292 research outputs found

    A Bound on the Light Emitted During the TP-AGB Phase

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    The integrated luminosity of the TP-AGB phase is a major uncertainty in stellar population synthesis models. We use the white dwarf initial final mass relation and stellar interiors models to demonstrate that a significant fraction of the core mass growth for intermediate (1.5 < Msun < 6) mass stars takes place during the TP-AGB phase. We find evidence that the peak fractional core mass contribution for TP-AGB stars is ~20% and occurs for stars between 2 Msun and 3.5 Msun. Using a simple fuel consumption argument we couple this core mass increase to a lower limit on the TP-AGB phase energy output. Roughly half of the energy released in models of TP-AGB stars can be directly accounted for by this core growth; while the remainder is predominantly the stellar yield of He. A robust measurement of the emitted light in this phase will therefore set strong constraints on helium enrichment from TP-AGB stars, and we estimate the yields predicted by current models as a function of initial mass. Implications for stellar population studies and prospects for improvements are discussed.Comment: Submitted to the Astrophysical Journal. 25 pages, 2 figures

    On the Radial Distribution of White Dwarfs in the Globular Cluster NGC 6397

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    We have examined the radial distribution of white dwarfs over a single HST/ACS field in the nearby globular cluster NGC 6397. In relaxed populations, such as in a globular cluster, stellar velocity dispersion, and hence radial distribution, is directly dependent on stellar masses. The progenitors of very young cluster white dwarfs had a mass of ~0.8 solar masses, while the white dwarfs themselves have a mass of ~0.5 solar masses. We thus expect young white dwarfs to have a concentrated radial distribution (like that of their progenitors) that becomes more extended over several relaxation times to mimic that of ~0.5 solar mass main-sequence stars. However, we observe young white dwarfs to have a significantly extended radial distribution compared to both the most massive main sequence stars in the cluster and also to old white dwarfs.Comment: 13 pages including 1 table and 3 figures. Accepted for publication in the MNRAS Letter

    Deep HST Imaging in NGC 6397: Stellar Dynamics

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    Multi-epoch observations with ACS on HST provide a unique and comprehensive probe of stellar dynamics within NGC 6397. We are able to confront analytic models of the globular cluster with the observed stellar proper motions. The measured proper motions probe well along the main sequence from 0.8 to below 0.1 M_\odot as well as white dwarfs younger than one gigayear. The observed field lies just beyond the half-light radius where standard models of globular cluster dynamics (e.g. based on a lowered Maxwellian phase-space distribution) make very robust predictions for the stellar proper motions as a function of mass. The observed proper motions show no evidence for anisotropy in the velocity distribution; furthermore, the observations agree in detail with a straightforward model of the stellar distribution function. We do not find any evidence that the young white dwarfs have received a natal kick in contradiction with earlier results. Using the observed proper motions of the main-sequence stars, we obtain a kinematic estimate of the distance to NGC 6397 of 2.20.7+0.52.2^{+0.5}_{-0.7} kpc and a mass of the cluster of 1.1±0.1×105M1.1 \pm 0.1 \times 10^5 \mathrm{M}_\odot at the photometric distance of 2.53 kpc. One of the main-sequence stars appears to travel on a trajectory that will escape the cluster, yielding an estimate of the evaporation timescale, over which the number of stars in the cluster decreases by a factor of e, of about 3 Gyr. The proper motions of the youngest white dwarfs appear to resemble those of the most massive main-sequence stars, providing the first direct constraint on the relaxation time of the stars in a globular cluster of greater than or about 0.7 Gyr.Comment: 25 pages, 20 figures, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa

    The Spectral Energy Distributions of White Dwarfs in 47 Tucanae: The Distance to the Cluster

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    We present a new distance determination to the Galactic globular cluster 47 Tucanae by fitting the spectral energy distributions of its white dwarfs to pure hydrogen atmosphere white dwarf models. Our photometric dataset is obtained from a 121 orbit Hubble Space Telescope program using the Wide Field Camera 3 UVIS/IR channels, capturing F390W, F606W, F110W, and F160W images. These images cover more than 60 square arcmins and extend over a radial range of 5-13.7 arcmin (6.5-17.9 pc) within the globular cluster. Using a likelihood analysis, we obtain a best fitting unreddened distance modulus of (m - M)o=13.36+/-0.02+/-0.06 corresponding to a distance of 4.70+/-0.04+/-0.13 kpc, where the first error is random and the second is systematic. We also search the white dwarf photometry for infrared excess in the F160W filter, indicative of debris disks or low mass companions, and find no convincing cases within our sample.Comment: Accepted to The Astronomical Journal, 13 Figures, 2 Tables. Figures 3 and 6 are figure sets, each composed of 59 subfigures (to appear in the electronic journal). This is a Companion paper to the article ID: submit/037561

    Deep MMT Transit Survey of the Open Cluster M37 IV: Limit on the Fraction of Stars With Planets as Small as 0.3 R_J

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    We present the results of a deep (15 ~< r ~< 23), 20 night survey for transiting planets in the intermediate age open cluster M37 (NGC 2099) using the Megacam wide-field mosaic CCD camera on the 6.5m MMT. We do not detect any transiting planets among the ~1450 observed cluster members. We do, however, identify a ~ 1 R_J candidate planet transiting a ~ 0.8 Msun Galactic field star with a period of 0.77 days. The source is faint (V = 19.85 mag) and has an expected velocity semi-amplitude of K ~ 220 m/s (M/M_J). We conduct Monte Carlo transit injection and recovery simulations to calculate the 95% confidence upper limit on the fraction of cluster members and field stars with planets as a function of planetary radius and orbital period. Assuming a uniform logarithmic distribution in orbital period, we find that < 1.1%, < 2.7% and < 8.3% of cluster members have 1.0 R_J planets within Extremely Hot Jupiter (EHJ, 0.4 < T < 1.0 day), Very Hot Jupiter (VHJ, 1.0 < T < 3.0 days) and Hot Jupiter (HJ, 3.0 < T < 5.0 days) period ranges respectively. For 0.5 R_J planets the limits are < 3.2%, and < 21% for EHJ and VHJ period ranges, while for 0.35 R_J planets we can only place an upper limit of < 25% on the EHJ period range. For a sample of 7814 Galactic field stars, consisting primarily of FGKM dwarfs, we place 95% upper limits of < 0.3%, < 0.8% and < 2.7% on the fraction of stars with 1.0 R_J EHJ, VHJ and HJ assuming the candidate planet is not genuine. If the candidate is genuine, the frequency of ~ 1.0 R_J planets in the EHJ period range is 0.002% < f_EHJ < 0.5% with 95% confidence. We place limits of < 1.4%, < 8.8% and < 47% for 0.5 R_J planets, and a limit of < 16% on 0.3 R_J planets in the EHJ period range. This is the first transit survey to place limits on the fraction of stars with planets as small as Neptune.Comment: 61 pages, 19 figures, 5 tables, replaced with the version accepted for publication in Ap

    An Empirical Measure of the Rate of White Dwarf Cooling in 47 Tucanae

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    We present an empirical determination of the white dwarf cooling sequence in the globular cluster 47 Tucanae. Using spectral models, we determine temperatures for 887 objects from Wide Field Camera 3 data, as well as 292 objects from data taken with the Advanced Camera for Surveys. We make the assumption that the rate of white dwarf formation in the cluster is constant. Stellar evolution models are then used to determine the rate at which objects are leaving the main sequence, which must be the same as the rate at which objects are arriving on the white dwarf sequence in our field. The result is an empirically derived relation between temperature (TeffT_{eff}) and time (tt) on the white dwarf cooling sequence. Comparing this result to theoretical cooling models, we find general agreement with the expected slopes between 20,000K and 30,000K and between 6,000K and 20,000K, but the transition to the Mestel cooling rate of Tefft0.4T_{eff} \propto t^{-0.4} is found to occur at hotter temperatures, and more abruptly than is predicted by any of these models.Comment: 10 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in Ap