651 research outputs found

    Research of the Russian companies’ potential and the success factors

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    The article presents the results of the key factors of the chemical and petrochemical companies’ success which are in the “Expert-400” rating. This rating includes the most successful companies with highest yields, profits and efficiency. While researching, the grouping of companies according to their industry affiliation to the chemical and petrochemical industry was done. The number of companies affiliated to the selected industry rated as the best ones is 14 or 3% from the total number. One company of each form of ownership to reveal the main regularities and key success factors of the companies of the given industry are taken to be analyzed. The success factors have been identified and researching prospects in the given field have been formulated for a company of each form of ownership.peer-reviewe

    Epistatic Interactions in {NS5A} of Hepatitis {C} Virus Suggest Drug Resistance Mechanisms

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    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) causes a major health burden and can be effectively treated by direct-acting antivirals (DAAs). The non-structural protein 5A (NS5A), which plays a role in the viral genome replication, is one of the DAAs’ targets. Resistance-associated viruses (RAVs) harbouring NS5A resistance-associated mutations (RAMs) have been described at baseline and after therapy failure. A mutation from glutamine to arginine at position 30 (Q30R) is a characteristic RAM for the HCV sub/genotype (GT) 1a, but arginine corresponds to the wild type in the GT-1b; still, GT-1b strains are susceptible to NS5A-inhibitors. In this study, we show that GT-1b strains with R30Q often display other specific NS5A substitutions, particularly in positions 24 and 34. We demonstrate that in GT-1b secondary substitutions usually happen after initial R30Q development in the phylogeny, and that the chemical properties of the corresponding amino acids serve to restore the positive charge in this region, acting as compensatory mutations. These findings may have implications for RAVs treatment


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    The results of apple breeding in the south of West Siberia according to the main economically useful features are presented in the paper. On the basis of hybridological analysis, 30 donors and sources of high winter hardiness, 16 sources of polygenic scab resistance and 13 heterozygous sources of monogenic resistance as well as productive varietal samples for breeding for yield and high fruit quality have been selected. Brief characteristics of 34 apple varieties of Gorno-Altaisk breeding are given


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    The title compound, C18H14Cl2N2O4S2, is a diamine that is a precursor to a quinonoid bidentate redox-active ligand. The dihedral angles between the central phenyl ring and the end rings are 87.5(1) and 60.7(1)°, while the two end rings make a dihedral angle of 82.5(1)°. The crystal structure is stabilized by two weak inter­molecular N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds, as well as one intra­molecular C—H⋯O and one N—H⋯N hydrogen bond

    Nexus between Financial Development and Energy Poverty in Asian Countries in the Context of Tax Burden

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    The authors consider research object in the context of tax burden. The specific problem with them seems to be both regulatory in nature, with different correlations and links between tax burden and energy poverty (access to electricity) in Asia, and technical, with an increase in payments to technical service providers. This paper is a generally moderate increase in the overall costs of tax compliance around the world. Over the past 5 years, many countries have carried out systemic reforms. This may have caused a temporary increase in compliance costs caused by the transition and the need for adaptation. The novelty of the current study is to find a nexus between tax burden and energy poverty (access to electricity) in Asian countries. This situation provides an opportunity for Russian economy and the economies of many developing Asian countries have the potential to increase the fiscal burden in the future by an average of 3.6%. There are factors contributing to a possible increase in the tax burden on the back of energy poverty (access to electricity) in Asia (95,78%). For example, the respondent mentioned that in some countries of Asia, the cost of professional consultants (externalization) helping to fill out tax returns has increased dramatically in recent years, which has a great impact on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

    Preparation of alumina nanoparticle suspensions with narrow particle size distribution

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    Dynamic light scattering (DLS) was applied to the study of the process of the preparing deaggregated water suspensions of alumina nanopowders with specific surface areas of 20-140 m2/g. Nanopowders were prepared by the electric explosion of wire and laser evaporation and, according to electron microscopy (TEM), consisted of nonagglomerated spherical nanoparticles with lognormal size distribution. According to DLS, nonsedimenting water suspensions of alumina nanoparticles, stabilized by sodium citrate at a 5 mM concentration, contain substantial fraction of aggregates. The dynamics of the change in the mean average size of aggregates under exhaustive ultrasound treatment of suspensions with 10 g/l concentration for 1.5-4 h by two types of ultrasonic processors was studied. It was shown that the mean average size of aggregates exponentially diminishes by 1.5-2 times and the fraction of individual particles in suspension enlarges from 45 to 85%. Sequentially centrifuging the suspension at 18000 g separates the remaining aggregates and results in suspensions of individual alumina nanoparticles. Particle size distributions in these suspensions obtained by TEM and DLS are the same within experimental error. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd


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    The change of properties of dry milk canned food has been researched in the recovery process. Optimum process regimes have been found. The studies have been used dry fat–free milk and dry dessert mixes (dry mixes for ice cream and dry mixes for pudding). The possibility of using different types of solvent (fat–free milk and drinking water) has been researched in the restoration of dry milk products. Solids content in the restored product have been changed from 8,0 % to 20,0 %. The thermal stability and the course of restoration of dry milk canned food were controlled. Use of drinking water in the recovery is optimal to ensure quality of finished products. It has been established that recovery of skimmed milk (to prevent technological risks) must comply solids content of 15,0 %. Organoleptic and physico–chemical parameters become stable for 30–60 minutes for dry dessert mixes; 60–90 minutes – for dry fat–free milk during the recovery of mixes. The densities of the recovered mixes were 1100±4 kg/m3 – for dry mixes for ice cream; 1091±3 kg/m3 – for pudding; 1033±3 kg/m3 – for dry fat–free milk. Dynamic viscosities were 78,1±0.1; 71,3±0.1; 1,6±0,1 Pa∙s∙10–3respectively.Исследовано изменение свойств молочных консервов в процессе восстановления и определены оптимальные режимы процесса. Для анализа были использованы сухое обезжиренное молоко и сухие смеси десертного назначения (сухие смеси для мороженого и сухие смеси для пудинга). Исследована возможность использования различных видов растворителя: обезжиренного молока и воды питьевой – в процессе восстановления сухих консервов. В восстановленном продукте изменяли содержание сухих веществ от 8,0 до 20,0 %. Контролировали термостойкость полученных восстановленных смесей и ход их восстановления. Для обеспечения стабильного качества готовых продуктов оптимальным есть использование для восстановления питьевой воды. Установлено, что восстановление сухого обезжиренного молока для предотвращения технологических рисков целесообразно проводить до содержания сухих веществ в восстановленной смеси 15,0 %. Обнаружено, что восстановленные смеси приобретают стабильные значения органолептических и физико–химических показателей за 30–60 минут для сухих десертных смесей и за 60–90 минут – для сухого обезжиренного молока. Плотность восстановленных смесей составляла 1100±4 кг/м3 – в сухой смеси для мороженого; 1091±3 кг/м3– для пудинга; 1033±3 кг/м3– для сухого обезжиренного молока. Динамическая вязкость составляла 78,1±0,1; 71,3±0,1; 1,6±0,1 Па∙с∙10–3 соответственно.Досліджено зміну властивостей молочних консервів у процесі відновлення та визначено оптимальні режими процесу. У дослідженнях використано сухе знежирене молоко та сухі суміші десертного призначення (сухі суміші для морозива та сухі суміші для пудингу). Досліджено можливість використання різних видів розчинника: знежиреного молока та води питної – у процесі відновлення сухих консервів. Змінювали вміст сухих речовин (від 8,0 до 20, 0 %) у відновленому продукті. Контролювали термостійкість отриманих відновлених сумішей та перебіг їх відновлення. Для забезпечення стабільної якості готових продуктів оптимальним у відновленні є використання питної води. Встановлено, що відновлення сухого знежиреного молока для запобігання технологічних ризиків доцільно проводити до вмісту сухих речовин у відновленій суміші 15,0 %. Дослідження перебігу відновлення виявили, що відновлені суміші набувають стабільних значень органолептичних та фізико–хімічних показників за 30–60 хвилин для сухих сумішей десертного призначення та за 60–90 хвилин – для сухого знежиреного молока. Густина відновлених сумішей становила: 1100±4 кг/м3 – в сухій суміші для морозива; 1091±3 кг/м3 – для пудингу; 1033±3 кг/м3– для сухого знежиреного молока. Динамічна в’язкість становила 78,1±0,1; 71,3±0,1; 1,6±0,1 Па∙с∙10–3 відповідно. &nbsp

    STITCH 3: zooming in on protein–chemical interactions

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    To facilitate the study of interactions between proteins and chemicals, we have created STITCH, an aggregated database of interactions connecting over 300 000 chemicals and 2.6 million proteins from 1133 organisms. Compared to the previous version, the number of chemicals with interactions and the number of high-confidence interactions both increase 4-fold. The database can be accessed interactively through a web interface, displaying interactions in an integrated network view. It is also available for computational studies through downloadable files and an API. As an extension in the current version, we offer the option to switch between two levels of detail, namely whether stereoisomers of a given compound are shown as a merged entity or as separate entities. Separate display of stereoisomers is necessary, for example, for carbohydrates and chiral drugs. Combining the isomers increases the coverage, as interaction databases and publications found through text mining will often refer to compounds without specifying the stereoisomer. The database is accessible at http://stitch.embl.de/