38 research outputs found

    Gratisaviserne som en politisk ressource

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    Selvom gratisaviserne i løbet af en ganske kort årrække blev nogle af landets mest læste aviser, er den danske forskning i denne avistype stadig uhyre begrænset, især set fra et indholdsanalytisk perspektiv. I denne artikel præsenteres resultaterne af en kvantitativ indholdsanalyse af gratisavisernes politiske stof i sammenligning med det tilsvarende stof i en morgenavis og en tabloidavis. Analysen er gennemført med udgangspunkt i de tre opstillede parametre 'monitorering', 'forståelse' og 'adgang', som – argumenteres der for – kan være et udtryk for, hvorvidt et nyhedsmedie kan siges at udgøre en politisk ressource

    Toward ‘Cultures of Engagement’? An exploratory comparison of engagement patterns on Facebook news posts

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    Information production, dissemination, and consumption are contingent upon cultural and financial dimensions. This study attempts to find cultures of engagement that reflect how audiences engage with news posts made by either commercial or state-owned news outlets on Facebook. To do so, we collected over a million news posts (n = 1,173,159) produced by 482 news outlets in three Scandinavian countries (Denmark, Norway, and Sweden) and analyzed over 69 million interactions across three metrics of engagement (i.e. comments, likes, and shares). More concretely, we investigate whether the patterns of engagement follow distinct patterns across national boundaries and type of outlet ownership. While we are skeptical of metrics of engagement as markers of specific cultures of engagement, our results show that there are clear differences in how readers engage with news posts depending on the country of origin and whether they are fully state-owned or private-owned outlets.publishedVersio

    Sammen, hver for sig: universitetsstuderendes læringsstrategier under COVID19-nedlukningen

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    This article examines how university students handled the transition to digital teaching and learning during the COVID19 lockdown of Danish society in the spring of 2020. With a theoretical grounding in especially Wenger's conceptual apparatus (1998) about communities of practice and learning trajectories, we ask what strategies the students used to deal with the absence of the normal physical learning space. The empirical material of the study consists of qualitative interviews (all conducted during the lockdown) with 23 students from all study programmes and study years at the IT University of Copenhagen. The students used platforms like Facebook, Discord and Zoom to establish replacements for the lost physical learning spaces. However, the analysis shows that while students with existing academic or social relationships with fellow students generally succeeded in forming communities of practice, most students only had fleeting relationships across platforms or even experienced loneliness and resignation. In conclusion, we discuss relationships and overlaps between teaching communities, study communities and support communities during the COVID19 lockdown.I denne artikel undersøger vi, hvordan universitetsstuderende håndterede omlægningen til digital undervisning og læring, som fulgte af COVID19-nedlukningen af det danske samfund i forårssemestret 2020. Med et teoretisk fundament i især Wengers begrebsapparat (1998) omkring praksisfællesskaber og ”baner” for læring spørger vi, hvilke strategier de studerende brugte til at håndtere fraværet af det normale fysisk læringsrum. Undersøgelsens empiriske materiale består af kvalitative interviews (alle foretaget under nedlukningen) med 23 studerende fra alle studieretninger og årgange på IT-Universitetet i København. De studerende benyttede platforme som Facebook, Discord og Zoom for at etablere erstatninger for de tabte fysiske læringsrum. Analysen viser, at hvor studerende med eksisterende faglige eller sociale relationer til medstuderende generelt lykkedes med at danne praksisfællesskaber, blev det for andre blot til flygtige relationer på tværs af platforme eller ligefrem ensomhed og resignation. Vi diskuterer afslutningsvist forhold og overlap mellem undervisnings- studie- og støttefællesskaber under COVID19-nedlukningen

    Free to succeed: Does press freedom influence the entrepreneurial orientation and the reader revenue performance of independent news media firms?—A cross-sectional study

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    The notion of Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) is operationalized here to explore the influence of press freedom (PF) on the performance of news media firms. We find that growth in reader revenues (RR)—digital and print—is statistically significantly correlated to both EO and PF, suggesting that subscriptions to independently produced news are likely to be better in countries with high degrees of PF, and in instances where the firm’s leaders are entrepreneurial

    User experiences with editorial control in online newspaper comment fields

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    This article investigates user experiences with editorial control in online newspaper comment fields following the public backlash against online comments after the 2011 terror attacks in Norway. We analyze data from a survey of online news consumers focusing on experiences and attitudes towards editorial control set against a spectrum between “interventionist” and “noninterventionist” positions. Results indicate that interventionist respondents rate the quality of online comments as poor, whereas noninterventionist respondents have most often experienced being the target of editorial control measures and feel that editorial control has intensified after the terror attacks. We conclude that newspapers should pay attention to the different needs of participants when devising strategies for editorial control. Media professionals should also consider changes to increase the transparency of moderation practices