42 research outputs found

    Interplay of polarization geometry and rotational dynamics in high harmonic generation from coherently rotating linear molecule

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    Recent reports on intense-field pump-probe experiments for high harmonic generation from coherently rotating linear molecules, have revealed remarkable characteristic effects of the simultaneous variation of the polarization geometry and the time delay on the high harmonic signals. We analyze the effects and give a unified theoretical account of the experimental observationsComment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Oriented rotational wave-packet dynamics studies via high harmonic generation

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    We produce oriented rotational wave packets in CO and measure their characteristics via high harmonic generation. The wavepacket is created using an intense, femtosecond laser pulse and its second harmonic. A delayed 800 nm pulse probes the wave packet, generating even-order high harmonics that arise from the broken symmetry induced by the orientation dynamics. The even-order harmonic radiation that we measure appears on a zero background, enabling us to accurately follow the temporal evolution of the wave packet. Our measurements reveal that, for the conditions optimum for harmonic generation, the orientation is produced by preferential ionization which depletes the sample of molecules of one orientation

    Water-Window X-Ray Pulses from a Laser-Plasma Driven Undulator

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    Femtosecond (fs) x-ray pulses are a key tool to study the structure and dynamics of matter on its natural length and time scale. To complement radio-frequency accelerator-based large-scale facilities, novel laser-based mechanisms hold promise for compact laboratory-scale x-ray sources. Laser-plasma driven undulator radiation in particular offers high peak-brightness, optically synchronized few-fs pulses reaching into the few-nanometer (nm) regime. To date, however, few experiments have successfully demonstrated plasma-driven undulator radiation. Those that have, typically operated at single and comparably long wavelengths. Here we demonstrate plasma-driven undulator radiation with octave-spanning tuneability at discrete wavelengths reaching from 13nm to 4nm. Studying spontaneous undulator radiation is an important step towards a plasma-driven free-electron laser. Our specific setup creates a photon pulse, which closely resembles the plasma electron bunch length and charge profile and thus might enable novel methods to characterize the longitudinal electron phase space

    Probing orbital structure of polyatomic molecules by high-order harmonic generation (vol 98, art no 203007, 2007)

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    Publisher’s Note: Probing Orbital Structure of Polyatomic Molecules by High-Order Harmonic Generation [Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 203007 (2007)

    Dental caries-related quality of life and socioeconomic status of preschool children, Bauru, SP

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    AIM: To evaluate oral health-related quality of life of preschool children of Bauru, State of São Paulo, Brazil, and associate it with socioeconomic profile of households. METHODS: The sample consisted of 229 preschool children between 3 and 5 years and the dmft (decayed, missing due to caries, filled teeth) index was adopted for assessment children's dental caries in accordance with the standards recommended by the World Health Organization. Questionnaires were used for evaluation oral health-related quality of life (Early Childhood Oral Health Impact Scale) and socioeconomic profile of parents or guardians of the preschool children. Statistical analysis was performed descriptively by relative and absolute frequencies and by Spearman's correlation and Kruskal-Wallis test (p <0.05). RESULTS: A dmft of 1.65 (± 2.87) and a Sic Index 4.88 (± 3.20) were found, indicating the polarization of dental caries in the studied group. It was verified low influence of oral health on quality of life of the children examined. With respect to socioeconomic classification, 66.38% of families were in the lower middle class. Linear and statistically significant correlation was found between dmft and oral health-related quality of life for the overall score and domains of the questionnaire (p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: It was found low influence of oral health on quality of life of the preschool children and the assessment of socioeconomic conditions of the children's families may guide practices aiming to reducing inequalities in the distribution of dental caries in the population

    Ultralow emittance electron beams from a laser-wakefield accelerator

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    Using quadrupole scan measurements we show laser-wakefield accelerated electrons to have a normalized transverse emittance of 0.21 +0.01-0.02 π mm mrad at 245 MeV. We demonstrate a multishot and a single-shot method, the mean emittance values for both methods agree well. A simple model of the beam dynamics in the plasma density downramp at the accelerator exit matches the source size and divergence values inferred from the measurement. In the emerge range of 245 to 300 MeV the normalized emittance remains constant

    Instantaneous Mapping of Coherently Coupled Electronic Transitions and Energy Transfers in a Photosynthetic Complex Using Angle-Resolved Coherent Optical Wave-Mixing

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    Understanding the role of coherent electronic motion is expected to resolve general questions of importance in macromolecular energy transfer. We demonstrate a novel nonlinear optical method, angle-resolved coherent wave mixing, that separates out coherently coupled electronic transitions and energy transfers in an instantaneous two-dimensional mapping. Angular resolution of the signal is achieved by using millimeter laser beam waists at the sample and by signal relay to the far field; for this we use a high energy, ultrabroadband hollow fiber laser source. We reveal quantum electronic beating with a time-ordered selection of transition energies in a photosynthetic complex

    Probing Polar Molecules with High Harmonic Spectroscopy

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    We bring the methodology of orienting polar molecules together with the phase sensitivity of high harmonic spectroscopy to experimentally compare the phase difference of attosecond bursts of radiation emitted upon electron recollision from different ends of a polar molecule. This phase difference has an impact on harmonics from aligned polar molecules, suppressing emission from the molecules parallel to the driving laser field while favoring the perpendicular ones. For oriented molecules, we measure the amplitude ratio of even to odd harmonics produced when intense light irradiates CO molecules and determine the degree of orientation and the phase difference of attosecond bursts using molecular frame ionization and recombination amplitudes. The sensitivity of the high harmonic spectrum to subtle phase differences in the emitted radiation makes it a detailed probe of polar molecules and will drive major advances in the theory of high harmonic generation.Peer reviewed: YesNRC publication: Ye