27 research outputs found


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    Seafarers’ Readiness to Communicate in Professional Environment

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    The topic of formation of seafarers’ foreign-language communicative competence has always been relevant. Modern changes in the organization of the educational process due to crisis events such as the pandemic and hostilities have prompted search for new ways to increase the efficiency of teaching English to future seafarers at higher education institutions. The purpose of the study was to determine the components of readiness to communicate in the professional environment. Methodological tools for diagnosing the formation of various components of students\u27 readiness for communication in the foreign language were developed. Surveys were carried out to collect primary information as well as tests to assess the state of development of foreign language competence and to find out weaknesses and strengths in the communicative activity of students. The result of the research was the development of criteria for assessing the formation of readiness of future seafarers for foreign language communication in the professional environment. We have identified the following components in a theoretical and empirical way: motivational, cognitional, emotional, volitional, linguistic, and social. Empirical studies have shown that the active motivation of students is not sufficiently developed, while the motivation to learn the language is at a high level; thus, the development of readiness to act will become relevant for teachers. After identifying the components of communication that need to be formed, we came to the conclusion that teachers should be ready to form them, be ready for changes in approaches to teaching, have motivation and certain abilities to change and introduce innovations. Thus, we consider the process of forming readiness for communication in the relationship between the readiness of the teacher and that of the student

    An initial look at non-response and attrition in Understanding Society

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    This paper describes the extent and correlates of non-response at waves 1 and 2 of Understanding Society. We examine both household-level and individual-level non-response at wave 1. For wave 2, we examine attrition relative to wave 1 both in terms of enumerated persons and in terms of adults responding to the individual interview. We analyse separately the general population sample and the ethnic minority boost sample. We also describe attrition for the BHPS sample between wave 18 of the BHPS and wave 2 of Understanding Society, when that sample was incorporated into Understanding Society

    Panel Attrition: How Important is Interviewer Continuity?

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    Abstract We assess whether the probability of a sample member cooperating at a particular wave of a panel survey is greater if the same interviewer is deployed as at the previous wave. Previous research on this topic mainly uses nonexperimental data. Consequently, a) interviewer change is generally nonrandom, and b) continuing interviewers are more experienced by the time of the next wave. Our study is based on a balanced experiment in which both interviewer continuity and experience are controlled. Multilevel multiple membership models are used to explore the effects of interviewer continuity on refusal rate as well as interactions of interviewer continuity with other variables. We find that continuity reduces refusal propensity for younger respondents but not for older respondents, and that this effect depends on the age of the interviewer. This supports the notion that interviewer continuity may be beneficial in some situations, but not necessarily in others.</jats:p

    Professional diplomatic language in the Ukrainian-British and Ukrainian-German international agreements at the turn of the XX – XXI centuries

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    The paper analyzes the peculiarities of the use of the professional language of diplomacy in the Ukrainian-German and Ukrainian-British agreements at the turn of the XX - XXI centuries. International relations is a sphere of social activity in which language is formed in the diplomatic professional field. Diplomatic protocol requires compliance with certain rules and regulations.The objective of the study is to highlight the main components of the professional language of diplomacy based on the analysis of diplomatic texts of interstate agreements. An important element is the interpretation of diplomatic ideas through the prism of the linguistic dimension. The paper is not just a linguistic analysis of the text, but a comparative analysis of the key elements of the diplomatic style of speech, typical for the Ukrainian-German and Ukrainian-British agreements. A combination of dialectical and synergetic scientific and philosophical methodology was successfully used to achieve the set tasks. Due to the structural and typological methods of linguistic research, the tasks set for&nbsp;the classification of diplomatic texts have been achieved.Thus, the study of the components of professional diplomatic language is relevant in modern scientific and linguistic discourse, as it enables studying philological aspects and at the same time is useful for understanding the essence of international politics

    Strategic decision and transnational corporation efficiency

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    The purpose of the study is to reveal the relationship between the justification of strategic decisions and the increase in efficiency of transnational corporations (TNC). The conceptual bases of the justification of strategic decisions for increasing the efficiency of TNC are suggested, the development of which involves research of the preconditions on which their implementation is based, analysis of the main aspects of TNC's activity and accordance with the principles of justification of strategic decisions, strategic decision-making. The results of the comprehensive diagnostic examination of TNC of leading bearings manufacturers are presented, which revealed the problems of their functioning on the market, changes in the dynamics of performance indicators, differences in the use of opportunities, financial state, strategic positions on the market, the efficiency of made decisions. A model for selecting a decision strategy for TNC is suggested. Practical recommendations of implementing strategic decisions for increasing the efficiency of activity of TNC of leading bearings manufacturers are given

    Immunohistochemical Profile of Mucins and their Expression in Precancerous Changes of the Stomach

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    The aim of this study was to assess the profile of mucins (MUC1, MUC2, MUC5AC) in the intestinal metaplasia (IM) of the gastric mucosa through the immunohistochemical method. Methods: To identify the metaplastic areas in the gastric mucosa, chromoendoscopy was employed using 0.5% solution of methylene blue. The expression of the profile of the mucins was determined using immunohistochemistry with MUC1, MUC5AC, and MUC2 antibodies (clone Ma695, clone CLH2, Ccp58 and CLH5, "Novocastra "Great Britain). Results: In the regions adjacent to the adenocarcinoma and neoplastic modified cells, a visible weak expression of MUC2 and MUC5AC was observed. In the case of complete IM, a visibly maximum MUC2 expression was observed in the goblet cells; thus, the MUC5AC, MUC1, and MUC6 marking were absent in the columnar epitheliocytes with the brush border. In the case of incomplete IM, along with the positive MUC2 markings of the goblet cells, the presence of gastric mucin (MUC5AC) has been observed in 25% of such patients with chronic atrophic gastritis (CAG) having incomplete IM; however, in the columnar epitheliocytes the characteristic occurrence of gastric mucin (MUC5AC) was observed in 100% of the patients while a small amount of MUC2 was recorded in 15% of patients. Conclusion: The MUC5AC expression of the gastric mucins in the columnar epithelial cells and the goblet exocrinocytes marks the formation of the gastrointestinal phenotype viz., incomplete intestinal metaplasia, along with the simultaneous production of the MUC2 by the goblet cells. The decrease with further loss of the protective MUC5AC production by the columnar epithelial cells and goblet exocrinocytes that were found in the regions of severe dysplasia and IM, adjacent to the neoplastic altered cells, may serve as additional criteria of early malignancy of the gastric mucosa

    Методологічні основи дослідження стану соціоекологоекономічної безпеки

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    У монографії відображені методологічні основи дослідження стану соціоекологоекономічної безпеки об’єктів мікро-, мезо-, макрорівня. Удосконалено методику оцінки соціальної, економічної, екологічної безпеки та соціоекологоекономічної безпеки об’єктів мікро-, мезо-, макрорівня. Набули подальшого розвитку методологічні підходи до дослідження загального стану та визначення рівня соціоекологоекономічної безпеки населення, підприємства, регіону, держави.Дослідження розраховане на науковців, керівників та фахівців підприємств, установ, організацій, представників державних органів управління, викладачів, студентів, а також кола читачів, які цікавляться проблемами забезпечення соціоекологоекономічної безпеки об’єктів мікро-, мезо-, макрорівня

    Satisficing among reluctant respondents in a cross -national context

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    Declining response rates have led to extended efforts to convert reluctant respondents. If respondents with low motivation are likely to use cognitive shortcuts in survey responding (to engage in satisficing), bringing reluctant respondents into the respondent pool may result in an increase of measurement error. In a cross-national setting, the differential efforts of converting reluctant respondents across countries may result in differential data quality, potentially leading to non-equivalence. This study examines the relationship between reluctance and respondents\u27 likelihood to engage in satisficing, controlling for cognitive ability in Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain and Sweden. The study is based on the European Social Survey (ESS), third round, conducted in 2006 and 2007. Latent class analysis is used to develop two main constructs of interest, including reluctance and satisficing. The results of the latent class analysis indicate a presence of a single satisficing factor for all the countries with the exception of Germany and Spain. Thus, Structural Equation Modeling is used for Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden, and regression models are used for Germany and Spain. Through an overview of the separately developed literature on reluctance and satisficing a number of common factors are identified. As hypothesized, a positive relationship between reluctance and satisficing is found in Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden, and in a number of instances in Germany and Spain. Nevertheless, the results suggest that in Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden the relationship between reluctance and satisficing is spurious, and is completely explained by cognitive ability. Similarly, in Germany and Spain, the effect of reluctance on satisficing decreases or becomes statistically nonsignificant after controlling for cognitive ability. The cross-country comparison suggests that the direction and the magnitude of the relationship among satisficing, reluctance, and cognitive ability are generally invariant across the countries. However, this does not guarantee the equivalence of estimates. Potential impacts of differences in cognitive ability, reluctance and in the overall likelihood to satisfice on equivalence are discussed

    Фахова мова. Проблематика визначення та особливості вживання

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    The article analyzes the approaches of various scholars to the definition of the term specialized language and the peculiarities of its functioning as a kind of general literary language, as well as common and distinctive features.The analysis of this problem caused the use of the following research methods, among which the definition analysis which made it possible to study different approaches to the definition ofthe term specialized language and to formulate the proper understanding of this term; the method of continuous sampling in combination with the descriptive method made it possible to establish a boundary between one specialized language and other sublanguages. Scientific novelty. For the first time the interpretation of the term specialized language by different terminology schools has been analyzed and the areas of functioning and the main features of the specialized languages are outlined. Conclusions. The analysis of the definitions of the term specialized language made it possible to conclude that any specialized language is a subsystem of the common language, which can be fully correlated with the general language.But de l'étude L'article analyse les approches de différents scientifiques au problème de la définition du concept de «langue professionnelle», les caractéristiques de son fonctionnement en tant que sous-espèce du langage littéraire général, ainsi que les caractéristiques générales et distinctives.L'analyse de ce problème a prédéterminé l'utilisation des méthodes de recherche suivantes, parmi lesquelles l'analyse de définition a rendu possible l'étude des différentes approches de la définition du terme «langage professionnel» et la formation de sa propre compréhension du terme; la méthode de l'échantillonnage continu en place avec une méthode descriptive a permis d'établir une frontière entre une langue professionnelle et d'autres sous-langues. Nouveauté scientifique. Pour la première fois, l'interprétation du terme «langue professionnelle» par différentes écoles terminologiques a été analysée, ainsi que les domaines de fonctionnement et les principales caractéristiques des langues professionnelles.Conclusions L'analyse de l'expression «langage professionnel» permet de conclure que toute langue professionnelle est un sous-système de la langue ordinaire, qui peut être comparée à la mesure complète de la langue littéraire générale.В статье анализируются подходы разных ученых к проблеме определения понятия “профессиональный язык”, особенности его функционирования как подвида общелитературного языка, а также общие и отличительные с ним черты.Анализ даной проблематики предопределили использование следующих методов исследования, среди которых дефиниционный анализ сделал возможным исследование различных подходов к определению термина “профессиональный язык” и формирование собственного понимания даного термина; метод сплошной выборки в месте с описательным методом дали возможность установить границу между одним профессиональным языком и другими субъязыками. Научная новизна. Впервые проанализировано толкование термина “профессиональный язык” различными терминологическими школами, а также описано сферы функционирования и основные признаки профессиональных языков.Выводы. Проведенный анализ термина “профессиональный язык” дает возможность прийти к выводу, что любой профессиональный язык является подсистемой обычного языка, которую можно сопоставить полной мерой с общелитературным языком.У статті аналізуються підходи різних вчених до проблеми визначення поняття "професійна мова", особливості його функціонування як підвиду загальнолітературної мови, а також спільні та відмінні з ним риси.Аналіз даної проблематики зумовили використання таких методів дослідження, серед яких дефініціонний аналіз уможливив дослідження різних підходів до визначення терміна "професійна мова" і формування власного розуміння даного терміна; метод суцільної вибірки в місці з описовим методом дали можливість встановити кордон між одним професійною мовою і іншими суб'язикамі. Наукова новизна. Вперше проаналізовано тлумачення терміна "професійна мова" різними термінологічними школами, а також описано сфери функціонування і основні ознаки професійних мов.Висновки. Проведений аналіз терміну "професійна мова" дає можливість прийти до висновку, що будь-яка професійна мова є підсистемою звичайної мови, яку можна зіставити повною мірою з загальнолітературною мовою