371 research outputs found

    Implementasi Etika Islam Dalam Pemasaran Produk Bank Syariah

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    Tenaga pemasaran merupakan sarana penghubung utama perusahaan dengan konsumen atau merupakan ujung tombak bisnis perusahaan. Bagi dunia perbankan yang merupakan badan usaha yang berorientasi profit, kegiatan pemasaran sudah merupakan suatu kebutuhan utama dan sudah merupakan suatu keharusan untuk dijalankan, oleh karena itu tenaga pemasar produk perbankan dituntut kreatif dan inovatif dalam melakukan kegiatan pemasaran. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk memahami perilaku tenaga pemasar bank syarih melalui penerapan etika bisnis Islam dalam memasarkan produk-produk bank syariah di kota Parepare. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa para tenaga pemasar bank syariah di kota Parepare sepenuhnya telah mengimplementasikan nilai-nilai syariah yang merupakan bagian dari konsep  etika bisnis Islam dalam  kegiatan  pemasarannya. Penerapan etika bisnis Islam pada tenaga pemasar bank syariah dinilai sangat tepat. Bank syariah yang mempunyai kualitas tenaga pemasaran berbasis etika Islam dapat membangun reputasi untuk keberhasilan perkembangan bank syariah di Parepare. &nbsp

    Multimedia and Critical Thinking on Arabic Guided Writing Learning

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    The aims of study was to determine the effect of multimedia through film and digital games with pictorial stories in groups of students who have high and low critical thinking patterns on guided writing learning activities in the Arabic Language Education Study Program, Jakarta State University. The study was conducted on the third semester students of the 2018/2019 school year with a total sample of 44 students, which were divided into two groups: 22 students for the experimental group and 22 students for the control group. The research approach uses quantitative research with a 2x2 factorial experimental method. Data collecting technique used tests for writing instruments and critical thinking instruments. The data analysis technique used two-way ANOVA. The results of two-way analysis are known that there are significant effects of multimedia and critical thinking patterns on learning activities of Arabic workshop writing

    Needs Analysis of Arabic Guided Writing Material Using Task-Based Learning

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    Writing is not only as academic skills but also it as as important skills to facilitate the career and life needs. Writing material must be designed to realize the skills that are directly implemented in daily life. Therefore, the needs analysis process is a necessity to find out those needs. The aim of study was to get the students’ needs of Arabic guided writing material through task-based learning. Writing has to create as task learning because it needs more practice. This study needs to design guided material. The research used qualitative research using descriptive qualitative method. The process of collecting data used documentation, interview and questionnaire. Data analysis used descriptive qualitative technique and judgment experts. The result of finding show that teacher and students need authentic material refers to practice. Task-based learning has offered the variation of task. Almost the participant answered that the types of task is available with the Arabic guided writing learning. This study is not oriented to the writing material content but also combined with the variation task activity. It can be implemented in guided writing subject. The consortium is able to develop in the material arranging

    Intertekstualitas Berita-berita Utama Internasional pada Surat Kabar di Timur Tengah

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui intertekstualitas berita-berita utama internasional pada surat kabar As-Sharq Al-Awsat, Saudi Arabia, dan surat kabar Al-Ahram Mesir, dan menemukan kohesi dan koherensi pada keduanya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis isi yaitu menemukan intertekstual berita-berita utama internasional pada kedua surat kabar melalui kohesi dan koherensi. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan ada keterkaitkan berita-berita utama internasional pada surat kabar As-Syarqul Awsat dan Al-Ahram pada tema ISIS. Kohesi didapatkan pada surat kabar Syarqul Awsat yaitu: subtitusi 3 teks, elipsis 2 teks, dan pada Rekuren 3 teks. Pada surat kabar Ahram tidak ditemukan subtitusi, elipsis, dan rekuren didapatkan 7 teks. Koherensi didapatkan pada surat kabar Syarqul Awsat proposisi 9 teks dan presuposisi 9 teks sedangkan pada surat kabar Ahram didapatkan proposisi 9 teks dan presuposisi 9 teks

    Determinants of foreign direct investment flows in Malaysia / Muhammad Syamsul Kamal and Abdul Rahim Mohd Yusof

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    This paper aims at examining the significant relationship between Malaysian FDI and macroeconomic variables. This study will focus on the Malaysian FDI value that will affected by macroeconomic variables. The sample of this research comprises of macroeconomic variables for 30 years. Methodology used for this study is by using Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. The sample selected using DataStream, World Bank database and journal. The dependent variable will be the Malaysian FDI, while the independent variables are Exchange rate, Inflation rate, Export goods & services, economic growth and China's FDI. The results of this research paper would provide us with an indicative view and could form an important basis for investors and policy makers in their investment strategies and policy decisions respectively

    Improving Arabic Academic Writing Skills Through Contextual Teaching And Learning Approach

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    The aim of this study is to examine the effect of contextual teaching and learning approach to the Arabic academic writing skills students of Education Arabic Department Faculty of Language and Arts State University of Jakarta. The research was conducted at the second semester in 2015/2016 academic year starting from February up June in 2016. The study design used Elliot’s procedure, which comprised seven phases, namely: (a) identifying the initial ideas, (b) finding and analyzing the facts, (c) general planning, (d) Implementing, (e) observing, (f) evaluating, and (g) revising. The data were taken by observation, interview, and test. The results of the study found that the mean of the pre-test was 65,30, the average score results of the test at the first cycle were 73,25, the average score of the test at the second cycle was 77,40, and the average score of the test at third cycle was 84.1. It concluded that contextual teaching and learning approach could improve the student’s skill in Arabic academic writing

    Design, fabrication and performance evaluation of a small drum type potato grader

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    Grading potatoes by size is an important operation for preparing tubers for seed and for commercial purposes. If potatoes were sold after grading, this would be beneficial to both producers and consumers. Since mechanical graders are not locally available, potatoes are graded, when necessary, by hand. This is a time consuming, costly, and inefficient method. This work concerns the development of a potato-grading machine for small-scale farmers. The grader consisted of a hopper, grading unit, prime mover and catchment tray fitted on a frame. The grader was made of locally available materials to keep the cost low. The grading unit was made up of plastic oil container, hopper and catchment tray made up of mild steel sheet and the frame was made up of mild steel angle bar. A 0.75 hp, single phase electric motor was used as a prime mover with a gear box (30:1) for reducing the rpm. Machine parameters for the evaluation included the speed of the grading unit (RPM) and inclination of the grading unit. These were tested on potato tubers taking note their influence on grading system efficiency, capacity, damaged tubers and power consumption as independent variables. Data were analyzed and the results indicated that optimum set-up of the grader was at 6 RPM speed of the grading unit, inclination of 30giving a system efficiency of 91.57 %, capacity 420.10 kghr-1, damaged tubers of 1.17 % and low power consumption of 9.30 W-hr. The cost of the grader was estimated to be Tk45,000.00 with a break-even quantity of 50 tons of tubers in one year

    Estimation of Consumption Functions: The Case of Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka

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    The study uses annual data from 1971 to 2013 and appliesKeynesian Consumption Function (KCF) and the PermanentIncome Hypothesis (PIH) in order to estimate consumption functionsof SAARC countries. The empirical results show that in the shortrun, the difference between KCF and PIH under Marginal Propensityto Consume (MPCs) is quite large. This difference, therefore,indicates that in the short run consumers’ consumption decisionare based on current income. However, another point worth notingis that, in the short run smaller values of MPCs under the PIHindicate that consumers are unable to anticipate their future incomein developing countries, like Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistanand Sri Lanka. Moreover, the study also estimates the MPCs underthe PIH in the long run. The results demonstrate that in the long runthe values of MPCs are higher than the MPCs while using PIH,which indicates that in the long run consumers anticipate theirfuture income and accordingly make consumption decisions on thebasis of permanent income

    Electronic Word of Mouth (Ewom) and the Travel Intention of Social Networkers Post-COVID-19: A Vietnam Case

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to quantitatively determine the impact of electronic word of mouth (eWOM) on the travel intention of Vietnamese social network users. The study proposes solutions to develop online marketing strategies in tourism to quickly restore the tourism industry after the COVID-19 pandemic.   Theoretical framework: This study combines two theoretical models, the Information Acceptance Model (IAM) and the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), to explore how electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM) impacts travel intentions in Vietnam, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. IAM focuses on factors like information quality and credibility, while TRA addresses additional behavioral factors. By integrating these models, the study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of eWOM's influence on travel intentions among social media users in Vietnam during the pandemic.   Design/Methodology/Approach: The study was conducted in Vietnam. The questionnaire was administered to respondents via an online survey. The results were 262 valid feedback forms conducted in 2023. Linear structural modeling (SEM) was used to measure the relationship between factors in the research model.   Findings: Research results show that all factors have a positive impact on travel intention through other factors, or will directly impact travel intention of social network users in Vietnam.   Research,  Practical  &  Social implications: It is critical to focus on building marketing channels that support electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) in order to successfully promote trip ambitions. The Tourism Office has adopted digital marketing as a cutting-edge strategy for promoting the region's tourism potential (Burhan, 2023). Furthermore, because travel intentions are positively related to information acceptance, these channels must prioritize improving the quality and dependability of eWOM information. Furthermore, channel managers should keep a careful eye on customers' opinions regarding eWOM-related concerns. Finally, administrators should create unique, context-based solutions that might increase travel intentions among social network members while taking Vietnam's cultural context into consideration. This proactive strategy enables rapid revisions and customized solutions to successfully engage with the Vietnamese audience.   Originality/Value: The unique contribution of this paper lies in its innovative introduction of a modified theoretical model of rational action. This model aims to elucidate factors influencing tourist travel behavior in a way that has not been explored in previous research. Specifically, it amalgamates elements from three existing models (TRA, IAM, and TPB) and introduces an additional eWOM factor to enhance the understanding of behavioral intentions. This novel factor, devised by the authors in their research model, holds particular relevance for a country like Vietnam, characterized by its developing technological landscape and strong traditional culture. This novelty significantly enhances our ability to analyze the impact of eWOM on travel intentions among social media users in Vietnam, especially during the prolonged effects of the COVID-19 pandemic


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    This paper will explore the existence of the contract has a crucial role in Islamic financial transactions with a number of implications posed. One of that in Islam there is freedom to determine the contract with all the terms and forms of contract desired by the parties, provided that the contract is voluntary and is not included in the prohibition of sharia’. On this basis, the core of the contract which is carried out in Islam is to create benefits for the parties to the agreement for an Islamic financial transactions
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