12 research outputs found

    Influence of Windows Geometrical Parameters on Calculations of the Heat Conduction Coefficient

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    © 2017 The Authors. The relationship between the geometrical and thermodynamic variables of windows, of several types, sizes and materials, is presented in this paper. The heat conduction coefficients were calculated, for all the presented windows' types. Results that are presented provide for the possibility to select the optimal construction solution of the window, as well as for the material of the frame and type of the filling, with respect to the best heat conduction coefficient. That, in turn, ensures the optimal energy efficiency of the window structure

    Possibilities of using pine, linden and elder in biomonitoring and phytoremediation

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    Disertacija predstavlja rezultate ispitivanja mogućnosti upotrebe bora, lipe i zove u biomonitoringu i fitoremedijaciji. Istraživanje je sprovedeno u oblastima koje su pod uticajem zagađujućih supstanci iz topionice bakra, i sa odlagališta raskrivke i flotacijskih jalovišta. Koncentracije Al, Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb, Ni, As i Cd su određene u uzorcima opranog i neopranog lišća, grana, korenja i rizosfernog zemljišta ispitivanih biljnih vrsta. Lišće i grane bora, lipe i zove su u poređenju sa korenjem efikasniji u utvrđivanju kvaliteta životne sredine. Lišće bora, lipe i zove ukazuje na zagađenje životne sredine supstancama sa visokim sadržajem Fe, Cu, Pb, As, Cd i Zn (samo lišće lipe). Grane ispitivanih biljnih vrsta ukazuju na zagađenje sa visokim sadržajem Cu, Pb i As, pri čemu su grane bora i zove adekvatne i u slučaju Fe, a grane lipe u i slučaju Zn. Cu, Zn i As kao zagađujuće materije u zemljištu mogu se prepoznati putem korenja lipe i zove, a Fe samo preko korenja lipe. Zagađenje zemljišta ostalim elementima se ne može pratiti putem korenja ispitivanih biljnih vrsta. Korenje bora nije adekvatno za ispitivanje zagađenja zemljišta. Lišće lipe i zove, a posebno zove je u odnosu na iglice bora pogodnije za utvrđivanje prisustva svih ispitivanih elemenata (osim Ni) u atmosferskoj depoziciji, kao i za utvrđivanje kvaliteta vazduha. Utvrđeno je da bor, lipa i zova imaju mogućnosti adaptacije, koristeći različite mehanizme, u zavisnosti od uslova sredine svakog mesta uzorkovanja. Bor, lipa i zova nisu hiperakumulatori ni jednog od ispitivanih elemenata, tako da se ne mogu koristiti u fitoekstrakciji. Jedino lipa ima mogućnosti da se koristi u fitostabilizaciji, i to Cu, Zn i Cd, u specifičnim uslovima sredine, i u uslovima povećanih koncentracija ovih elemenata u zemljištu. Potvrđeno je da su topionica bakra i flotacijska jalovišta u Boru, dominantni emiteri zagađujućih supstanci. Rezultati ispitivanja biljnog materijala i zemljišta ukazuju da su Cu, Pb, As i Cd glavne zagađujuće materije u ispitivanoj oblasti.The dissertation represents the results of examining the possibilities of using pine, linden and elder in biomonitoring and phytoremediation. The research was conducted in the areas that are affected by pollutants from the copper smelter, flotation tailings ponds and overburden dumps. Al, Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb, Ni, As and Cd concentrations were determined in the samples of unwashed and washed leaves, branches, roots and rhizospheric soil of the examined plant species. Leaves and branches of pine, linden and elder in comparision with roots, are more efficient in determining the environmental quality. Pine, linden and elder leaves indicate the environmental pollution with substances which have a high content of Fe, Cu, Pb, As, Cd and Zn (only in linden leaves). Branches of the examined plant species indicate the pollution with high content of Cu, Pb and As, whereby pine and elder branches are also adequate in the case of Fe, and linden branches in the case of Zn. Cu, Zn and As, as the polluting substances in the soil, can be identified by linden and elder roots, and Fe just by linden roots. Soil pollution with other elements can not be monitored by roots of the examined plant species. Pine roots are not adequate for examination of soil pollution. Leaves of linden and elder, and especially of elder, compared with pine needles, are more suitable for determining the presence of all the examined elements (except Ni) in the atmospheric deposition, as well as for determining the air quality. It was found that pine, linden and elder have adaptation possibilities, using various mechanisms depending on the environmental conditions of each sampling site. Pine, linden and elder are not hyperaccumulators of the examined elements, so they can not be used in phytoextraction. Only linden has a possibility to be used in phytostabilisation, especially of copper, zinc and cadmium in the specific environmental conditions, and in conditions of the increased concentrations of these elements in soil. It is confirmed that copper smelter and flotation tailings ponds in the town of Bor, are the dominant emitters of pollution. The results of examining plant material and soil show that Cu, Pb, As and Cd are the main polluting substances in the study area

    The influence of the environmental factors on the accumulation patterns of toxic elements in Plantago lanceolata sampled in the area under strong anthropopressure

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    The study aims to explore the environmental factors which activate accumulation abilities of Plantago lanceolata in the research area under strong anthropopressure resulting from the long-term pollution originating from copper mining-metallurgical activities in Southeastern Europe. Sampling was performed at the most endangered sites regarding its proximity to the major and/or secondary pollution sources, as well at the control site. The content of toxic elements (Al, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) was determined in the roots, leaves, stalks and flowers of P. lanceolata. The anthropogenic origin of environmental contamination was denoted through the high concentrations of Cu, Pb and Zn in the leaves of P. lanceolata, reaching toxic levels, combined with the enrichment of plant parts (Enrichment factor >2), especially with Cu (as well as with Al, Fe, Ni and Zn) in samples from the immediate proximity to the copper smelter or at the prevailing wind directions. Biomonitoring potential, assessed through the correlations between toxic element content, as well as the values of Enrichment factor, was indicated for roots (in the case of Cu), all the aboveground plant parts (Fe) and stalks (Zn). The results have shown that the contents of toxic elements in plant parts as well as phytoremediation of P. lanceolata were dependent on soil element content, soil physico-chemical properties and soil enzyme activities, which were regarded as the main environmental drivers affecting phytoremediation ability. The analysis of biological factors (bioconcentration, translocation and bioaccumulation factor) indicated exclusion strategy and possible usage of P. lanceolata in phytostabilization of Zn. The results indicated that the study area is 'environmental hotspot' with potential threat to human health due to the high levels of bioaccumulation of the investigated toxic elements in P. lanceolata parts

    Emission of SO2 and SO42- from copper smelter and its influence on the level of total s in soil and moss in Bor and the surroundings

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    Bor and the surroundings (Eastern Serbia) have been known for exploitation and processing of sulphide copper ores for more than 100 years. Emissions of waste gases and particulate matter rich in heavy metals are characteristic for pyrometallurgical production of copper. Long-term measurement results (2005-2008) indicate an increased sulphur dioxide level in the urban-industrial zone of Bor since it is closest to the copper smelter which is a dominant source of air pollution in the studied area. Average annual sulphur dioxide concentrations at four measuring sites in the urban-industrial zone exceeded the maximum allowable value of 50 μg/m3. However the maximum allowable value of the total atmospheric depositions (200 mg/m2/day on an annual basis) exceeded only at two of 15 measuring sites in the urban-industrial and rural zone. The highest annual deposition rate of sulphates from deposition was detected in the urban-industrial zone. Since the maximum permitted value for sulphates is not defined by the Serbian Regulations, the extent of the pollution cannot be discussed. Since the environment can continuously be polluted through the wet and dry deposition, biomonitoring by moss was conducted, which revealed significantly higher concentrations of total sulphur in moss in the urban-industrial zone, compared to the background zone. The obtained results confirm the reliability of moss as a bioindicator of ambient pollution. Higher total S concentration in soil samples was noted at the rural site (Ostrelj) located in the close vicinity of two tailing ponds. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 46010, br. 33038 i br. 172037

    Characteristics of Wastewater Streams Within the Bor Copper Mine and Their Influence on Pollution of the Timok River, Serbia

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    Wastewaters produced by mining and metallurgical treatment of polymetallic sulfide ores have polluted the Timok River in Serbia for more than 100 years. We have characterized seven different wastewater streams within the RTB Bor facilities, investigating their influence on pollution of the Timok River before its confluence with the Danube River. Their relative contribution was calculated by considering the contaminant load of each wastewater stream and non-conservative transport along their flow paths. Three sampling spots in the Timok River, before and after its confluence with the Borska River, were also monitored