14 research outputs found

    Like parent, like child? : The role of resources and life events from an intergenerational perspective

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    Intergenerational transmission occurs in most aspects of life, influencing our life events and future achievements. This dissertation examines how different resources and life events are related to the individual’s outcomes from the intergenerational perspective. The dissertation approaches these phenomena from three perspectives. First, it is studied how different life events, both positive (such as union formation) and negative (such as losing a parent), are associated with various outcomes of an individual by accounting for parental resources in the light of intergenerational inequalities. Second, the role of parental resources (such as economic and occupational status or educational level) on an individual’s outcomes is examined when facing the above-mentioned life events. In addition to parental resources, it is studied how the parents of an individual’s partner and the resources of the partnerÂŽs parents are related to the individual’s outcomes (such as occupational attainment or union dissolution), thus providing new information about intergenerational effects in a seldom studied area. Third, it is examined whether the association between life events and resources is modified by parental resources. In addition, it is examined whether compensation or multiplication occurs, i.e. whether the lack of a resource or a negative life event can be compensated with other resources or whether individuals from different family backgrounds cannot benefit from the resources equally. This dissertation consists of four parts that use Finnish register data (FinGEP) and apply various regression models. The part I examines the role of parental resources when facing a negative event, such as a health problem, by examining how parental resources are linked to the offspring’s probability of receiving a disability pension. The offspring’s labour market status two years after the disability pension is studied using a sample of children born between 1980 and 1985. The part II focuses on the positive life event, union formation, by investigating how changes in the partner’s parents’ resources are related to the individual’s occupational development using a sample of individuals born between 1970 and 1979. The part III analyses how shared life events between spouses are linked to union dissolution behaviour by investigating the role of both partners’ parental divorce on the couple’s union dissolution risk and comparing the associations between cohabitation and marriage. Lastly, the part IV studies the timing of an event by examining how a child’s age at parental death is related to the child’s educational attainment using a sample of children born between 1982 and 1990. Life events and parental resources contributed to the children’s adulthood outcomes in all studies, and the associations between life events and an individual’s outcome often varied by parental resources. For example, children with high parental resources were more frequently in education and employment after receiving a disability pension, demonstrating that high parental resources were helpful after facing a negative event (i.e. health problem). This finding supported the theory of compensatory advantage. In addition to the parental resources, extended family networks through partnering had positive associations: the change in the partner’s parents’ resources (i.e. union formation) are positively related to an individual’s occupational development. However, the high resources of the partner’s parents only benefited individuals whose own parental resources were high, which supports the multiplication theory. Evidence on shared life events between spouses demonstrates cumulative processes: children of divorced parents had a higher risk for union dissolution; the risk was even higher if both couple’s parents had divorced. This association was stronger in marriage than in cohabitation. In addition, the timing of a life event was found to be important: the younger the child was when the child experienced parental death, the more adverse was the effect of parental death. No variation between parental resources was observed, but children with low resources are more likely to encounter parental death than individuals with high resources, thus some support for the theory of cumulative (dis)advantage is found. To conclude, the interplay between life events and resources of an individual’s own parents and extended family networks is clear in the individual’s outcomes. Individuals with high resources are often less affected by negative life events than individuals with low resources.Ylisukupolvista periytymistĂ€ tapahtuu melkein kaikilla elĂ€mĂ€n osa-alueilla, ja sillĂ€ on vaikutusta niin elĂ€mĂ€ntapahtumiin kuin tulevaisuuden saavutuksiin. TĂ€ssĂ€ vĂ€itöskirjassa tutkitaan, kuinka erilaiset resurssit ja elĂ€mĂ€ntapahtumat ovat yhteydessĂ€ yksilön saavutuksiin ylisukupolvisesta nĂ€kökulmasta. VĂ€itöskirja lĂ€hestyy tĂ€tĂ€ ilmiötĂ€ kolmesta nĂ€kökulmasta. Yksi, tarkastellaan kuinka erilaiset elĂ€mĂ€ntapahtumat – niin positiiviset (pariutuminen) kuin negatiiviset (vanhemman kuolema) – ovat yhteydessĂ€ yksilön erilaisiin saavutuksiin, kun huomioidaan vanhempien resurssit ylisukupolvisen eriarvoisuuden nĂ€kökulmasta. Kaksi, tarkastellaan vanhempien resurssien (koulutustaso, taloudellinen, ammatillinen) roolia yksilön saavutuksiin yksilön kohdatessa edellĂ€ mainittuja elĂ€mĂ€ntapahtumia. Vanhempien resurssien lisĂ€ksi tutkitaan, kuinka puolison vanhemmat ja heidĂ€n resurssinsa ovat yhteydessĂ€ yksilön tulemiin, kuten ammattiasemaan tai parisuhteesta eroamiseen. TĂ€mĂ€ tarjoaa uutta tietoa ylisukupolvisuudesta harvoin tutkitulla alueella. Kolme, tarkastellaan, vaihteleeko elĂ€mĂ€ntapahtumien ja resurssien yhteys vanhempien resurssien mukaan. TĂ€tĂ€ tutkitaan muuan muassa tarkastelemalla, tapahtuuko kompensaatiota tai multiplikaatiota: voiko resurssin puutetta tai negatiivista elĂ€mĂ€ntapahtumaa kompensoida muilla resursseilla tai voivatko yksilöt erilaisista perhetaustoista hyötyĂ€ resursseista samalla lailla (multiplikaatio). TĂ€mĂ€ vĂ€itöskirja koostuu neljĂ€stĂ€ osatutkimuksesta, joissa kĂ€ytetÀÀn suomalaista rekisteriaineistoa (KasvuympĂ€ristö) ja erilaisia regressiomalleja. Osatutkimus I kĂ€sittelee vanhempien resurssien roolia negatiivisen elĂ€mĂ€ntapahtuman (terveysongelma) kohdatessa, tarkastelemalla, kuinka vanhempien resurssit ovat yhteydessĂ€ jĂ€lkikasvun todennĂ€köisyyteen saada työkyvyttömyyselĂ€kettĂ€, ja jĂ€lkikasvun työmarkkina-asemaa kaksi vuotta työkyvyttömyyden jĂ€lkeen kĂ€yttĂ€en otosta lapsista, jotka ovat syntyneet vuosien 1980 ja 1985 vĂ€lillĂ€. Osatutkimus II kĂ€sittelee positiivista elĂ€mĂ€ntapahtumaa (pariutumista) ja siinĂ€ tarkastellaan, miten muutos puolison vanhempien resursseissa on yhteydessĂ€ yksilön urakehitykseen kĂ€yttĂ€en otosta yksilöistĂ€, jotka ovat syntyneet vuosien 1970 ja 1979 vĂ€lillĂ€. Osatutkimus III analysoi, kuinka jaetut elĂ€mĂ€ntapahtumat puolisoiden kesken ovat yhteydessĂ€ parisuhteesta eroamiseen tutkimalla mikĂ€ rooli molempien puolisoiden kokemalla vanhempien avioerolla on pariskunnan eroriskiin, ja vertailemalla, onko yhteys erilainen avo- ja avioliitossa. Lopuksi, osatutkimuksessa IV tarkastellaan elĂ€mĂ€ntapahtuman ajankohdan merkitystĂ€ tutkimalla, kuinka lapsen ikĂ€ vanhemman kuollessa on yhteydessĂ€ lapsen koulutuksellisiin saavutuksiin kĂ€yttĂ€en otosta lapsista, jotka ovat syntyneet 1982 ja 1990 vĂ€lillĂ€. ElĂ€mĂ€ntapahtumien ja vanhempien resurssien rooli lapsen aikuisuuden tulemissa oli merkittĂ€vĂ€ kaikissa osatutkimuksissa, ja yhteys elĂ€mĂ€ntapahtumien ja yksilön tulemien vĂ€lillĂ€ vaihteli usein vanhempien resurssien mukaan. Esimerkiksi lapset, joilla on korkeat vanhempien resurssit, pĂ€rjĂ€sivĂ€t paremmin työkyvyttömyyselĂ€kkeen jĂ€lkeen, eli korkeat vanhempien resurssit auttoivat negatiivisen elĂ€mĂ€ntapahtuman (terveysongelma) kohdatessa. NĂ€mĂ€ tulokset tukevat kompensatorisen edun (compensatory advantage) teoriaa. Vanhempien resurssien lisĂ€ksi pariutumisen myötĂ€ tulevilla perheen ulkopuolisilla sukulaisilla on merkitystĂ€: muutos puolison vanhempien resursseissa oli positiivisesti yhteydessĂ€ yksilön urakehitykseen, mutta vain yksilöt, joilla oli korkeat vanhempien resurssit, pystyivĂ€t hyötymÀÀn puolison vanhempien korkeista resursseista. TĂ€mĂ€ tukee multiplikaatio - teoriaa. VĂ€itöskirjan mukaan puolisoiden kesken jaetuilla elĂ€mĂ€ntapahtumilla on merkitystĂ€ ja vaikuttaa siltĂ€, ettĂ€ tapahtumat voivat kumuloitua: vanhempien avioeron kokeneilla oli korkeampi eroriski, ja riski oli jopa korkeampi, jos molemmat puolisot olivat kokeneet vanhempien avioeron. TĂ€mĂ€ yhteys oli vahvempi avioliitoissa kuin avoliitoissa. ElĂ€mĂ€ntapahtumien ajankohdalla oli myös merkitystĂ€: mitĂ€ nuorempi lapsi on, kun vanhempi kuolee, sitĂ€ haitallisempaa vanhemman kuolema on. Tutkimuksessa ei havaittu eroavaisuuksia vanhempien resurssien mukaan, mutta lapset, joilla on matalat resurssit, kohtaavat muita todennĂ€köisemmin vanhemman kuoleman, joten tutkimus tuki myös kumulatiivisten etujen ja haittojen teoriaa (cumulative (dis)advantage). TiivistĂ€en, elĂ€mĂ€ntapahtumien sekĂ€ vanhempien ja puolison vanhempien resurssien vuorovaikutus nĂ€kyi selvĂ€sti yksilön tulemissa. Negatiivisilla elĂ€mĂ€ntapahtumilla nĂ€yttÀÀ usein olevan vĂ€hemmĂ€n haitallinen vaikutus yksilöille, joilla on korkeat vanhempien resurssit, kuin yksilöille, joilla on matalat vanhempien resurssit

    Cause of parental death and child's health and education: The role of parental resources

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    Early parental death has been linked to problems in health and educational path. We added to the literature by examining disability pension and various educational outcomes after external (accident, violence, suicide) or natural parental death during childhood or adolescence, taking into account possible heterogeneous associations by parental resources. Using Finnish register data and linear random-effects models, we analysed outcomes of 90,620 and 88,859 children (paternal and maternal death samples, respectively) born between 1982 and 1990. Results indicated lower educational performance and attainment, and a higher probability of disability pension in the bereaved offspring, especially after external parental death. Half of these connections were explained after adjusting for childhood family characteristics. Having a highly educated surviving parent might protect from negative educational and health outcomes. The findings were partly similar for father's and mother's deaths. We demonstrated that the negative associations between parental death and child wellbeing differ by cause of death and parental resources. Cause of death and overall family circumstances should both be considered when analysing child outcomes after parental loss.</p

    Neighbourhood effects on psychiatric disorders among Finnish adolescents : The moderating impact of family background

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021 The AuthorsWe study whether childhood neighbourhood context affects mental health in adolescence in Finland. We also examine heterogeneous effects by family background. By exploiting register data for 1999–2018, we use sibling fixed effects models to gain more robust evidence on the existence of neighbourhood effects. We do not find evidence of an association between neighbourhood characteristics and psychiatric disorders within families. Differences in the effects by family background were not consistent, and variation was mainly found in random effects models. In general, observed family characteristics were strongly associated with psychiatric disorders. This means that interventions should be targeted to children at risk rather than certain neighbourhoods.Peer reviewe

    Trust in science and the role of open access publishing

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    Is Parental Divorce Homogamy Associated With a Higher Risk of Separation From Cohabitation and Marriage?

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    Numerous studies have shown that parental divorce is associated with an increase in adult children's divorce risk. We extend this literature by assessing how parental divorce on both sides of a couple is related to their partnership dynamics, specifically, whether there is parental divorce homogamy and whether a history of parental divorce for both partners is associated with increased dissolution risks for cohabiting and married unions. We use Finnish Census Panel data on 28,021 cohabiting and marital partnerships to conduct event-history models that follow individuals between ages 18 and 45. Findings show substantial parental divorce homogamy. Children with experience of parental divorce have 13% greater odds of cohabiting with and 17% greater odds of marrying a fellow child of divorcees, compared with those whose parents have not divorced. Moreover, contrary to evidence from the United States and Norway, our findings for Finland support an additive—rather than multiplicative—association between parental divorce homogamy and union dissolution. Parental divorce homogamy increases offspring's union dissolution risk by 20% for cohabitation and 70% for marriage, compared with couples for whom neither partner's parents are divorced. In Finland, the sizes of these associations are notably weaker than in the United States and Norway, likely because cohabitation and separation are more widespread and socially accepted in Finland, and an expansive welfare state buffers the socioeconomic consequences of divorce.</p

    Parental divorce homogamy and its effect on separation from cohabitation and marriage

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    Numerous studies have shown that parental divorce increases children’s divorce risk. We extend this literature by assessing how parental divorce on both sides of a (potential) couple affects their partnering dynamics. Specifically, we explore 1) whether there is parental divorce homogamy and whether the parental divorce of both partners adds to the dissolution of both 2) cohabiting and 3) married unions. Our analyses use event history models on high-quality Finnish Census Panel data covering 28,021 cohabiting and marital partnerships between ages 18 and 45. We found substantial parental divorce homogamy in that children who experienced parental divorce are 13% more likely to cohabit with and 17% more likely to marry a fellow child of divorce. Moreover, contrary to evidence from the United States and Norway, our findings for Finland support an additive, not a multiplicative, effect. Here, both partners’ parental divorce increases their offspring’s dissolution risk by 20% for cohabitation and 70% for marriage compared to couples where neither of their parents are divorced. We conclude that parental divorce on both sides of a couple affects family formation processes at multiple stages. In Finland, these effects are notably less than previously found in the United States. This is likely because cohabitation and separation are wide-spread and socially accepted in Finland and an expansive welfare state buffers the socio-economic consequences of divorce. </div

    Neighbourhood effects on psychiatric disorders among Finnish adolescents: The moderating impact of family background

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    We study whether childhood neighbourhood context affects mental health in adolescence in Finland. We also examine heterogeneous effects by family background. By exploiting register data for 1999–2018, we use sibling fixed effects models to gain more robust evidence on the existence of neighbourhood effects. We do not find evidence of an association between neighbourhood characteristics and psychiatric disorders within families. Differences in the effects by family background were not consistent, and variation was mainly found in random effects models. In general, observed family characteristics were strongly associated with psychiatric disorders. This means that interventions should be targeted to children at risk rather than certain neighbourhoods.</div

    Parental criminality and children's educational attainment: A population-based extended family study

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    ObjectivesWe examine how parental criminality is associated with offspring education at different educational stages from primary to tertiary education and conduct separate analyses for non-violent and violent crimes and incarceration, and for paternal and maternal criminality.MethodsWe use Swedish total population register data of 513,886 children and their parents and estimate both population-level linear probability models and cousin fixed-effects models.ResultsParental criminality was negatively associated with all stages of offspring education. In population-level models accounting for parental education, the strongest associations were observed for parental violent crimes and incarceration with offspring secondary education completion (beta: −0.16 to −0.18). Cousin fixed-effects models suggested that family-level unobserved heterogeneity played a role in the associations as they were reduced when analyzing cousins differently exposed to parental criminality.ConclusionsParental criminality is negatively associated with offspring educational attainment, and the associations are in part due to shared familial factors. The association is different at different educational stages and for parental violent vs. non-violent crime.</p

    Trust in science and the role of open access publishing

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    Kvantitatiiviset tutkimusmenetelmÀt sotatieteissÀ kÀyttÀytymistieteiden nÀkökulmasta

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    Sotatieteet ovat tavalla tai toisella linkittyneet keskeisesti kĂ€yttĂ€ytymistieteisiin. Tutkimusta voi tehdĂ€ sekĂ€ laadullisin ettĂ€ kvantitatiivisin tutkimusmenetelmin. KĂ€ytĂ€nnössĂ€ kiinnostuksen kohteena ovat reaalimaailman ilmiöihin liittyvĂ€t tutkimusongelmat, ja tĂ€mĂ€n teoksen nĂ€kökulmasta ajateltuna ne esiintyvĂ€t usein juuri Puolustusvoimien kontekstissa. MikĂ€li tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tehdĂ€ pÀÀtelmiĂ€ laajemmista joukoista, kuten esimerkiksi joukko-osastojen varusmiesten mielipiteistĂ€ ja arvoista, on kvantitatiivisten tutkimusmenetelmien kĂ€yttö vĂ€lttĂ€mĂ€töntĂ€. Usein sellaiset kysymykset, kuten “kuinka paljon..”, “eroavatko..” ja “selittÀÀkĂ¶â€ ovat luonteeltaan tutkimuskysymyksiĂ€, joita kannattaa selvittÀÀ hyödyntĂ€mĂ€llĂ€ juuri kvantitatiivista tutkimusaineistoa. TĂ€llöin tavoitteena on pyrkiĂ€ erottelemaan ilmiössĂ€ esiintyvĂ€t sÀÀnnönmukaisuudet satunnaisista piirteistĂ€. Tutkimuskysymys voi olla esimerkiksi seuraavanlainen: millaisia ominaisuuksia löytyy sellaisilta varusmiehiltĂ€, jotka kokevat suorituskykynsĂ€ sodassa korkeaksi? TĂ€ssĂ€ kirjassa onkin tarkoituksena pureutua tarkemmin kvantitatiivisiin tutkimusmenetelmiin juuri Puolustusvoimien kontekstissa. Esittelyn kohteena ei ole kvantitatiivinen analyysi sellaisenaan, vaan tavoitteena on tuoda esille menetelmien sovellettavuus selvitettĂ€essĂ€ erilaisten ilmiöiden vĂ€lisiĂ€ yhteyksiĂ€. EmpiirisessĂ€ tutkimuksessa menetelmĂ€t eivĂ€t ole pÀÀroolissa vaan ennemminkin tulkinta ja ymmĂ€rrys siitĂ€, mitĂ€ niillĂ€ voi tehdĂ€. Toisin sanoen kvantitatiiviset analyysimenetelmĂ€t tulisi nĂ€hdĂ€ pikemminkin vĂ€lineinĂ€, joiden avulla voimme tutkia reaalimaailman ilmiöitĂ€. KĂ€ytĂ€mme tĂ€ssĂ€ opetusmateriaalissa Varusmiesten loppukyselyyn perustuvaa aineistoa, joka on kerĂ€tty kolmesta kuvitteellisesta joukko-osastosta, joita ovat Poutuan jÀÀkĂ€rirykimentti, Vattulan prikaatti ja Nervannan prikaatti. Tavoitteena on esitellĂ€ erilaisia kvantitatiivisia tutkimusmenetelmiĂ€, opettaa SPSS-ohjelman kĂ€yttöÀ sekĂ€ tutkimustulosten relevanttia tulkintaa. Kuvien ja taulukoiden numerointi on tĂ€ssĂ€ kirjassa kappalekohtaista