10 research outputs found

    Spatial transcriptomics analysis of neoadjuvant cabozantinib and nivolumab in advanced hepatocellular carcinoma identifies independent mechanisms of resistance and recurrence

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    Abstract Background Novel immunotherapy combination therapies have improved outcomes for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), but responses are limited to a subset of patients. Little is known about the inter- and intra-tumor heterogeneity in cellular signaling networks within the HCC tumor microenvironment (TME) that underlie responses to modern systemic therapy. Methods We applied spatial transcriptomics (ST) profiling to characterize the tumor microenvironment in HCC resection specimens from a prospective clinical trial of neoadjuvant cabozantinib, a multi-tyrosine kinase inhibitor that primarily blocks VEGF, and nivolumab, a PD-1 inhibitor in which 5 out of 15 patients were found to have a pathologic response at the time of resection. Results ST profiling demonstrated that the TME of responding tumors was enriched for immune cells and cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAF) with pro-inflammatory signaling relative to the non-responders. The enriched cancer-immune interactions in responding tumors are characterized by activation of the PAX5 module, a known regulator of B cell maturation, which colocalized with spots with increased B cell marker expression suggesting strong activity of these cells. HCC-CAF interactions were also enriched in the responding tumors and were associated with extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling as there was high activation of FOS and JUN in CAFs adjacent to the tumor. The ECM remodeling is consistent with proliferative fibrosis in association with immune-mediated tumor regression. Among the patients with major pathologic responses, a single patient experienced early HCC recurrence. ST analysis of this clinical outlier demonstrated marked tumor heterogeneity, with a distinctive immune-poor tumor region that resembles the non-responding TME across patients and was characterized by HCC-CAF interactions and expression of cancer stem cell markers, potentially mediating early tumor immune escape and recurrence in this patient. Conclusions These data show that responses to modern systemic therapy in HCC are associated with distinctive molecular and cellular landscapes and provide new targets to enhance and prolong responses to systemic therapy in HCC

    CancerInSilico: An R/Bioconductor package for combining mathematical and statistical modeling to simulate time course bulk and single cell gene expression data in cancer.

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    Bioinformatics techniques to analyze time course bulk and single cell omics data are advancing. The absence of a known ground truth of the dynamics of molecular changes challenges benchmarking their performance on real data. Realistic simulated time-course datasets are essential to assess the performance of time course bioinformatics algorithms. We develop an R/Bioconductor package, CancerInSilico, to simulate bulk and single cell transcriptional data from a known ground truth obtained from mathematical models of cellular systems. This package contains a general R infrastructure for running cell-based models and simulating gene expression data based on the model states. We show how to use this package to simulate a gene expression data set and consequently benchmark analysis methods on this data set with a known ground truth. The package is freely available via Bioconductor: http://bioconductor.org/packages/CancerInSilico/

    Integrated time course omics analysis distinguishes immediate therapeutic response from acquired resistance.

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    BACKGROUND: Targeted therapies specifically act by blocking the activity of proteins that are encoded by genes critical for tumorigenesis. However, most cancers acquire resistance and long-term disease remission is rarely observed. Understanding the time course of molecular changes responsible for the development of acquired resistance could enable optimization of patients' treatment options. Clinically, acquired therapeutic resistance can only be studied at a single time point in resistant tumors. METHODS: To determine the dynamics of these molecular changes, we obtained high throughput omics data (RNA-sequencing and DNA methylation) weekly during the development of cetuximab resistance in a head and neck cancer in vitro model. The CoGAPS unsupervised algorithm was used to determine the dynamics of the molecular changes associated with resistance during the time course of resistance development. RESULTS: CoGAPS was used to quantify the evolving transcriptional and epigenetic changes. Applying a PatternMarker statistic to the results from CoGAPS enabled novel heatmap-based visualization of the dynamics in these time course omics data. We demonstrate that transcriptional changes result from immediate therapeutic response or resistance, whereas epigenetic alterations only occur with resistance. Integrated analysis demonstrates delayed onset of changes in DNA methylation relative to transcription, suggesting that resistance is stabilized epigenetically. CONCLUSIONS: Genes with epigenetic alterations associated with resistance that have concordant expression changes are hypothesized to stabilize the resistant phenotype. These genes include FGFR1, which was associated with EGFR inhibitors resistance previously. Thus, integrated omics analysis distinguishes the timing of molecular drivers of resistance. This understanding of the time course progression of molecular changes in acquired resistance is important for the development of alternative treatment strategies that would introduce appropriate selection of new drugs to treat cancer before the resistant phenotype develops

    Entinostat decreases immune suppression to promote antitumor responses in a HER2+ breast tumor microenvironment

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    Therapeutic combinations to alter immunosuppressive, solid tumor microenvironments (TME), such as in breast cancer, are essential to improve responses to immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI). Entinostat, an oral histone deacetylase inhibitor, has been shown to improve responses to ICIs in various tumor models with immunosuppressive TMEs. The precise and comprehensive alterations to the TME induced by entinostat remain unknown. Here, we employed single-cell RNA sequencing on HER2-overexpressing breast tumors from mice treated with entinostat and ICIs to fully characterize changes across multiple cell types within the TME. This analysis demonstrates that treatment with entinostat induced a shift from a protumor to an antitumor TME signature, characterized predominantly by changes in myeloid cells. We confirmed myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC) within entinostat-treated tumors associated with a less suppressive granulocytic (G)-MDSC phenotype and exhibited altered suppressive signaling that involved the NFÎşB and STAT3 pathways. In addition to MDSCs, tumor-associated macrophages were epigenetically reprogrammed from a protumor M2-like phenotype toward an antitumor M1-like phenotype, which may be contributing to a more sensitized TME. Overall, our in-depth analysis suggests that entinostat-induced changes on multiple myeloid cell types reduce immunosuppression and increase antitumor responses, which, in turn, improve sensitivity to ICIs. Sensitization of the TME by entinostat could ultimately broaden the population of patients with breast cancer who could benefit from ICIs

    Splice Expression Variation Analysis (SEVA) for inter-tumor heterogeneity of gene isoform usage in cancer

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    Motivation:Current bioinformatics methods to detect changes in gene isoform usage in distinct phenotypes compare the relative expected isoform usage in phenotypes. These statistics model differences in isoform usage in normal tissues, which have stable regulation of gene splicing. Pathological conditions, such as cancer, can have broken regulation of splicing that increases the heterogeneity of the expression of splice variants. Inferring events with such differential heterogeneity in gene isoform usage requires new statistical approaches. Results:We introduce Splice Expression Variability Analysis (SEVA) to model increased heterogeneity of splice variant usage between conditions (e.g. tumor and normal samples). SEVA uses a rank-based multivariate statistic that compares the variability of junction expression profiles within one condition to the variability within another. Simulated data show that SEVA is unique in modeling heterogeneity of gene isoform usage, and benchmark SEVA's performance against EBSeq, DiffSplice and rMATS that model differential isoform usage instead of heterogeneity. We confirm the accuracy of SEVA in identifying known splice variants in head and neck cancer and perform cross-study validation of novel splice variants. A novel comparison of splice variant heterogeneity between subtypes of head and neck cancer demonstrated unanticipated similarity between the heterogeneity of gene isoform usage in HPV-positive and HPV-negative subtypes and anticipated increased heterogeneity among HPV-negative samples with mutations in genes that regulate the splice variant machinery. These results show that SEVA accurately models differential heterogeneity of gene isoform usage from RNA-seq data. Availability and implementation:SEVA is implemented in the R/Bioconductor package GSReg. Contact:[email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected]. Supplementary information:Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online