2,011 research outputs found


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            The article illustrates the competition in politics which takes place in two parallel dimensions, i.e. during regular electoral campaigns and during the period of debating the final version of the legislation. One of the ways to the appropriate treatment of competition in politics is focusing research efforts on the analysis of political entrepreneurs behavior. It involves obtaining an advantage over players aiming to achieve identical objectives through the use of various instruments which exert influence on the preferences of political consumers as well as public decision of politicians and bureaucrats. The author argues that these behaviors are an adjustment to the conditions in which competition takes place on the political market. The methodology adopted in the study based on the hypothesis that individuals make public choices thus affecting the final outcome of the political process, and a direct relationship between the private cost and private benefit, which is a fundamental feature of the market selection, can be transferred to the analysis of public sphere

    Toward a unified model of mobile Business Intelligence (m-BI) acceptance and use

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    Factors affecting mobile business intelligence (m-BI) acceptance and use have become an increasingly important topic in practice due to the growing complexity of organizations, and their underlying information systems (IS). Since, one can notice considerable interest in m-BI, however, to the best of our knowledge few studies (if any) aim to synthesize the existing body of knowledge with regards to the factors affecting m-BI acceptance and use. To fill this gap, we conducted a systematic literature review and summarized the current state of the art. By addressing research questions, we identified a set of five factors, namely: Perceived Value, Perceived Ease of Use, Managerial Attitudes, Facilitating Conditions and Quality of Information, and specified their inter-relationships. Moreover, we introduce an acceptance model (m-BIAM) on behavioral intention and use mobile Business Intelligence solutions. The contribution of this study lies in these evidence-based findings, which lay a solid foundation for further studies in the extent of testing and evaluating the m-BIAM model, targeted at delivering more evidence to confirm its validity and predictive power

    Thermoelectric properties of Ca2Sn/Ca3SnO

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    This type of materials was first synthesized in 1961 (Eckerlin), and its structure was determined by XRD measurements [1]. There are little experimental studies of thermodynamic and electrical properties of these compounds [2–4], as even in the first paper it was observed that these materials within a very short time turn into black powder after exposure to air. That powder contains mainly oxidation products. Recently, these materials were studied using ab-initio calculations and they were predicted to possess very promising thermopower [5–10]. Its real crystal structure is also a matter of debate [3, 8, 9]. The usability of thermoelectric material for thermoelectric applications depend on figure of merit, where high thermopower, small thermal conductivity and low resistivity is expected from a prospective material [11, 12]. Due to recent ab-initio studies we decided to revisit Ca2Sn, and measure its thermoelectric properties[…


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    The aim of the article is to analyze decentralization political structure, under the corner of reduce economical incentives influence of organized interests on the distribution of public resources. The  theoretical deliberations presented in the article are based on the research achivements of the new political economy (NPE). The author argue that the federal jurisdiction when the administration have the power to tax is the nearest to the nondiscriminatory politics.Celem opracowania jest analiza decentralizacji struktury politycznej pod kątem osłabienia ekonomicznych „bodźców” wpływu zorganizowanych interesów na proces podziału i redystrybucji zasobów społecznych. Teoretyczne rozważania zaprezentowane w artykule, są oparte na dorobku nowej ekonomii politycznej. Autor dowodzi, że rozwiązania oparte na jurysdykcji federalnej, gdzie administracja dysponuje prawem nakładania podatków są najbliższe pro-społecznej polityce powszechności podziału

    Lobbying from an Ethical Perspective

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    The aim of the article is a review of the wide spectrum of lobbying formulations and definitions to answer questions regarding the areas of lobbying activity. The author argues that lobbying is a wide scope of activities that lobbyists undertake according to their expectations and preferences. Ethical reflections on lobbying activity should then take into consideration the conditions in which the main players on the democratic political scene interact with each other

    The Development of Supply Chains in the Refrigerated Cargo Freight from Spain to Poland

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    The transport of refrigerated cargo (fruit and vegetable) imported from Spain to Poland is realized mainly by road. At the moment, there are no specialized short-sea shipping services of citrus fruit from Spain. In the previous years, only an insignificant amounts of fruit was transported from Spain to the Polish seaports. The aim of this article is to identify and characterize supply chains and logistics­transport infrastructure used in the freight of refrigerated cargo between Poland and Spain. The particular emphasis is put on the characteristics of supply chains of citrus fruit and vegetables

    The Profession of Management Accounting in Ethical Perspective

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    Increasing market competitiveness has brought about changes in enterprise management. There was a demand for an increase in the quality and quantity of information needed for operational and strategic management procedures. With the increasing demand for the desired cross-section of information necessary for an accounting system, in addition to the financial accounting responsible for generating financial information, management accounting was established. The purpose of this article is to seek answers to the question about how the professional ethics of management accountants are related to the nature and specifics of carrying out their professional duties

    Do European Union funds have an impact on the volume of corporate lending? The case of the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland

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    Purpose: The research problem of this article is to determine the existence of a direct relationship between the EU funds spent and the volume of bank lending in the corporate sector in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland. Design/Methodology/Approach: The statistical analysis aimed to achieve the objective of this study consisted in revealing some interesting associations between the variables: EU funding to individual countries and lending to non-financial companies in the category of short and long-term loans. A linear regression analysis procedure was carried out, and an additional tool to support the course of the study was a relationship analysis measured by the Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient of the individual variables. Findings: The research hypothesis adopted was that EU funds significantly modify the market for credit services offered by banks and, therefore, EU funds have an impact on the volume of bank lending in the corporate sector. The absorption of EU funds, based on the observation of their disbursements in the countries concerned which are members of the Community, demonstrates basically a similar regularity. This is consistent with the process of the implementation of programmes under particular EU perspectives. However, EU funding for the Czech Republic and Slovakia has a similar structure, and it can be seen that an increase in funding is in line with a decrease in lending (short-term loans) while this phenomenon does not occur in Poland. Practical Implications: The research results can be used by EU funds disposers as well as by banks authorities to create their future policy. Originality/Value: Original research.peer-reviewe