8 research outputs found

    Production improvement in ACM manufacturing company using lean manufacturing approach

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    ACM Sdn. Bhd. is a manufacturing company, in which to continuously commit on improvement process which based on the fundamental goal, to minimize or eliminate waste while maximizing production flow. The purpose of this study is to develop a value stream mapping for a ACM Sdn. Bhd. and it was begin with creating a current state map and understand the production flow and the current cycle times. This provides the information needed to produce a future state map. The goal is to identify and eliminate the waste, which is any activity that does not add value to the final product, in the production process. In order to collect the information needed, the study was conducted within the production facility to enable the researcher gained knowledge and familiarized with the production flow and the activities being performed at the shop floor. Parameters such as cycle times, down times, work in process (WIP) for inventory and material, and information flow paths were recorded. This information will enable the researcher to visualize the current state of the process activities by mapping the material and information flow and looking for opportunities to eliminate wastes. ARENA simulation software package was used to simulate and analyze the process flow and times. Result from the analysis shows that there are areas where the ACM Sdn. Bhd. can further improve their production system. Improvements in cycle times of 13-22% are possible by new arrangement of the layout. The results can be used as a guide to the ACM for improvement and implement the lean manufacturing concept in their manufacturing system


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    Pasien yang menjalani hemodialisis sebagian besar ketergantungan terhadap mesin hemodialisis yang mengakibatkan terjadinya perubahan seperti masalah finansial, kesulitan dalam mempertahankan pekerjaan, dorongan seksual yang menghilang, impotensi, dan berisikomengalami depresi.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran tingkat depresi pasien gagal ginjal kronik yang menjalani hemodialisis di RSUD Kabupaten Semarang. Desain penelitian yaitu deskriptif korelatif dengan pendekatansurvei. Populasi penelitian 85 pasien yang menderita gagal ginjal kronik yang menjalani hemodialisis.Teknik sampling menggunakan quota sampling sehingga jumlah sampel penelitian yaitu 85 pasien gagal ginjal kronik yang menjalani hemodialisis. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner tingkat depresi. Analisis data menggunakananalisisunivariat. Hasil penelitian diperoleh sebagian besar pasien gagal ginjal kronik yang menjalani hemodialisisdepresi ringan sejumlah 41 orang (48,2%). Saran bagi RSUD Kabupaten Semarang untuk memberikan pelayanan keperawatan yang holistik pada pasien gagal ginjal kronik yang sedang menjalani hemodialisis. Kata kunci: Tingkat depresi, gagal ginjal kronik, hemodialisis DESCRIBE DEPRESSION LEVEL OF CHRONIC KIDNEY FAILURE UNDERGOING HEMODIALYSIS ABSTRACTThis research is motivated patients under going hemodialysis are largely dependent on hemodialysis machines resulting in changes such as financial problems, difficulty in keeping jobs, disappearing exualurges, impotence, and patient softenex perience self – conceptual disturbances as well as body image disturb ancesdue to the difficulty of accepting changes that result from failure kidney that  experienced resulting in depressed patients. The research aim is to describe depression level of chronic kidney failure under going hemodialysis ar Semarang Regency hospital. This research used descriptive correlative method with cross sectional approach. Population in this research were 85% of patients with chronic renal failure who under went hemodialysis at RSUD Semarang Regency. Sampling technique used sample quota. Data collection questionnaires used depressi on level sand self concept questionnaires. Analysis univariat was used in this analysis. The results of the study show that most patients with chronic renal failure under going hemodialysis experience mild depression as many as 41 people (48.2%). Suggestions to the hospital toteach patients to always optimistic to try new things, courageous, confident, enthusiastic, feeling self worth, dareto set a goal to live, behave and positively, and can be a reliable leader. Keyword: Depression level, chronic kidney disease, hemodialysis

    The relationship of critical resources and moderation of IT support on new product design performance

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    This research was conducted to see how far the new product design performance affected the competitive environment and technological changes in the manufacturing industry in Malaysia and fulfilled the opinions in the field of existing knowledge related to critical resources such as product specifications, external support, product financial risk and technical team of new product development on the performance of new product designs with regard to IT support as a moderator. This research extends previous studies by providing evidence that the critical resources have a new relationship in determining the performance of new product design. Random sampling was used to select respondents for questioning of members. 262 respondents have responded and response rate of 77.3% was obtained. SPSS 22.0 and the Smart PLS SEM 3.2.4 software was used to analyze a specific data to answer the hypothesis developed. The findings show that three of critical resource factors, external support, product financial risk and new product development technical team have a significant on the performance of new product designs. IT support has a significant moderating effect on the performance of new product design. The findings suggested that comparison of manufacturing industries in Malaysia with other industries can also be implemented. This research also offers the theoretical understanding of how important the new knowledge recognize the role of certain aspects such as IT support by demonstrating that critical resources are needed to achieving the new product design performance. Recommendations for future research and limitations of the study are also highlighted


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    Kecamatan Bunut Hilir merupakan kecamatan yang berada dipesisir sungai Kapuas, yang didominasi oleh para nelayan. Menangkap ikan menggunakan alat tradisonal masih mereka lakukan seperti : Unak duri Rotan, bubu rotan, pukat, jala, pengilar, entaban, pancing/kail, serokap bambu, utas, pelabuh, penyarak, seruak, yang masih menggunakan  bahan di alam sekitar yang digunakan untuk menangkap ikan. Meskipun demikian masih banyak masyarakat menangkap ikan dengan cara yang terlarang seperti menyentrum ikan, dengan alasan ikan yang di hasilkan banyak, biaya murah, dan waktu yang singkat dan tidak memperhatikan dampak yang di hasilkan, ekosistem yang rusak berdampak pada pendapatan masyrakat yang menangkap ikan dengan alat tradisional, yaitu berkurangnya hasil tangkapan ikan mereka, tidak jarang ikan yang diperoleh tidak menutupi ongkos yang dikeluarkan. Suatu perundang-undangan maupun peraturan adat kecamatan bunut hilir pada dasarnya dibuat sebagai tujuan untuk mengatur kehidupan manusia baik secara perorangan maupun secara kelompok, dengan maksud agar dapat tercipta suatu ketentraman dan ketertiban dalam menjalankan kehidupan dalam masyarakat. Dengan demikian pemerintah yang berwenang dan pemuka adat beserta masyarakat dikecamatan bunut hilir diharapkan untuk melakukan pengawasan dalam rangka menjaga ekosistem perairan sungai Kapuas, yang merupakan tempat dimana para nelayan menagkap ikan sehari-hari. Disini pemerintah yang berwenang diharapkan memberikan sosialisasi kepada masyrakat mengenai Undang-Undang Perikanan maupun peraturan lainnya yang mengatur larangan menangkap ikan yang berakibat pada kerusakan ekosistem, serta membentuk kesadaran hukum bagi masyrakat serta sikap tegas dari aparat yang berwenang dalam memberikan sanksi pidana kepada pelaku pelanggaran tersebut.Keyword:


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    ABSTRAK kecamatan bunut hilir merupakan kecamatan yang berada di pesisir sungai Kapuas, banyaknya danau-danau beserta anak sungai di kecamatan ini berdampak pada mata pencaharian sebagian besar masyarakat di kecamatan ini, yaitu sebagai nelayan. Menangkap ikan dengan alat tradisional masih mereka gunakan walaupun jarang di temui lagi, seperti : Unak duri Rotan, bubu rotan, pukat, jala, pengilar, entaban, pancing/kail, serokap bambu, utas, pelabuh, penyarak, seruak, termasuk bubu warin yang masih menggunakan  bahan dari alam sekitar yang digunakan untuk menangkap ikan. Khusus untuk alat tangkap ikan yang disebut alat warin, merupaka alat tangkap ikan yang dilarang disebagian wilayah perairan. Dengan demikian alat tangkap warin hanya bisa digunakan di sungai Kapuas dan danau yang tidak dilindungi.  Larangan tersebut dapat dilihat dalam peraturan danau, baik yang sudah di bukukan maupun belum di bukukan, masing-masing danau memiliki peraturan yang sesuai dengan kondisi geografisnya, salah satu contohnya adalah Buku Peraturan Danau Miyuban yang dibuat  oleh masyarakat adat, ketua adat dan perangkat desa.Sehubungan dalam hal larangan menangkap alat warin ketua danau, perangkat desa, masyarakat secara bermusyawarah membuat peraturan danau yang harus di patuhi semua masyrakat yang beraktifitas di lingkungan danau. Dalam pembuatan peraturan pun terbagi menjadi tim pengurus dan tim perumus, selain merumuskan peraturan danau tim perumus juga mensosialisasikan peraturan danau tersebut kepada seluruh masyarakat yang akan beraktifitas di danau miyuban.Berdasarkan uraian tersebut diatas yang menjadi permasalahannya adalah (1) Mengapa terhadap pelaku yang menangkap ikan dengan alat warin dikecamatan Bunut Hilir belum di berikan sanksi adat sebagaimana mestinya ? (2) Bagaimana peranan ketua adat menjaga eksistensi hukum adat yang berkaitan dengan larangan penangkapan ikan dengan alat warin?Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan  adalah yuridis sosiologis, di sisni penulis melihat dari segi efektifitas hukum adat dengan melihat langsung dilapangan. Sedangkan hasil penelitian ini bahwa penegakan hukum adat khususnya alat warin tidak efektif di karenakan tidak adanya laporan dari masyarakat dan adanya pembiaran dari masyarakat serta kurangnya pengawasan dari masyarakat pengawas.Dengan demikian secara bersama-sama masyarakat menjaga peraturan yang telah mereka buat, sebagai panduan mereka bekerja di danau yang dapat menjadi tumpuan kehidupan dari generasi ke generasi berikutnya. Kata Kunci : Alat warin, Penegakan Hukum Adat, Penangkapan ikan   ABSTRACT   Bunut downstream district is a sub-district located on the Kapuas river, the number of lakes and tributaries in this sub-district has an impact on the livelihoods of most of the people in this sub-district, namely as fishermen. Catch fish with traditional tools they still use even though they are rarely seen again, such as: Unak rattan, rattan, trawl, nets, pengilar, entaban, fishing rod / hook, serokap bamboo, thread, harbor, penyarak, exclamation, including bubu waru still using materials from the surrounding nature that are used to catch fish. Especially for fishing gear called warin tools, it is a fishing gear that is prohibited in some waters. Thus warin fishing gear can only be used in the Kapuas river and unprotected lakes. The prohibition can be seen in the lake regulations, both those that have been posted and not posted, each lake has regulations that are in accordance with its geographical conditions, one example is the Book of Lake Miyuban Regulations made by indigenous peoples, customary leaders and village officials.In relation to the prohibition to catch the warin tool of the head of the lake, the village apparatus, the community deliberately makes lake regulations that must be obeyed by all the people who work in the lake. In the making of the regulation, it was divided into a team of management and formulating teams. In addition to formulating lake regulations, the drafting team also socialized the lake regulations to all communities who would be active in the Lake Miyagi.Based on the description above, the problem is (1) Why has the customary fishermen caught using warin in the district of Bunut Hilir not been properly sanctioned? (2) How does the role of the adat leader maintain the existence of customary law relating to the prohibition of fishing with warin?The research method used is sociological juridical, the writer looks at the effectiveness of customary law by looking directly at the field. While the results of this study that customary law enforcement, especially warin tools are not effective because there are no reports from the public and the omission from the community and lack of supervision from the supervisory community.Thus, the community together maintain the rules they have made, as a guide they work in the lake which can be the foundation of life from generation to generation. Keywords: warin tools, customary law enforcement, fishin

    Examining the innovative new design in simulating teaching course on entrepreneurship: Case study of polytechnic approach in learning

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    Innovation is not a new concept in education in Malaysia. Recent literature has offered a more integrated framework, considering both strategic aspects and firm profitability in a balanced scorecard perspective with a cause and effect relationship between leading and lagging indicators.The former is just a measure of input, not considering the productivity and the effort spent in theinnovation process, and the latter is the "official" result of a process of invention and a partial measure of output, unable to capture other intangible investments in innovation (Mairesse & Mohnen, 2005; Mairesse, Mohnen, & Dagenais, 2006).There is several kinds of innovation, for example, product, and process and improvements organizational structure.Innovation requires widespread reform to ensure Malaysia provides a commercial neighbourhood of a highly flexible, and harmonize.Education and Training agenda of innovation depend on the success of Malaysia who flatter value openness, critical thought and dared to attempt and take risks.This requires an arrangement of pedagogy that fosters the insane capital creative and analytical.The primary focal point of entrepreneurship training and programs in polytechnics is to influence attitudes, knowledge, accomplishments, experiences and competencies of entrepreneurship to the students irrespective of their background (Norasmah, Halimah, Zaidatol, 2006; Rafidah, 2008).This paper aims to examine how far the use of new product design in the innovation of teaching and learning among engineering lecturer from a technical perspective


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    Human Resources (leaders and employees) are the lifeblood of every institution, because their job is to ensure that the business and operating system gets the most out of its employees. A leader has to know where he stands and what leadership style he’s adopting in order to become a better leader tomorrow, and in the end; to influence the employees to improve their performance. On this crisis situation during Covid-19 pandemic, Puskesmas (Public Health Center) is at the forefront facing the virus outbreak and at the same time becoming the essential institution to serve community in every district. Hence, their services are expected to be excellent. This study is carried out to determine and to analyze the impact of leadership style on employees’ performance by using simple linear regression and to partially analyze the impact of leadership style on employees’ performance of the Public Health Center at Puskesmas Pasir Kaliki, Puskesmas Babatan, Puskesmas Garuda and Puskesmas Sukaraja. This research uses descriptive quantitative method. Data collection was achieved by distributing the questionnaire to 57 employees of the Pasir Kaliki Health Center, Babatan Health Center, Garuda Health Center and Sukaraja Community Health Center. This research uses descriptive analysis and simple linear regression analysis. Based on the results of multiple analysis, it shows that the regression and partial leadership style variable has a significant impact on employees’ performance


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    Human Resources (leaders and employees) are the lifeblood of every institution, because their job is to ensure that the business and operating system gets the most out of its employees. A leader has to know where he stands and what leadership style he’s adopting in order to become a better leader tomorrow, and in the end; to influence the employees to improve their performance. On this crisis situation during Covid-19 pandemic, Puskesmas (Public Health Center) is at the forefront facing the virus outbreak and at the same time becoming the essential institution to serve community in every district. Hence, their services are expected to be excellent. This study is carried out to determine and to analyze the impact of leadership style on employees’ performance by using simple linear regression and to partially analyze the impact of leadership style on employees’ performance of the Public Health Center at Puskesmas Pasir Kaliki, Puskesmas Babatan, Puskesmas Garuda and Puskesmas Sukaraja. This research uses descriptive quantitative method. Data collection was achieved by distributing the questionnaire to 57 employees of the Pasir Kaliki Health Center, Babatan Health Center, Garuda Health Center and Sukaraja Community Health Center. This research uses descriptive analysis and simple linear regression analysis. Based on the results of multiple analysis, it shows that the regression and partial leadership style variable has a significant impact on employees’ performance