453 research outputs found

    Philosophical Reflection of the Concept of "Borders" in Modern Culturechinese Performing

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    Objective: philosophical reflection problems of the frontiers of science, knowledge and creativity in the modern intercultural integration; rationale for new interpretations and understanding of the concept "border" providing an integrative model for science and culture, which, in turn, implies the unacceptability of Orthodox approaches, and rigid demarcation between different spheres of cultural production. This explains the need to develop a "rational-reflexive culture" that meets the new demands of modern society. Research procedure and methods: the theoretical and methodological research of the work is based on the works of classics of Western and domestic philosophical, cultural, historical, and other thought in the field of studying the essence of social and cognitive phenomena; classical and non-classical methodological paradigms of understanding the concept of "borders" in ontological, epistemological grounds and socio-cultural dynamics are used. The main method is the classical method of dialectics, associated with the consideration of things in a broad ontological, epistemological and cultural-historical context; a method of comparative analysis, a combination of historical and logical, concrete-universal, phenomenological and systemic principles, a thesaurus approach. The results of the study: analyzed new meanings of the concept "border", "rational – reflexive culture" in knowledge and creativity; proven illegality model "narrow" technological oriented science and culture to the detriment of the spiritual nature of man; it is proved that as the modern world blurs the lines of demarcation in science, culture, art, insofar exacerbated the task of establishing priorities, implying the transition from a world of "pure rationality" to the life world of man; an optimal model of the conjugacy of all forms of human cognitive and creative activity in culture is proposed, due to the genetic connection of rational and other mental and cognitive forms of world development. Theoretical / practical significance consists in the justification and author's interpretation of the new understanding of the boundaries of science-culture-man; in proving the need to expand the boundaries of science in ontological and epistemological grounds to the "borders of culture"; implemented criticism of the technogenic interpretation of science (science as "sciepse"), with the connection with which the thesis is justified about the inexpediency of excessive rationalization of knowledge and cognition to the detriment of other ways and forms of world development

    Фізико-хімічні та органолептичні показники рослинного молока, яке використовують у готельно-ресторанних комплексах

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    The article highlights the current state of the production of dairy and vegetable food products. The results of studies of organoleptic and physical, chemical indicators of the quality of various herbal drinks: coconut, almond and oat, are presented, as well as an analysis and comparison with cow's milk, which is used in hotel and restaurant complexes in Bela Tserkva. For assessing the quality according to the organoleptic characteristics of the beverages, the following were examined: appearance, color, smell, taste and consistency. It was found that according to these indicators, herbal drinks comply with the regulatory documentation for these products. When assessing the quality by physical and chemical indicators, the mass fraction of fat, dry matter, titratable and active acidity, and density were established. The titratable acidity of milk-like drinks was within the normal range and did not exceed 10 ⁰T. The mass fraction of fat in coconut milk was 1.2 %, almond-rice milk – 1.3 % and oat milk – 2.4 %. Mass fraction of coconut milk solids was 7.6%, almond-rice 10.5% and oat milk 11.4%. The density of all types of herbal drinks was in the range of 1005–1015 kg/m3. The indicators of the quality of cow's milk, which is used in hotel and restaurant complexes, have been investigated in a comparative form. In terms of organoleptic indicators, the quality of cow's milk corresponds to the normative documentation. The fat mass fraction of cow's milk was 2.5 %, the mass fraction of solids was 12.5%, the titratable acidity was at the level of 18 ⁰T, the active acidity pH was 6.6, and the density was 1028 kg/m3. Analysis of various types of vegetable and cow's milk, which are used in hotel and restaurant complexes in the city of Bela Tserkva, in terms of physicochemical and organoleptic quality indicators, allows us to consider herbal drinks as substitutes for traditional products capable of providing the human body with essential nutritional factors.У статті висвітлено сучасний стан виробництва молочно-рослинних харчових продуктів. Наведено результати досліджень органолептичних та фізико-хімічних показників якості різних рослинних напоїв: кокосового, мигдального та вівсяного, а також проведено аналіз та порівняння з коров’ячим молоком, яке використовують у готельно-ресторанних комплексах м. Біла Церква. За проведення оцінки якості за органолептичними показниками напоїв досліджували: зовнішній вигляд, колір, запах, смак та консистенцію. Встановлено, що за цими показниками рослинні напої відповідають нормативній документації на дані продукти. Під час проведення оцінки якості за фізико-хімічними показниками встановлювали масову частку жиру, сухих речовин, титровану та активну кислотність, густину. Титрована кислотність молокоподібних напоїв була в межах норми і не перевищує 10 ⁰Т. Масова частка жиру кокосового молока становила 1,2 %, мигдально-рисового – 1,3 % та вівсяного – 2,4 %. Масова частка сухих речовин кокосового молока становила – 7,6 %, мигдально-рисового 10,5 % та вівсяного – 11,4 %. Густина всіх видів рослинних напоїв була в межах 1005–1015 кг/м3. У порівняльній формі досліджено показники якості молока коров’ячого, яке використовують у готельно-ресторанних комплексах. За органолептичними показниками якість молока коров’ячого відповідає нормативній документації. Масова частка жиру молока коров’ячого становила 2,5 %, масова частка сухих речовин 12,5 %, титрована кислотність була на рівні 18 ⁰Т, активна кислотність рН – 6,6, густина – 1028 кг/м3. Аналіз різних видів рослинного і коров’ячого молока, які використовують у готельно-ресторанних комплексах м. Біла Церква за фізико-хімічними та органолептичними показниками якості дозволяє розглядати рослинні напої як замінники традиційних продуктів здатних забезпечувати організм людини есенціальними факторами живлення

    The theoretical and experimental investigation of the halogencyclenes' phosphorylation

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    The phosphorylation reactions of the oxygen- and nitrogen-containing halocyclenes - 3,4-dichloro-5-hydroxyfuranone, 3,4-dichloro-5-substituted pyrrolinon-2-ones and N-phenyl-4,5 dichloropyridazin-2-one by σ3-phosphorus compounds - trialkylphoshphites, triphenylphosphine, and some P-functionalized derivatives of the trivalent phosphorus are studied. The reactions' mechanisms are discussed; the possible and preferable reactions' routes and the relative thermodynamic stabilities of the products and intermediates are estimated via the quantum-chemical methods

    Phosphorylation of 3,4-dichloro-5-hydroxy-2(5H)-furanone with tributylphosphine

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    The reaction of 3,4-dichloro-5-hydroxy-2(5H)-furanone with 2 mol of tributylphosphine involves substitution of both chlorine atoms to form an unstable diphosphonium salt. The latter undergoes partial hydrolysis with cleavage of one of the P-C bonds, yielding finally a monophosphorylation product. A probable reaction pathway is considered in terms of quantum chemistry

    Hygienic features of chemical air pollution in aluminum production

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    The article presents retrospective assessment of chemical factors in aluminum production over a long follow-up period. The main pollutants of the workplace air are fluorine compounds, resinous substances, and disintegration aerosol. The comparative assessment of the workplace air composition during the operation of electrolytic cells with self-baking anodes and when using a new technology with pre-baked anodes was carried out. The results of the research were processed using standard parametric methods of calculation of mean value and error in mean. It is shown that the introduction of a new technology of pre-baked anodes contributes to the optimization of working environment, reduction of harmful chemicals in the workplace air


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    A feature of a multidisciplinary approach to national health care system is the lack of nursing staff in the brigades, which reduces their clinical and costeffectiveness. A nurse implements problemoriented nursing process, basing on the patient’s level of adaptation to opportunities changed in accordance with the main FIC domains. Traditionally nurses take over the functions of patients’ social adaption. The article presents the data of sociological research of nurses, engaged in rehabilitation departments. The main evident problem of rehabilitation is a fundamental change of the role functions of nurses, which is associated with the transformation into the scientific discipline of centuriesold experience of nursing care, the integration of international experience in the practice of national health care.Особенностью мультидисциплинарного подхода в отечественном здравоохранении является отсутствие в составе бригад среднего медицинского персонала, что снижает их клиническую и экономическую эффективность. Медицинская сестра осуществляет проблемноориентированный сестринский процесс, основываясь на уровне адаптации пациента к изменившимся возможностям в соответствии с основными доменами МКФ. Медицинские сестры традиционно берут на себя функции по социальной адаптации пациентов. Приведены данные социологического исследования среднего медицинского персонала, занятого в отделениях реабилитации. В реабилитации наиболее ярко проявляется проблема кардинального изменения ролевых функций среднего медперсонала, что связано с трансформацией в научную дисциплину многовекового опыта сестринского ухода, интеграцией мирового опыта в практику отечественного здравоохранения


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    Financial resources for rendering home medical and social care were split between the health care institutions (67.4 %), the territorial centers of social care (32.1 %) and the Visiting Nurses Service of BRCS with 0.5 % only.В структуре средств, затраченных на оказание медикосоциальной помощи на дому, 67,4 % приходилось на организацию здравоохранения, 32,1 % - на территориальные центры социального обслуживания населения и лишь 0,5 % - на Службу сестер милосердия БОКК

    Epistemological models in understanding cultural and civilizational specificity

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    The article proposes a methodology for linking the formation-evolutionary, cultural-civilizational, ethnological, and cultural-anthropological models in understanding the changes of complicated sociocultural system