686 research outputs found

    A torsion of the beam with non-circular cross-section

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá analytickými a numerickými způsoby řešení úloh krutu prutů s různou geometrií příčných průřezů. V první části práce jsou uvedeny teoretické základy problému borcení příčných průřezů. Následuje krátké seznámení se s možnostmi analytického řešení parciálních diferenciálních rovnic v případech jednoduchých geometrií příčných průřezů. Získané výsledky jsou srovnány s numerickým řešením v konečnoprvkovém softwaru ANSYS. Numerické výsledky jsou v závěrečné části práce doplněny případy prutů s obecnějšími tvary příčných průřezů.Bachelor thesis deals with the analytical and numerical methods solving the problems of the torsion of bars with various geometries of cross-sections. The theoretical background of the problem is introduced in the beginning of the thesis. The possibilities of the analytical solution of the partial differential equations in the case of the simplified shapes of the cross-sections are discussed in the following part. These results are compared with the numerical ones received from the finite element analysis via the ANSYS software. The numerical results are extended to the cases of the generalized shapes of the beam cross-sections.

    Support for Customers' Request Processing

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    Tato práce popisuje realizaci podpory zpracování požadavků zákazníků společnosti ALVAO. Cílem práce je vytvořit rozšiřující nástroj/modul do systému ALVAO Service Desk, jenž bude zákazníkům vytvářet prostor pro jejich nápady na zlepšení systému. Kromě přidávání nových nápadů na zlepšení je jim také umožněno hlasovat a vytvářet tak mezi změnami priority. Práce se nejdříve zaměřuje na technologie, na kterých je ALVAO Service Desk postavený. V další čási je proveden rozbor samotného systému. Následuje návrh nástroje a nakonec je popsána jeho implementace.This thesis describes realization of the request support for customers' of company ALVAO. Main goal is to create a extension/module for the ALVAO Service Desk system, which will create a space for customers' ideas for improvement of the system. Besides adding new improvement ideas, customers are allowed to vote and create priorities by that. First, the thesis is focused on technology on which it is built ALVAO Service Desk. In the next part is analysis of the system itself. Followed by design of the extension and finally description of its implementation.

    Study of the Correlation between Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Project Success in Nonprofits

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    Project managers use both hard and soft skills to manage projects and people. When a project manager lacks the necessary competencies, there is a risk of project failure. The purpose of projects in nonprofit organizations is to increase the efficiencies of the organization or gain additional funding through fundraising, friendraising, and image enhancement efforts. The soft skill of emotional intelligence is linked to enhanced leadership in project management. This quantitative correlation study examined the relationship between the project managers’ emotional intelligence and their nonprofit project success. The analysis determined there is not a significant correlation between project managers’ emotional intelligence and their project success in the nonprofit sector. Additional research is needed to explore the perceived higher level of emotional intelligence of the nonprofit project managers when compared to others utilizing the same instrument. Additional research is also needed to explore the perceived higher nonprofit project success when compared to other projects utilizing the same instrument

    Overtly Headed XPs and Irish Syntax-Prosody Mapping

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    Analyses of Irish phonological phrasing (Elfner 2012 et seq.) have been influential in shaping Match Theory (Selkirk 2011), an OT approach to mapping syntactic to prosodic structure. We solve two constraint ranking paradoxes concerning the relative ranking of Match and StrongStart. Irish data indicate that while XPs with silent heads can fail to map to phonological phrases in certain circumstances, overtly headed XPs cannot. They also indicate that rebracketing due to the constraint StrongStart occurs only sentence-initially, contrary to predictions. We account for these puzzles by invoking Van Handel's (2019) Match constraint which sees only XPs with overt heads, and by positing a new version of StrongStart which only applies to material at the left edge of the intonational phrase. Our analysis is developed using the Syntax-Prosody in Optimality Theory application (SPOT) and OTWorkplace

    Syntax Prosody in Optimality Theory (SPOT) app tutorial

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    SPOT (Syntax Prosody in Optimality Theory app; http://spot.sites.ucsc.edu) automates candidate generation and evaluation for work on the syntax-prosody interface. SPOT is intended to facilitate the creation and comparison of multiple versions of an analysis, in service of refining constraint definitions and theory development. The codebase is available at https://github.com/syntax-prosody-ot. This paper briefly explains the motivation for the SPOT app, then walks through the process of creating an analysis in SPOT. We show how to create input syntactic trees, either manually or automatically; how to select a constraint set; and how to generate tableaux with candidates, constraints, and violation counts. Finally, we show how to use the output of SPOT to calculate rankings and typologies using an OT application

    A Serratia marcescens PigP Homolog Controls Prodigiosin Biosynthesis, Swarming Motility and Hemolysis and Is Regulated by cAMP-CRP and HexS

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    Swarming motility and hemolysis are virulence-associated determinants for a wide array of pathogenic bacteria. The broad host-range opportunistic pathogen Serratia marcescens produces serratamolide, a small cyclic amino-lipid, that promotes swarming motility and hemolysis. Serratamolide is negatively regulated by the transcription factors HexS and CRP. Positive regulators of serratamolide production are unknown. Similar to serratamolide, the antibiotic pigment, prodigiosin, is regulated by temperature, growth phase, HexS, and CRP. Because of this co-regulation, we tested the hypothesis that a homolog of the PigP transcription factor of the atypical Serratia species ATCC 39006, which positively regulates prodigiosin biosynthesis, is also a positive regulator of serratamolide production in S. marcescens. Mutation of pigP in clinical, environmental, and laboratory strains of S. marcescens conferred pleiotropic phenotypes including the loss of swarming motility, hemolysis, and severely reduced prodigiosin and serratamolide synthesis. Transcriptional analysis and electrophoretic mobility shift assays place PigP in a regulatory pathway with upstream regulators CRP and HexS. The data from this study identifies a positive regulator of serratamolide production, describes novel roles for the PigP transcription factor, shows for the first time that PigP directly regulates the pigment biosynthetic operon, and identifies upstream regulators of pigP. This study suggests that PigP is important for the ability of S. marcescens to compete in the environment. © 2013 Shanks et al

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