18 research outputs found

    Some scandinavian contributions to the field of technology and organization of work

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    Der Autor berichtet über soziologische Untersuchungen - vor allem aus Norwegen und Schweden - zu den Bereichen Neue Technologien und Arbeitswelt. Er diskutiert dabei näher die folgenden Tendenzen: Schwerpunkt der Untersuchungen ist der organisatorische und technologische Wandel im Arbeitsleben; der Mangel an vergleichenden Studien ist auffällig; die Macht- und Eigentumsstrukturen als Basis des Wirtschaftssystems werden zunehmend kritisch diskutiert. (psz

    Ytringsfrihet, demokratiteori og demokratiet som uferdig prosjekt

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    Grunnlovens paragraf 100 om ytrings- og informasjonsfrihet ble revidert i 2004. Ytringsfriheten fikk en prinsipiell demokratiteoretisk begrunnelse, og det ble lagt vekt på statlig tilrettelegging for åpen og opplyst meningsdannelse. Denne artikkelen gir først et overblikk over de demokratiteoretiske prinsipper den nye grunnlovs­paragrafen skal fremme. I andre del dokumenteres det at arbeider av en av samtid­ens ledende sosiologer og sosialfilosofer (Habermas) hadde vesentlig betydning for den reviderte forståelsen av ytringsfrihetens begrun­nelse og funksjoner i grunnloven til et av verdens eldste og mest stabile demokratier. I tredje del drøftes spørsmålet om hva slags teori om demokrati som ble tydeliggjort og forsterket i Grunnloven. Det er demo­kra­tiets diskursive (deliberative) aspekt, ytringsfriheten – styring basert på åpne og opplyste offentlige diskusjoner (diskurs) – som fremheves som overordnet element i samspillet med individuelle rettigheter og flertallsstyre. I siste del rettes blikket normativt mot noen av de utfordringer diskursiv demokrati­teori stiller samfunn og samfunnsforsk­ning overfor. Demokratiet er et historisk prosjekt som fortsatt kan og bør videre­utvikles, på forskjellige nivåer (lokalt, nasjonalt, internasjonalt) og områder (politikk, økonomi, sivilsamfunn)

    Vitenskapelig (u)redelighet

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    Since the 1980’s, there has been a marked increase in disclosures of fraud in research. Cases of scientific fraud and misconduct do not only damage society’s confidence in research, they also contribute to reduce the trustworthiness in research in itself. Research ethics, however, involve much more than investigations of misconduct. How can we encourage good scientific practice? What does honest research entail? Which gray areas exist, and when is the limit to misconduct crossed? How should allegations of misconduct be handled? What are the consequences of fraud, and what sanctions should follow? In this anthology, Norwegian researches contribute to the discussion of various perspectives on scientific integrity and misconduct. The purpose of this book is not to give unequivocal or definitive answers to what scientific misconduct is, but to convey a diversity of positions and perspectives. Some of these are overlapping, others contradictory - which also reflects the field internationally. This anthology is an important resource for students and researchers, particularly in education and training. In addition, it will also provide insights for others involved in the prevention of misconduct and the promotion of good scientific practice

    The universal values of science and China’s Nobel Prize pursuit

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    China does not seem to believe the existence of universally acknowledged values in science and fails to promote the observation of such values that also should be applied to every member of the scientific community and at all times. Or, there is a separation between the practice of science in China and the values represented by modern science. In this context, science, including the pursuit of the Nobel Prize, is more a pragmatic means to achieve the end of the political leadership – the national pride in this case – than an institution laden with values that govern its practices. However, it is the recognition and respect of the latter that could lead to achievement of the former, rather than the other way around

    En knippeinstitusjon mellom tradisjon og visjon. Institutt for sosiologi ved Universitetet i Oslo 1950-2000.

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    A Bundle Institution Between Tradition and Vision Department of Sociology, University of Oslo, 1950-2000 The first department of socio-logy in Norway is describ-ed and analyzed as a bundle of five disciplinary activities 1) research, 2) teaching, 3) dis-semi-nation, 4) expert services for users and 5) self-governance. The research style is characte-rized as problemoriented empiricism and as dialogues with the clas-sics. Five leading Oslo-sociologists (Aubert, Lysgaard, Galtung, Øster-berg, Bråten) are presented. 1100 socio-logists have been educated in Oslo. The task of contri-buting to opinion and will-formation in civil society is regarded as essential in the history of the department. The Department was probably the first in the OECD-area to define an expert role as part of sociology proper and introduce it into its curriculum. Relative to popu-lation, the number of socio-logists in Norway (ca. 1800) is probably larger than in any other country, and it may be the case that Norwegian sociolo-gists have a stronger influence on society than in any other nation. If this is the case, one important factor in the explanation is the productivity of the institution of hovedfrag (an advanced degree similar to Master of Philosophy)

    Om vitenskapelig ydmykhet

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    Artikkelen finnes i to versjoner. Den opprinnelige fra 2002, og en oppdatert versjon fra 2005/2016. Artiklene er helt identiske bortsett fra én referanse - nemlig henvisning til en revidert versjon av en lærebok.Det er markert i fotnoten på s. 181