116 research outputs found

    Urban Land Cover Classification with Missing Data Modalities Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Automatic urban land cover classification is a fundamental problem in remote sensing, e.g. for environmental monitoring. The problem is highly challenging, as classes generally have high inter-class and low intra-class variance. Techniques to improve urban land cover classification performance in remote sensing include fusion of data from different sensors with different data modalities. However, such techniques require all modalities to be available to the classifier in the decision-making process, i.e. at test time, as well as in training. If a data modality is missing at test time, current state-of-the-art approaches have in general no procedure available for exploiting information from these modalities. This represents a waste of potentially useful information. We propose as a remedy a convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture for urban land cover classification which is able to embed all available training modalities in a so-called hallucination network. The network will in effect replace missing data modalities in the test phase, enabling fusion capabilities even when data modalities are missing in testing. We demonstrate the method using two datasets consisting of optical and digital surface model (DSM) images. We simulate missing modalities by assuming that DSM images are missing during testing. Our method outperforms both standard CNNs trained only on optical images as well as an ensemble of two standard CNNs. We further evaluate the potential of our method to handle situations where only some DSM images are missing during testing. Overall, we show that we can clearly exploit training time information of the missing modality during testing

    Learning Latent Representations of Bank Customers With The Variational Autoencoder

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    Learning data representations that reflect the customers' creditworthiness can improve marketing campaigns, customer relationship management, data and process management or the credit risk assessment in retail banks. In this research, we adopt the Variational Autoencoder (VAE), which has the ability to learn latent representations that contain useful information. We show that it is possible to steer the latent representations in the latent space of the VAE using the Weight of Evidence and forming a specific grouping of the data that reflects the customers' creditworthiness. Our proposed method learns a latent representation of the data, which shows a well-defied clustering structure capturing the customers' creditworthiness. These clusters are well suited for the aforementioned banks' activities. Further, our methodology generalizes to new customers, captures high-dimensional and complex financial data, and scales to large data sets.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1806.0253

    Deep Generative Models for Reject Inference in Credit Scoring

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    Credit scoring models based on accepted applications may be biased and their consequences can have a statistical and economic impact. Reject inference is the process of attempting to infer the creditworthiness status of the rejected applications. In this research, we use deep generative models to develop two new semi-supervised Bayesian models for reject inference in credit scoring, in which we model the data generating process to be dependent on a Gaussian mixture. The goal is to improve the classification accuracy in credit scoring models by adding reject applications. Our proposed models infer the unknown creditworthiness of the rejected applications by exact enumeration of the two possible outcomes of the loan (default or non-default). The efficient stochastic gradient optimization technique used in deep generative models makes our models suitable for large data sets. Finally, the experiments in this research show that our proposed models perform better than classical and alternative machine learning models for reject inference in credit scoring

    Deep Divergence-Based Approach to Clustering

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    A promising direction in deep learning research consists in learning representations and simultaneously discovering cluster structure in unlabeled data by optimizing a discriminative loss function. As opposed to supervised deep learning, this line of research is in its infancy, and how to design and optimize suitable loss functions to train deep neural networks for clustering is still an open question. Our contribution to this emerging field is a new deep clustering network that leverages the discriminative power of information-theoretic divergence measures, which have been shown to be effective in traditional clustering. We propose a novel loss function that incorporates geometric regularization constraints, thus avoiding degenerate structures of the resulting clustering partition. Experiments on synthetic benchmarks and real datasets show that the proposed network achieves competitive performance with respect to other state-of-the-art methods, scales well to large datasets, and does not require pre-training steps

    Reducing Objective Function Mismatch in Deep Clustering with the Unsupervised Companion Objective

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    Preservation of local similarity structure is a key challenge in deep clustering. Many recent deep clustering methods therefore use autoencoders to help guide the model's neural network towards an embedding which is more reflective of the input space geometry. However, recent work has shown that autoencoder-based deep clustering models can suffer from objective function mismatch (OFM). In order to improve the preservation of local similarity structure, while simultaneously having a low OFM, we develop a new auxiliary objective function for deep clustering. Our Unsupervised Companion Objective (UCO) encourages a consistent clustering structure at intermediate layers in the network -- helping the network learn an embedding which is more reflective of the similarity structure in the input space. Since a clustering-based auxiliary objective has the same goal as the main clustering objective, it is less prone to introduce objective function mismatch between itself and the main objective. Our experiments show that attaching the UCO to a deep clustering model improves the performance of the model, and exhibits a lower OFM, compared to an analogous autoencoder-based model

    Joint Optimization of an Autoencoder for Clustering and Embedding

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    Incorporating k-means-like clustering techniques into (deep) autoencoders constitutes an interesting idea as the clustering may exploit the learned similarities in the embedding to compute a non-linear grouping of data at-hand. Unfortunately, the resulting contributions are often limited by ad-hoc choices, decoupled optimization problems and other issues. We present a theoretically-driven deep clustering approach that does not suffer from these limitations and allows for joint optimization of clustering and embedding. The network in its simplest form is derived from a Gaussian mixture model and can be incorporated seamlessly into deep autoencoders for state-of-the-art performance

    Negational symmetry of quantum neural networks for binary pattern classification

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    Although quantum neural networks (QNNs) have shown promising results in solving simple machine learning tasks recently, the behavior of QNNs in binary pattern classification is still underexplored. In this work, we find that QNNs have an Achilles’ heel in binary pattern classification. To illustrate this point, we provide a theoretical insight into the properties of QNNs by presenting and analyzing a new form of symmetry embedded in a family of QNNs with full entanglement, which we term negational symmetry. Due to negational symmetry, QNNs can not differentiate between a quantum binary signal and its negational counterpart. We empirically evaluate the negational symmetry of QNNs in binary pattern classification tasks using Google’s quantum computing framework. Both theoretical and experimental results suggest that negational symmetry is a fundamental property of QNNs, which is not shared by classical models. Our findings also imply that negational symmetry is a double-edged sword in practical quantum applications
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