11 research outputs found

    Power and Society in Russia during the First World War: The Rewiev of Modern Russian Historiography

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    Relevance of the investigated topic is determined by the fact that modern historiography considers the society not only as a receptor but also as independent actor with its own purposes, ideas and interests.  The study of society, which is under emergency conditions (wars, revolutions, etc.), is especially interesting for historians and other social sciences researchers. The investigation of historical experience of power and society interaction in Russia can be interesting under modern Russian conditions. The object of the given article is modern Russian historiography of World War I. The article aims to characterize the modern Russian historical literature, which deals with the power and society interaction in Russia in 1914-1917 (from the beginning of World War until the February Revolution in Russia). The authors describe the impact not only internal (source study, methodology) but also external (social and political aspect) factors on historiography. They made a conclusion that modern Russian historians consider the power and society interaction from two main points of view (social and political spheres), describe it as generally constructive and emphasize that at one point collaboration was replaced by confrontation (especially in the political sphere).   In modern Russian historiography, there are controversial opinions about some problems (for example, who initiated the interaction: power or society). The materials of the article can be helpful for historians, university professors, teachers, who deal with problems of history of Russian historical science and Russian history of early XX century

    Provincial Employees in the Country of Councils on Statistical Data of the 1920s

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    The authors of the article study demographic and social characteristics of the Soviet employee of the 1920s. The historical period, we dwell on, seems to be one of the most complex and dramatic in the history of Russia and its regions. The initial period of development of the new state is characterized by the search for optimal ways out of the economic crisis, the formation of a renewed social structure frame, and attempts to show the whole world the achievements of the first years of Soviet power. The study characterizes the socio-demographic category of employees in a particular region of Russia

    Counterculture Of 1960-S and «Underground Press» in the Usa

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    The Underground Press Syndicate (UPS), later known as Alternative Press Syndicate (APS), was a chain of countercultural newspapers and magazines created in the middle of 1966 by publishers of five early underground newspapers «The East Village Other», «The Los Angeles Free Press», «The Berkeley Barb», «The Paper» and «Fifth Estate». By 1974 the majority of underground papers in the USA ceased to exist but  they had an impact on journalistic processes during 1970-s that led to the press development in small towns and countryside giving alternative opinion about local news, cultural news, Native Americans’ politics, ecology, youth and anti-military movements. The article considers the history of “underground press” in the USA, its role and importance for Countercultural Revolution of the 1960-s, which was countrywide in the USA and covered all areas of life

    Educational migration from the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States to the Russian Federation

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    Nowadays educational migration is still one of the most relevant topics for Russian and foreign scientists and understudied topic at the same time. Despite the many published sources including quantitative and qualitative aspects of the process, the set of topics under consideration is quite limited (adaptation of foreign students, brain drain, demographical characteristics of migrants, etc.). The article using scientific principles of systematicity and general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, comparison, classification, etc.) considers the dynamics of the changes in the amount of foreign students from the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States to the Russian Federation (including which countries they are from), correlation of the process with forming-up Common Education Space in Russia and CIS. The study conducted led to the conclusion that the actions by government agencies of the Russian Federation, higher education institutions and scientific organizations allowed stopping the negative process of foreign students drain, which took place in 1990-s, promoting and increasing the educational migrant influx from the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States from 2000 to 2007. Among the leaders in the number of students studying at Russian universities, in early 1990-s there were Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Belorussia and in 2017 there were Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.


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    ABSTRACT Under the conditions of informatization in different spheres of society living, including educational sphere, investigation universities' experience in applying of concrete information analysis systems (IAS), their structure and capabilities becomes more and more popular. The article using information analysis system of Kazan Federal University (KFU) "Electronic University" deals with advantages of usage information analysis systems in the sphere of historical education implemented in the Institute of International Relations, History and Oriental Studies, problems connected with such systems and ways of overcoming these problems. Among advantages there are reduction of time spent on the preparation of documents related to the educational process, the reduction of the hard-copy paperwork, strengthening and facilitating the communication between teachers and students, improving the competitive ability of educational services, standardization of processes in the sphere of educational activities, etc. Among problems there are voluminosity and difficult control system of IAS, duplication of training materials in the IAS and traditional document management, technical issues, lack of proficiency in the skills of employees working in the IAS, etc. And it is possible to solve these problems by creating hierarchical system of subordination of the moderators, introducing in IAS the special functions for monitoring and correction of technical problems, introducing regular system of training of employees working in the IA

    Power and Society in Russia during the First World War: The Rewiev of Modern Russian Historiography

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    Relevance of the investigated topic is determined by the fact that modern historiography considers the society not only as a receptor but also as independent actor with its own purposes, ideas and interests.  The study of society, which is under emergency conditions (wars, revolutions, etc.), is especially interesting for historians and other social sciences researchers. The investigation of historical experience of power and society interaction in Russia can be interesting under modern Russian conditions. The object of the given article is modern Russian historiography of World War I. The article aims to characterize the modern Russian historical literature, which deals with the power and society interaction in Russia in 1914-1917 (from the beginning of World War until the February Revolution in Russia). The authors describe the impact not only internal (source study, methodology) but also external (social and political aspect) factors on historiography. They made a conclusion that modern Russian historians consider the power and society interaction from two main points of view (social and political spheres), describe it as generally constructive and emphasize that at one point collaboration was replaced by confrontation (especially in the political sphere).   In modern Russian historiography, there are controversial opinions about some problems (for example, who initiated the interaction: power or society). The materials of the article can be helpful for historians, university professors, teachers, who deal with problems of history of Russian historical science and Russian history of early XX century.La relevancia del tema investigado está determinada por el hecho de que la historiografía moderna considera a la sociedad no solo como un receptor sino también como un actor independiente con sus propios propósitos, ideas e intereses. El estudio de la sociedad, que se encuentra en condiciones de emergencia (guerras, revoluciones, etc.), resulta especialmente interesante para los historiadores y otros investigadores de las ciencias sociales. La investigación de la experiencia histórica de la interacción del poder y la sociedad en Rusia puede ser interesante en las condiciones rusas modernas. El objeto del artículo dado es la historiografía rusa moderna de la Primera Guerra Mundial. El artículo tiene como objetivo caracterizar la literatura histórica rusa moderna, que trata de la interacción de poder y sociedad en Rusia en 1914-1917 (desde el comienzo de la Guerra Mundial hasta el mes de febrero). Revolución en Rusia). Los autores describen el impacto no solo de factores internos (estudio de la fuente, metodología) sino también externos (aspecto social y político) en la historiografía. Llegaron a la conclusión de que los historiadores rusos modernos consideran la interacción del poder y la sociedad desde dos puntos de vista principales (esferas social y política), la describen como constructiva en general y enfatizan que en un momento la colaboración fue reemplazada por la confrontación (especialmente en la esfera política). . En la historiografía rusa moderna, existen opiniones controvertidas sobre algunos problemas (por ejemplo, quién inició la interacción: poder o sociedad). Los materiales del artículo pueden ser útiles para historiadores, profesores universitarios, profesores que se ocupan de los problemas de la historia de la ciencia histórica rusa y la historia rusa de principios del siglo XX

    Educational migration from the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States to the Russian Federation

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    Nowadays educational migration is still one of the most relevant topics for Russian and foreign scientists and understudied topic at the same time. Despite the many published sources including quantitative and qualitative aspects of the process, the set of topics under consideration is quite limited (adaptation of foreign students, brain drain, demographical characteristics of migrants, etc.). The article using scientific principles of systematicity and general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, comparison, classification, etc.) considers the dynamics of the changes in the amount of foreign students from the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States to the Russian Federation (including which countries they are from), correlation of the process with forming-up Common Education Space in Russia and CIS. The study conducted led to the conclusion that the actions by government agencies of the Russian Federation, higher education institutions and scientific organizations allowed stopping the negative process of foreign students drain, which took place in 1990-s, promoting and increasing the educational migrant influx from the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States from 2000 to 2007. Among the leaders in the number of students studying at Russian universities, in early 1990-s there were Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Belorussia and in 2017 there were Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Hoy en día, la migración educativa sigue siendo uno de los temas más relevantes para los científicos rusos y extranjeros y, al mismo tiempo, un tema poco estudiado. A pesar de las numerosas fuentes publicadas que incluyen aspectos cuantitativos y cualitativos del proceso, el conjunto de temas en consideración es bastante limitado (adaptación de estudiantes extranjeros, fuga de cerebros, características demográficas de los migrantes, etc.). El artículo que utiliza principios científicos de sistematización y métodos científicos generales (análisis, síntesis, inducción, deducción, comparación, clasificación, etc.) considera la dinámica de los cambios en la cantidad de estudiantes extranjeros de los países de la Comunidad de Estados Independientes a la Federación de Rusia (incluidos de qué países son), correlación del proceso con la formación del Espacio Común de Educación en Rusia y la CEI. El estudio realizado llevó a la conclusión de que las acciones de los organismos gubernamentales de la Federación de Rusia, instituciones de educación superior y organizaciones científicas permitieron detener el proceso negativo de fuga de estudiantes extranjeros, que tuvo lugar en la década de 1990, promoviendo e incrementando la afluencia de migrantes educativos los países de la Comunidad de Estados Independientes de 2000 a 2007. Entre los líderes en el número de estudiantes que estudian en universidades rusas, a principios de la década de 1990 estaban Kazajstán, Ucrania y Bielorrusia y en 2017 Kazajstán, Turkmenistán y Uzbekistán