114 research outputs found

    Evoluzione stagionale e a lungo termine delle caratteristiche chimiche del Lago Maggiore e bilancio dei nutrienti a Lago (Azoto e Fosforo)

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    Not availableRicerche sull\u27evoluzione del Lago Maggiore. Aspetti limnologici. Programma triennale 2013-2015. Campagna 2014. Evoluzione stagionale e a lungo termine delle caratteristiche chimiche del Lago Maggiore e bilancio dei nutrienti a Lago (Azoto e Fosforo). Chimica di base e contenuto ionico delle acque lacustri. Nutrienti a lago (composti dell\u27Azoto e del Fosforo e silicati). Ossigeno disciolto. Metalli in tracce. Apporti chimici dai tributari e dell\u27emissario. Concentrazioni medie areali. Carichi chimici e bilanci di Azoto e Fosforo

    Indicators for the Assessment of Thresholds and Points of Non-Return

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    Ecological indicators are used increasingly to assess the conditions and/or status of ecosystems. Historically, the first approach was to develop indices based on a particular species or components, e.g. macrophytes, zooplankton, etc. In general, such indices are not broad enough to reflect the complexity of the ecosystem, as they do not include information at the structural, functional and system levels. To cope with these aspects new indices have been develop (for recent reviews see Rapport, 1995; Jørgensen et al., 2005) that try to synthesyze information at all ecosystem levels. In this project we are interested in evaluating indicators in terms of their potential to detect thresholds and point of non-return in coastal ecosystem.JRC.H.5-Rural, water and ecosystem resource

    Littoral chironomids and oligochaetes in the subalpine Lake Maggiore: a first dataset

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    A dataset of 227 oligochaetes and 373 chironomids occurrence records from the subalpine Lake Maggiore, a large and deep temperate lake in Northern-Western Italy and Switzerland was developed within the Interreg Italy-Switzerland 2014-2020 Parchi Verbano Ticino Project (ID:481668) funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The lake belongs to the national (LTER-Italy), European (LTER-Europe) and International (ILTER) long-term ecological research networks. Data were collected during the summer-autumn period in 2019-2021. Chironomids (Insecta, Diptera) and oligochaetes (Annelida, Clitellata) were identified to genus/species gr./species level by the authors. All 600 occurrence records are georeferenced and organised in a standardised Darwin Core Archive format. These data gathered along the littoral areas of Lake Maggiore will contribute to the development of common implementation strategies for shared and sustainable water management level of the lake, with particular reference to the protected natural areas (sites belonging to Natura 2000 network in Italy and to the Emerald Network in Switzerland). The authors strongly believe in the great potential of open access occurrence records in biogeographical studies and ecological research in the context of global environmental changes. For that reason, the dataset has been uploaded to the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), an intergovernmental free and open access biodiversity data infrastructure

    Lake Orta chemical status 25 years after liming: problems solved and emerging critical issues

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    Lake Orta, located in Piedmont, northwestern Italy, has been severely affected by industrial pollution since the 1930s. A successful liming intervention, performed in 1988-1990, returned pH levels in the lake to neutrality, and accelerated the reduction of aqueous trace metal concentrations. In this paper, we present an update knowledge of the chemical status of Lake Orta, focusing on the data collected from 1990 to 2014. In this period we sampled the lake at its deepest point (Qualba station), on a monthly (1990-2000) or seasonal (since 2001) basis. Samples were collected at nine depths through the water column, and analyzed for pH, conductivity, alkalinity, major ions, nutrients, and trace metals. Collectively, these data allowed us to evaluate the long-term response of the lake to the restoration treatment, with particular regard to its acid-base status; they also provided insights into emerging or potential critical issues, including eutrophication and re-suspension of trace metals that still linger in the lake. Furthermore, the evaluation of the present chemical condition of the lake is a precondition for any successive restoration measure, such as fish introduction. The recent data confirmed the lake's water quality has recovered, i.e. returned to a pre-pollution chemical state. Lake water values of pH and concentrations of ammonium, sulphate and base cations have stabilized. Alkalinity and nitrate concentrations are also expected to reach stable level in the next few years. Levels of nitrate, reactive silica, and phosphorus compounds are now regulated by algal uptake, providing indirect evidence of a partial biological recovery. For instance, both the inter-annual average decline and the reappearance of a seasonal signal in silica confirmed the presence of a stable diatom community. The lake is presently oligotrophic, and concentrations of both N and P compounds are steady and low throughout the year. However, a monthly check of nutrient levels of the lake and inflowing waters is recommended. The monitoring of base chemical variables, major ions and trace metals should be maintained to assess the overall status of the ecosystem in response to various drivers, including climate change

    Establishment of Corbicula fluminea (O.F. M?ller, 1774) in Lake Maggiore: a spatial approach to trace the invasion dynamics

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    We analysed the dynamics of the invasive Asian basket clam Corbicula fluminea in Lake Maggiore (Italy), recorded for the first time in August 2010. In order to reveal the extent of its dispersal, we monitored 30 locations along the lake for presence/absence of clams. This assessment of population structure, density and biomass is based on quantitative samples collected along the southern shoreline at four sites with diverse types of habitats. In the present study, the on-going process of Corbicula invasion was analysed from a spatial and temporal perspective. We compared density and size structure of the population among the sites (spatial distribution). We attempted to trace the colonization dynamics of the clams, so the invasion dynamics were tentatively reconstructed from spatial distribution of size /age groups and the contribution of the last recruited cohort to total population density along the lake littoral zone. Results from our surveys conducted in 2010-2011 have demonstrated that the Asian clam was well-established in the lake, thus about one-third of the lake (i.e. the southern basin) was already colonized by C. fluminea in 2011. Size frequency distribution in autumn 2011 further illustrated reproduction events and new recruitments. Population densities in Lake Maggiore were among the highest ever recorded in an Italian lake. Both the rapid spread of Corbicula in the littoral area and the relatively high densities, even at the most recently invaded sites, infer the potential ecosystem impacts associated with a dominant invasive species. Data reported here are not intended to be exhaustive since they concern only two years of investigations, so more detailed studies on both the ecology and invasive habits of this new alien species in Lake Maggiore are planned. The spatial approach used in the present study may clarify the dynamics of this invasion. Future monitoring might help us to disentangle the effects of spatial variability versus temporal succession during the establishment of the invasive species

    A georeferenced dataset of Italian occurrence records of the phylum Rotifera

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    We report a dataset of known and published occurrence records of Italian taxa from species (and subspecies) to family rank of the phylum Rotifera; we considered only Bdelloidea, Monogononta, and Seisonacea, and did not include Acanthocephala. The dataset in-cludes 15,525 records (12,015 of which with georeferenced coordinates) of 584 valid species and subspecies names and other taxa at family level, gathered from 332 published papers. The published literature spans the period from 1838 to 2022, with the lowest number of papers published during the first half of the twentieth century, followed by an increasing number of papers, from 20 to more than 60 in each decade. The Italian regions with the highest number of records and species are Emilia-Romagna, Lombardy, and Piedmont, whereas no records are known for Molise. The number of species known from each region mostly mirrors sampling efforts, measured as the number of publications per region. The dataset is available through the Open Science Framework (OSF), and all the georeferenced occurrence data have been uploaded to the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). ial use only

    Temporal evolution of lake level fluctuations under flood conditions and impacts on the littoral ecosystems

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    Lake levels fluctuations are conditioned by seasonal variability, water resources management and climate change. Recent studies have shown that global warming potentially affects the risk of flooding and that the decisive factor for flood events is not temperature, but precipitation characteristics and hydrological conditions. Flood events have numerous impacts on social, economic and environmental aspects depending on how humans have altered lands, natural rivers and lake dynamics. Flood protection measures can cause conflicts with conservation measures and with ecosystem services because natural capital is not considered able to control floods and to contribute control floods and that it can contribute to human health and safety. In this paper we analysed the flood events in Lake Maggiore for return time periods of 3 – 5 – 10 – 25 – 50 – 100 – 250 – 500 years, considering the flood frequency in the last ten years using 1868-2021 as a reference period. We discussed the probability distribution of flood peaks, the correlation and linear regression between the lake level fluctuations and macroinvertebrates occurrence. We also presented lake coasts flood hazard mapping. The probability distribution that better describes the annual peak level is the Gumbel function, while for spring and autumn flood events the better distribution is the Log-Pearson type III. One of the historical flood events in terms of magnitude was in 2000, characterized by a return time of about 50 years. The last flood event in 2020, was characterized by a return period of about 10 years. Considering the seasonal frequency of flood, the autumn magnitude was higher than the spring one, and the differences between seasonal flood events progressively increased. The results suggested a high probability of a flood event every three years and also a forecast of a flood of about 197 m asl (3.14 m above the average lake level) every 10 years. Raising the lake level will affect the reed bed area from 193 m asl, and it will be more effective at 194.5 m (up to a 10% reduction). During flood events, the whole reed bed area is submerged. As regard macroinvertebrates composition and abundance, the first results show significant negative relationships between all sampling stations altogether vs the abundance of Cladotanytarsus sp. (Chironominae) and nearly significant positive relationships between water levels at Magadino vs Pscectrocladius sordidellus (Orthocladiinae) abundances. These few results are perhaps due to the current limited data availability

    Weak effect of urbanization on bdelloid rotifers living in lichens

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    Human activities have an overwhelming impact on the natural environment, leading to a deep biodiversity crisis whose effects range from genes to ecosystems. Here, we analysed the effect of such anthropogenic impacts on bdelloid rotifers (Rotifera Bdelloidea), for whom these effects are poorly understood. We targeted bdelloid rotifers living in lichen patches across urbanization gradients in Flanders and Brussels (Belgium). Urbanization was measured as the percentage of built-up area (BU) across different spatial scales, at circles from 50 to 3200 m of radius around the lichen. Urbanization effects on biodiversity were assessed on abundance, species richness and community-weighted mean body size of bdelloid rotifers, as well as on genetic diversity of a mitochondrial marker (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) of one of the most common and widespread bdelloid species, Adineta vaga. Overall, no negative effect of urbanization was found at any diversity level and any spatial scale. Counterintuitively, the BU area quantified at the largest spatial scale had a positive effect on abundance. These results leave open the question of whether negative effects of urbanization are present for bdelloid rotifers, if they are mediated by other unexplored drivers, or if such effects are only visible at even larger spatial scales

    A georeferenced dataset of Italian occurrence records of the phylum Rotifera

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    We report a dataset of known and published occurrence records of Italian taxa from species (and subspecies) to family rank of the phylum Rotifera; we considered only Bdelloidea, Monogononta, and Seisonacea, and did not include Acanthocephala. The dataset includes 15,525 records (12,015 of which with georeferenced coordinates) of 584 valid species and subspecies names and other taxa at family level, gathered from 332 published papers. The published literature spans the period from 1838 to 2022, with the lowest number of papers published during the first half of the twentieth century, followed by an increasing number of papers, from 20 to more than 60 in each decade. The Italian regions with the highest number of records and species are Emilia-Romagna, Lombardy, and Piedmont, whereas no records are known for Molise. The number of species known from each region mostly mirrors sampling efforts, measured as the number of publications per region. The dataset is available through the Open Science Framework (OSF), and all the georeferenced occurrence data have been uploaded to the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)

    Synoptic results on the potential impacts of the Lake Maggiore water management strategy on freshwater littoral ecosystems and invertebrate biocoenosis (NW, Italy)

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    The first results of the application of the integrated multidisciplinary protocol to study the effects of water level management on the Lake Maggiore littoral habitats and biocoenosis are presented. The "Parchi Verbano Ticino" project (2019-2021, ID: 481668) was the driving force to fine-tune the monitoring and management system of multidisciplinary information (chemistry, hydro-morphology, macro- and meio-fauna monitoring). The study reveals that water level fluctuations in Lake Maggiore, sometimes characterized by measurable changes in water levels, have remarkable effects on littoral habitats and on the structure and function of macro- and meiofaunal assemblages living there. Overall, this study provides insights into the potential impacts of Lake Maggiore water management strategy on freshwater littoral ecosystems during late spring-early summer, and emphasizes the need for a comprehensive understanding of the lake ecosystem dynamics. Thanks to the results achieved, publicly endorsed water management rules will be stated, for the late spring-early summer period, considering frequency and amplitude of water level fluctuations as crucial factors in management plans to mitigate their impacts. The endorsed rules turn out to be a negotiated compromise between the maintenance of ecosystem services and the protection of littoral life below water
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