30 research outputs found

    Extracellular NAD and ATP: Partners in immune cell modulation

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    Extracellular NAD and ATP exert multiple, partially overlapping effects on immune cells. Catabolism of both nucleotides by extracellular enzymes keeps extracellular concentrations low under steady-state conditions and generates metabolites that are themselves signal transducers. ATP and its metabolites signal through purinergic P2 and P1 receptors, whereas extracellular NAD exerts its effects by serving as a substrate for ADP-ribosyltransferases (ARTs) and NAD glycohydrolases/ADPR cyclases like CD38 and CD157. Both nucleotides activate the P2X7 purinoceptor, although by different mechanisms and with different characteristics. While ATP activates P2X7 directly as a soluble ligand, activation via NAD occurs by ART-dependent ADP-ribosylation of cell surface proteins, providing an immobilised ligand. P2X7 activation by either route leads to phosphatidylserine exposure, shedding of CD62L, and ultimately to cell death. Activation by ATP requires high micromolar concentrations of nucleotide and is readily reversible, whereas NAD-dependent stimulation begins at low micromolar concentrations and is more stable. Under conditions of cell stress or inflammation, ATP and NAD are released into the extracellular space from intracellular stores by lytic and non-lytic mechanisms, and may serve as ‘danger signals–to alert the immune response to tissue damage. Since ART expression is limited to naïve/resting T cells, P2X7-mediated NAD-induced cell death (NICD) specifically targets this cell population. In inflamed tissue, NICD may inhibit bystander activation of unprimed T cells, reducing the risk of autoimmunity. In draining lymph nodes, NICD may eliminate regulatory T cells or provide space for the preferential expansion of primed cells, and thus help to augment an immune response

    Infektionsquellensuche bei ambulant erworbenen FĂ€llen von LegionĂ€rskrankheit – Ergebnisse der LeTriWa-Studie; Berlin, 2016 – 2020 – Teil 2 (Ergebnisse und Diskussion)

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    Im Rahmen der Berliner LeTriWa-Studie („Legionellen in der Trinkwasser-Installation“) versuchten wir, ambulant erworbene FĂ€lle von LegionĂ€rskrankheit (AE-LK) evidenzbasiert einer Infektionsquelle zuzuordnen. DafĂŒr wurde eine eigens entwickelte Evidenz-Matrix genutzt, mit der die FĂ€lle anhand von drei Evidenztypen (mikrobiologische Evidenz, Cluster-Evidenz und analytisch-vergleichende Evidenz) entweder einer externen Infektionsquelle, einer hĂ€uslichen Nicht-Trinkwasserquelle (hNTWQuelle) oder hĂ€uslichem Trinkwasser (hTW) zugeordnet werden konnten. Wir rekrutierten 147 Studienteilnehmende (LeTriWa-FĂ€lle) sowie 217 Kontrollpersonen als Vergleichsgruppe. Bei 84 LeTriWa- FĂ€llen konnte aus den Patientenproben der monoklonale Antikörpertyp (MAb) identifiziert werden, bei 83 (99 %) ein MAb 3/1-positiver Stamm und bei einem Fall ein MAb 3/1-negativer Stamm. Im Vergleich zu den Kontrollpersonen war der Fallstatus (infiziert vs. nicht infiziert) nicht mit einer höheren Legionellenkonzentration in den Standard-Haushaltswasserproben assoziiert, die bei FĂ€llen und Kontrollen in gleicher Weise genommen worden waren. Wir fanden jedoch eine hochsignifikante Assoziation mit dem Vorhandensein eines MAb 3/1-positiven Stammes in den Standard-Haushaltsproben. Wir konnten etwa fĂŒr die HĂ€lfte der LeTriWa-FĂ€lle evidenzbasiert eine wahrscheinliche Quelle zuordnen, und zwar 23 (16 %) einer externen Infektionsquelle, 9 (6 %) einer hNTW-Quelle und 40 (27 %) dem hTW.Peer Reviewe

    Infektionsquellensuche bei ambulant erworbenen FĂ€llen von LegionĂ€rskrankheit – Ergebnisse der LeTriWa-Studie; Berlin, 2016–2020

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    Hintergrund/Zielsetzung: Bei ambulant erworbenen FĂ€llen von LegionĂ€rskrankheit (AE-LK) ist die Infektionsquelle meistens unbekannt. Es wird vermutet, dass mit Legionellen kontaminiertes hĂ€usliches Trinkwasser eine hĂ€ufige Ursache ist. Um hierzu mehr Evidenz zu generieren, kooperierten das Robert Koch-Institut (RKI), das Umweltbundesamt (UBA) und das Konsiliarlabor (KL) fĂŒr Legionellen in einer vom Bundesministerium fĂŒr Gesundheit geförderten Studie zum Thema „Legionellen in der Trinkwasser-Installation“ (LeTriWa-Studie). Eines der Teilprojekte hatte zum Ziel, in Zusammenarbeit und enger Abstimmung mit den Berliner GesundheitsĂ€mtern und KrankenhĂ€usern herauszufinden, bei wie vielen FĂ€llen von AE-LK evidenzbasiert eine Infektionsquelle identifiziert werden kann. Methodik: Bei allen Berliner MeldefĂ€llen von LegionĂ€rskrankheit wurde zeitnah die Abnahme einer zusĂ€tzlichen Urin- und tiefen Atemwegsprobe initiiert, welche an das KL geschickt wurden. In die Studie einwilligende Patientinnen und Patienten wurden mittels eines ausfĂŒhrlichen Fragebogens befragt, u. a. um potenzielle Infektionsquellen zu eruieren. Aus dem Haushalt der Erkrankten und bei in Frage kommenden externen, außerhĂ€uslichen Infektionsquellen wurden Wasserproben genommen. FĂŒr eine Risikobewertung der hĂ€uslichen Trinkwasser-Installation (TWI) wurde die DurchfĂŒhrung einer weitergehenden Untersuchung im Rahmen einer GefĂ€hrdungsanalyse initiiert. Alle Umweltproben wurden im Labor des UBA auf Legionellen untersucht. Die Isolate wurden im KL typisiert und – soweit verfĂŒgbar – mit dem bei der Fallperson identifizierten Stamm abgeglichen. Die erhobenen Befunde wurden fĂŒr die Zuordnung einer Infektionsquelle mit Hilfe einer im Rahmen des Projekts entwickelten Evidenz-Matrix nach mikrobiologischen und epidemiologischen Gesichtspunkten bewertet. Anhand von drei Evidenztypen (mikrobiologische, Cluster- und analytisch-vergleichende Evidenz) konnten wir die Studienteilnehmenden entweder einer externen Infektionsquelle außerhalb des hĂ€uslichen Bereichs, eine nicht an das hĂ€usliche Trinkwasser angeschlossene Infektionsquelle im hĂ€uslichen Bereich (z. B. Luftbefeuchter) oder dem hĂ€uslichen Trinkwasser zuordnen. Eine Wasserquelle wurde ĂŒber mikrobiologische Evidenz einem Fall zugeordnet, wenn sie (i) einen Stamm enthielt, der dem monoklonalen Antikörper(MAb-)typ 3/1 angehört und zu den MAb 3/1-positiven StĂ€mmen zĂ€hlt und es keinen Widerspruch im Abgleich des Patienten- und Umweltstamms (bzgl. MAb-Typ/-Subtyp oder Sequenztyp (ST)) gab, oder (ii) wenn der Stamm der erkrankten Person mit dem Umweltstamm mindestens auf MAb-Typ-Ebene ĂŒbereinstimmte. Eine Quelle wurde anhand von Cluster-Evidenz einem Fall zugeordnet, wenn mindestens zwei FĂ€lle zur selben potenziellen Quelle innerhalb von zwei Jahren exponiert waren. Wir verglichen zudem statistisch die HĂ€ufigkeit der Exposition gegenĂŒber einer möglichen Infektionsquelle von FĂ€llen und Kontrollen (analytisch-vergleichende Evidenz). FĂŒr jeden Studienteilnehmenden strebten wir an, zwei Kontrollpersonen zu rekrutieren, die ebenfalls befragt wurden und bei denen in gleicher Weise Standard-Haushaltsproben wie bei den Fallpersonen genommen wurden. Zudem wurde versucht, vom Betreiber der TWI eine Erlaubnis fĂŒr eine kostenfreie GefĂ€hrdungsanalyse, einschließlich einer weitergehenden Untersuchung, zu erhalten. Ergebnisse: Insgesamt konnten wir 147 Studienteilnehmende (LeTriWa-FĂ€lle) einschließen und 217 Kontrollpersonen rekrutieren. Die LeTriWa-FĂ€lle waren im Median 68 Jahre alt (Spannweite 25–93), 3 und mehrheitlich mĂ€nnlich (n = 96; 65 %). Bei 84 LeTriWa-FĂ€llen konnte aus den Patientenproben der MAb-Typ identifiziert werden, bei 83 (99 %) ein MAb 3/1-positiver Stamm und bei einem ein MAb 3/1-negativer Stamm. Im Vergleich zu den Kontrollpersonen (nicht infiziert) war der Fallstatus (infiziert) nicht mit einer höheren Legionellenkonzentration in den Standard-Haushaltsproben assoziiert, jedoch hochsignifikant mit dem Vorhandensein eines MAb 3/1-positiven Stammes (Odds Ratio (OR) = 4,5; 95 %-Konfidenzintervall (KI) = 2,0–10,8; p < 0,001). Bei 23 (16 %) der 147 LeTriWa-FĂ€lle konnte eine externe, außerhĂ€usliche Quelle und bei 40 (27 %) FĂ€llen das hĂ€usliche Trinkwasser als wahrscheinliche Infektionsquelle zugeordnet werden. Das Tragen einer unzureichend desinfizierten Zahnprothese war die einzige hĂ€usliche Nicht-Trinkwasserquelle, die signifikant mit dem Fallstatus assoziiert war (OR = 2,3; 95 % KI = 1,04–5,24; p = 0,04) und ermöglichte eine Quellen-Zuordnung von weiteren 6 % der FĂ€lle. Mit insgesamt 49 % konnten wir etwa die HĂ€lfte der LeTriWa-FĂ€lle einer wahrscheinlichen Infektionsquelle auf Evidenz-Basis zuordnen. Schlussfolgerungen: Wir konnten unter Verwendung eines neuartigen Matrix-Konzepts in Berlin der HĂ€lfte der LeTriWa-FĂ€lle eine wahrscheinliche Infektionsquelle zuordnen. Die Ergebnisse unterstĂŒtzen die Bedeutung von hĂ€uslichem Trinkwasser als Ursache fĂŒr AE-LK. Etwa die HĂ€lfte aller StudienfĂ€lle blieben allerdings unerklĂ€rt. Die Ergebnisse der Standard-Haushaltproben legen nahe, dass nicht die Kontamination mit jeglichen Legionellen oder die Höhe der Legionellenkonzentration die Personen gefĂ€hrdet, sondern vielmehr der Legionellenstamm, insbesondere das Vorhandensein von MAb 3/1-positiven StĂ€mmen. Weitere Untersuchungen und/oder Analysen sind erforderlich, um zu verstehen, welche Faktoren zur Kontamination von hĂ€uslichem Trinkwasser mit pathogenen Legionellen beitragen und welche Faktoren eine Infektion zu verhindern helfen

    Yeasts from Different Habitats and Their Potential as Biocontrol Agents

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    Ever since plant diseases began causing losses in viticulture, the control of phytopathogenic fungi has become of vital interest for winemakers. The occurrence of novel pests, fungicide resistance, and changed consumer expectations have led to an enormous demand for novel plant protection strategies. As part of integrated protection measures, antagonistic microorganisms have been investigated to a large extent. Such microorganisms can be applied not only in conventional, but also in organic farming as biological control agents (BCA). Particularly, yeasts were found to be interesting candidates for the development of BCA. Many of these eukaryotic microorganisms are found as part of the phylloplane microflora. In this study, we assessed a set of 38 yeast isolates from different habitats, including the guts of termites, for inhibitory effects against some phytopathogenic fungi that have received less attention in earlier studies. The majority of yeasts were found to interfere with fungi infecting grapevine (Eutypa lata, Botrytis cinerea, and Roesleria subterranea), stone fruits (Monilinia fructicola), or rice (Magnaporte oryzae), as well in vitro and in model experiment on fruits. Although most yeast strains secreted glycoside hydrolases and proteases, attempts to demonstrate direct antagonistic activities of lytic enzymes failed. However, in culture filtrates of the termite yeast Papiliotrema odontotermitis OO5, a low molecular thermostable antagonistic factor was detected. Iron depletion as a BCA mechanism was confirmed for strains of Metschnikowia pulcherrima but not for other yeasts

    Characterization of RNA Sensing Pathways in Hepatoma Cell Lines and Primary Human Hepatocytes.

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    The liver is targeted by several human pathogenic RNA viruses for viral replication and dissemination; despite this, the extent of innate immune sensing of RNA viruses by human hepatocytes is insufficiently understood to date. In particular, for highly human tropic viruses such as hepatitis C virus, cell culture models are needed to study immune sensing. However, several human hepatoma cell lines have impaired RNA sensing pathways and fail to mimic innate immune responses in the human liver. Here we compare the RNA sensing properties of six human hepatoma cell lines, namely Huh-6, Huh-7, HepG2, HepG2-HFL, Hep3B, and HepaRG, with primary human hepatocytes. We show that primary liver cells sense RNA through retinoic acid-inducible gene I (RIG-I) like receptor (RLR) and Toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3) pathways. Of the tested cell lines, Hep3B cells most closely mimicked the RLR and TLR3 mediated sensing in primary hepatocytes. This was shown by the expression of RLRs and TLR3 as well as the expression and release of bioactive interferon in primary hepatocytes and Hep3B cells. Our work shows that Hep3B cells partially mimic RNA sensing in primary hepatocytes and thus can serve as in vitro model to study innate immunity to RNA viruses in hepatocytes

    ABHD5/CGI-58, the Chanarin-Dorfman Syndrome Protein, Mobilises Lipid Stores for Hepatitis C Virus Production

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    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) particles closely mimic human very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDL) to evade humoral immunity and to facilitate cell entry. However, the principles that govern HCV association with VLDL components are poorly defined. Using an siRNA screen, we identified ABHD5 (α/ÎČ hydrolase domain containing protein 5, also known as CGI-58) as a new host factor promoting both virus assembly and release. ABHD5 associated with lipid droplets and triggered their hydrolysis. Importantly, ABHD5 Chanarin-Dorfman syndrome mutants responsible for a rare lipid storage disorder in humans were mislocalised, and unable to consume lipid droplets or support HCV production. Additional ABHD5 mutagenesis revealed a novel tribasic motif that does not influence subcellular localization but determines both ABHD5 lipolytic and proviral properties. These results indicate that HCV taps into the lipid droplet triglyceride reservoir usurping ABHD5 lipase cofactor function. They also suggest that the resulting lipid flux, normally devoted to VLDL synthesis, also participates in the assembly and release of the HCV lipo-viro-particle. Altogether, our study provides the first association between the Chanarin-Dorfman syndrome protein and an infectious disease and sheds light on the hepatic manifestations of this rare genetic disorder as well as on HCV morphogenesis

    CD81 Receptor Regions outside the Large Extracellular Loop Determine Hepatitis C Virus Entry into Hepatoma Cells

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    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) enters human hepatocytes using four essential entry factors, one of which is human CD81 (hCD81). The tetraspanin hCD81 contains a large extracellular loop (LEL), which interacts with the E2 glycoprotein of HCV. The role of the non-LEL regions of hCD81 (intracellular tails, four transmembrane domains, small extracellular loop and intracellular loop) is poorly understood. Here, we studied the contribution of these domains to HCV susceptibility of hepatoma cells by generating chimeras of related tetraspanins with the hCD81 LEL. Our results show that non-LEL regions in addition to the LEL determine susceptibility of cells to HCV. While closely related tetraspanins (X. tropicalis CD81 and D. rerio CD81) functionally complement hCD81 non-LEL regions, distantly related tetraspanins (C. elegans TSP9 amd D. melanogaster TSP96F) do not and tetraspanins with intermediate homology (hCD9) show an intermediate phenotype. Tetraspanin homology and susceptibility to HCV correlate positively. For some chimeras, infectivity correlates with surface expression. In contrast, the hCD9 chimera is fully surface expressed, binds HCV E2 glycoprotein but is impaired in HCV receptor function. We demonstrate that a cholesterol-coordinating glutamate residue in CD81, which hCD9 lacks, promotes HCV infection. This work highlights the hCD81 non-LEL regions as additional HCV susceptibility-determining factors

    Hepatitis C virus enters liver cells using the CD81 receptor complex proteins calpain-5 and CBLB.

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    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) and the malaria parasite Plasmodium use the membrane protein CD81 to invade human liver cells. Here we mapped 33 host protein interactions of CD81 in primary human liver and hepatoma cells using high-resolution quantitative proteomics. In the CD81 protein network, we identified five proteins which are HCV entry factors or facilitators including epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). Notably, we discovered calpain-5 (CAPN5) and the ubiquitin ligase Casitas B-lineage lymphoma proto-oncogene B (CBLB) to form a complex with CD81 and support HCV entry. CAPN5 and CBLB were required for a post-binding and pre-replication step in the HCV life cycle. Knockout of CAPN5 and CBLB reduced susceptibility to all tested HCV genotypes, but not to other enveloped viruses such as vesicular stomatitis virus and human coronavirus. Furthermore, Plasmodium sporozoites relied on a distinct set of CD81 interaction partners for liver cell entry. Our findings reveal a comprehensive CD81 network in human liver cells and show that HCV and Plasmodium highjack selective CD81 interactions, including CAPN5 and CBLB for HCV, to invade cells

    ABHD5 mutants accumulate in the nucleus and poorly associate with lipid droplets.

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    <p>Experimental details and representative immunofluorescence pictures are to be found in Figs <a href="http://www.plospathogens.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.ppat.1005568#ppat.1005568.g003" target="_blank">3</a>, <a href="http://www.plospathogens.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.ppat.1005568#ppat.1005568.g004" target="_blank">4</a> and <a href="http://www.plospathogens.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.ppat.1005568#ppat.1005568.s004" target="_blank">S4</a>. For each analysis, the data were averaged over 2 independent experiments and at least 10 (ADRP, Bodipy) or 7 frames (Golgi) per experiment. (<b>a-c</b>) Pearson’s correlation coefficient (Rr) between HA-tagged ABHD5 and lipid droplet (<b>a, b</b>) or <i>trans</i>-Golgi markers (<b>c</b>) were calculated on the whole cells or specifically on the cytoplasm, as indicated. Note that the correlation with the ADRP marker was restricted to the cytoplasmic signal to prevent the bias that would have been caused by the diffuse, non-LD-associated, nuclear ADRP signal. Each dot corresponds to one frame. (<b>d-f</b>) Analysis of relative ABHD5 subcellular distribution and enrichment. (<b>d</b>) Cell segmentation strategy: example for the lipid droplet and nucleus segmentation. Within a multichannel picture (Dapi, Bodipy, HA-tagged ABHD5), nuclei and lipid droplets were automatically identified in the respective channels as objects. The lipid droplet periphery was extrapolated as rings of constant thickness around each individual LD. Based on this automated object identification, the ABHD5 signal was then segmented into its nuclear, cytoplasmic and LD-associated fractions. Total and mean intensities in the different cell compartments were measured and normalised to the total or mean ABHD5 intensity in the whole cell, giving the subcellular distribution and enrichment of ABHD5 across these compartments, respectively. A similar strategy was used for the Golgi segmentation (Dapi, p230, HA-tagged ABHD5 triple staining). (<b>e</b>) Subcellular distribution of ABHD5. Left panel: The total ABHD5 signal in the nucleus, at the lipid droplet periphery (LD “rings”) and in the rest of the cytoplasm was quantified and normalised to the total ABHD5 signal. The percentage of LD-associated ABHD5 is indicated on top of each bar. Right panel: A similar analysis was performed on cells stained for the Golgi apparatus instead of the lipid droplets. The percentage of Golgi-associated ABHD5 is indicated on top of each bar. (<b>f</b>) Subcellular enrichment of ABHD5. Left panel: The mean ABHD5 signal intensity in the nucleus, at the lipid droplet periphery (LD “rings”) and in the rest of the cytoplasm was quantified and normalised for the mean ABHD5 signal intensity in the whole cell (set to 1 and highlighted with a dotted horizontal line). Right panel: A similar analysis was performed on cells stained for the Golgi apparatus instead of the lipid droplets.</p

    ABHD5, but not the Chanarin-Dorfman syndrome mutants, supports both HCV assembly and release.

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    <p>(<b>a</b>) Functional and structural organisation of ABHD5. Below are indicated the consensus sequences for the esterase/lipase motif (GXNXG, in green), and for the predicted NLS (in blue), phosphorylation sites (in red) and LPAAT motif (HX<sub>4</sub>D, in purple). Note that the replacement of the nucleophilic serine in the typical GXSXG lipase motif by an asparagine prevents any hydrolase activity. The predicted hydrolase pseudo-catalytic triad [<a href="http://www.plospathogens.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.ppat.1005568#ppat.1005568.ref016" target="_blank">16</a>] includes residues N<sup>153</sup>, H<sup>327</sup>, and E<sup>260</sup> or D<sup>301</sup>. The lipid droplet-binding domain is defined according to Gruber <i>et al</i>. [<a href="http://www.plospathogens.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.ppat.1005568#ppat.1005568.ref040" target="_blank">40</a>]. The mutations used in this study are shown on top of the schema with a color code corresponding to their targeted motif. Those mutations associated with the Chanarin-Dorfman syndrome (Q130P, E260K) are underlined. (<b>b-e</b>) Irrelevant (sh irr) or ABHD5-specific shRNAs (sh ABHD5) were transduced into cells together with shRNA-resistant wild-type or mutant ABHD5 (Q130P or E260K), or with an empty vector (pWPI-BLR). After 4 days, the cells were infected with JcR-2a for 72 h before transferring the supernatant onto target cells. (<b>b</b>) ABHD5 expression was detected by Western blot at the beginning (96h post-transduction) and at the end of HCV infection (72 h post-infection, corresponding to 7 days post-transduction). Detection of ÎČ-tubulin served as an internal control for protein load. A representative Western blot is presented in the bottom panel while the top panel depicts the quantification of ABHD5 expression, normalised for ÎČ-tubulin expression and for the mock-treated cells (sh irr and pWPI-BLR transduction) and averaged over 3 independent experiments. (<b>c-e</b>) In the same set of experiments as in panel b, HCV replication, progeny virion production and core secretion were analysed. Note that the mild effects of ABHD5 expression on HCV entry and replication in this assay are probably due to the late time point chosen (72h post-infection) where virus spread and re-infection starts affecting the readout. (<b>f</b>) Infectious titres were determined in the supernatants (extracellular infectivity) as well as in the cleared freeze-and-thaw lysates (intracellular infectivity) of infected cells with manipulated ABHD5 or ApoE expression.</p