39 research outputs found
Structure of Demographic Types of Small Towns in Poland Spatial and Temporal Approach
The aim of this paper is to determine changes in the structure of demographic types of small towns in Poland between 2004 and 2013. It is assumed in the paper, following the Central Statistical Office of Poland, that small towns are urban settlements having less than 20,000 inhabitants. The time period covered in this study is the time of Poland’s accession to the EU, which brought reduction of many barriers on the labour market and in migration movement. Demographic types of small towns were determined using Webb’s typology. Natural increase and migration indicators constitute its base. It was found that the share of towns of progressive character decreased and the share of those of regressive character increased in the analyzed period. A negative migration balance had the greatest effect on the number of inhabitants of the analyzed settlement units. The described demographic changes in small towns in Poland were connected with the second stage of demographic transition
Kapitał ludzki a spójność ekonomiczna obszarów wiejskich w Polsce
The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between human capital understood as the knowledge of society and the degree of economic cohesion of rural areas in Poland. Synthetic index based on the 9 measures showing the financial, economic and infrastructure situations in rural areas was constructed to examine the economic cohesion. As a measure of human capital, a proportion of the population with at least secondary education was adopted. The analysis was performed at the level of counties. The study showed that there is a weak or moderate relationship between the studied traits. The coefficient correlation calculated for all counties was only 0.173, and the coefficient of determination was 0.03. In contrast, the correlation coefficient calculated for the number of spatial units reduced by the districts drastically differ from the observed trend was 0.404, and the coefficient of determination was 0.163. This means that the level of economic coherence determine other factors.Celem pracy jest próba określenia relacji między kapitałem ludzkim rozumianym jako zasób wiedzy społeczeństwa a stopniem spójności ekonomicznej obszarów wiejskich w Polsce. Dla określenia spójności ekonomicznej skonstruowano syntetyczny miernik w oparciu o 9 mierników cząstkowych obrazujących sytuację finansową, gospodarczą i infrastrukturalną obszarów wiejskich. Jako miernik kapitału ludzkiego przyjęto odsetek ludności z wykształceniem co najmniej średnim. Analizę przeprowadzono na poziomie powiatów. Wykazała ona, że istnieje co najwyżej umiarkowana zależność między badanymi cechami. Współczynnik korelacji liczony dla całej zbiorowości jednostek przestrzennych wyniósł zaledwie 0,173, a determinacji 0,03. Natomiast współczynnik korelacji liczony dla zbiorowości jednostek przestrzennych pomniejszonej o powiaty drastycznie odbiegające od zauważonych tendencji wynosił 0,404, a determinacji 0,163. Oznacza to, że o poziomie spójności ekonomicznej w głównym stopniu decydowały inne czynniki
Aging of the society: the European perspective
Population aging is a key risk for the future of Europe. Th e Old Continent has to face ever-stronger new demographic trends and fi nd eff ective strategies to address them. In this study, we evaluate the progress of population aging in Europe in the period of 2008–2021. Th e broad time span of our considerations concerns the years 1960–2100. We present our new typological approach to the areas of unbalanced age structure. Its classifi cation includes four groups of countries with various distribution of aging measures, i.e., the percentage of people aged 65 and over and the dynamics of its growth. We observe that the largest group is composed of countries exceeding arithmetic means for both above-mentioned aging measures, which are located mainly in Eastern and Southern Europe. According to stages of aging by median age, most of these countries reached the stage of very old population in the 1990
Smart technology solutions in agricultural activities
Celem opracowania było określenie znaczenia nowoczesnych technologii stosowanych w wybranych formach działalności rolniczej polskiej wsi. Ukazano przykłady gospodarstw prowadzących działalność gospodarczą w oparciu o warzywnictwo i sadownictwo. Podstawą analizy były informacje uzyskane w 2019 r. podczas bezpośrednich wywiadów terenowych, uzupełnione danymi statystycznymi na temat krajowych upraw i zbiorów. Stosowanie inteligentnych rozwiązań technologicznych w działalności rolniczej ma duże znaczenie, ponieważ podnosi jakość produkcji rolnej. Właściwie dobrane, zrównoważone technologie rolne są jednym z komponentów koncepcji inteligentnej wsi. Jednak takie usprawnienie rolnictwa bez aktywnego włączenia czynnika ludzkiego i stabilnego systemu gospodarczego nie jest efektywne.The aim of the study was to determine the importance of innovative technologies used in selected forms of agricultural activity in the Polish countryside. For that purpose, examples of farms conducting economic activity based on vegetable and fruit farming were presented. The analysis was based on the information obtained in 2019 during direct field interviews, supported with statistical data on national crops and harvests. Application of smart technologies in agricultural activities is very important as it improves the quality of agricultural production. Properly selected, sustainable agricultural technologies are one of the components of the smart village concept. However, improving agriculture without active participation of human factor and stable economic system is not effective
Efficacy of bendamustine combined with rituximab in the treatment of relapsed chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Przewlekła białaczka limfocytowa (CLL) jest najczęstszą postacią białaczki diagnozowanej
u osób dorosłych w krajach Europy Zachodniej i Ameryki Północnej. Mimo postępu, jaki się
dokonał w terapii CLL, choroba wciąż pozostaje nieuleczalna. Większość chorych jest w wieku
ponad 65 lat i ma co najmniej 2 schorzenia współistniejące, co sprawia, że u znacznej części
z nich nie można zastosować intensywnej chemioterapii. Zatem w wyborze metody leczenia
w tej grupie pacjentów powinno się uwzględniać zarówno korzyści terapeutyczne, jak i toksyczność
leczenia. W badaniach klinicznych II fazy wykazano skuteczność schematu bendamustyna
i rytuksymab (BR) w nawrotowej/opornej postaci CLL przy dobrej tolerancji terapii.
W pracy opisano przypadek chorego z nawrotową postacią CLL, z powikłaniami infekcyjnymi
w trakcie wcześniejszego leczenia analogami purynowymi, u którego uzyskano całkowitą remisję
w wyniku zastosowania schematu BR.
Hematologia 2010; 1, 4: 359-363Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is the most common type of leukemia diagnosed in
adults in Western Europe and Northern America. Despite the progress in CLL therapy it still
remains incurable. CLL is primarily a disease of the elderly, most patients are aged over
65 years and have at least 2 co-morbidities. A large proportion of patients are therefore not
suitable for intensive chemotherapy. In treating older patients with CLL, not only treatment
benefits but also toxicities need to be taken into account. Phase II study results showed that
bendamustine plus rituximab (BR) was safe and effective in the treatment of refractory/relapsed CLL. We present a patient with relapsed disease, with infectious complications after
previous purine analogues, and who achieved a complete remision after therapy with BR
Hematologia 2010; 1, 4: 359-36
Migrations of elderly people in the world and in Poland
Migrations of seniors in the 21st century accurately reflect the socio-demographic changes in developed countries. Their intensity increases in various parts of the world. In Europe, pensioners from the north move to the region of the Mediterranean Sea. Seniors from the United States and Canada are attracted to the countries of Central and South America. The goal of this study is to identify the trends in foreign migrations of seniors in selected countries of the world, with special regard to the migration of Polish pensioners. The study shows that contemporary seniors can afford to purchase property abroad and the driving forces for the migration movement include: warm climate, beautiful landscape, and a healthier and slower pace of living at the final destination. However, when it comes to Polish pensioners, the main reason for their migrations is their attempt to improve their economic conditions
Peripheral nerve involvement in myotonic dystrophy type 2 – similar or different than in myotonic dystrophy type 1?
Multisystem manifestations of myotonic dystrophies type 1 (DM1) and 2 (DM2) are well known. Peripheral nerve involvement has been reported in DM1 but not in genetically confirmed DM2. The aim of our study was to assess peripheral nerve involvement in DM2 using nerve conduction studies and to compare these results with findings in DM1.
We prospectively studied patients with genetically confirmed DM2 (n=30) and DM1 (n=32). All patients underwent detailed neurological examination and nerve conduction studies.
Abnormalities in electrophysiological studies were found in 26.67% of patients with DM2 and in 28.13% of patients with DM1 but the criteria of polyneuropathy were fulfilled in only 13.33% of patients with DM2 and 12.5% of patients with DM1. The polyneuropathy was subclinical, and no correlation was found between its presence and patient age or disease duration.
Peripheral nerves are quite frequently involved in DM2, but abnormalities meeting the criteria of polyneuropathy are rarely found. The incidence of peripheral nerve involvement is similar in both types of myotonic dystrophy
Ten years of Polish Myeloma Study Group – history and key achievements
Polish Myeloma Study Group (PMSG) was created in 2005 during XXI Congress of Polish Society of Haematology and Transfusion Medicine with the initiative of prof. Anna Dmoszynska as a forum for exchanging experiences and for clinical and scientific cooperation focused on the issue of multiple myeloma (MM). The main aims of PMSG include development of joint study projects, elaboration of unified diagnostic procedures and common treatment algorithms using new drugs. PMSG has established cooperation with international MM study group in Europe. During ten years of activity, the members of PMSG published many papers in peer-review Polish and international journals. In current article some important studies of PMSG are described
Rural areas in Poland: Educational attainment vs. level of economic development
The aim of this article is to analyse relations between the educational attainment of the rural population and the level of economic development of the rural areas in Poland. A typology of communes in terms of the analysed relations is made. This is the first research of this type involving all the rural areas in Poland conducted at the level of the commune. The research has shown a significant linear relation between the educational attainment of the population and the level of economic development of rural areas. The correlation coefficient amounts to 0.565