486 research outputs found

    Characteristics and Risk Perceptions of Ghanaians Potentially Exposed to Bat-Borne Zoonoses through Bushmeat.

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    Emerging zoonotic pathogens from wildlife pose increasing public health threats globally. Bats, in particular, host an array of zoonotic pathogens, yet there is little research on how bats and humans interact, how people perceive bats and their accompanying disease risk, or who is most at risk. Eidolon helvum, the largest and most abundant African fruit bat species, is widely hunted and eaten in Ghana and also carries potentially zoonotic pathogens. This combination raises concerns, as hunting and butchering bushmeat are common sources of zoonotic transmission. Through a combination of interviews with 577 Ghanaians across southern Ghana, we identified the characteristics of people involved in the bat-bushmeat trade and we explored their perceptions of risk. Bat hunting, selling and consumption are widely distributed across regional and ethnic lines, with hotspots in certain localities, while butchering is predominantly done by women and active hunters. Interviewees held little belief of disease risk from bats, saw no ecological value in fruit bats and associated the consumption of bats with specific tribes. These data can be used to inform disease and conservation management plans, drawing on social contexts and ensuring that local voices are heard within the larger global effort to study and mitigate outbreaks.This is the final version. It was first published by Springer in EcoHealth at http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10393-014-0977-0

    Ordered Arrays of SiGe Islands from Low-Energy PECVD

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    SiGe islands have been proposed for applications in the fields of microelectronics, optoelectronics and thermoelectrics. Although most of the works in literature are based on MBE, one of the possible advantages of low-energy plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (LEPECVD) is a wider range of deposition rates, which in turn results in the possibility of growing islands with a high Ge concentration. We will show that LEPECVD can be effectively used for the controlled growth of ordered arrays of SiGe islands. In order to control the nucleation of the islands, patterned Si (001) substrates were obtained by e-beam lithography (EBL) and dry etching. We realized periodic circular pits with diameters ranging from 80 to 300 nm and depths from 65 to 75 nm. Subsequently, thin films (0.8–3.2 nm) of pure Ge were deposited by LEPECVD, resulting in regular and uniform arrays of Ge-rich islands. LEPECVD allowed the use of a wide range of growth rates (0.01–0.1 nm s−1) and substrates temperatures (600–750°C), so that the Ge content of the islands could be varied. Island morphology was characterized by AFM, while μ-Raman was used to analyze the Ge content inside the islands and the composition differences between islands on patterned and unpatterned areas of the substrate

    A Space and Atmospheric Visualization Science System

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    SAVS (a Space and Atmospheric Visualization Science system) is an integrated system with user-friendly functionality that employs a 'push-button' software environment that mimics the logical scientific processes in data acquisition, reduction, analysis, and visualization. All of this is accomplished without requiring a detailed understanding of the methods, networks, and modules that link the tools and effectively execute the functions. This report describes SAVS and its components, followed by several applications based on generic research interests in interplanetary and magnetospheric physics (IMP/ISTP), active experiments in space (CRRES), and mission planning focused on the earth's thermospheric, ionospheric, and mesospheric domains (TIMED). The final chapters provide a user-oriented description of interface functionalities, hands-on operations, and customized modules, with details of the primary modules presented in the appendices. The overall intent of the report is to reflect the accomplishments of the three-year development effort and to introduce potential users to the power and utility of the integrated data acquisition, analysis, and visualization system

    Dislocation Free Island Formation in Heteroepitaxial Growth: An Equilibrium Study

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    We investigate the equilibrium properties of strained heteroepitaxial systems, incorporating the formation and the growth of a wetting film, dislocation free island formation, and ripening. The derived phase diagram provides a detailed characterization of the possible growth modes in terms of the island density, equilibrium island size, and wetting layer thickness. Comparing our predictions with experimental results we discuss the growth conditions that can lead to stable islands as well as ripening.Comment: 4 pages, LaTeX, 3 ps figure

    Physico-Chemical model and computer simulations of silicon nanowire growth

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    A model of catalytically enhanced CVD growth of a silicon nanowire assembly on a substrate is developed, and growth process is simulated. Thermodynamic-kinetic theory is used for modeling of molecular transport in the gas phase, processes near catalyst surface and nanowire side of variable curvature, bulk diffusion of silicon adatoms through catalyst – body, and 2D nucleation. The simulation of atomic transport across surfaces is based on a long-wave approach of lattice gas approximation. To determine a character of atomic transport in TiSi₂-catalyst that is of great importance for application in Si-based technology, a density functional theory is used. The main result of modeling is that it is found a relationship between growth conditions (an initial radius of catalyst particles, their density, substrate temperature, content, pressure of gas, as well as properties of materials used) and, on the other hand, a growth rate, shape, composition, and type of atomic structure (amorphous or crystalline) of the nanowires grown. Besides, available experimental data published previously are discussed, and a qualitative agreement between theory and various experiments is obtained. This agreement gives rise to use the found relationship for controlling the nanowire growth

    Generalized Drude model: Unification of ballistic and diffusive electron transport

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    For electron transport in parallel-plane semiconducting structures, a model is developed that unifies ballistic and diffusive transport and thus generalizes the Drude model. The unified model is valid for arbitrary magnitude of the mean free path and arbitrary shape of the conduction band edge profile. Universal formulas are obtained for the current-voltage characteristic in the nondegenerate case and for the zero-bias conductance in the degenerate case, which describe in a transparent manner the interplay of ballistic and diffusive transport. The semiclassical approach is adopted, but quantum corrections allowing for tunneling are included. Examples are considered, in particular the case of chains of grains in polycrystalline or microcrystalline semiconductors with grain size comparable to, or smaller than, the mean free path. Substantial deviations of the results of the unified model from those of the ballistic thermionic-emission model and of the drift-diffusion model are found. The formulation of the model is one-dimensional, but it is argued that its results should not differ substantially from those of a fully three-dimensional treatment.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, REVTEX file, to appear in J. Phys.: Condens. Matte

    GaAs:Mn nanowires grown by molecular beam epitaxy of (Ga,Mn)As at MnAs segregation conditions

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    GaAs:Mn nanowires were obtained on GaAs(001) and GaAs(111)B substrates by molecular beam epitaxial growth of (Ga,Mn)As at conditions leading to MnAs phase separation. Their density is proportional to the density of catalyzing MnAs nanoislands, which can be controlled by the Mn flux and/or the substrate temperature. Being rooted in the ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Mn)As, the nanowires combine one-dimensional properties with the magnetic properties of (Ga,Mn)As and provide natural, self assembled structures for nanospintronics.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Microcrystalline silicon thin film transistors obtained by Hot-Wire CVD

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    Polysilicon thin film transistors (TFT) are of great interest in the field of large area microelectronics, especially because of their application as active elements in flat panel displays. Different deposition techniques are in tough competition with the objective to obtain device-quality polysilicon thin films at low temperature. In this paper we present the preliminary results obtained with the fabrication of TFT deposited by hot-wire chemical vapor deposition (HWCVD). Some results concerned with the structural characterization of the material and electrical performance of the device are presented

    A framework for the study of zoonotic disease emergence and its drivers: spillover of bat pathogens as a case study

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    Many serious emerging zoonotic infections have recently arisen from bats, including Ebola, Marburg, SARS-coronavirus, Hendra, Nipah, and a number of rabies and rabies-related viruses, consistent with the overall observation that wildlife are an important source of emerging zoonoses for the human population. Mechanisms underlying the recognized association between ecosystem health and human health remain poorly understood and responding appropriately to the ecological, social and economic conditions that facilitate disease emergence and transmission represents a substantial societal challenge. In the context of disease emergence from wildlife, wildlife and habitat should be conserved, which in turn will preserve vital ecosystem structure and function, which has broader implications for human wellbeing and environmental sustainability, while simultaneously minimizing the spillover of pathogens from wild animals into human beings. In this review, we propose a novel framework for the holistic and interdisciplinary investigation of zoonotic disease emergence and its drivers, using the spillover of bat pathogens as a case study. This study has been developed to gain a detailed interdisciplinary understanding, and it combines cutting-edge perspectives from both natural and social sciences, linked to policy impacts on public health, land use and conservation