24 research outputs found

    Retinal vessel analysis:flicker reproducibility, methodological standardisations and practical limitations

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    The Retinal Vessel Analyser (RVA) is a commercially available ophthalmoscopic instrument capable of acquiring vessel diameter fluctuations in real time and in high temporal resolution. Visual stimulation by means of flickering light is a unique exploration tool of neurovascular coupling in the human retina. Vessel reactivity as mediated by local vascular endothelial vasodilators and vasoconstrictors can be assessed non-invasively, in vivo. In brief, the work in this thesis • deals with interobserver and intraobserver reproducibility of the flicker responses in healthy volunteers • explains the superiority of individually analysed reactivity parameters over vendorgenerated output • links in static retinal measures with dynamic ones • highlights practical limitations in the use of the RVA that may undermine its clinical usefulness • provides recommendations for standardising measurements in terms of vessel location and vessel segment length and • presents three case reports of essential hypertensives in a -year follow-up. Strict standardisation of measurement procedures is a necessity when utilising the RVA system. Agreement between research groups on implemented protocols needs to be met, before it could be considered a clinically useful tool in detecting or predicting microvascular dysfunction

    Automatic Cone Photoreceptor Localisation in Healthy and Stargardt Afflicted Retinas Using Deep Learning

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    We present a robust deep learning framework for the automatic localisation of cone photoreceptor cells in Adaptive Optics Scanning Light Ophthalmoscope (AOSLO) split-detection images. Monitoring cone photoreceptors with AOSLO imaging grants an excellent view into retinal structure and health, provides new perspectives into well known pathologies, and allows clinicians to monitor the effectiveness of experimental treatments. The MultiDimensional Recurrent Neural Network (MDRNN) approach developed in this paper is the first method capable of reliably and automatically identifying cones in both healthy retinas and retinas afflicted with Stargardt disease. Therefore, it represents a leap forward in the computational image processing of AOSLO images, and can provide clinical support in on-going longitudinal studies of disease progression and therapy. We validate our method using images from healthy subjects and subjects with the inherited retinal pathology Stargardt disease, which significantly alters image quality and cone density. We conduct a thorough comparison of our method with current state-of-the-art methods, and demonstrate that the proposed approach is both more accurate and appreciably faster in localizing cones. As further validation to the method’s robustness, we demonstrate it can be successfully applied to images of retinas with pathologies not present in the training data: achromatopsia, and retinitis pigmentosa

    Deep phenotyping of PROM1-associated retinal degeneration

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    BACKGROUND/AIMS: The purpose of this study was to investigate retinal structure in detail of subjects with autosomal-dominant (AD) and autosomal-recessive (AR) PROM1-associated retinal degeneration (PROM1-RD), study design: institutional, cross-sectional study. METHODS: Four eyes from four subjects (three with AD and one with AR) PROM1-RD were investigated by ophthalmic examination including best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) and multimodal retinal imaging: fundus autofluorescence (FAF), spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) and adaptive optics scanning light ophthalmoscopy. Quantitative assessment of atrophic lesions determined by FAF, thickness of individual retinal layers and cone photoreceptor quantification was performed. RESULTS: BCVA ranged from 20/16 to 20/200. Initial pathological changes included the presence of hyperautofluorescent spots on FAF imaging, while later stages demonstrated discrete areas of atrophy. In all patients, thinning of the outer retinal layers on SD-OCT with varying degrees of atrophy could be detected depending on disease-causing variants and age. Cone density was quantified both in central and/or at different eccentricities from the fovea. Longitudinal assessments were possible in two patients. CONCLUSIONS: PROM1-RD comprises a wide range of clinical phenotypes. Depending on the stage of disease, the cone mosaic in PROM1-RD is relatively preserved and can potentially be targeted by cone-directed interventions

    Foveal Cone Structure in Patients With Blue Cone Monochromacy

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    Purpose: Blue cone monochromacy (BCM) is a rare inherited cone disorder in which both long- (L-) and middle- (M-) wavelength sensitive cone classes are either impaired or nonfunctional. Assessing genotype-phenotype relationships in BCM can improve our understanding of retinal development in the absence of functional L- and M-cones. Here we examined foveal cone structure in patients with genetically-confirmed BCM, using adaptive optics scanning light ophthalmoscopy (AOSLO). / Methods: Twenty-three male patients (aged 6-75 years) with genetically-confirmed BCM were recruited for high-resolution imaging. Eight patients had a deletion of the locus control region (LCR), and 15 had a missense mutation-Cys203Arg-affecting the first two genes in the opsin gene array. Foveal cone structure was assessed using confocal and non-confocal split-detection AOSLO across a 300 × 300 µm area, centered on the location of peak cell density. / Results: Only one of eight patients with LCR deletions and 10 of 15 patients with Cys203Arg mutations had analyzable images. Mean total cone density for Cys203Arg patients was 16,664 ± 11,513 cones/mm2 (n = 10), which is, on average, around 40% of normal. Waveguiding cone density was 2073 ± 963 cones/mm2 (n = 9), which was consistent with published histological estimates of S-cone density in the normal eye. The one patient with an LCR deletion had a total cone density of 10,246 cones/mm2 and waveguiding density of 1535 cones/mm2. / Conclusions: Our results show that BCM patients with LCR deletions and Cys203Arg mutations have a population of non-waveguiding photoreceptors, although the spectral identity and level of function remain unknown

    Investigation of PTC124-mediated translational readthrough in a retinal organoid model of AIPL1-associated Leber congenital amaurosis

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    Leber congenital amaurosis type 4 (LCA4), caused by AIPL1 mutations, is characterized by severe sight impairment in infancy and rapidly progressing degeneration of photoreceptor cells. We generated retinal organoids using induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from renal epithelial cells obtained from four children with AIPL1 nonsense mutations. iPSC-derived photoreceptors exhibited the molecular hallmarks of LCA4, including undetectable AIPL1 and rod cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) phosphodiesterase (PDE6) compared with control or CRISPR-corrected organoids. Increased levels of cGMP were detected. The translational readthrough-inducing drug (TRID) PTC124 was investigated as a potential therapeutic agent. LCA4 retinal organoids exhibited low levels of rescue of full-length AIPL1. However, this was insufficient to fully restore PDE6 in photoreceptors and reduce cGMP. LCA4 retinal organoids are a valuable platform for in vitro investigation of novel therapeutic agents

    Axial Length Distributions in Patients With Genetically Confirmed Inherited Retinal Diseases

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    PURPOSE: We investigated axial length (AL) distributions in inherited retinal diseases (IRDs), comparing them with reference cohorts. METHODS: AL measurements from IRD natural history study participants were included and compared with reference cohorts (TwinsUK, Raine Study Gen2-20, and published studies). Comparing with the Raine Study cohort, formal odds ratios (ORs) for AL ≥ 26 mm or AL ≤ 22 mm were derived for each IRD (Firth's logistic regression model, adjusted for age and sex). RESULTS: Measurements were available for 435 patients (median age, 19.5 years). Of 19 diseases, 10 had >10 participants: ABCA4 retinopathy; CNGB3- and CNGA3-associated achromatopsia; RPGR-associated disease; RPE65-associated disease; blue cone monochromacy (BCM); Bornholm eye disease (BED); TYR- and OCA2-associated oculocutaneous albinism; and GPR143-associated ocular albinism. Compared with the TwinsUK cohort (n = 322; median age, 65.1 years) and Raine Study cohort (n = 1335; median age, 19.9 years), AL distributions were wider in the IRD groups. Increased odds for longer ALs were observed for BCM, BED, RPGR, RPE65, OCA2, and TYR; increased odds for short AL were observed for RPE65, TYR, and GPR143. In subanalysis of RPGR-associated disease, longer average ALs occurred in cone–rod dystrophy (n = 5) than rod–cone dystrophy (P = 0.002). CONCLUSIONS: Several diseases showed increased odds for longer AL (highest OR with BCM); some showed increased odds for shorter AL (highest OR with GPR143). Patients with RPE65- and TYR-associated disease showed increased odds for longer and for shorter eyes. Albinism genes were associated with different effects on AL. These findings add to the phenotype of IRDs and may yield insights into mechanisms of refractive error development

    Comparison of subjective and objective methods to determine the retinal arterio-venous ratio using fundus photography

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    Purpose: To assess the inter and intra observer variability of subjective grading of the retinal arterio-venous ratio (AVR) using a visual grading and to compare the subjectively derived grades to an objective method using a semi-automated computer program. Methods: Following intraocular pressure and blood pressure measurements all subjects underwent dilated fundus photography. 86 monochromatic retinal images with the optic nerve head centred (52 healthy volunteers) were obtained using a Zeiss FF450+ fundus camera. Arterio-venous ratios (AVR), central retinal artery equivalent (CRAE) and central retinal vein equivalent (CRVE) were calculated on three separate occasions by one single observer semi-automatically using the software VesselMap (ImedosSystems, Jena, Germany). Following the automated grading, three examiners graded the AVR visually on three separate occasions in order to assess their agreement. Results: Reproducibility of the semi-automatic parameters was excellent (ICCs: 0.97 (CRAE); 0.985 (CRVE) and 0.952 (AVR)). However, visual grading of AVR showed inter grader differences as well as discrepancies between subjectively derived and objectively calculated AVR (all p < 0.000001). Conclusion: Grader education and experience leads to inter-grader differences but more importantly, subjective grading is not capable to pick up subtle differences across healthy individuals and does not represent true AVR when compared with an objective assessment method. Technology advancements mean we no longer rely on opthalmoscopic evaluation but can capture and store fundus images with retinal cameras, enabling us to measure vessel calibre more accurately compared to visual estimation; hence it should be integrated in optometric practise for improved accuracy and reliability of clinical assessments of retinal vessel calibres

    Reliability of retinal vessel calibre measurements using a retinal oximeter

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    Background: Summarised retinal vessel diameters are linked to systemic vascular pathology. Monochromatic images provide best contrast to measure vessel calibres. However, when obtaining images with a dual wavelength oximeter the red-free image can be extracted as the green channel information only which in turn will reduce the number of photographs taken at a given time. This will reduce patient exposure to the camera flash and could provide sufficient quality images to reliably measure vessel calibres. Methods: We obtained retinal images of one eye of 45 healthy participants. Central retinal arteriolar and central retinal venular equivalents (CRAE and CRVE, respectively) were measured using semi-automated software from two monochromatic images: one taken with a red-free filter and one extracted from the green channel of a dual wavelength oximetry image. Results: Participants were aged between 21 and 62 years, all were normotensive (SBP: 115 (12) mmHg; DBP: 72 (10) mmHg) and had normal intra-ocular pressures (12 (3) mmHg). Bland-Altman analysis revealed good agreement of CRAE and CRVE as obtained from both images (mean bias CRAE = 0.88; CRVE = 2.82). Conclusions: Summarised retinal vessel calibre measurements obtained from oximetry images are in good agreement to those obtained using red-free photographs

    Cone photoreceptor structure in patients with x-linked cone dysfunction and red-green color vision deficiency

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    PURPOSE: Mutations in the coding sequence of the L and M opsin genes are often associated with X-linked cone dysfunction (such as Bornholm Eye Disease, BED), though the exact color vision phenotype associated with these disorders is variable. We examined individuals with L/M opsin gene mutations to clarify the link between color vision deficiency and cone dysfunction. METHODS: We recruited 17 males for imaging. The thickness and integrity of the photoreceptor layers were evaluated using spectral-domain optical coherence tomography. Cone density was measured using high-resolution images of the cone mosaic obtained with adaptive optics scanning light ophthalmoscopy. The L/M opsin gene array was characterized in 16 subjects, including at least one subject from each family. RESULTS: There were six subjects with the LVAVA haplotype encoded by exon 3, seven with LIAVA, two with the Cys203Arg mutation encoded by exon 4, and two with a novel insertion in exon 2. Foveal cone structure and retinal thickness was disrupted to a variable degree, even among related individuals with the same L/M array. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings provide a direct link between disruption of the cone mosaic and L/M opsin variants. We hypothesize that, in addition to large phenotypic differences between different L/M opsin variants, the ratio of expression of first versus downstream genes in the L/M array contributes to phenotypic diversity. While the L/M opsin mutations underlie the cone dysfunction in all of the subjects tested, the color vision defect can be caused either by the same mutation or a gene rearrangement at the same locus