13 research outputs found

    Easy-to-use calibration of multiple-camera setups

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    Calibration of the pinhole camera model has a well-established theory, especially in the presence of a known calibration object. Unfortunately, in wide-base multi-camera setups, it is hard to create a calibration object, which is visible by all the cameras simultaneously. This results in the fact that conventional calibration methods do not scale well. Using well-known algorithms, we developed a streamlined calibration method, which is able to calibrate multi-camera setups only with the help of a planar calibration object. The object does not have to be observed by at the same time by all the cameras involved in the calibration. Our algorithm breaks down the calibration into four consecutive steps: feature extraction, distortion correction, intrinsic and finally extrinsic calibration. We also made the implementation of the presented method available from our website

    Easy-to-use calibration of multiple-camera setups

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    Calibration of the pinhole camera model has a well-established theory, especially in the presence of a known calibration object. Unfortunately, in wide-base multi-camera setups, it is hard to create a calibration object, which is visible by all the cameras simultaneously. This results in the fact that conventional calibration methods do not scale well. Using well-known algorithms, we developed a streamlined calibration method, which is able to calibrate multi-camera setups only with the help of a planar calibration object. The object does not have to be observed by at the same time by all the cameras involved in the calibration. Our algorithm breaks down the calibration into four consecutive steps: feature extraction, distortion correction, intrinsic and finally extrinsic calibration. We also made the implementation of the presented method available from our website

    Autonóm robotok korszerű irányításelméletének, navigációjának és az intelligencia növelésének kutatása = Research in the advanced control theory and navigation of autonomous robots and the increase of the intelligence

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    Módszereket dolgoztunk ki redundáns mobilis robotok mozgásának koordinálására es a mozgás optimális megosztására a platform és a robot között. Rétegezett irányításon és játékelméleten alapuló mozgástervezési és irányítási algoritmusokat dolgoztunk ki multiágensű rendszerek számára. Tárgymanipulációs algoritmusokat fejlesztettünk ki kooperáló robotok és többujjas robotkezek irányításához mesterséges intelligencia eszközök bevonásával. Módszereket adtunk járművek és intelligens beavatkozó szerveik modellezésére, pályatervezésére és korszerű irányításukra. Adaptív irányítási algoritmusokat fejlesztettünk ki mechatronikai rendszerek és robotok súrlódási jelenségeinek modellezésére és kompenzálására. Földi járművek automatikus akadályelerülésére pályatervezési módszert és prediktív irányítási algoritmust dolgoztunk ki. Sztereó képfeldolgozási módszereket fejlesztettünk ki a 3D jelenet rekonstruálására, az objektumok felismerésére és a tárgyak relatív helyzetének meghatározására. Robotok kézmozdulatokkal történő irányításához és a teleoperációhoz kidolgoztuk az emberi kéz részletes kinematikai modelljét. Mobilis és mikrorobotok viselkedésorientált irányításához platform független szimulátort fejlesztettünk ki, amely csökkenti a tervezési fázis költségét és a meghibásodás kockázatát. Ipari robot hibrid pozíció/erő irányításához új architektúrát, kommunikációs megoldásokat és szoftver platformot fejlesztettünk ki, amely megkönnyíti a valósidejű irányító szoftverek fejlesztését. | Methods were developed to coordinate the motion of redundant mobile robots allowing optimal task distribution between platform and robot arm. Motion design and control algorithms using stratified control and game theory were developed for multiagent systems. Object manipulation algorithms were elaborated to the control of cooperating robots and multifingered dexterous hands integrating artificial intelligence tools. Methods were given for modeling, path design, and advanced control of vehicles and their intelligent actuators. Adaptive control algorithms were developed for friction modeling and compensation in mechatronic and robotic systems. A path design method and a predictive control algorithm were elaborated for Collision Avoidance Systems of ground vehicles. Stereo image processing methods were developed for 3D reconstruction, object recognition, and for the determination of the relative pose among objects. A detailed kinematic model of the human hand was elaborated for the control and teleoperation of robots by hand gestures. A platform independent simulator was developed for the behavior based control of mobile and micro robots which decreases the cost of the design phase and reduces the risk of failures. A new architecture, communication solutions, and a software platform were developed for the hybrid position/force control of industrial robots facilitating the design of the real time control software tools

    Libugrab: a versatile grabbing library

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    Current commercial and freely available grabbing libraries are tightly coupled to operating systems and/or imaging hardware. Moreover, they usually do not support any kind of distributed camera-systems. This forces developers to either reimplement significant parts of the application or to come up with elaborate abstraction for the grabbing, should the underlying operating system, hardware (e.g. changing from analog PAL sources to IIDC cameras) or distribution model (e.g. adding remote intelligent cameras, which are capable of image processing themselves) change. In this paper we describe ‘libugrab’, a versatile grabbing library designed to provide a flexible abstraction of the grabbing process. The main advantages of ‘libugrab’ over similar libraries are the following: open source license, cross-platform availability, network transparency, support for both push and pull grabbing models, built-in support for image-processing via callbacks. The design especially facilitates rapid prototyping of distributed vision systems, which we demonstrate by several examples

    Multiresolution Rendering By Sewing Trimmed NURBS Surfaces

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    Most of the industrial parts are designed as trimmed NURBS