27 research outputs found

    Hänellä on näky siitä, mitä me olemme huomenna! : Keskijohdon kokemukset seurakuntien yhdistymisen johtamisesta

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    Pro gradu -tutkielmani on laadullinen aineistolähtöinen tutkimus seurakuntien keskijohdon kokemuksista seurakuntien yhdistymisprosessin johtamisesta. Toteutin keväällä 2010 laadullisen Internet-kyselyn, jossa pyysin keskijohtoa arvioimaan ylemmän esimiehensä johtamistoimenpiteitä organisaatioiden yhdistymisprosessin suunnittelu-, käynnistämis- ja vakiinnuttamisvaiheen aikana. Tutkimusjoukoksi valitsin seurakuntayhdistymisen vuoden 2009 alussa toteuttaneiden seurakuntien keskijohdon, joka toimii hengellisessä työssä. Vastausprosentiksi muodostui 61 %. Luokittelin aineistoni sisällönanalyysin keinoin. Saamieni vastausten perusteella luokittelin johtamistoimenpiteiden perusteella ideaalityypin johtajasta, joka voisi toteuttaa seurakuntien yhdistymisprosessin keskijohdon kannalta onnistuneesti. Luokittelussani löysin viisi johtajuustyyppiä: läsnäoleva, asiantuntijuuteen luottava, oikeudenmukainen, suunnitteleva ja hallinnon hallitseva johtajuus. Kukin johtajuustyyppi muodostui useammasta johtamistavasta. Johtamistavat muodostin vastaajien mainitsemista johtamistoimenpiteiden kuvauksista. Tarkastelin näitä johtajuustyyppejä ja niihin liittyviä johtamistapoja myös ajallisessa perspektiivissä. Muodostin ajallista tarkastelua varten aiemmasta tutkimuksesta suunnittelu-, käynnistämis- ja vakiinnuttamisvaiheet. Järjestelin Internet-kyselyn avoimet kysymykset näiden muutosvaiheiden mukaan. Tutkimustuloksinani totean, että keskijohdon mielestä organisaatioiden yhdistäminen tulisi nähdä ensisijaisesti strategian päivittämisen prosessina. Tutkimukseni tulokset vahvistavat Strandmanin esittämän strategian päivittämisen prosessin mallin sisältöjä muutamia muutoksia huomioiden. Olen muokannut tutkimustuloksieni perusteella Strandmanin esittämän mallin organisaation yhdistämistilanteeseen sopivaksi. Mielenkiintoisena tutkimustuloksena pidän myös havaintoani, ettei keskijohto näe kirkkoherraa hengellisenä johtajana muutostilanteessa. Kirkkoherra näyttäytyy keskijohdolle työyhteisönsä hallinnollisena johtajana. Tutkimukseni nostaa esiin kokonaiskirkollisesti mielenkiintoisen muutoksen, jossa kirkkoherran rooli muuttuu seurakunnan hengellisestä johtajasta seurakunnan hallinnolliseksi johtajaksi, ja hengellinen johtajuus siirtyy työalaa tai -aluetta johtavalle kappalaiselle eli keskijohdolle

    Modelling the Components of Metacognitive Awareness

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    Metacognitive awareness consists of two components, i.e. regulation of cognition and knowledge of cognition. In earlier studies self-evaluation is aligned as a sub-component of regulation of cognition. However, in this study we point out that self-evaluation does not actually regulate the ongoing or forthcoming process but it is a tool used to reflect both knowledge and regulation. This alignment is modelled to assess to what extend self-evaluation can be predicted by the other components of the metacognitive awareness. The model is tested empirically among vocational education students (N= 578) using the Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI). The results of SEM concludes that the conditions and goals appointed by the learner predict the selection of contents and strategies towards self-evaluation of one’s own learning. In other words, by measuring planning or conditional knowledge we could predict other components of knowledge or regulation and, especially, self-evaluation. The findings of this study extensively confirm that planning and knowledge of conditions predict success through the learning process. The results encourage teachers to support students in improving their metacognitive awareness, i.e. expect them to set goals for their own learning

    Modelling the Components of Metacognitive Awareness

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    Metacognitive awareness consists of two components, i.e. regulation of cognition and knowledge of cognition. In earlier studies self-evaluation is aligned as a sub-component of regulation of cognition. However, in this study we point out that self-evaluation does not actually regulate the ongoing or forthcoming process but it is a tool used to reflect both knowledge and regulation. This alignment is modelled to assess to what extend self-evaluation can be predicted by the other components of the metacognitive awareness. The model is tested empirically among vocational education students (N= 578) using the Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI). The results of SEM concludes that the conditions and goals appointed by the learner predict the selection of contents and strategies towards self-evaluation of one’s own learning. In other words, by measuring planning or conditional knowledge we could predict other components of knowledge or regulation and, especially, self-evaluation. The findings of this study extensively confirm that planning and knowledge of conditions predict success through the learning process. The results encourage teachers to support students in improving their metacognitive awareness, i.e. expect them to set goals for their own learning.Peer reviewe

    Modelling the Components of Metacognitive Awareness

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    Metacognitive awareness consists of two components, i.e. regulation of cognition and knowledge of cognition. In earlier studies self-evaluation is aligned as a sub-component of regulation of cognition. However, in this study we point out that self-evaluation does not actually regulate the ongoing or forthcoming process but it is a tool used to reflect both knowledge and regulation. This alignment is modelled to assess to what extend self-evaluation can be predicted by the other components of the metacognitive awareness. The model is tested empirically among vocational education students (N= 578) using the Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI). The results of SEM concludes that the conditions and goals appointed by the learner predict the selection of contents and strategies towards self-evaluation of one’s own learning. In other words, by measuring planning or conditional knowledge we could predict other components of knowledge or regulation and, especially, self-evaluation. The findings of this study extensively confirm that planning and knowledge of conditions predict success through the learning process. The results encourage teachers to support students in improving their metacognitive awareness, i.e. expect them to set goals for their own learning.Peer reviewe

    The utility of the Metacognitive Awareness Inventory for Teachers among in-service teachers

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    The purpose of the present study is to explore the utility of the compressed version of the Metacognitive Awareness Inventory for Teachers (MAIT-18) among in-service teachers. Knowledge of teachers’ awareness of metacognition is required to support students’ self-regulation, with the aim of establishing modern learning methods and life-long learning. The participants in this study were teachers (N = 145) from different sectors of vocational education. The data has been analysed using structural equation modelling. The Confirmatory Factor Analysis indicated good / acceptable model fit and convergence of each factor. Moreover, alpha scores of the inventory signify that the inventory is internally consistent. These findings reveal the utility of the MAIT-18 in measuring the Metacognitive Awareness of in-service teachers. Now, that the utility of the inventory has been examined among in-service teachers, comparative studies between in-service teachers and teacher trainees as well as longitudinal studies are prospective. Keywords: In-service Teachers, Metacognitive Awareness, the MAIT, Vocational Education, Confirmatory Factor AnalysisPeer reviewe

    Monitieteinen näkökulma historian asiantuntijuuteen

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    Modelling the Components of Metacognitive Awareness

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    Metacognitive awareness consists of two components, i.e. regulation of cognition and knowledge of cognition. In earlier studies self-evaluation is aligned as a sub-component of regulation of cognition. However, in this study we point out that self-evaluation does not actually regulate the ongoing or forthcoming process but it is a tool used to reflect both knowledge and regulation. This alignment is modelled to assess to what extend self-evaluation can be predicted by the other components of the metacognitive awareness. The model is tested empirically among vocational education students (N=578) using the Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI). The results of SEM concludes that the conditions and goals appointed by the learner predict the selection of contents and strategies towards self-evaluation of one's own learning. In other words, by measuring planning or conditional knowledge we could predict other components of knowledge or regulation and, especially, self-evaluation. The findings of this study extensively confirm that planning and knowledge of conditions predict success through the learning process. The results encourage teachers to support students in improving their metacognitive awareness, i.e. expect them to set goals for their own learning

    Monitieteinen näkökulma historian asiantuntijuuteen

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