture methods. This study illustrates that for nuclear receptor-mediated T4 disruption, transcriptome changes might not be indicative of an actual adverse effect. Clarification of the reasons for the lack of translation is essential to evaluate new chemicals’ potential to be thyroid hormone disruptors by altering thyroid hormone metabolism

    Inhibition of methyltransferase activity of enhancer of zeste 2 leads to enhanced lipid accumulation and altered chromatin status in zebrafish

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    BACKGROUND: Recent studies indicate that exposure to environmental chemicals may increase susceptibility to developing metabolic diseases. This susceptibility may in part be caused by changes to the epigenetic landscape which consequently affect gene expression and lead to changes in lipid metabolism. The epigenetic modifier enhancer of zeste 2 (Ezh2) is a histone H3K27 methyltransferase implicated to play a role in lipid metabolism and adipogenesis. In this study, we used the zebrafish (Danio rerio) to investigate the role of Ezh2 on lipid metabolism and chromatin status following developmental exposure to the Ezh1/2 inhibitor PF-06726304 acetate. We used the environmental chemical tributyltin (TBT) as a positive control, as this chemical is known to act on lipid metabolism via EZH-mediated pathways in mammals. RESULTS: Zebrafish embryos (0-5 days post-fertilization, dpf) exposed to non-toxic concentrations of PF-06726304 acetate (5 ÎŒM) and TBT (1 nM) exhibited increased lipid accumulation. Changes in chromatin were analyzed by the assay for transposase-accessible chromatin sequencing (ATAC-seq) at 50% epiboly (5.5 hpf). We observed 349 altered chromatin regions, predominantly located at H3K27me3 loci and mostly more open chromatin in the exposed samples. Genes associated to these loci were linked to metabolic pathways. In addition, a selection of genes involved in lipid homeostasis, adipogenesis and genes specifically targeted by PF-06726304 acetate via altered chromatin accessibility were differentially expressed after TBT and PF-06726304 acetate exposure at 5 dpf, but not at 50% epiboly stage. One gene, cebpa, did not show a change in chromatin, but did show a change in gene expression at 5 dpf. Interestingly, underlying H3K27me3 marks were significantly decreased at this locus at 50% epiboly. CONCLUSIONS: Here, we show for the first time the applicability of ATAC-seq as a tool to investigate toxicological responses in zebrafish. Our analysis indicates that Ezh2 inhibition leads to a partial primed state of chromatin linked to metabolic pathways which results in gene expression changes later in development, leading to enhanced lipid accumulation. Although ATAC-seq seems promising, our in-depth assessment of the cebpa locus indicates that we need to consider underlying epigenetic marks as well.</p

    Dysregulation of adipogenesis and disrupted lipid metabolism by the antidepressants citalopram and sertraline

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    Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) are widely used medications for the treatment of major depressive disorder. However, long-term SSRI use has been associated with weight gain and altered lipid profiles. These findings suggest that SSRIs may have negative effects on metabolism. Exposure to certain chemicals called ‘obesogens’ is known to promote lipid accumulation and obesity by modulating adipogenesis. Here, we investigated whether citalopram (CIT) and sertraline (SER) interfere with the process of adipogenesis, using human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in a 2D and a 3D model. Assessment of intracellular lipid accumulation by fluorescence staining was used as a measure for enhanced adipogenesis. To explore possible mechanisms behind SSRIs' effects, receptor mediated activity was studied using responsive cell lines for various nuclear receptors. Furthermore, RNA sequencing was performed in the 3D model, followed by differential gene expression and pathway analysis. A dose dependent increase in lipid accumulation was observed in both models with CIT and SER. For the 3D model, the effect was seen in a range close to reported steady-state plasma concentrations (0.065–0.65 ÎŒM for SER and 0.12–0.92 ÎŒM for CIT). Pathway analysis revealed unexpected results of downregulation in adipogenesis-related pathways and upregulation in phospholipids and lysosomal pathways. This was confirmed by an observed increase in lysosomes in the 2D model. Our findings suggest lysosomal dysfunction and disrupted lipid metabolism in mature adipocytes, leading to excessive phospholipid synthesis. Moreover, important adipogenic processes are inhibited, potentially leading to dysfunctional adipocytes, which might have implications in the maintenance of a healthy metabolic balance

    Assessing risk and building resilience to facilitate the transition towards circular food systems

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    There is potential for circular food systems to improve quality of life for humans, farmed animals, and ecosystems. However, increasing circularity in the food system brings with it novel risks that should be managed to avoid negative unintended consequences. Under circularity, the interconnectivity of food subsystems is likely to increase. For example, waste streams are proposed to be used as feed or fertilizer. Creating such loops brings novel risks that may become reinforcing. Risk is interdependent across system scales and may related to animal welfare, pollution, spread of disease, or international trade. If these risks are not identified, managed, and regulated, the project of transition to circular food systems may be undermined. We propose a new, multidisciplinary framework for managing and governing risk within circular food systems, more specifically within the EU including the context of the Green Deal. Our framework places an emphasis on building resilience of food subsystems as a pathway to managing risk. We explore how the current movement toward restructuring of interconnections within the food system to increase circularity may introduce novel and unintended risk factors, and how this connectivity can be managed to mitigate these risks. We outline how risk owners can be identified and connected to improve governance across food system scales. Finally, we explain how resilience principles can be applied to manage changing risk associated with transition to a circular food system. Relationship of the contribution to SDGs: SDG 2: Zero hunger: target 2.4 and target 2.5 SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production: target 12.8 By 2030 SDG 15: Life on land: target 15.5, target 15.8, target 15.9 Relationship of the contribution to the theme of the Conference – “Sustainable Development and Courage. Culture, Art and Human Rights”. Transition in food systems, including a potential transition to circular agriculture, is a wicked problem that requires input and insight from many different disciplines in order to oversee the possible effects of changes, and to mitigate the inevitable issues that will arise during transition. The consortium involved in our contribution is specifically selected to include academics from (veterinary) health sciences, environmental sciences, and law; we are very open to collaboration with all disciplines

    Assessing risk and building resilience to accelerate the transition towards circular food systems

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    There is potential for circular food systems to improve quality of life for humans, farmed animals, and ecosystems. However, increasing circularity in the food system brings with it novel risks that should be managed to avoid negative unintended consequences. Under circularity, the interconnectivity of food subsystems is likely to increase. For example, waste streams are proposed to be used as feed or fertilizer. Creating such loops brings novel risks that may become reinforcing. Risk is interdependent across system scales and may related to animal welfare, pollution, spread of disease, or international trade. If these risks are not identified and managed, the project of circular food systems may be undermined. We propose a new framework for managing and governing risk within circular food systems, more specifically within the EU including the context of the Green Deal. Our framework places an emphasis on building resilience of food subsystems as a pathway to managing risk. We explore how the current movement toward restructuring of interconnections within the food system to increase circularity may introduce novel and unintended risk factors, and how this connectivity can be managed to mitigate these risks. We outline how risk owners can be identified and connected to improve governance across food system scales. Finally, we explain how resilience principles can be applied to manage changing risk associated with transition to a circular food system

    Current evidence for a role of epigenetic mechanisms in response to ionizing radiation in an ecotoxicological context

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    The issue of potential long-term or hereditary effects for both humans and wildlife exposed to low doses (or dose rates) of ionising radiation is a major concern. Chronic exposure to ionising radiation, defined as an exposure over a large fraction of the organism's lifespan or even over several generations, can possibly have consequences in the progeny. Recent work has begun to show that epigenetics plays an important role in adaptation of organisms challenged to environmental stimulae. Changes to so-called epigenetic marks such as histone modifications, DNA methylation and non-coding RNAs result in altered transcriptomes and proteomes, without directly changing the DNA sequence. Moreover, some of these environmentally-induced epigenetic changes tend to persist over generations, and thus, epigenetic modifications are regarded as the conduits for environmental influence on the genome. Here, we review the current knowledge of possible involvement of epigenetics in the cascade of responses resulting from environmental exposure to ionising radiation. In addition, from a comparison of lab and field obtained data, we investigate evidence on radiation-induced changes in the epigenome and in particular the total or locus specific levels of DNA methylation. The challenges for future research and possible use of changes as an early warning (biomarker) of radiosensitivity and individual exposure is discussed. Such a biomarker could be used to detect and better understand the mechanisms of toxic action and inter/intra-species susceptibility to radiation within an environmental risk assessment and management context
