52 research outputs found

    Bridging the gap between technical and human elements in digital service innovation

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    Creating and establishing a successful innovation is challenging and many attempts fail. Despite of the complex nature of the phenomenon, previous literature often tends to limit its focus on either to the technical elements or human elements related to an innovation. Current research-in-progress paper aims to avoid this ‘either-or’ thinking and rather examine the roles, impact and mutual interaction of both, technical and human elements, in order to further understand the successful emergence of a digital service innovation, i.e. a novel value co-creation practice enabled by a digital infrastructure. To achieve this we draw from three separate fields: service ecosystem perspective, information technology (IT) perspective and actor-network theory. The paper presents a plan for future empirical study and provides initial description of a case study about establishing a digital shopping solution in a small brick and mortar convenience store in Northern Finland

    User Participation in Software Design via Social Media: Experiences from a Case Study with Consumers

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    User participation has proved to have many benefits in software development. The traditional methods for participation rely mainly on face-to-face meetings and are therefore not easily applicable to designing online services targeted at distributed consumers. Social media have become widely used among consumers and could thus offer many opportunities for involving users in software design. We present a case study in which a group of users participated for over six months in the process of designing a new online service via social media tools. The users played an active role in the development of the system, tailoring it to their own needs. Our results show that social media provide real possibilities for user involvement in software design and also shape some elements of the participation process. In social media, user contributions are mainly small and dispersed over time, but users can be involved almost continuously in the design process, thus enabling them to have a more active role in decision-making. Software development practices need to be modified so that small user contributions fit into the process

    Designerly approaches for shaping social structures: catalysing intentional change in social systems

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    With growing interest in systemic design, there is a demand for designerly approaches that can aid practitioners in catalysing intentional social systems change. As social structures have been recognized as a critical leverage point for systems change, this paper conducts an exploratory analysis of how designerly approaches can be developed to intentionally shape social structures. By combining theory and ‘research through design’ experiments, this paper presents a portfolio of experimental designerly approaches for shaping social structures and identifies four key design principles to guide systemic design practitioners in doing this work. This research contributes to the open, pluralistic and evolving methodology of systemic design by showing alternatives to system mapping that can help practitioners address the invisible structure of systems and re- entangle themselves in the systems they seek to change

    Exposición al peligro o abandono de personas en peligro

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    La exposición de abandono de personas en peligro, está previsto y sancionado en los artículos vigentes del código Penal y modificado Articulo 2 Ley Nº 26926 del 21 de febrero de 1988 donde se regula varias hipótesis en las siguientes: La existencia en una situación de peligro a que es la vida como salud del sujeto pasivo que se encuentra en riesgo. La definición del objeto de protección de estos delitos es con relación a su estructura típica la criminalización del peligro recae sobre la salud se refleja en la estructura típica de delitos los cuales se figuran como delito de peligro la conducta típica consiste en generar una situación de riesgo para la vida o la salud. Esta referido a sujeto pasivo por su condición particular que merezcan una especial protección se hace referencia a menores de edad incapaces o personas sometidas a régimen de custodia con respecto de quien tiene la obligación de protección. Los diferentes tipos penales se basan al peligro vinculado a la perdida de la vida como afectación a la salud del sujeto pasivo. Fue el código francés de 1810, la primera ley que se ocupó del problema. El final del siglo XX está marcado por un amplio abanico de derechos fundamentales e internacionales que fomentan el respeto al ser humano desde su concepción, nacimiento hasta la muerte y aun después de la muerte. El abandono de personas incapaces por aquel que es responsable de su guarda o tutela se encuentra contemplado como delito en el código penal boliviano en el artículo 280 que vela por la protección de personas incapaces, es decir su seguridad personal, sin duda este el caso de los menores o incapaces, cuyas especiales características de inmadurez y desvalimiento se acentúan notablemente si se les sitúa fuera de su entorno familiar o área de guarda. El presente trabajo es sobre la base del estudio y pronunciamiento de juristas conocedores del tema y la experiencia práctica de la investigación del sistema de la justicia penal a través de opiniones así como elaborar algunas ideas que ayuden analizar el presente estudio y tener una idea central de lo que se pretende buscar par nuestro sistema penal.Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesiona

    Emergence in marketing: an institutional and ecosystem framework

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    Many core marketing concepts (e.g., markets, relationships, customer experience, brand meaning, value) concern phenomena that are difficult to understand using linear and dyadic approaches, because they are emergent. That is, they arise, often unpredictably, from interactions within complex and dynamic contexts. This paper contributes to the marketing discipline through an explication of the concept of emergence as it applies to marketing theory. We accomplish this by first drawing on the existing literature on emergence in philosophy, sociology, and the theory of complex adaptive systems, and then link and extend this understanding to marketing using the theoretical framework of service-dominant (S-D) logic, particularly as enhanced by its service-ecosystems and institutionalization perspectives. Our work recognizes both emergence and institutionalization as integral or interrelated processes in the creation, maintenance, and disruption of markets and marketing phenomena. We conclude by discussing implications for marketing research and practice

    The evolution of markets - A service ecosystems perspective

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    This conceptual dissertation aims to build an integrative and transdisciplinary framework of market evolution by reconnecting the study of innovations and markets, with help from the service ecosystems perspective. The service ecosystems perspective offers a processual, systemic, and institutional view on value creation, which is grounded in the axiomatic assumptions of service-dominant (S-D) logic. Hence, the dissertation departs from the premise that value, when perceived, is always cocreated by multiple, institutionally guided actors in service ecosystems through service exchange and the integration of resources. The dissertation extends the conceptualizations of innovations and markets from a service ecosystems perspective, with the help of institutional theory. The resulting transcending conceptualizations are then used to reconcile the paradoxical tensions identified in the conceptualizations of innovations within service research and markets within marketing literature in order to synthesize their substantial contributions into a cohesive framework of market evolution. By connecting insights from five appended papers and the reconciled literatures, the dissertation develops a recursive four-phase process model of market evolution as institutional dynamics of multi-dimensional value cocreation structures. The model explains how innovations as proto-institutional value cocreation structures emerge and how markets as institutionalized value cocreation structures evolve through institutional work carried out by multiple actors aiming to either maintain or disrupt a prevailing market. By beginning to unravel the institutional processes and market shaping strategies contributing to market evolution, the dissertation provides guidance to actors who are interested in markets and their development.This conceptual dissertation builds an integrative and transdisciplinary framework of market evolution by drawing on and extending the service ecosystems perspective. With the help of institutional theory, the dissertation develops transcending conceptualizations of markets and innovations to reconcile and reconnect the discussion on markets in marketing literature and innovations in service research. By synthesizing insights from the reconciled literatures and five appended papers, the dissertation develops a recursive, four-phase process model of market evolution as institutional dynamics of multi-dimensional value cocreation structures. The resulting framework provides guidance to actors aiming to either maintain or disrupt a market

    Bridging the gab between technical and human elements in digital service innovation

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    Cloud for the user:Anytime, anywhere, anyhow

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    Rethinking the actor in service research

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    Purpose: Only a few concepts in the service literature are as pervasive yet as undertheorized as is the concept of the actor. With a growing interest toward value creation as a systemic and institutionally guided phenomenon, there is a particular need for a more robust conceptualization of humans as actors that adopts a processual, as opposed to a static, view. The purpose of this paper is to build such processual conceptualization to advance service-dominant (S-D) logic, in particular, and service research, in general. Design/methodology/approach: The paper is conceptual and extends S-D logic's institutionally constituted account of the actor by drawing from identity theory and social constructionism. Findings: The paper develops a processual conceptualization of the human actor that explicates four social processes explaining the dynamics between two identity concepts—social and personal identity—and institutional arrangements. The resulting framework reveals how humans are simultaneously constituted by institutions and able to perform their roles in varying, even institution-changing, ways. Research limitations/implications: By introducing new insights from identity theory and social constructionism, this paper reconciles the dualism in S-D logic's current description of actors, as well as posits the understanding of identity dynamics and the processual nature of actors as central in many service-related phenomena. Originality/value: This paper is among the few that explicitly theorize about the nature of human actors in S-D logic and the service literature.Peer reviewe
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