144 research outputs found

    Modenetze - Modeschwärme: Kleidungskulturen ohne zentrale Akteure

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    Modemacher*innen, Designer*innen, Influencer*innen, Medien, Subkulturen - noch immer wird die Verantwortung für den modischen Wandel bei zentralen Schlüsselfiguren gesucht. Doch die Gatekeeper*innen der Vergangenheit haben viel von ihrer Definitionsmacht verloren. Was also treibt Moden gegenwärtig voran? Die Initiative scheint auf eine große Zahl Einzelner übergegangen, deren Vielfalt vestimentäre Kulturen hervorbringt, die sich als räumliche Modenetze und zeitliche Modeschwärme beschreiben lassen. Anna Kamneva-Wortmann bietet eine neue Perspektive auf die modische Demokratisierung und behauptet: Kleidermoden entstehen und verschwinden heute "bottom-up"

    Working remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic: Work-related psychosocial factors, work satisfaction, and job performance among Russian employees

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    Background. The spread of COVID-19 has forced organizations to quickly offer remote work arrangements to employees. Objective. The study focuses on remote work during the first wave of the pandemic and describes how russian employees experienced remote work. The research has three main objectives: (1) to investigate the influence of gender and age on employees' perceptions of remote work; (2) to investigate the relationship between remote work and psychosocial variables, such as remote work stress, remote work engagement, and family-work conflict; (3) to examine whether and how much such psychosocial factors are related to remote work satisfaction and job performance. These objectives were the basis for developing six hypotheses. Design. a cross-sectional study involved 313 russian employees. Data were collected using an online survey distributed in april and May 2020. The hypotheses were tested using ANOVA, correlations, and multiple linear regression analyses. Results. Women experienced more stress and more engagement when working remotely; older employees perceived remote work as a less positive experience; opinions about remote work and remote work engagement were positively related to remote work satisfaction; Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) was a significant predictor of job performance. Conclusion. During the lockdown, remote work was perceived as a positive experience. We discuss some practical implications for organizations and managers

    Current Approaches, Typologies and Predictors of Deviant Work Behaviors: A Scoping Review of Reviews

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    This study provides a scoping review of the recent conceptual developments about the deviant work behavior and counterproductive work behavior constructs. It also examines the specific types of deviant work behavior that have been more consistently investigated in the last decade, and whether they cover the interpersonal or organizational type of deviant behavior. In addition, individual, group, and organizational predictors of deviant work behaviors are examined. A scoping review of reviews was conducted on Scopus and Web of Science databases and 54 studies published from 2010 to June 2021 were taken into account. Results show that more recent conceptualizations are based on well established models in the literature and consider the hierarchical structure of these two constructs. Recent reviews examine the relationships of deviant work behavior with job performance and ethical behavior constructs, the multilevel nature of deviant work behavior, and the consequences for the actor of the deviance. The specific types of deviant work behavior more frequently reviewed in the last decade are workplace abuse, incivility, ostracism, bullying and sexual harassment, and abusive and destructive leadership; this evidence suggests a much greater attention to interpersonal, rather than organizational, forms of deviant work behavior. Regarding antecedents, results show the continuing prevalence of personality factors antecedents. Limitations of the study and theoretical and practical implications for the field are also provided

    Formation of the Pre-Pensioner Segment in the Labor Market: Financial and Management aspects

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    В статье рассмотрены результаты реализации пенсионной реформы России 2018 г., отраженные в изменениях по- казателей рынка труда по данным Росстата. Цель исследования — развитие научного представления о процессах становления сегмента предпенсионеров российского рынка труда под воздействием его внешних и внутренних факторов. Применены методы статистического, корреляционного и регрессионного анализов, расчет средней по определенному интегралу функций, а также метод линейного моделирования множественной регрессии. Оценена научная разработанность проблематики темы за рубежом и в России. Проанализированы вопросы финансовой гра- мотности населения. Рассмотрено финансирование обучения предпенсионеров актуально востребуемым на рынке труда профессиональным компетенциям и поддержки безработных предпенсионеров, состоящих на учете в цент- ре занятости. Выполнен отбор релевантных данных демографии и выборочного обследования рабочей силы по возрастным группам. Рассчитана общая численность предпенсионеров в 2018–2020 гг. и их структура по статусу трудовой активности на российском рынке труда. Проанализированы общие динамические, структурные и гендер- ные характеристики экономической активности предпенсионеров на рынке труда. Оценена востребованность пред- пенсионеров по видам экономической деятельности в 2019 г. Сделан вывод, что существует тенденция уменьше- ния доли сегмента предпенсионеров на рынке труда после достижения проектного рубежа пенсионного возраста с 10,88 до 9,76%. Уровень занятости в этой группе населения составит 66%. Установлено, что востребованность предпенсионеров по видам экономической деятельности на рынке труда у женщин в 1,13 раза выше, чем у мужчин. Разработан методический подход к анализу результатов оценки востребованности предпенсионерами мер государ- ственной поддержки. Проанализировано влияние финансовых и социальных мер господдержки предпенсионеров на повышение их трудовой активности и конкурентоспособности на рынке труда. Результаты исследования могут быть использованы органами власти для обоснования оценки эффективности финансирования принимаемых ими мер по социально-экономической поддержке предпенсионеров.The article considers the results of the implementation of the pension reform in Russia in 2018, reflected in changes in labor market indicators according to Rosstat. The purpose of the study is to develop a scientific understanding of the processes of formation of the pre-pensioner segment of the Russian labor market under the influence of its external and internal factors. The authors use methods of statistical, correlation, and regression analyses, the calculation of the assesses the scientific elaboration of the research topic abroad and in Russia. The issues of financial literacy of the population are analyzed. The financing of the training of pre-retirees in the professional competencies that are currently in demand on the labor market and support for unemployed pre-retirees who are registered with the employment center are considered. The selection of relevant demographic data and a sample labor force survey by age group has been carried out. The total number of pre-pensioners in 2018–2020 has been calculated and their structure according to the status of labor activity in the Russian labor market has been identified. The general dynamic, structural, and gender characteristics of the economic activity of pre-pensioners in the labor market are analyzed. The demand for pre-retirees by type of economic activity in 2019 is assessed. The authors conclude that there is a tendency to reduce the share of the pre-pensioner segment in the labor market after reaching the project retirement age threshold from 10.88% to 9.76%. The employment rate in this group of the population will be 66%. The study has established that the demand for pre-pensioners by type of economic activity in the labor market is 1.13 times higher for women than for men. A methodical approach has been developed to analyze the results of assessing the demand for state support measures by pre-pensioners. The article analyzes the influence of financial and social measures of state support for pre-pensioners on increasing their labor activity and competitiveness in the labor market. The results of the study can be used by the authorities to substantiate the assessment of the effectiveness of financing the measures they take to provide social and economic support to pre-retirees

    Молекулярные маркеры профессиональной хронической обструктивной болезни легких в сочетании с сердечной недостаточностью

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    Background.Comorbid heart failure (HF) is common in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Comorbid condition features are studied well in COPD due to tobacco smoke. There is a lack of data about mechanisms, clinical and functional specificity of occupational COPD and HF comorbidity. As occupational COPD and HF share common symptoms and sometimes lung function disorders, there is an unmet need in new markers of HF in occupational COPD.Aims to establish molecular markers associated with occupational COPD with HF comorbidity.Methods.Subjects with occupational COPD were enrolled in a single-center prospective cohort observational study. Comparison group COPD due to tobacco smoke. Then groups were stratified according to HF so the following subgroups were compared: occupational COPD with HF (n=63), occupational COPD without HF (n=52), COPD due to tobacco smoke with HF (n=41), COPD due to tobacco smoke without HF (n=74). Control group healthy people (n=115). Groups were matched by demographics, duration of COPD and HF. CODP was diagnosed according to GOLD 20112020 criteria, HF according to Russian Federal clinical guidelines. Occupational etiological factors were silica dust, organic solvents, metal fumes. Clinical and functional characteristics of CODP and HF were obtained. Serum levels of pulmonary and activation-regulated chemokine (PARC/CCL-18), protein S100, troponin, N terminal pro brain natriuretic peptide (NT-pro-BNP), von Willebrand factor, C-reactive protein were measured by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay, fibrinogen were measured by Clauss method, lactate dehydrogenase, creatine phosphokinase, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase were measured by standard biochemical method. Data are presented as median and interquartile range. Linear regression were used to explore relationships.Results.The molecular specificity of occupational COPD comorbid with HF were the largest increase in serum concentration of PARC-CCL18, NT-pro-BNP, protein S100, troponin, von Willebrand factor and fibrinogen. This factors were associated with length of service. For PARC-CCL18 В=1.1; for NT-pro-BNP В=0.9; for protein S100 В=1.3; for troponin В=0.8, for von Willebrand factor В=1.5 and for fibrinogen В=1.1. Molecular factors also were related to phenotype characteristics of COPD and HF. In multiply regression model the best predictors of comorbidity of CODP and HF were PARC-CCL18 (В=1.1; р=0.002), NT-pro-BNP (В=1.5; р=0.001), protein S100 (В=1.2; р=0.002), troponin (В=0.9; р=0.003). The model was adjusted for gender, age, duration of CODP and HF, FEV1.Conclusions.Occupational CODP comorbid with heart failure is the distinct phenotype. The perspective molecular markers of this phenotype are serum levels of PARC-CCL18, NT-pro-BNP, protein S100, troponin.Обоснование.Сердечная недостаточность (СН) распространенное коморбидное состояниеубольных хронической обструктивной болезнью легких (ХОБЛ). Особенности сочетанной патологии ХОБЛиСН достаточно исследованывпопуляции курильщиков табака. Данныхобиомеханизмахиклинико-функциональных отличиях профессиональной хронической обструктивной болезни легких (ПХОБЛ)всочетаниисСН все еще недостаточно. Профессиональная ХОБЛиСН имеют общие симптомыисхожие функциональные нарушения.Вэтой связивклинической практике сохраняется потребностьвновых маркерах СНубольных ПХОБЛ.Цель исследованияопределить молекулярные маркеры, ассоциированныесПХОБЛвсочетаниисСН.Методы.Выполнено одноцентровое проспективное когортное наблюдательное исследование больных ПХОБЛвсравнениисХОБЛ вследствие курения табака. Проведена стратификациявзависимостиотналичия СН: ПХОБЛвсочетаниисСН (n=63), ПХОБЛбезкоморбидности (n=52), ХОБЛвсочетаниисСН (n=41), ХОБЛбезкоморбидности (n=74). Контрольная группа условно здоровые лица (n=115). Группы были сопоставимыподемографическим характеристикам, продолжительности ХОБЛиСН. Диагноз ХОБЛ устанавливалипокритериямGOLD20112020, СН всоответствиисфедеральными клиническими рекомендациями. Профессиональными этиологическими факторами ХОБЛ были кремнийсодержащая пыль, органические растворители, пары металлов. Определяли клинико-функциональные характеристики ХОБЛиСН, сывороточные концентрации хемокина лиганда 18, протеина S-100, тропонина, N-коневого предшественника мозгового натрийуретического пептида, фактора Виллебранда, С-реактивного белка методом твердофазного иммуноферментного анализа сэндвич-типа, фибриногена модифицированным методом Клаусса, общей лактатдегидрогеназы, общей креатинфосфокиназы, аланинаминотрансферазыиаспартатаминотрансферазы стандартным кинетическим методом. Данные представленыввиде медианыимежквартильного интервала. Взаимосвязи определяли многофакторной линейной регрессией.Результаты.ПХОБЛвсочетаниисСН отличалась наибольшими сывороточными концентрациямиPARC-CCL18,NT-pro-BNP, протеинаS100, тропонина, фактора Виллебранда, фибриногена. Эти же факторы были взаимосвязаны со стажем работы:дляPARC-CCL18 В=1,1;NT-pro-BNPВ=0,9; протеинаS100 В=1,3; тропонина В=0,8; фактора Виллебранда В=1,5; фибриногена В=1,1. Молекулярные факторы были ассоциированысосновными клинико-функциональными характеристиками фенотипа. Наилучшими биохимическими предикторами СНубольных ПХОБЛ были PARC-CCL18 (В=1,1; р=0,002),NT-pro-BNP(В=1,5; р=0,001), протеинS100 (В=1,2; р=0,002), тропонин (В=0,9; р=0,003). Результаты представленыспоправкойнапол, возраст, длительность ХОБЛисердечной недостаточности, ОФВ1.Заключение.Коморбидная патология ПХОБЛиСН может рассматриватьсякакотдельный субфенотип. Перспективными молекулярными маркерами СНубольных профессиональной ХОБЛ являются сывороточные концентрации PARC-CCL18, NT-pro-BNP, протеина S100, тропонина I

    The use of chloroplast genome sequences to solve phylogenetic incongruences in Polystachya Hook (Orchidaceae Juss)

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    Background: Current evidence suggests that for more robust estimates of species tree and divergence times, several unlinked genes are required. However, most phylogenetic trees for non-model organisms are based on single sequences or just a few regions, using traditional sequencing methods. Techniques for massive parallel sequencing or next generation sequencing (NGS) are an alternative to traditional methods that allow access to hundreds of DNA regions. Here we use this approach to resolve the phylogenetic incongruence found in Polystachya Hook. (Orchidaceae), a genus that stands out due to several interesting aspects, including cytological (polyploid and diploid species), evolutionary (reticulate evolution) and biogeographical (species widely distributed in the tropics and high endemism in Brazil). The genus has a notoriously complicated taxonomy, with several sections that are widely used but probably not monophyletic. Methods: We generated the complete plastid genome of 40 individuals from one clade within the genus. The method consisted in construction of genomic libraries, hybridization to RNA probes designed from available sequences of a related species, and subsequent sequencing of the product. We also tested how well a smaller sample of the plastid genome would perform in phylogenetic inference in two ways: by duplicating a fast region and analyzing multiple copies of this dataset, and by sampling without replacement from all non-coding regions in our alignment. We further examined the phylogenetic implications of non-coding sequences that appear to have undergone hairpin inversions (reverse complemented sequences associated with small loops). Results: We retrieved 131,214 bp, including coding and non-coding regions of the plastid genome. The phylogeny was able to fully resolve the relationships among all species in the targeted clade with high support values. The first divergent species are represented by African accessions and the most recent ones are among Neotropical species. Discussion: Our results indicate that using the entire plastid genome is a better option than screening highly variable markers, especially when the expected tree is likely to contain many short branches. The phylogeny inferred is consistent with the proposed origin of the genus, showing a probable origin in Africa, with later dispersal into the Neotropics, as evidenced by a clade containing all Neotropical individuals. The multiple positions of Polystachya concreta (Jacq.) Garay & Sweet in the phylogeny are explained by allotetraploidy. Polystachya estrellensis Rchb.f. can be considered a genetically distinct species from P. concreta and P. foliosa (Lindl.) Rchb.f., but the delimitation of P. concreta remains uncertain. Our study shows that NGS provides a powerful tool for inferring relationships at low taxonomic levels, even in taxonomically challenging groups with short branches and intricate morphology.Swedish Research Council [B0569601]; European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (ERC) [331024]; Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research; Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation; Biodiversity and Ecosystems in a Changing Climate programme; Wenner-Gren Foundations; David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies at Harvard University; Faculty of Science at the University of Gothenbur

    Pharmacodynamics of omeprazole administered after anti-Helicobacter therapy

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    30 patients with duodenal ulcer were undergone anti-Helicobacter therapy and were discharged with recommendations to continue omeprazole once daily. The follow-up observation was carried out after 4-6 weeks and, as appeared from anamnesis, 13 patients had been taking omeprazole punctually (1-st group) and 17 patients - from chance to chance (2-nd group). Acid-suppressive effect in corpus of stomach was lost in both groups (Wilcoxone statistics, p<0.02). Antral pH-metry showed significant shift to acidity in both groups but it was statistically valid in 2-nd group (p<0.05) and was not in 1-st group. No statistically proved difference was found when counting microbial bodies of Helicobacter pylori and when detecting cagA gene (biopsy - before the patient was discharged and after 4-6 weeks). Subsequent anti-secretory therapy does not maintain acid suppression achieved in the hospital; omeprasole once daily during 4-6 weeks does not result in progressive colonization of stomach by Helicobacter pylori.При выписке из стационара 30 больным язвенной болезнью двенадцатиперстной кишки было рекомендовано принимать омепразол 20 мг на ночь после проведенной им антихеликобактерной терапии. Через 4-6 недель проводилось повторное обследование, при опросе выяснилось: 13 больных принимали омепразол регулярно (1-я группа), 17 больных - нерегулярно (2-я группа). Кислотосупресивный эффект исчез в теле желудка у больных обеих групп (сравнение по Уилкоксону, р<0,02); в антральном отделе значительный сдвиг pH в кислую сторону был выявлен в обеих группах, но в 1 -й группе различия были статистически достоверны (р<0,05), а во 2-й нет. В обеих группах не было выявлено статистически достоверных различий в обсеменённости гастробиоптатов микробными телами Helicobacter pylori и в обнаружении cagА гена в обеих группах (биопсия - перед выпиской и через 4-6 недель). Таким образом, поддерживающая антисекреторная терапия в условии возобновления трудовой деятельности не смогла сохранить кислотосупрессивный эффект, достигнутый в стационаре, однако, за 4-6 недель не возникло и статистически достоверных изменений в заселении желудка хеликобактером


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    Different groups of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory remedies are analyzed in respect of its efficacy and safety. The information concerning gastric and intestinal sequelae is presented. The approaches in treatment of NSAI-gastropathy are shown in dependence of Helicobacter pylori involvement into the affection