136 research outputs found


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    Obesity is a major health concern not only in the general population but also in patients with haemophilia. Little is known about the consequences of obesity for haemophilia patients. As obesity is an important risk factor for osteoarthritis, these effects may be even more pronounced in haemophilia patients who are prone to joint damage. The association between obesity and limitations in daily activities as well as the frequency of bleeds and use of factor VIII (FVIII) concentrate in obese and normal weight haemophilia patients was assessed. Fifteen obese (BMI≥30kgm-2) and fifteen normal weight (BMI≤25kgm-2) haemophilia A patients matched for severity and age were analysed. The Hemophilia Activities List (HAL) was used to assess the impairment in daily activities. Compared with the normal weight haemophilia patients, obese haemophiliacs had a significantly lower sum score (88/100 and 98/100, respectively, P=0.02), which was mainly caused by an impaired lower limb function. All other components of the HAL also showed lower scores in the obese patients, but did not reach statistical significance. A higher frequency of bleeds requiring treatment with FVIII concentrate occurred in the obese haemophiliacs (17 bleeds in eight individuals) compared with the controls (three bleeds in three individuals) (P=0.045). Compared with non-obese haemophilia patients, obese haemophiliacs had more joint bleeds and a lower overall HAL score, which was driven by a lower limb function score. Prevention of overweight and weight reduction requires special attention from physicians treating haemophilia patients. © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

    Venous thrombosis at unusual sites and the role of thrombophilia

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    Thrombophilia includes multiple inherited and acquired risk factors that determine a shift in the balance of procoagulant and anticoagulant factors promoting hypercoagulability, which is associated with an increased risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE). VTE is characterized by more common clinical manifestations, such as deep vein thrombosis of the lower limbs or pulmonary embolism, and less common clinical manifestations affecting cerebral, splanchnic, upper limbs, and retinal veins. The role of inherited thrombophilia in the pathogenesis of VTE at unusual sites is better established in cerebral vein thrombosis, but its role is less clear in splanchnic, upper limbs, and retinal vein thrombosis, in which acquired risk factors such as malignancy, central venous catheters, or systemic diseases also are frequently involved. The complex interactions between different inherited and acquired thrombophilic risk factors and their relationship with endothelium may be considered the pathophysiologic key of underlying phenotypic manifestations of thrombosis. The understanding of these mechanisms might facilitate diagnosis with appropriate investigations and improve therapeutic decision making

    Treatment and prevention of cancer-associated thrombosis in the Netherlands: a national survey

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    BackgroundIn the recent years, numerous studies on the optimal treatment and prevention of cancer-associated venous thromboembolism (VTE) have been published, leading to updated (inter)national guidelines. These include direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) as the first-line treatment agent in general and the recommendation of primary thromboprophylaxis in selected ambulatory patients.ObjectivesThe objective of this study was to evaluate the clinical practice regarding treatment and prevention of VTE in patients with cancer in the Netherlands and practice variation among different specialties.MethodsAn online survey was conducted between December 2021, and June 2022, among Dutch physicians (oncologists, hematologists, vascular medicine specialists, acute internal medicine specialists, and pulmonologists) treating patients with cancer, in which we explored the treatment of choice for cancer-associated VTE, the use of VTE risk stratification tools, and primary thromboprophylaxis.ResultsA total of 222 physicians participated, of whom the majority (81%) used DOACs as a first-line agent for treating cancer-associated VTE. The treatment varied between the following specialties: hematologists and acute internal medicine specialists more often prescribed low-molecular-weight heparin than physicians of the other specialties (OR, 0.32; 95% CI, 0.13-0.80). The minimum duration of anticoagulant treatment was usually 3 to 6 months (87%), and treatment was extended when the malignancy was still active (98%). Regarding the prevention of cancer-associated VTE, no risk stratification tool was used. Three quarters of respondents never prescribed thromboprophylaxis to ambulatory patients, mostly because the thrombosis risk was not perceived high enough to justify prophylaxis.ConclusionDutch physicians largely adhere to the updated guidelines regarding the treatment of cancer-associated VTE but less to the recommendations for its prevention.Thrombosis and Hemostasi

    Comparisons of oncological and functional outcomes among radical retropubic prostatectomy, high dose rate brachytherapy, cryoablation and high-intensity focused ultrasound for localized prostate cancer: A prospective, controlled, nonrandomized trial

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    Background: Several clinical decision rules (CDRs) are available to exclude acute pulmonary embolism (PE), but they have not been directly compared. Objective: To directly compare the performance of 4 CDRs (Wells rule, revised Geneva score, simplified Wells rule, and simplified revised Geneva score) in combination with D-dimer testing to exclude PE. Design: Prospective cohort study. Setting: 7 hospitals in the Netherlands. Patients: 807 consecutive patients with suspected acute PE. Intervention: The clinical probability of PE was assessed by using a computer program that calculated all CDRs and indicated the next diagnostic step. Results of the CDRs and D-dimer tests guided clinical care. Measurements: Results of the CDRs were compared with the prevalence of PE identified by computed tomography or venous thromboembolism at 3-month follow-up. Results: Prevalence of PE was 23%. The proportion of patients categorized as PE-unlikely ranged from 62% (simplified Wells rule) to 72% (Wells rule). Combined with a normal D-dimer result, the CDRs excluded PE in 22% to 24% of patients. The total failure rates of the CDR and D-dimer combinations were similar (1 failure, 0.5% to 0.6% [upper-limit 95% CI, 2.9% to 3.1%]). Even though 30% of patients had discordant CDR outcomes, PE was not detected in any patient with discordant CDRs and a normal D-dimer result. Limitation: Management was based on a combination of decision rules and D-dimer testing rather than only 1 CDR combined with D-dimer testing. Conclusion: All 4 CDRs show similar performance for exclusion of acute PE in combination with a normal D-dimer result. This prospective validation indicates that the simplified scores may be used in clinical practice. Primary Funding Source: Academic Medical Center, VU University Medical Center, Rijnstate Hospital, Leiden University Medical Center, Maastricht University Medical Center, Erasmus Medical Center, and Maasstad Hospital. © 2011 American College of Physicians

    Short-term prognosis of breakthrough venous thromboembolism in anticoagulated patients

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    Background: Evidence for guideline recommendations for the treatment of venous thromboembolism (VTE) during anticoagulant therapy is scarce. We aimed to observe and to describe the management of VTE occurring during anticoagulant therapy. Methods: This prospective multi-center, observational study included patients with objectively confirmed VTE during anticoagulant therapy (breakthrough event), with a follow-up of 3 months, after the breakthrough event. Results: We registered 121 patients with a breakthrough event, with a mean age of 56 years (range, 19 to 90); 61 were male (50%). Fifty-eight patients (48%) had an active malignancy. At the time of the breakthrough event, 57 patients (47%) were treated with a vitamin K antagonist (VKA), 53 patients (44%) with low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) and 11 patients (9%) with direct oral anticoagulants, unfractionated heparin, or VKA plu

    Association of polymorphisms in the beta-2 adrenergic receptor gene with fracture risk and bone mineral density

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    Summary: Signaling through the beta-2 adrenergic receptor (B2AR) on the osteoblast influences bone remodeling in rodents. In the B2AR gene, three polymorphisms influence receptor function. We show that these polymorphisms are not associated with fracture risk or bone mineral density in the UCP, Rotterdam Study, and GEFOS cohorts. Introduction: Signaling through the beta-2 adrenergic receptor (B2AR) on the osteoblast influences bone remodeling in rodents. In the B2AR gene, three polymorphisms are known to influence receptor function in vitro and in vivo (rs1042713, rs1042714, and rs1800888). We examined the role of these polymorphisms in the B2AR gene on human bone metabolism. Methods: We performed nested case–control studies to determine the association of these polymorphisms with fracture risk in the Utrecht Cardiovascular Pharmacogenetics (UCP) cohort and in three cohorts of the Rotterdam Study. We also determined the association of these polymorphisms with bone mineral density (BMD) in the GEFOS Consortium. UCP contains drug-dispensing histories from community pharmacies linked to national registrations of hospital discharges in the Netherlands. The Rotterdam Study is a prospective cohort study investigating demographics and risk factors of chronic diseases. GEFOS is a large international collaboration studying the genetics of osteoporosis. Fractures were defined by ICD-9 codes 800–829 in the UCP cohort (158 cases and 2617 unmatched controls) and by regular X-ray examinations, general practitioner, and hospital records in the Rotterdam Study (2209 cases and 8559 unmatched controls). BMD was measured at the femoral neck and lumbar spine using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry in GEFOS (N = 32,961). Results: Meta-analysis of the two nested case–control studies showed pooled odds ratios of 0.98 (0.91–1.05, p = 0.52), 1.04 (0.97–1.12, p = 0.28), and 1.16 (0.83–1.62, p = 0.38) for the associations betwee

    Quel rôle peut-on imputer aux banques à charte canadiennes dans la transmission des chocs monétaires des années quatre-vingt?

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    Cette recherche s’inscrit dans la foulée de nombreux travaux entrepris suite aux publications de Bernanke et Blinder (1988, 1992) ayant remis à l’avant-plan le rôle joué par le système bancaire dans la transmission de la politique monétaire. Nous proposons d’examiner la dynamique inhérente à certains postes du bilan des banques à charte canadiennes suite aux mouvement des principaux taux d’intérêt, habituellement jugés révélateurs des conditions monétaires du moment. Pour ce faire, nous avons recours à un modèle VAR hebdomadaire comportant à la fois, des éléments de l’actif et du passif des banques ainsi que les taux de rendement associés à divers instruments financiers. Cependant, dans le but de bien encadrer cette analyse, nous développons un modèle formel du comportement d’une banque où les seuls changements aux postes de son bilan suite aux mouvements de taux d’intérêt sont dictés par des ajustements de portefeuille visant à tirer avantage des écarts se creusant entre ceux-ci. Ce modèle théorique est soumis aux variations de taux d’intérêt issues du modèle empirique VAR. Les mouvements observés aux postes du bilan de cette banque « témoin » fournissent un guide utile permettant d’interpréter de façon éclairée les résultats empiriques obtenus. À cet égard, l’exercice proposé montre qu’il est possible d’établir un parallèle assez étroit entre l’évolution des postes du bilan de la banque hypothétique et celle captée par le modèle VAR et ainsi apporte un certain support à l’approche traditionnelle sur le rôle joué par les banques dans la transmission des chocs monétaires.This paper can be seen as a contribution to a growing literature initiated by Bernanke and Blinder (1988, 1992) which have examined the role played by the banking system in the transmission of monetary policy. We propose to study the dynamic behaviour of the balance sheet of Canadian chartered banks following a shock to some key interest rates which are good indicators of the prevailing monetary conditions. More specifically, we estimate a weekly VAR model which comprises key asset and liabilities elements as well as rates of return on major financial instruments. However, to guide this empirical inquiry, we set up a model of a representative bank which adjusts its balance sheet elements according to the interest rate spreads arising in the financial markets. This theoretical model is then subjected to the same interest rate shocks than those imposed on the VAR model: the adjustments observed in this laboratory will prove quite useful to assess the significance of the empirical results uncovered by the VAR model. Overall, we find that both approaches give rise to quite similar dynamic responses which tends to support the traditional role of the banking sector in the transmission of monetary policy
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