839 research outputs found

    3D tomography of cells in micro-channels

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    We combine confocal imaging, microfluidics and image analysis to record 3D-images of cells in flow. This enables us to recover the full 3D representation of several hundred living cells per minute. Whereas 3D confocal imaging has thus far been limited to steady specimen, we overcome this restriction and present a method to access the 3D shape of moving objects. The key of our principle is a tilted arrangement of the micro-channel with respect to the focal plane of the microscope. This forces cells to traverse the focal plane in an inclined manner. As a consequence, individual layers of passing cells are recorded which can then be assembled to obtain the volumetric representation. The full 3D information allows for a detailed comparisons with theoretical and numerical predictions unfeasible with e.g.\ 2D imaging. Our technique is exemplified by studying flowing red blood cells in a micro-channel reflecting the conditions prevailing in the microvasculature. We observe two very different types of shapes: `croissants' and `slippers'. Additionally, we perform 3D numerical simulations of our experiment to confirm the observations. Since 3D confocal imaging of cells in flow has not yet been realized, we see high potential in the field of flow cytometry where cell classification thus far mostly relies on 1D scattering and fluorescence signals

    Foxa2 mediates critical functions of prechordal plate in patterning and morphogenesis and is cell autonomously required for early ventral endoderm morphogenesis

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    Summary Axial mesendoderm is comprised of prechordal plate and notochord. Lack of a suitable Cre driver has hampered the ability to genetically dissect the requirement for each of these components, or genes expressed within them, to anterior patterning. Here, we have utilized Isl1-Cre to investigate roles of the winged helix transcription factor Foxa2 specifically in prechordal plate and ventral endoderm. Foxa2loxP/loxP; Isl1-Cre mutants died at 13.5 dpc, exhibiting aberrations in anterior neural tube and forebrain patterning, and in ventral foregut morphogenesis and cardiac fusion. Molecular analysis of Foxa2loxP/loxP; Isl1-Cre mutants indicated that Foxa2 is required in Isl1 lineages for expression of notochord and dorsal foregut endoderm markers, Shh. Brachyury, and Hlxb9. Our results support a requirement for Foxa2 in prechordal plate for notochord morphogenesis, axial patterning, and patterning of dorsal foregut endoderm. Loss of Foxa2 in ventral endoderm resulted in reduced expression of Sox17, Gata4, and ZO proteins, accounting at least in part for observed lack of foregut fusion, cardia bifida, and increased apoptosis of ventral endoderm

    Long live FOXO: unraveling the role of FOXO proteins in aging and longevity

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    Aging constitutes the key risk factor for age-related diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular and neurodegenerative disorders. Human longevity and healthy aging are complex phenotypes influenced by both environmental and genetic factors. The fact that genetic contribution to lifespan strongly increases with greater age provides basis for research on which protective genes are carried by long-lived individuals. Studies have consistently revealed FOXO (Forkhead box O) transcription factors as important determinants in aging and longevity. FOXO proteins represent a subfamily of transcription factors conserved from Caenorhabditis elegans to mammals that act as key regulators of longevity downstream of insulin and insulin-like growth factor signaling. Invertebrate genomes have one FOXO gene, while mammals have four FOXO genes: FOXO1, FOXO3, FOXO4, and FOXO6. In mammals, this subfamily is involved in a wide range of crucial cellular processes regulating stress resistance, metabolism, cell cycle arrest, and apoptosis. Their role in longevity determination is complex and remains to be fully elucidated. Throughout this review, the mechanisms by which FOXO factors contribute to longevity will be discussed in diverse animal models, from Hydra to mammals. Moreover, compelling evidence of FOXOs as contributors for extreme longevity and health span in humans will be addressed

    Artificial neural networks for 3D cell shape recognition from confocal images

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    We present a dual-stage neural network architecture for analyzing fine shape details from microscopy recordings in 3D. The system, tested on red blood cells, uses training data from both healthy donors and patients with a congenital blood disease. Characteristic shape features are revealed from the spherical harmonics spectrum of each cell and are automatically processed to create a reproducible and unbiased shape recognition and classification for diagnostic and theragnostic use.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure

    The study of bronze statuettes with the help of neutron-imaging techniques

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    Until recently fabrication techniques of Renaissance bronzes have been studied only with the naked eye, microscopically, videoscopically and with X-radiography. These techniques provide information on production techniques, yet much important detail remains unclear. As part of an interdisciplinary study of Renaissance bronzes undertaken by the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, neutron-imaging techniques have been applied with the aim of obtaining a better understanding of bronze workmanship during the Renaissance period. Therefore, an explanation of the fabrication techniques is given to better understand the data collected by these neutron-imaging techniques. The data was used for tomography studies, which reveal hidden aspects that could not at all or scarcely be seen using X-radiography. For this specific study, the representative bronze ‘Hercules Pomarius’ of Willem van Tetrode (ca 1520–1588) has been examined, along with 20 other Renaissance bronzes from the Rijksmuseum collection

    Edge spin accumulation in semiconductor two-dimensional hole gases

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    The controlled generation of localized spin densities is a key enabler of semiconductor spintronics In this work, we study spin Hall effect induced edge spin accumulation in a two-dimensional hole gas with strong spin orbit interactions. We argue that it is an intrinsic property, in the sense that it is independent of the strength of disorder scattering. We show numerically that the spin polarization near the edge induced by this mechanism can be large, and that it becomes larger and more strongly localized as the spin-orbit coupling strength increases, and is independent of the width of the conducting strip once this exceeds the elastic scattering mean-free-path. Our experiments in two-dimensional hole gas microdevices confirm this remarkable spin Hall effect phenomenology. Achieving comparable levels of spin polarization by external magnetic fields would require laboratory equipment whose physical dimensions and operating electrical currents are million times larger than those of our spin Hall effect devices.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Athletes’ Beliefs About and Attitudes Towards Taking Banned Performance-Enhancing Substances: A Qualitative Study

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    Elite athletes’ beliefs about, and attitudes toward, taking banned performance enhancing substances were explored in 8 focus-group discussions with 57 athletes from 7 different sports. Discussion was initiated by 3 broad open-ended questions pertaining to 3 important themes likely to affect beliefs and attitudes toward banned performance enhancing substances. Thematic content analysis of interview transcripts revealed 9 lower-order themes emerging under the 3 global themes: personal attitudes (reputation and getting caught, health effects, and financial incentives and rewards), social influences (coaches, parents, and medical staff and sport scientists), and control beliefs (i.e., insufficiency of doping testing, resource availability, and sport level and type). Findings provide insight into the beliefs and attitudes that likely underpin motives and intentions to take banned performance-enhancing substances. Results are generally consistent with, and complement, research adopting quantitative approaches based on social– cognitive models examining the beliefs and attitudes linked to taking banned performance-enhancing substances

    Variations in pore size and contact angle distributions control rhizosphere rewetting

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    Rhizosphere wettability decreases upon severe drying leading to periods of prolonged low water content around roots after precipitation or irrigation. These observations were explained by the temporal hydrophobic character of mucilage, while structural alterations of the pore space caused by mucilage, such as pore clogging, remained mostly unexplored. In this study, time-series neutron radiography and a pore network model were used to assess the impact of pore geometry and wettability on water flow following the addition of mucilage in a sand substrate. To do so, we monitored the capillary rise of ethanol and water separately for mucilage contents, ranging from 0.0 to 2.0 mg g−1. A pore network model was developed to analyze the impact of alterations in pore geometry and wettability. Results are compared with analytical solutions of the Lucas-Washburn equation. Rewetting dynamics were explained by a combination of a decrease in effective pore throat size and a global decrease in wettability. The local distribution of wettability, however, appeared of minor importance as dynamics of water imbibition could be matched by a uniform effective contact angle. For 0.1 mg g−1 mucilage content increased wettability was predicted for both approaches: the analytical solution and the pore network model fit. At larger contents, a decrease in wettability occurred which was accompanied by a decrease in derived effective pore and pore throat size. On a minute scale, rewetting appeared to steadily progress at all mucilage contents with accelerated rewetting observed at 0.6 mg g−1 likely related to an increased wetting front length. This study highlights the importance of mucilage on pore geometry in combination with wettability modifications in the rhizosphere. Aside from rhizosphere rewetting, the presented approach provides an opportunity to investigate further wettability-related processes in other soil environments on various spatial scales
