185 research outputs found

    Primary dismernoria among teenager girls on the background of non-differentiated dysplasia of connecting tissue

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    Objective of the study: to identify the features of the primary dysmenorrhea clinic among adolescent girls with connective tissue dysplasia. The mean value of the rank index of pain in the main group is higher than in the comparison group. The emotional component prevailed in the inner picture of the perception of pain. Psycho-emotional status was distinguished by a high level of average score of reactive and personal anxiety. Summary. Systemic pathology associated with connective tissue dysplasia increases the clinical course of primary dysmenorrhea among adolescents, which gives grounds to differentiate the treatment and diagnostic algorith


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    146 women of reproductive age were comprehensively examined to avoid genital tuberculosis, to choose treatment management and to identify possible solutions for reproductive problems. According to the results, all patients were divided into two groups: group 1 included 49 women with diagnosed genital TB, group 2 had 97 patients without confirmed TB. The forms of reproductive disorders and diagnostic complex for genital tuberculosis were established. Комплексно обследовано 146 женщин репродуктивного возраста для исключения генитального туберкулеза для выбора лечебной тактики и определения возможностей решения репродуктивных задач. По результатам обследования все пациентки были распределены на две группы: 1 группа - 49 женщин, которым был выставлен диагноз туберкулеза гениталий, 2 группа - 97 пациенток, которым не был подтвержден этот диагноз. Определены формы нарушений репродуктивной функции и диагностический комплекс для туберкулеза гениталий.Комплексно обстежено 146 жінок репродуктивного віку для виключення генітального туберкульозу для вибору лікувальної тактики та визначення можливостей вирішення репродуктивних задач. За результатами обстеження всі пацієнтки були розподілені на дві групи: 1 група - 49 жінок, яким був виставлений діагноз туберкульозу геніталій, 2 група – 97 пацієнток, яким не був підтверджений цей діагноз. Визначено форми порушень репродуктивної функції та діагностичний комплекс для туберкульозу геніталій

    Mineral Concentrates As a Factor of the Khibiny Apatite-Nepheline Ores Efficiency Improvement

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    Apatite-nepheline ores of the Khibiny deposits contain the largest phosphorus-bearing resources in the world, and, at the same time, they contain associated valuable components in the rock-forming minerals — apatite, nepheline, sphene and titanium magnetite. Intensive development of the Khibiny deposits with production of only apatite concentrate and a small part of nepheline concentrate resulted in the accumulation of over 1.0 billion tons of wastes in tailing storage facilities and dumps during 90 years of JSC Apatit operation. The possibility of increasing the efficiency of the use of the main concentrates of apatite-nepheline ores of the Khibiny deposits and wastes for their processing is considered through the use of technological developments of the FRC KSC RAS, JSC RIFI and JSC Apatit to obtain traditional and new target products. A fundamentally new approach to the problem of sustainable use of natural resources is focused on establishment of the whole production chain in the region, from mining and processing operations to manufacturers of final high technology products (rare-earth products, welding and construction materials, coloring agents and other materials). They also determine the level of industrial technical progress. Keywords: Khibiny apatite-nepheline ores, mineral raw materials, extraction and processing, new material

    A Sensitivity Study on the Effects of Particle Chemistry, Asphericity and Size on the Mass Extinction Efficiency of Mineral Dust in the Earth's Atmosphere: From the Near to Thermal IR

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    To determine a plausible range of mass extinction efficiencies (MEE) of terrestrial atmospheric dust from the near to thermal IR, sensitivity analyses are performed over an extended range of dust microphysical and chemistry perturbations. The IR values are subsequently compared to those in the near-IR, to evaluate spectral relationships in their optical properties. Synthesized size distributions consistent with measurements, model particle size, while composition is defined by the refractive indices of minerals routinely observed in dust, including the widely used OPAC/Hess parameterization. Single-scattering properties of representative dust particle shapes are calculated using the T-matrix, Discrete Dipole Approximation and Lorenz-Mie light-scattering codes. For the parameterizations examined, MEE ranges from nearly zero to 1.2 square meters per gram, with the higher values associated with non-spheres composed of quartz and gypsum. At near-IR wavelengths, MEE for non-spheres generally exceeds those for spheres, while in the thermal IR, shape-induced changes in MEE strongly depend on volume median diameter (VMD) and wavelength, particularly for MEE evaluated at the mineral resonant frequencies. MEE spectral distributions appear to follow particle geometry and are evidence for shape dependency in the optical properties. It is also shown that non-spheres best reproduce the positions of prominent absorption peaks found in silicates. Generally, angular particles exhibit wider and more symmetric MEE spectral distribution patterns from 8-10 micrometers than those with smooth surfaces, likely due to their edge-effects. Lastly, MEE ratios allow for inferring dust optical properties across the visible-IR spectrum. We conclude the MEE of dust aerosol are significant for the parameter space investigated, and are a key component for remote sensing applications and the study of direct aerosol radiative effects

    Development and assessment of a higher-spatial-resolution (4.4 km) MISR aerosol optical depth product using AERONET-DRAGON data

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    Since early 2000, the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) instrument on NASA's Terra satellite has been acquiring data that have been used to produce aerosol optical depth (AOD) and particle property retrievals at 17.6 km spatial resolution. Capitalizing on the capabilities provided by multi-angle viewing, the current operational (Version 22) MISR algorithm performs well, with about 75 % of MISR AOD retrievals globally falling within 0.05 or 20 %  ×  AOD of paired validation data from the ground-based Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET). This paper describes the development and assessment of a prototype version of a higher-spatial-resolution 4.4 km MISR aerosol optical depth product compared against multiple AERONET Distributed Regional Aerosol Gridded Observations Network (DRAGON) deployments around the globe. In comparisons with AERONET-DRAGON AODs, the 4.4 km resolution retrievals show improved correlation (r = 0. 9595), smaller RMSE (0.0768), reduced bias (−0.0208), and a larger fraction within the expected error envelope (80.92 %) relative to the Version 22 MISR retrievals

    Climatology of Asian dust activation and transport potential based on MISR satellite observations and trajectory analysis

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    Asian dust, primarily emitted from the Taklamakan and Gobi deserts, has been reported to reach remote destinations, such as North America. However, the relative contribution of the Taklamakan and Gobi deserts to dust loadings through long-range transport remains unaddressed in any observational study. Here, the climatology of Asian dust activation and potential for transport is investigated using stereo observations of dust sources from the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) instrument combined with observation-initiated trajectory modeling. MISR-derived dust plume top height and dust plume motion vectors confirm the peak of dust activation and transport potential in spring over the Gobi Desert and in both spring and summer over the Taklamakan Desert. The long-range trajectory patterns of Asian dust, including the influence on North America through trans-Pacific transport, are assessed using extensive forward trajectories initiated by MISR dust plume observations. The trajectory analysis reveals latitude-dependent spread of dust trajectories from the Taklamakan and Gobi deserts, with Taklamakan dust dominantly affecting to the south of 50∘&thinsp;N and Gobi dust primarily affecting to the north of 50∘&thinsp;N in North America. The Asian dust activation and transport potential exhibit substantial seasonal and interannual variability, motivating future studies on the potential drivers.</p

    Decay constants of the heavy-light mesons from the field correlator method

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    Meson Green's functions and decay constants fΓf_{\Gamma} in different channels Γ\Gamma are calculated using the Field Correlator Method. Both, spectrum and fΓf_\Gamma, appear to be expressed only through universal constants: the string tension σ\sigma, αs\alpha_s, and the pole quark masses. For the SS-wave states the calculated masses agree with the experimental numbers within ±5\pm 5 MeV. For the DD and DsD_s mesons the values of fP(1S)f_{\rm P} (1S) are equal to 210(10) and 260(10) MeV, respectively, and their ratio fDs/fDf_{D_s}/f_D=1.24(3) agrees with recent CLEO experiment. The values fP(1S)=182,216,438f_{\rm P}(1S)=182, 216, 438 MeV are obtained for the BB, BsB_s, and BcB_c mesons with the ratio fBs/fBf_{B_s}/f_B=1.19(2) and fD/fBf_D/f_B=1.14(2). The decay constants fP(2S)f_{\rm P}(2S) for the first radial excitations as well as the decay constants fV(1S)f_{\rm V}(1S) in the vector channel are also calculated. The difference of about 20% between fDsf_{D_s} and fDf_D, fBsf_{B_s} and fBf_B directly follows from our analytical formulas.Comment: 37 pages, 10 tables, RevTeX

    WRF-Chem simulation of aerosol seasonal variability in the San Joaquin Valley

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    WRF-Chem simulations of aerosol seasonal variability in the San Joaquin Valley (SJV), California, are evaluated by satellite and in situ observations. Results show that the WRF-Chem model successfully captures the distribution and magnitude of and variation in SJV aerosols during the cold season. However, aerosols are not well represented in the warm season. Aerosol simulations in urban areas during the cold season are sensitive to model horizontal resolution, with better simulations at 4 km resolution than at 20 km resolution, mainly due to inhomogeneous distribution of anthropogenic emissions and precipitation that is represented better in the 4 km simulation. In rural areas, the model sensitivity to grid size is rather small. Our observational analysis reveals that dust is a primary contributor to aerosols in the SJV, especially during the warm season. Aerosol simulations in the warm season are sensitive to the parameterization of dust emission in WRF-Chem. The GOCART (Goddard Global Ozone Chemistry Aerosol Radiation and Transport) dust scheme produces very little dust in the SJV, while the DUSTRAN (DUST TRANsport model) scheme overestimates dust emission. Vertical mixing of aerosols is not adequately represented in the model based on CALIPSO (Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared pathfinder Satellite Observation) aerosol extinction profiles. Improved representation of dust emission and vertical mixing in the boundary layer is needed for better simulations of aerosols during the warm season in the SJV.</p

    Structure formation features of large block-shaped samples from the copper and aluminum alloy produced by the wire-feed electron-beam additive technology

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    In this work the study of the structure of samples made by the wire-feed electronbeam 3D printing from copper C11000 and aluminum alloy AA5056 was carried out. The presence of a dendritic structure typical of this method was revealed, as well as the presence of pores, cracks and other defects that occurred during printing. Mechanical properties of samples cut in the planar section are at a rather low level. The ultimate tensile strength of copper block samples varies between 165 and 187 MPa. The relative elongation of samples without pores is at 18%, but with the presence of pores it decreases sharply to 7%, while the strength is practically not decreased. The samples of alloy AA5056 demonstrate slightly higher mechanical properties: the strength is at the level of 190-192 MPa and the relative elongation is about 16-18%. In samples with defects such as large pores or discontinuities, the strength drops to almost zero