625 research outputs found

    Legal Sociology Approach: A Critical Study on Understanding the Law

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    The need for legal certainty as progress and change in societal life. This article seeks to provide a description of legal practices in society that emphasizes a legal sociology approach to comprehending the laws, whether they are appropriate, different from or even at odds with the laws in the law book, or unwritten laws that are accepted as legitimate by society. This change has continued since antiquity, modern times, and even this age of civility or globalization.  There are many approaches and methods or approaches that can be used in building justice, including in the sociology of law approach.  Studies related to the method approach have recently experienced a dynamic development along with the needs and demands of the community. Theoretical studies and empirical research seek to answer various problems about the effectiveness of the work of law in the entire institutional structure of law in society. This legal sociology approach expects to describes the state of society complete with interrelated social structures and symptoms. It is used because the normative goal of the law is to have a good balance in society, the process of law is in the society itself, thus it can be said that society is the source of law, and the law cannot be separated from the social environment. It emphasizes the study of the relationship between law thinking and its social base and does not see the law as an esoteric area. The study of legal sociology using various approaches may give a positive contribution in understanding and developing law products and build a guaranteed life in accordance with applicable laws and regulations as well as community compliance with the law

    Kualitatif: Ciri dan Karakter Sebagai Metodologi

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    Terlebih dahulu yang harus dipahami adalah karakter, ciri dan makna serta tujuan dari kualitatif itu sendiri. Pentingnya memahami karakter, ciri dan makna serta tujuan metode kualitatif agar peneliti tidak keliru dalam pengunaan metode tersebut, juga dapat mengetahu tujuan dari suatu penelitian yang mengunakan kualitatif. Jadi penggunaan kualitatif tidak hanya menjadi alat tempelan dalam metodologi disetiap jenis penelitian dalam menyusun skripsi ataupun tesis dan desertasi


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    This research is constructed from a descriptive method to describe an aspect of second language acquisition that is systematic errors made by language actors in the speech of second language. The data were collected from picture description tasks and interviews to delineate error categories made by Indonesian learners of English. The results of this study show that grammatical errors are found in the four major errors categories. The most frequent errors occur in verb tense (33.8 %) followed by errors in article usage (17.5%) then errors in using preposition (14.1%) the next, errors produced in verb agreement (13.1%) and then, errors detected in noun ending (6.2%) and the last, errors committed in word order and sentence structure (1.9%)

    Schemata Analysis in Rick Rirdan’s Novel The Red Pyramid

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    This thesis is a research about Schemata Analysis in Rick Riordan’s Novel The Red Pyramid. The objectives of the research are (1) to find out the function of schemata in the text, (2) to find out the types of schemata that Rick Riordan use in his novel “The Red Pyramid”. The method used in this research is qualitative method. The data resource of this research was the novel “The Red Pyramid” which was published in 2010. In collecting the data, the writer used note taking as the instrument to get the data. A technique of data analysis in this study is Barlett’s Theory about Remembering Theory. In this research, the writer found three types of schemata with the function. They are content schemata, formal schemata and linguistic schemata. Then from these types the writer determined the functions. They are comprehension, schemata and memories, making inferences with schemata and the structure of action. The result of this research shows that the reader used past experiences to collaborate what he knew when reading a text in novel especially. The implication of this research is to give understanding to the reader that experience is needed who would like to read more about text


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    Pendidikan adalah merupakan sebuah keharusan yang wajib dijalani oleh setiap orang, walaupun terkadang dalam pendidikan selalu ditemukan halangan dan tantangan yang seakan memang sudah disediakan sebelumnya. Sebagian menemukan tantangan dalam hal materi atau keuangan, sebagian lain harus berhadapan dengan diri pribadi karena harus melawan rasa malas dan jemu. Karena pentinganya pendidikan, tidak heran dalam beberapa hadits bahkan Rasulullah benar-benar menekankan kepada umatnya untuk terus menggali dan menggali ilmu pengetahuan. Karena banyaknya hadits-hadits tersebut, maka tidak heran para ulama sepakat bahwa pendidikan dalam Islam adalah bersifat fardu ‘ain atau wajib, terlebih ditemukannya sebuah ayat Allah yang menjelaskan tingginya derajat bagi mereka yang berilmu (berpendidikan). Dan memang hal tersebut terlihat jelas (terbukti), khususnya pada zaman dan saat sekarang ini, dimana semakin tinggi pendidikan seseorang, semakin tinggi pula derajat dihadapan manusia. Hal yang tidak disadari juga adalah banyak orang membicarakan tentang para Imam-imam madzhab, namun lupa bahwa para imam tersebut dikenal dan diukir dengan tinta emas namanya karena ilmu yang luar biasa. Sebuah pribahasa menyebutkan “Belajar diwaktu kecil bagai melukis di atas batu, belajar di waktu tua bagai melukis di atas air”, pribahasa ini memberikan indikasi bahwa sebenarnya perintah untuk berpendidikan atau meraih ilmu, sebaiknya diawali pada masa pertumbuhan, masa kecil. Semakin baik pendidikan yang diterima, semakin baik output yang dihasilkan dan sebaliknya, semakain buruk pendidikan yang dipelajari maka semakin buruk output yang yang dihasilkan. Maka pada tulisan singkat ini, penulis hendak menjelaskan tentang konsep Rasulullah dalam pendidikan dan krakter anak, sebagaimana yang terdapat dala  hadits riwayat Abu Daud

    Government Oversight Function in Implementation of Large-Scale Social Limitation of COVID-19 in Indonesia

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    Indonesia is one of the country that get the big impact because of COVID-19. This COVID-19 have been declared as pandemic by WHO. Indonesia use the Large-scale Social Limitation as their way to prevent the increase of people get infected because of this pandemic. This study will examine the oversight of implementation of Large-scale Social Limitation in Indonesia from the eyes of government. Also, will examine how the government using their power in the middle of this pandemic. In the end, we will know what really government do and how the oversight running. The result of the study are, first,  The government is the party that has the right to design, create, and implement regulations in people's lives. Government can control the society with the regulations that are made by them. Second, Government has obligations to serve the best service for their people. In general, government services include public services and civil services which are respect to the equality. The Government of Indonesia issued several policies such as Presidential Decree (Keppres) Number 7 of 2020 concerning the Task Force for the Acceleration of Covid-19 Handling (amended through Presidential Decree (Keppres) No. 9 of 2020.), Government Regulations (PP) Number 21 Year 2020 concerning Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) in the framework of the Acceleration of Covid-19 Handling


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    One of the skills learned in learning Arabic language is maharah al-kalam(speaking skill). Muhadatsah (conversation) which is one part of maharah alkalamis a skill that is used to communicate for thoughts, thoughts for others. theability of Muhadatsah in learning Arabic, helps something that is easy, by thosewho must pay attention to various factors and always look for patterns and systemsthat can really overcome learning problems. To be able to learn effectiveMuhadatsah learning, it must look for various things, starting from attend,selection of methods, techniques and selection of appropriate materials withstudents.Salah satu kemahiran yang dipelajari dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab adalahmaharah al-kalam. Muhadatsah yang menjadi salah satu bagian dari maharahal- kalam merupakan keterampilan berbahasa yang dipergunakan dalamberkomunikasi untuk menyampaikan pikiran, gagasan kepada orang lain.kemampuan muhadatsah dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab, bukanlah sesuatuyang mudah, oleh karena harus memperhatikan berbagai faktor dan senantiasamencari pola dan sistem yang betul-betul dapat mengatasi persoalanpembelajaran.. Untuk dapat menciptakan pembelajaran muhadatsah yangefektif, maka harus memperhatikan berbagai hal, mulai dari pendekatan,pemilihan metode, teknik dan juag pemilihan materi yang tepat dengan pesertadidik


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    Al-Qur’an merupakan kalam Allah SWT yang mu’jiz diturunkan kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW, dengan perantara malaikat jibril yang tertulis dalam mushaf yang dinukilkan kepada kita secara mutawatir, membacanya merupakan ibadah yang dimulai surat Al fatihah dan diakhiri surat An nas sebagai kitab petunjuk sumber hukum bagi kehidupan mengetahui halal haram sumber hikmah, sumber kebenaran dan keadilan sumber etika dan akhlaq yang sudah diterapkan untuk meluruskan perjalanan manusia untuk keselamatan dunia akhirat yang dimana terdiri dari 30 juz 114 surat. 6.236 ayat menurut ulama’ kufah atau 6.666 ayat menurut mayoritas ulama’ dan mencakup 9 hukum Islam (halal, haram, muhkam, mutashyabih, basyir, nadhir, qishoh, idhoh, masal) sebagaimana tercantum dalam surat Al A’raf ayat 52


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    In this millennial era, English speaking skills are very necessary for young learners, especially for Vocational High Schools students. However, few teachers still have difficulties in choosing the right technique to teach the speaking skills. Consequently, students feel that speaking is the hardest skill in English. This paper is aimed at discussing how to improve the students’ transactional speaking skills (group discussion) using problem-based group discussion technique at Vocational High School 5 Gowa. A quantitative research design was used to carry out this study with support from the data collection instrument i.e. speaking video test (group discussion). The design of this study conducted using a quasi-experimental with nonequivalent control group design. Twenty (20) students in two classes i.e. ten students for the experimental class and ten students for the controlled class of the intermediate level were purposively selected to participate in this study. The results of this study showed that the problem-based group discussion technique is able to improve students’ transactional speaking skills. It was proved by the result of the statistical analysis of the level significance P = 0.05 with the degree of freedom (df) = 9 indicated that the t-test values of the students’ transactional speaking skills (3.498) was higher than the t-table value (2.262). The outcome of this research indicates that this technique is effectively able to improve the students’ transactional speaking skills in exchanging information, taking a part in formal discussions and even learning to work in real-life situation
