58 research outputs found


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    Amaç: Birinci sıra tedaviye yeterli yanıt vermeyen yada relaps olan Hodgkin ve Non-Hodgkin lenfomalı hastalarda ikinci sıra tedavi sonrası otolog periferik kök hücre(OKIT) destekli yüksek doz kemoterapi yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Biz buçalışmada Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hematoloji Bilim dalı tarafından2005-2009 yılları arasında izlenen ve periferik kök hücre nakli yapılan 45 lenfomahastasını sunmayı amaçladık.Gereç ve yöntemler: Hastaların yaşları 19-67 arasında ve yaş ortalamaları 38,87 idi.Tanılarına bakıldığında %24,4'ü Diffüz Büyük B hücreli NHL, %35,6'sı NodülerSklerozan Hodgkin Lenfoma, %17,8'i miks sellüler Hodgkin lenfoma, %8,9'u lenfoblastiklenfoma idi.Bulgular: Hastaların %90'ına OKIT destekli yüksek doz tedavi, %10'una ise allogeneikkök hücre nakli uygulandı. Nakil sonrası hastaların son yapılan değerlendirmelerinde45 hastanın 13'ünün komplet remisyonda, 2'sinin progresif hastalık, 2'sinin parsiyelyanıtlı, 3'ünün stabil hastalık olduğu görüldü. 12 hasta hastalık ilişkili, 2'si hastalık dışınedenlerle ve 11 hastada sepsis nedeni ile kaybedildi.Sonuç: Otolog periferik kök hücre destekli yüksek doz tedavi ile özellikle platin bazlıtedaviye yanıt veren lenfoma hasta gurubunda yüz güldürücü sonuçlar alınmaktadır.Objective: Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplantation (PBSCT) following intensiveconditioning chemotherapy has improved the survival in relapsed Hodgkin's disease(HD) and non- Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL). In this study we aim to present 45relapsed refractory lymphoma patients who had peripheral blood stem celltransplantation and were observed between 2005 and 2009 by Dokuz Eylül UniversityFaculty of Medicine Hematology Department.Material and methods: The age range of 45 pateients that were included in this studywas between 19 and 67, and the mean age is 38,87... When we look at subtypes, 24.4%diffuse large B-cell NHL, 35.6% Nodular Sclerozan Hodgkin\\\'s Lymphoma, 17.8% mixed cellula rity Hodgkin\\\'s lymphoma, and 8.9% were diagnosed as lymphoblastic lymphoma.Results: 90% of the patients were treated with high-dose chemotherapy withautologous PBSCT, to the 10% of the pateients allogeneic PBSCT from full matchedrelatives was applied.. Recent evaluation of 45 patients, 13 patients were CR (28.9%), 2have progressive disease, 2 PR, 3 were classified as SD. Associated with the disease in12 patients, 2 of them for reasons other than illness, and 11 patients had died of sepsis.Conclusion: PBSCT following intensive conditioning chemotherapy has improved thesurvival in relapsed-refractory lymphoma patients

    Rijit ve kompleks kifotik deformitelerde cerrahi tedavi

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    İstanbul Bilim Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi.Erişkin spinal deformiteler, torakal ve7veya lomber omurganın hem koronal hem sagital planda gelişen kompleks ve dinamik bozukluklarıdır. Erişkindeki bu deformiteler adölesan dönemdekilerden farklılık gösterir.1. Sagittal Plan Deformiteleri Tarihçesi 1- 20 A. Şükrü Solak, İ. Teoman BENLİ 2. Normal Fizyolojik Sagittal Plan 21- 36 Mutlu AKDOĞAN, M. Mert TÜZÜNER 3.1. Kranioservikal Disosiasyon 37- 46 Selçuk ÖZDOĞAN, Hakan SABUNCUOĞLU 3.2. Atlantoaksiyel İnstabilite 47- 56 Selçuk ÖZDOĞAN, Hakan SABUNCUOĞLU 4.1. Servikal Hipolordoz (Boyun Düzleşmesi) 57- 66 Selahattin ÖZYÜREK, Serkan BİLGİÇ 4.2. Servikal Spondilolistezis 67 -80 Selahattin ÖZYÜREK, Serkan BİLGİÇ 5. Konjenital Kifoz 81- 96 Turgut AKGÜL 6. Adölesan Kifoz 97- 116 Onat ÜZÜMCÜGİL, Ethem Ayhan ÜNKAR 7. Posttravmatik Kifoz 117- 162 Nikola AZAR, Onat ÜZÜMCÜGİL 8. Postenfeksiyöz Kifoz 163- 172 Gökhan DEMİRKIRAN, Altuğ YÜCEKUL 9. Postlaminektomi Kifoz 173- 184 Ali Ender OFLUOĞLU, Uzay ERDOĞAN 10. Bileşke Kifozu 185- 194 Mehmet TAŞKOPARAN, Celal Özbek ÇAKIR, İ. Teoman BENLİ 11. Postradyasyon Kifozu 195- 202 Barış GÖRGÜM, Okan TOK, Gökhan KAYNAK, Hüseyin BOTANLIOĞLU 12. Ankilozan Spondilit 203- 218 Cem ÇOPUROĞLU, Mert ÇİFTDEMİR 13. Rijit ve kompleks kifotik deformitelerde cerrahi tedavi 219- 252 Sinan KAHRAMAN, Azmi HAMZAOĞLU İNDEKS 253-256

    Evaluation of apically extruded debris during the canal preparation using new heat-treated nickel-titanium files in curved canals

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    This study compared the amount of apically extruded debris associated with different heat-treated Ni-Ti rotary systems during the preparation of curved root canals of mandibular molars. Sixty extracted human mandibular molars were selected. EdgeFile, K3XF, OneCurve (OC) and ROTATE files were used to prepare both mesial canals of teeth. The initial weight of each Eppendorf tube to be used was calculated using an analytical balance prior to instrumentation. After instrumentation, the tubes were then stored for 5 days in an incubator at 70 degrees C. Each tube was reweighed, and the weight of the dry extruded debris was established by subtracting the pre-instrumentation and post-instrumentation weight of the Eppendorf tubes for each group. All files caused apical extrusion of debris. There was no statistical difference between the ROTATE, EdgeFile, OC and K3XF systems (P 0.05). All the heat-treated Ni-Ti rotary systems led to similar apical debris extrusion during the canal preparation

    Importance of fixation of posterior malleolus fracture in trimalleolar fractures: A retrospective study

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    WOS: 000394508600010PubMed ID: 28074463BACKGROUND: The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate treatment effect and importance of posterior malleolus (PM) fixation in surgically treated trimalleolar fractures. METHODS: A total of 57 cases of ankle joint fracture involving PM and treated with open reduction and internal fixation technique between 2004 and 2011 were evaluated. PM fixation was performed with cannulated screws in 46 cases, and in 11 cases, PM plate was used. All patients were assessed using American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) score, American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS) foot and ankle questionnaire, and Visual Analog Score (VAS) pain scale. Ankle joint mobility was also compared with unaffected side. RESULTS: Mean follow-up period was 44.6 months (range: 24-108 months). There were 36 female patients and 21 male patients between 23 and 85 years of age (mean: 55.9 years). Average time to surgery was 1.1 day (range: 1-3 days). According to AOFAS assessment, result was excellent in 21 patients and good in 26 patients. AAOS score was 92.4 (range: 32-100). Mean VAS score when resting was 1.1, and mean score was 1.3 when walking (range: 0-10). When compared with uninjured side, there was no significant difference in plantar flexion of ankle (p=0.325) but there was significant difference in dorsiflexion of ankle joint (p<0.001). CONCLUSION: Anatomical reduction and rigid internal fixation of PM provide satisfactory clinical and functional outcomes even in elderly patients where bone quality may make adequate fixation difficult. Fixation of even small PM fragments can facilitate rehabilitation by creating more stable construction

    Comparison of carpal tunnel injection techniques: A cadaver study

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    The purpose of the study was to evaluate the accuracy of injections into the carpal tunnel using three different portals in cadavers, and to define safe guidelines. In this study, 150 wrists of 75 cadavers (54 male, 21 female) were included. To compare three injection sites, 50 wrists of 25 cadavers were used for each technique; we used 23 gauge needles, and acrylic dye. The first injection technique: the needle was inserted 1cm proximal to the wrist crease and directed distally by roughly 45 in an ulnar direction through the flexor carpi radialis tendon. The second injection technique: the needle was inserted into the carpal tunnel from a point just ulnar to the palmaris longus tendon and 1cm proximal to the wrist crease. The third injection technique: the needle was inserted just distal to the distal skin crease of the wrist in line with the fourth ray. The first injection technique gave the highest accuracy rate, and this was also the safest injection site. Median nerve injuries caused by injection was seen mostly with the second technique. Although a steroid injection may provide symptomatic relief in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome, the median nerve and other structures in the carpal tunnel are at risk of injury. Because of that, the injection should be given using the correct technique by physicians skilled in carpal tunnel surgery

    Correlation Loss: Enforcing Correlation between Classification and Localization

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    Object detectors are conventionally trained by a weighted sum of classification and localization losses. Recent studies (e.g., predicting IoU with an auxiliary head, Generalized Focal Loss, Rank & Sort Loss) have shown that forcing these two loss terms to interact with each other in non-conventional ways creates a useful inductive bias and improves performance. Inspired by these works, we focus on the correlation between classification and localization and make two main contributions: (i) We provide an analysis about the effects of correlation between classification and localization tasks in object detectors. We identify why correlation affects the performance of various NMS-based and NMS-free detectors, and we devise measures to evaluate the effect of correlation and use them to analyze common detectors. (ii) Motivated by our observations, e.g., that NMS-free detectors can also benefit from correlation, we propose Correlation Loss, a novel plug-in loss function that improves the performance of various object detectors by directly optimizing correlation coefficients: E.g., Correlation Loss on Sparse R-CNN, an NMS-free method, yields 1.6 AP gain on COCO and 1.8 AP gain on Cityscapes dataset. Our best model on Sparse R-CNN reaches 51.0 AP without test-time augmentation on COCO test-dev, reaching state-of-the-art. Code is available at: https://github.com/fehmikahraman/CorrLoss

    Longitudinal Follow-Up of Two Patients with Dysspondyloenchondromatosis due to Novel Heterozygous Mutations in COL2A1

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    WOS: 000439340700003PubMed ID: 29928178Dysspondyloenchondromatosis (DSC) is a rare form of generalized enchondromatosis and characterized by short stature with unequal limb length, multiple enchondromas in metaphyseal and diaphyseal parts of the long tubular bones, and progressive kyphoscoliosis. Although the COL2A1 gene mutation was found to be responsible for DSC, a case of DSC with no pathogenic mutation in the COL2A1 gene has also been reported, suggesting that the condition is genetically heterogeneous. Here, we report 2 novel heterozygous mutations in COL2A1 in 2 patients with DSC. They had prenatal onset short stature with unequal limb length and generalized enchondroma-like lesions in metaphyseal and diaphyseal parts of the long tubular bones, and osteopenia. The first patient was diagnosed at 3 months of age and followed for 10.5 years. Severe lumbosacral scoliosis and recurrent fractures were observed. The second patient was diagnosed at the age of 4 years. Mild deterioration in scoliosis was observed during the 3-year-long follow-up period. However, skeletal radiography of both patients showed the improvement of enchondromatous lesions. In conclusion, we verified that the COL2A1 gene mutations are responsible for the DSC phenotype. We observed severe osteopenia and fractures which were not reported previously. (c) 2018 S. Karger AG, Base