52 research outputs found

    Biodegradation of 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid by Phanerochaete chrysosporium

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    Despite intensive efforts put on prevention of environment pollution by nitroaromatic compounds, these xenobiotics have not been eliminated from the biosphere. The physicochemical properties make nitroaromatics extremely recalcitrant to biodegradation. Therefore, microbial degraders of these pollutants are sought after. This paper reports preliminary results of the study on degradation of 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) by a basidiomycetous fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium under stationary conditions in a culture medium containing 0.05–0.5% v/v of DNS. The results obtained suggest that the fungus degrades DNS through the reductive pathway

    Physicochemical and bilogical characterization of soils from the vicinity of the Arctowski Polish Antarctic Station

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    Soil samples collected in 2006 from 4 different sites (Puchalski Hill and a moraine below this hill, an elephant seal colony and a penguin rookery) in the vicinity of Arctowski Polish Antarctic Station at King George Island were characterized in terms of physicochemical properties (pH, humidity, concentration of selected inorganic and organic substances), microbial colonization and the overall activity of selected enzymes (differentglycosidases and esterases). Activity of the latter enzymes was assayed by p-nitrophenyl and 4-methylumbelliferone derivatives of fatty acids (by spectrophotometric and fluorimetric method, respectively). The highest lipolytic activity was found in soils from the elephant seal colony and penguin rookery

    Recommendations for neurological, obstetrical and gynaecological care in women with multiple sclerosis: a statement by a working group convened by the Section of Multiple Sclerosis and Neuroimmunology of the Polish Neurological Society

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    Introduction. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common non-traumatic neurological cause of disability in young adults, affecting women 1-3 times more often than men. Several specific challenges arise from the fact that young women diagnosed with MS often have to make decisions related to treatment and family planning at the same time. These issues are connected with fertility, the impact of pregnancy on disease course, the choice of pregnancy timing, and the optimal mode of disease-modifying therapy in the context of a planned pregnancy, contraception, urological complaints, and sexual dysfunction.State of the art. While MS does not in itself adversely affect fertility, pregnancy or childbirth, pregnancy needs to be carefully planned. This requires the interdisciplinary co-operation of a neurologist, gynaecologist and psychologist. Data on the impact of disease-modifying drugs on foetal development are very limited, and none of these drugs is 100% safe during pregnancy. In the second and third trimesters, MS relapse rate decreases. Unfortunately, it increases within the first 3-6 months after delivery. Adequate disease control should be achieved before pregnancy, as relapse rate in the period of two years preceding pregnancy is one of the strongest predictive factors for post-partum relapses.Clinical implications. The following is a statement by a working group of experts in neurology, gynaecology, obstetrics and urology, convened by the Section of Multiple Sclerosis and Neuroimmunology of the Polish Neurological Society, addressing the issues that are specific to the female MS population. The aim of this statement is to provide guidance in pregnancy planning and disease management, both during pregnancy and post-partum.Future directions. This statement reflects expert opinion and is not intended to be read as guidelines. It rather provides up-to-date information on how to optimise care of female MS patients of childbearing age

    Enzymatic Conversion of Sugar Beet Pulp: A Comparison of Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation and Separate Hydrolysis and Fermentation for Lactic Acid Production

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    U radu je ispitana učinkovitost proizvodnje mliječne kiseline tehnikama odvojene hidrolize i fermentacije, te istodobne saharifikacije i fermentacije pulpe šećerne trske, nusprodukta proizvodnje šećera. Pulpa šećerne trske hidrolizirana je s pomoću pet komercijalnih enzima, te je proveden niz pokusa na tresilici s pet odabranih sojeva bakterija mliječno-kiselog vrenja. Postignuti su različiti prinosi ukupnih reducirajućih šećera, ovisno o aktivnosti enzima prilikom razgradnje glavnih sastojaka pulpe. Najveći prinos nakon hidrolize i najmanji talog dobiveni su primjenom mješavine komercijalnih enzima Viscozyme® i Ultraflo® Max u omjeru 1:1. U postupku odvojene hidrolize i fermentacije bakterije mliječno-kiselog vrenja iskoristile su samo dio ugljikohidrata oslobođenih enzimskom hidrolizom za rast. U postupku se istodobne saharifikacije i fermentacije pri maloj dozi enzima smanjila akumulacija šećera. Smanjila se i opasnost od kataboličke represije ugljikom. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da je istodobna saharifikacija i fermentacija bolja od tehnike odvojene hidrolize i fermentacije, između ostalog i zbog manjih troškova i većeg prinosa. Prinos mliječne kiseline dobiven istodobnom saharifikacijom i fermentacijom (oko 30 g/L) bio je 80-90 % veći nego onaj dobiven odvojenom hidrolizom i fermentacijom.This study compares the efficiency of lactic acid production by separate hydrolysis and fermentation (SHF) or simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) of sugar beet pulp, a byproduct of industrial sugar production. In experiments, sugar beet pulp was hydrolyzed using five commercial enzymes. A series of shake flask fermentations were conducted using five selected strains of lactic acid bacteria (LAB). The differences in the activities of the enzymes for degrading the principal sugar beet pulp components were reflected in the different yields of total reducing sugars. The highest yields after hydrolysis and the lowest quantities of insoluble residues were obtained using a mixture (1:1) of Viscozyme® and Ultraflo® Max. In the SHF process, only a portion of the soluble sugars released by the enzymes from the sugar beet pulp was assimilated by the LAB strains. In SSF, low enzyme loads led to reduction in the efficiency of sugar accumulation. The risk of carbon catabolic repression was reduced. Our results suggest that SSF has advantages over SHF, including lower processing costs and higher productivity. Lactic acid yield in SSF mode (approx. 30 g/L) was 80–90 % higher than that in SHF

    Autoimmune response in lung cancer patients with neurological paraneoplastic syndromes

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    Aim of the study. The aim of this study was to evaluate granzyme B, perforin and FasL expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) in lung cancer patients and in paraneoplastic neurological syndromes (PNS). Clinical rationale for the study. Cellular immune response is activated as part of anti-tumour reaction of the malignancy-bearing host. Paraneoplastic neurological syndromes (PNS) are defined as indirect effects of cancer on the nervous system and are considered immune-mediated. Such stimulation of the immune system may limit the aggressiveness of cancer and the development of metastasis, and thereby improve survival. Granzyme B and perforin pathway, and Fas ligand (FasL) – Fas receptor interaction play an important role in cytotoxic response. Materials and Methods. Fifty-two patients were included in the study: 28 subjects with PNS and 24 subjects with lung cancer. PNS cases were diagnosed according to the Graus criteria. The presence of onconeural antibodies (anti-Hu/anti-Ri/anti-Yo/anti-Ma/Ta/anti-CV2/anti-amphiphysin/anti-myelin/anti-neuroendothelium/anti-MAG/anti-GAD) was detected with indirect immunofluorescence and confirmed with Line Blotting. The expression of granzyme B, perforin and FasL was detected in PBMCs with ELISA. Results. PPBMC-FasL expression was increased in lung cancer compared to other patient groups. The granzyme to FasL ratio was significantly higher in lung cancer patients with peripheral than with central PNS involvement. In a multiple regression model, sex was an independent factor influencing PBMC expression of granzyme and perforin. Conclusions. FasL expression in PBMCs is up-regulated in lung cancer patients. The interplay between granzyme B and FasL may be involved in the development of PNS at the level of the peripheral and the central nervous systems in different manners. Gender is associated with PBMC expression of granzyme B and perforin in lung cancer patients. Clinical Implications. The novel findings that we report broaden the current knowledge on PNS pathomechanism, with aspects that have not been previously explored. Our findings provide a rationale for further exploration of the granzyme B/FasL pathway with regards to its potential diagnostic value. However, our study is preliminary and needs further research, especially in the context of the prognostic value of the proposed markers

    Recommendations of the Polish Medical Society of Radiology and the Polish Society of Neurology for the routinely used magnetic resonance imaging protocol in patients with multiple sclerosis

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    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a widely used method for the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS) that is essential for the detection and follow-up of the disease. The Polish Medical Society of Radiology (PLTR) and the Polish Society of Neurology (PTN) present the second version of the recommendations for examinations routinely conducted in magnetic resonance imaging departments in patients with MS, which include new data and practical comments for electroradiology technicians and radiologists. The recommended protocol aims to improve the MRI procedure and, most importantly, to standardise the method of conducting scans in all MRI departments. This is crucial for the initial diagnostics that are necessary to establish a diagnosis as well as monitor patients with MS, which directly translates into significant clinical decisions. MS is a chronic idiopathic inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS), the aetiology of which is still unknown. The nature of the disease lies in the CNS destruction process disseminated in time and space. MRI detects focal lesions in the white and grey matter with high sensitivity (with significantly less specificity in the latter). It is also the best tool to assess brain atrophy in patients with MS in terms of grey matter volume and white matter volume as well as local atrophy (by measuring the volume of thalamus, corpus callosum, subcortical nuclei, hippocampus) as parameters that correlate with disability progression and cognitive dysfunctions. Progress in magnetic resonance techniques, as well as the abilities of postprocessing the obtained data, has become the basis for the dynamic development of computer programs that allow for a more repeatable assessment of brain atrophy in both cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. MRI is unquestionably the best diagnostic tool used to follow up the course of the disease and to treat patients with MS. However, to diagnose and follow up the patients with MS on the basis of MRI in accordance with the latest standards, an MRI study must meet certain quality criteria, which are the subject of this paper

    Recommendations of the Polish Medical Society of Radiology and the Polish Society of Neurology for a protocol concerning routinely used magnetic resonance imaging in patients with multiple sclerosis

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    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a widely used method for the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis that is essential for the detection and follow-up of the disease.Objective: The Polish Medical Society of Radiology (PLTR) and the Polish Society of Neurology (PTN) present the second version of their recommendations for investigations routinely conducted in magnetic resonance imaging departments in patients with multiple sclerosis. This version includes new data and practical comments for electroradiology technologists and radiologists. The recommended protocol aims to improve the MRI procedure and, most importantly, to standardise the method of conducting scans in all MRI departments. This is crucial for the initial diagnostics necessary for establishing a diagnosis, as well as for MS patient monitoring, which directly translates into significant clinical decisions.Introduction: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic immune mediated inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS), the aetiology of which is still unknown. The nature of the disease lies in a CNS destruction process disseminated in time (DIT) and space (DIS). MRI detects focal lesions in the white and grey matter with high sensitivity (although with significantly lower specificity in the latter). It is also the best tool to assess brain atrophy in patients with MS in terms of grey matter volume (GMV) and white matter volume (WMV) as well as local atrophy (by measuring the volume of thalamus, corpus callosum, subcortical nuclei, and hippocampus) as parameters that correlate with disability progression and cognitive dysfunctions. Progress in MR techniques, as well as advances in postprocessing the obtained data, has driven the dynamic development of computer programs that allow for a more repeatable assessment of brain atrophy in both cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. MR imaging is unquestionably the best diagnostic tool available to follow up the course of the disease and support clinicians in choosing the most appropriate treatment strategy for their MS patient. However, to diagnose and follow up MS patients on the basis of MRI in accordance with the latest standards, the MRI study must adhere to certain quality criteria. Such criteria are the subject of this paper