3,675 research outputs found

    Maybe Sometime: Song

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    Multiple nearest-neighbor exchange model for the frustrated magnetic molecules Mo72Fe30 and Mo72Cr30

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    Our measurements of the differential susceptibility dM/dH of the frustrated magnetic molecules Mo72Fe30 and Mo72Cr30 reveal a pronounced dependence on magnetic field (H) and temperature (T) in the low H - low T regime, contrary to the predictions of existing models. Excellent agreement with experiment is achieved upon formulating a nearest-neighbor classical Heisenberg model where the 60 nearest-neighbor exchange interactions in each molecule, rather than being identical as has been assumed heretofore, are described by a two-parameter probability distribution of values of the exchange constant. We suggest that the probability distribution provides a convenient phenomenological platform for summarizing the combined effects of multiple microscopic mechanisms that disrupt the idealized picture of a Heisenberg model based on a single value of the nearest-neighbor exchange constant.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Exchange Interactions and High-Energy Spin States in Mn_12-acetate

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    We perform inelastic neutron scattering measurements on the molecular nanomagnet Mn_12-acetate to measure the excitation spectrum up to 45meV (500K). We isolate magnetic excitations in two groups at 5-6.5meV (60-75K) and 8-10.5meV (95-120K), with higher levels appearing only at 27meV (310K) and 31meV (360K). From a detailed characterization of the transition peaks we show that all of the low-energy modes appear to be separate S = 9 excitations above the S = 10 ground state, with the peak at 27meV (310K) corresponding to the first S = 11 excitation. We consider a general model for the four exchange interaction parameters of the molecule. The static susceptibility is computed by high-temperature series expansion and the energy spectrum, matrix elements and ground-state spin configuration by exact diagonalization. The theoretical results are matched with experimental observation by inclusion of cluster anisotropy parameters, revealing strong constraints on possible parameter sets. We conclude that only a model with dominant exchange couplings J_1 ~ J_2 ~ 5.5meV (65K) and small couplings J_3 ~ J_4 ~ 0.6meV (7K) is consistent with the experimental data.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figure

    Significance of Elecsys (R) S100 immunoassay for real-time assessment of traumatic brain damage in multiple trauma patients

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    Background: The neuroprotein S100 released into the circulation has been suggested as a reliable marker for primary brain damage. However, safe identification of relevant traumatic brain injury (TBI) may possibly be hampered by S100 release from peripheral tissue. The objective of this study was to measure early S100 levels using the Elecsys((R)) S100 immunoassay for real-time assessment of severe TBI in multiple trauma. Methods: Consecutively admitted multiple trauma patients (injury severity score >= 16 points) were stratified according to the results of the initial cerebral computed tomography (CCT) examination. S100 serum levels were determined at admission and at 6, 12, 24, 48 and 72 h after trauma. Data were correlated to creatine phosphokinase (CK) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) serum levels. Using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis, the discriminating power of S100 measurement was calculated for the detection of CCT+ findings. Results: Median S100 levels of CCT+ patients (n=9; 37 years) decreased from 3.30 mu g/L at admission to 0.41 mu g/L 72 h after trauma. They revealed no significant differences to CCT- patients (n=18; 44 years), but remained elevated compared to controls. Median CK and LDH levels correlated with the corresponding S100 levels during the first 24 h after trauma. ROC analysis displayed a maximum area under the curve of only 0.653 at 12 h after trauma. No significant difference was calculated for the differentiation between CCT+ and CCT- patients. Conclusions: Measurements of S100 serum levels using the Elecsys((R)) S100 immunoassay are not reliable for the real-time detection of severe TBI in multiple trauma patients. Due to soft tissue trauma or bone fractures, S100 is mainly released from peripheral sources such as adipocytes or skeletal muscle cells

    Spurious Shear in Weak Lensing with LSST

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    The complete 10-year survey from the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) will image ∼\sim 20,000 square degrees of sky in six filter bands every few nights, bringing the final survey depth to r∼27.5r\sim27.5, with over 4 billion well measured galaxies. To take full advantage of this unprecedented statistical power, the systematic errors associated with weak lensing measurements need to be controlled to a level similar to the statistical errors. This work is the first attempt to quantitatively estimate the absolute level and statistical properties of the systematic errors on weak lensing shear measurements due to the most important physical effects in the LSST system via high fidelity ray-tracing simulations. We identify and isolate the different sources of algorithm-independent, \textit{additive} systematic errors on shear measurements for LSST and predict their impact on the final cosmic shear measurements using conventional weak lensing analysis techniques. We find that the main source of the errors comes from an inability to adequately characterise the atmospheric point spread function (PSF) due to its high frequency spatial variation on angular scales smaller than ∼10′\sim10' in the single short exposures, which propagates into a spurious shear correlation function at the 10−410^{-4}--10−310^{-3} level on these scales. With the large multi-epoch dataset that will be acquired by LSST, the stochastic errors average out, bringing the final spurious shear correlation function to a level very close to the statistical errors. Our results imply that the cosmological constraints from LSST will not be severely limited by these algorithm-independent, additive systematic effects.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figures, accepted by MNRA

    The Soft X-ray Spectrum from NGC 1068 Observed with LETGS on Chandra

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    Using the combined spectral and spatial resolving power of the Low Energy Transmission Grating (LETGS) on board Chandra, we obtain separate spectra from the bright central source of NGC 1068 (Primary region), and from a fainter bright spot 4" to the NE (Secondary region). Both spectra are dominated by line emission from H- and He-like ions of C through S, and from Fe L-shell ions, but also include narrow radiative recombination continua, indicating that most of the soft X-ray emission arises in low-temperature (kT few eV) photoionized plasma. We confirm the conclusions of Kinkhabwala et al. (2002), based on XMM-Newton RGS observations, that the entire nuclear spectrum can be explained by recombination/radiative cascade following photoionization, and radiative decay following photoexcitation, with no evidence for hot, collisionally ionized plasma. In addition, this model also provides an excellent fit to the spectrum of the Secondary region, albeit with radial column densities a factor of three lower, as would be expected given its distance from the source of the ionizing continuum. The remarkable overlap and kinematical agreement of the optical and X-ray line emission, coupled with the need for a distribution of ionization parameter to explain the X-ray spectra, collectively imply the presence of a distribution of densities (over a few orders of magnitude) at each radius in the ionization cone. Relative abundances of all elements are consistent with Solar abundance, except for N, which is 2-3 times Solar. The long wavelength spectrum beyond 30 A is rich of L-shell transitions of Mg, Si, S, and Ar, and M-shell transitions of Fe. The velocity dispersion decreases with increasing ionization parameter, as deduced from these long wavelength lines and the Fe-L shell lines.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Low-Lying Excited States and Low-Temperature Properties of an Alternating Spin-1 / Spin-1/2 Chain : A DMRG study

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    We report spin wave and DMRG studies of the ground and low-lying excited states of uniform and dimerized alternating spin chains. The DMRG procedure is also employed to obtain low-temperature thermodynamic properties of the system. The ground state of a 2N spin system with spin-1 and spin-1/2 alternating from site to site and interacting via an antiferromagnetic exchange is found to be ferrimagnetic with total spin sG=N/2s_G=N/2 from both DMRG and spin wave analysis. Both the studies also show that there is a gapless excitation to a state with spin sG−1s_G-1 and a gapped excitation to a state with spin sG+1s_G+1. Surprisingly, the correlation length in the ground state is found to be very small from both the studies for this gapless system. For this very reason, we show that the ground state can be described by a variational ``ansatz'' of the product type. DMRG analysis shows that the chain is susceptible to a conditional spin-Peierls' instability. The DMRG studies of magnetization, magnetic susceptibility (χ\chi) and specific heat show strong magnetic-field dependence. The product χT\chi T shows a minimum as a function of temperature(TT) at low-magnetic fields and the minimum vanishes at high-magnetic fields. This low-field behaviour is in agreement with earlier experimental observations. The specific heat shows a maximum as a function of temperature and the height of the maximum increases sharply at high magnetic fields. It is hoped that these studies will motivate experimental studies at high-magnetic fields.Comment: 22 pages in latex; 16 eps figures available upon reques

    High Energy Properties of X-ray Sources observed with BeppoSAX

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    We report on highlight results on celestial sources observed in the high energy band (>20 keV) with BeppoSAX. In particular we review the spectral properties of sources that belong to different classes of objects, i.e. stellar coronae (Algol), supernova remnants (Cas A), low mass X-ray binaries (Cygnus X-2 and the X-ray burster GS1826-238), black hole candidates (Cygnus X-1) and Active Galactic Nuclei (Mkn 3). We detect, for the first time, the broad-band spectrum of a stellar corona up to 100 keV; for Cas A we report upper limits to the ^44Ti line intensities that are lower than those available to date; for Cyg X-2 we report the evidence of a high energy component; we report a clear detection of a broad Fe K line feature from Cygnus X-1 in soft state and during its transition to hard state; Mkn 3 is one of several Seyfert 2 galaxies detected with BeppoSAX at high energies, for which Compton scattering process is important.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the 1997 Conference on 'The Active X-ray Sky: Results from BeppoSAX and Rossi-XTE' eds. L. Scarsi, F. Fiore and P. Giomm

    The Whole is Greater than the Sum of the Parts: Optimizing the Joint Science Return from LSST, Euclid and WFIRST

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    The focus of this report is on the opportunities enabled by the combination of LSST, Euclid and WFIRST, the optical surveys that will be an essential part of the next decade's astronomy. The sum of these surveys has the potential to be significantly greater than the contributions of the individual parts. As is detailed in this report, the combination of these surveys should give us multi-wavelength high-resolution images of galaxies and broadband data covering much of the stellar energy spectrum. These stellar and galactic data have the potential of yielding new insights into topics ranging from the formation history of the Milky Way to the mass of the neutrino. However, enabling the astronomy community to fully exploit this multi-instrument data set is a challenging technical task: for much of the science, we will need to combine the photometry across multiple wavelengths with varying spectral and spatial resolution. We identify some of the key science enabled by the combined surveys and the key technical challenges in achieving the synergies.Comment: Whitepaper developed at June 2014 U. Penn Workshop; 28 pages, 3 figure

    How former business owners fare in the labor market? Job assignment and earnings

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    This is the post-print version of the final paper published in European Economic Review. The published article is available from the link below. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. Copyright @ 2011 Elsevier B.V.This study uses detailed longitudinal matched employer–employee data to examine the impact of entrepreneurial experience on job assignments, careers, and wages. The results suggest that there are significant differences in career mobility between former business owners and workers who were always wage employees. Former business owners enter firms at higher job levels and progress faster up the hierarchy than wage employees without entrepreneurial experience. The majority of the former business owners find jobs in small firms. The return to business ownership experience is lower than the return to wage employee experience, thus suggesting that the labor market imposes a penalty for business ownership experience.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologi
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