9 research outputs found


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    Objective: The objective of this study was to enhance the solubility and dissolution rate of a poorly water-soluble drug by solid dispersion (SD) technique, in order to conduct an investigation of the effect of these natural hydrophilic polymers on release mechanism from SD.Methods: The SD of diazepam (DZM) were prepared by using modified sodium alginate (SA) and modified guar gum (GG) in different drug: polymer ratios (1:1 and 1:2) by using physical mixture method (PM) and fusion method (FM). Further, the formulations were characterized for calibration curve, Fourier transforms infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) studies, % age practical yield, drug content estimation, solubility studies, dissolution studies.Results: The pure drug and SD were characterized by pre and post-formulations studies. The %age practical yield ranged from 92.9±0.25 to 49±0.57%, and the drug content estimation ranged from 99.34±0.40 to 65.25±0.25 %. The FTIR studies shown that the compatibility between pure drug and natural polymers was stable. All the SD showed improved solubility as compared to the pure drug (PD). SD prepared with modified SA (1:2) by PM and FM shown the huge enhancement of solubility and dissolution rate of the DZM. This can be specific to the improvement in wettability and dispersibility, as well as enhances the drug amorphous fraction.Conclusion: On the basis of the research study, the SD technique shows the enhancement in the solubility of poorly water-soluble drug using natural polymers. SD containing natural polymers prepared with PM and FM shown the remarkable improvement in the release outline compared with PD, DZM

    Comparative study of sublingual versus vaginal misoprostol for induction of labor

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    Background: Induction of labor done, when the benefits to either mother or fetus outweighs those of continuing pregnancy. Pharmacological methods used for induction includes oxytocin, prostaglandin (E1, E2) and mifepristone. However the ideal dose, route and frequency of administration of misoprostol are still under investigation. Hence we plan to do a comparative study between sublingual and vaginal misoprostol for inducing labor.Methods: A prospective randomized interventional study was conducted on seventy pregnant women who met the inclusion criteria. They were explained about the study on admission and were randomized into two groups: Group I (sublingual) and Group II (vaginal). Bishop score at start of induction, number of pelvic examinations, doses required, mode of delivery, induction to delivery interval, duration of different stages of labor and perinatal outcome of the women were recorded followed by statistical analysis.Results: Patients in both the groups were comparable with respect to demographic data, period of gestation, gravidity and parity. There was no significant difference with regard to number of doses, p/v examinations and number of patients required augmentation. Mean induction to delivery interval, average duration of first, second and third stage was almost comparable. Out of 35 women in each group, 29 women (82.8%) in both groups had normal vaginal delivery, one woman in Group I and three women in Group II had instrumental delivery. Emergency LSCS was done in 5 women (14.28%) in Group I and 3 women (8.57%) in Group II.Conclusions: Sublingual misoprostol seems as effective as vaginal misoprostol for induction of labor at term. Sublingual route represents a valid alternative to vaginal route with the advantage of convenience of administration. In view of limited sample size, we cannot reach definitive conclusions in regard to the preference of sublingual or vaginal route of misoprostol for induction of labor

    Antioksidativni potencijal i sposobnost hvatanja slobodnih radikala metanolnog ekstrakta plodova Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad.

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    Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad. (Cucurbitaceae) is a medicinal plant traditionally used as an abortifacient and to treat constipation, oedema, bacterial infections, cancer and diabetes. Preliminary phytochemical screening of the plant showed the presence of large amounts of phenolics and flavonoids. Subsequent quantification showed the presence of 0.74% phenolics (calculated as gallic acid) and 0.13% flavonoids calculated as catechin equivalents per 100 g of fresh mass. The presence of phenolic compounds prompted us to evaluate its antioxidant activity. In the present study, methanolic fruit extract of C. colocynthis was screened to evaluate its free-radical scavenging ability. The highest antioxidant and free radical scavenging effect of the fruit extract was observed at a concentration of 2500 µg mL1.Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad. (Cucurbitaceae) je ljekovita biljka koja se tradicionalno upotrebljava kao abortiv i za liječenje konstipacije, edema, bakterijskih infekcija, karcinoma i dijabetesa. Preliminarno fitokemijsko pretraživanje ukazalo je na prisutnost velikih količina fenola i flavonoida. Udio fenola bio je 0,74% (preračunato na galnu kiselinu), a flavonoida 0,13% preračunato na ekvivalente katehina na 100 g svježe mase. Zbog prisutnosti fenolnih spojeva ispitivano je antioksidativno djelovanje i sposobnost hvatanja slobodnih radikala metanolnog ekstrakta plodova. Koncentracija 2500 µg mL1 imala je najjači učinak

    Institutional delivery in public and private sectors in South Asia: a comparative analysis of prospective data from four demographic surveillance sites

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    Comparative Evaluation of semisolid bases for transdermal use of Ketorolac tromethamine

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    Ketorolac tromethamine (KT) is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that belongs to class of heteroacetyl derivatives. An attempt has been made to make use of ointments, creams and gels as suitable vehicles for KT, which will released the drug effectively on surface when applied topically. Formulations belongs to ointment, cream and gel bases containing 1% KT were prepared and were evaluated for physiochemical parameters like physical appearance, pH, viscosity, spreadability, drug content. Drug release was also studied by in-vitro techniques. Viscosity was found highest in ointment formulation F3 Gel formulation showed better extrudability and spreadability as compared to ointment and creams. Gel formulation showed better release as compared to ointment and creams

    Feasibility of 4D CT simulation with synchronized intravenous contrast injection in hepatocellular carcinoma

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    BackgroundDelivering Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) for Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) is challenging mainly for two reasons: first, motion of the liver occurs in six degrees of freedom and, second, delineation of the tumor is difficult owing to a similar density of HCC to that of the adjoining healthy liver tissue in a non-contrast CT scan. To overcome both these challenges simultaneously, we performed a feasibility study to synchronize intravenous contrast to obtain an arterial and a delayed phase 4D CT.Materials and MethodsWe included seven HCC patients of planned for SBRT. 4D CT simulation was performed with synchronized intravenous contrast based on the formula TSCAN DELAY = Tpeak – (L0/Detector Coverage × Cine Duration in Seconds). This was followed by a delayed 4D CT scan.ResultsWe found that, with our protocol, it is feasible to obtain a 4DCT with an arterial and a delayed phase making it comparable to a diagnostic multi-phase CT. The peak HU of the 4D scan and diagnostic CT were similar (mean peak HU 134.2 vs 143.1, p value = 0.58 N.S). Whereas in comparison with a non-contrast CT a significant rise in the peak HU was seen (mean peak 134.2 vs 61.4 p value = .00003).ConclusionA synchronized contrast 4D CT simulation for HCC is safe and feasible. It results in good contrast enhancement comparable to a diagnostic 3D contrast CT scan