83 research outputs found
Organization of work in the sports section "Karate Kudo" club residence "Hobby"
For many children and teenagers classes in the sports section in the club residence - the only way of recovering health, of overcoming the existing deviations from the norms of physical developmentДля многих детей и подростков занятия в спортивной секции в клубе по месту жительства - единственная возможность восстановления здоровья, преодоления уже имеющихся отклонений от норм физического развити
Distance learning unexpectedly arrived to Russian schools in March 2020, schools and teachers were not ready for this training type. The aim of present paper is to collect and evaluate parents’ view on family preparedness to distance education and on parents’ and children’ coping with school assignments during the lockdown. 304 parents were interviewed. The data provide evidence that the higher level of parental education is a factor in the efficient distance learning of their children. The higher level of parental education correlates with fewer children in the family, with the time spent by children on home assignments and the number of devices per family member. It was demonstrated that mothers lived through this period more easily than fathers. We found that the parents with a PhD degree provided the most effective support. It could be assumed, that studies at higher education institutions require time management. Having learned this skill, parents with higher education know how to self-organize and teach their children the same. Then, if our schools switch to remote teaching even partially, special guidelines with step-by-step explanations of the material shall be developed for parents. Furthermore, online counselling can be arranged for parents to present the course structure and the sequence of educational activities.
The best results with the use of sensor technologies are obtained in determining the color, heat-shielding properties of materials and clothing. The color characteristics of materials, clothing, deformation, obtained experimentally, showed good agreement with the analytical exspressions found using the moiré method and tensor analysis
Features of Demographic Ageing of the Population in Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia
В настоящее время процесс демографического старения населения становится актуальным для Беларуси, Казахстана и России. Предметом исследования выступил процесс старения населения. Гипотеза исследования заключалась в выявлении однонаправленности процессов демографического старения при разнице экономических и социальных условий. Методология исследования состояла в проведении пространственно-временной оценки старения населения на основе данных национальных статистических служб стран с 2014–2020 гг. Особое внимание уделено анализу показателей старения населения: показатели процесса демографического старения населения, показатели причин старения населения, показатели последствия старения населения. Проведенные исследования позволяют сделать вывод о нарастании демографического старения населения в Беларуси, Казахстана и России. На основе анализа показателей старения населения выявлены различия в интенсивности и причинах процесса старения в странах.Currently, the demographic ageing of the population is becoming relevant for Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia. The present research analyses the process of population ageing. The hypothesis of the study was to identify the unidirectional nature of the processes of demographic ageing in different economic and social conditions. The research methodology includes the spatial and temporal assessment of population ageing based on the data of the national statistical services of the countries for 2014-2020. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of population ageing indicators: indicators of demographic population ageing, indicators of the causes of population ageing, indicators of the consequences of population ageing. The conducted research demonstrated an increase in demographic population ageing in Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia. Based on the analysis of population ageing indicators, the differences in the intensity and causes of the ageing process in the countries are revealed
Analysis of risk factors and mortality from community-acquired pneumoniain the conditions of a city hospital
The article presents the results of an analysis of medical histories of patients in a hospital of a therapeutic profile who died as a result of communityacquired pneumonia. Risk factors and frequent complications leading to death from community-acquired pneumonia have been identifiedВ статье представлены результаты анализа историй болезни пациентов терапевтического стационара, умерших в результате внебольничной пневмонии. Выявлены факторы риска и ведущие осложнения, приводящие к летальному исходу от внебольничной пневмони
Clinical manifestations of pulmonary thromboembolia in real practice
The article presents the results of the analysis of patients' medical records of the therapeutic and cardiological departments of the Central city hospital №1 of Ekaterinburg for the period from 21.10.2016 to 12.04.2018. The purpose was to identify clinical manifestations, that were the basis for conducting the computer tomography of the pulmonary artery with intravenous contrast, for the detection or exclusion of pulmonary embolism in real clinical practiceВ статье представлены результаты анализа историй болезни пациентов терапевтического и кардиологического отделений ГБУЗ СО «ЦГКБ №1» города Екатеринбурга за период с 21.10.2016 по 12.04.2018 гг, проведенного с целью определения клинических проявлений, являющихся основанием для проведения компьютерной томографии легочной артерии с контрастированием, с целью выявления или исключения тромбоэмболии легочной артерии (ТЭЛА) в реальной клинической практик
Risk factors and comorbidities in patients with 2d -4 th grade of pelvic organ prolapse
The aim of the study - identification of risk factors and comorbidities in patients with 2-4 grade of pelvic organ prolapse.Цель исследования - выявление факторов риска и сопутствующей патологии у пациенток с ПТО 2-4 степени
Создание ортотопических опухолей в молочной железе мышей BALB/C NUDE клетками рака молочной железы человека MCF-7 и ее VDAC-дефицитными производными
Purpose to study the tumor-forming activity of wild-type MC F-7 cells carrying a full set of porins (VDAC 1, VDAC 2, VDAC 3), as well as their genetically modified cells, from which one of the isoforms was removed (MC F-7 VDAC 1 KO, MC F-7 VDAC 2 KO, MC F -7 VDAC 3 KO).Material and Methods. The study was aimed at establishing of an animal model of orthotopic tumors in the mammary gland of immunodeficient BAL B/c nude mice by implanting a suspension of human breast cancer cells (MC F-7) and derivatives of these cells generated by targeted knockout of one of the selected mitochondrial porin isoforms (VDAC 1, VDAC 2 or VDAC 3). Suspensions of either wild-type MC F-7 cell lines containing all three porin isoforms (VDAC 1, VDAC 2 and VDAC 3) or their VDAC -deficient derivatives (MC F-7 VDAC 1 KO, MC F-7 VDAC 2 KO and MC F-7 VDAC 3 KO) were injected into mammary fat pads of BAL B/c nude mice at a dose of 4x106 cells per injection. A pathomorphological analysis of the place of implantation of tumor cells, the tumor itself, as well as the organs of the abdominal and thoracic cavity was carried out.Results. The study shows the feasibility of successful creation of orthotopic tumors in the adipose tissue of immunodeficient BAL B/c nude mice with MC F-7 human breast cancer epithelial cells containing a complete set of mitochondrial porin isoforms and their VDAC -deficient derivatives. The tumor-forming activity of the implanted cells was shown to correlate with their cytotoxic effect on the internal organs of animals. Pathological analysis showed that all implanted cell cultures, such as MC F-7 WT, MC F-7 VDAC 2 KO and MC F-7 VDAC 3 KO, except for MC F-7 VDAC 1 KO cells, which did not form tumors, caused pathological changes in the lungs, liver and spleen, as well as the presence of other tumor-like lesions.Conclusion. The data obtained will be used to optimize the injection volume and cell number, as well as to refine the dynamics of tumor growth, suitable for studying the effect of anticancer drugs on tumors formed by human breast cancer cells (MC F-7) and its genetically modified VDAC -deficient derivatives.Цель исследования – изучить опухолеобразующую активность «диких» клеток MC F-7, несущих полный набор поринов (VDAC 1, VDAC 2, VDAC 3), а также их генетически модифицированных клеток, из которых удалена одна из изоформ (MC F-7 VDAC 1 KO, MC F-7 VDAC 2 KO, MC F-7 VDAC 3 KO).Материал и методы. Исследование направлено на создание животной модели ортотопических опухолей в молочной железе иммунодефицитных мышей BAL B/c Nude путем имплантации суспензии клеток рака молочной железы человека (MC F-7) и производных этих клеток, полученных нокаутом одной из выбранных изоформ митохондриальных поринов (VDAC 1, VDAC 2 или VDAC 3). Опухоли создавались путем инъекции в жировую ткань молочной железы мышей BAL B/c Nude суспензии клеточных линий либо диких MC F-7 (содержащих все три изоформы поринов, VDAC 1, VDAC 2 и VDAC 3) либо ее VDAC -дефицитных производных «MC F-7 VDAC 1 KO», «MC F-7 VDAC 2 KO» и «MC F-7 VDAC 3 KO» в дозе 4х106 клеток на одну инъекцию. Проведён патоморфологический анализ места имплантации опухолевых клеток, самой опухоли, а также органов брюшной и грудной полости.Результаты. Показана возможность успешного создания ортотопических опухолей в жировой ткани иммунодефицитных голых мышей BAL B/c Nude эпителиальными клетками рака молочной железы человека «MC F-7 WT», содержащими полный набор изоформ митохондриальных поринов и ее VDAC -дефицитными производными. Опухолеобразующая активность имплантированных клеток коррелирует с их цитотоксическим действием на внутренние органы животного. По результатам патоморфологического анализа можно сделать вывод о том, что за исключением клеток типа «MC F-7 VDAC 1 KO», которые не образовали опухолей, все остальные имплантированные клеточные культуры «MC F-7 WT», «MC F-7 VDAC 2 KO» и «MC F-7 VDAC 3 KO» вызывали патологические изменения состояния легких, печени и селезенки, а также наличие других опухолевидных новообразований.Заключение. Полученные данные будут использованы для оптимизации объема инъекции и количества клеток, а также для уточнения динамики роста опухолей, пригодного для изучения действия противоопухолевых препаратов на опухолях, образованных клетками рака молочной железы человека (MC F-7) и ее генетически модифицированными VDAC -дефицитными производными
Predictive analysis of labor productivity growth factors: regional aspects
The study is aimed at identifying predictors of labor productivity growth in Russian regions. To compile a primary set of predictors and establish the relationship between them, a contextual review of publications on the topic under study was carried out. The factors, that directly and indirectly affect the increase in labor productivity in the regions of Russia, include institutional conditions; investments in fixed assets; orientation of companies to the development of new markets and participation in export activities; research and development costs; technological and organizational innovation; investment in human capital. The theoretical foundations for the formation of effective incentives in the regions for changing the strategic behavior of companies that meet global technological and socio-economic challenges are formulated. The results of predictive analysis are the basis for building a model of system dynamics of relevant factors of growth in labor productivity in the regions
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