196 research outputs found

    Spatial and temporal distribution of visual information coding in lateral prefrontal cortex

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    Prefrontal neurons code many kinds of behaviourally relevant visual information. In behaving monkeys, we used a cued target detection task to address coding of objects, behavioural categories and spatial locations, examining the temporal evolution of neural activity across dorsal and ventral regions of the lateral prefrontal cortex (encompassing parts of areas 9, 46, 45A and 8A), and across the two cerebral hemispheres. Within each hemisphere there was little evidence for regional specialisation, with neurons in dorsal and ventral regions showing closely similar patterns of selectivity for objects, categories and locations. For a stimulus in either visual field, however, there was a strong and temporally specific difference in response in the two cerebral hemispheres. In the first part of the visual response (50–250 ms from stimulus onset), processing in each hemisphere was largely restricted to contralateral stimuli, with strong responses to such stimuli, and selectivity for both object and category. Later (300–500 ms), responses to ipsilateral stimuli also appeared, many cells now responding more strongly to ipsilateral than to contralateral stimuli, and many showing selectivity for category. Activity on error trials showed that late activity in both hemispheres reflected the animal's final decision. As information is processed towards a behavioural decision, its encoding spreads to encompass large, bilateral regions of prefrontal cortex

    Cycles of goal silencing and reactivation underlie complex problem-solving in primate frontal and parietal cortex

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    While classic views proposed that working memory (WM) is mediated by sustained firing, recent evidence suggests a contribution of activity-silent states. Within WM, human neuroimaging studies suggest a switch between attentional foreground and background, with only the foregrounded item represented in active neural firing. To address this process at the cellular level, we recorded prefrontal (PFC) and posterior parietal (PPC) neurons in a complex problem-solving task, with monkeys searching for one or two target locations in a first cycle of trials, and retaining them for memory-guided revisits on subsequent cycles. When target locations were discovered, neither frontal nor parietal neurons showed sustained goal-location codes continuing into subsequent trials and cycles. Instead there were sequences of timely goal silencing and reactivation, and following reactivation, sustained states until behavioral response. With two target locations, goal representations in both regions showed evidence of transitions between foreground and background, but the PFC representation was more complete, extending beyond the current trial to include both past and future selections. In the absence of unbroken sustained codes, different neuronal states interact to support maintenance and retrieval of WM representations across successive trials


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    The average glandular dose to glandular tissue m mammography is generally assumed to be a function of beam quality (HVL), x-ray tube target material, tube voltage, breast thickness, breast composition and, to a lesser extent, x-ray tube voltage waveform. The average glandular dose is generally determined from published tables with knowledge of the above function. Tables for a high frequency x-ray generator are not yet published. In our study, the lookup tables for the average glandular dose were made at 28 kV (high frequency x-ray generator), employing a breast simulating tissue (0-100% adipose tissue, 0-100% glandular tissue) phantom for an Mo target - Mo filter source assembly. We tried to estimate breast composition from x-ray mammograms by digital image processing techniques, also using the simulating tissue phantom. Then the system that automatically calculates the average glandular dose from digitized clinical x-ray mammograms was built. It is considered that this system can contribute to objective evaluation of the average glandular dose.乳房X線撮影法において乳腺組織に対する平均放射線吸収線量,すなわち平均乳腺線量は放射線のリスクの最も有用な測定法であり,現在,乳房に対する線量の評価に用いられている指標である。一般に,平均乳腺線量は線質(HVL),X線管球ターゲット材料,管電圧,圧迫乳房厚さ,乳房構成および(ある程度)X線管電圧波形の関数であるとされている。平均乳腺線量は,上記の関数についての情報を備えた表が公表されており,一般にその表を使って決定されている。近年,インバータ式といわれる高周波X線発生装置が普及してきた。しかし,その装置用の表は,まだ公表されていない。我々の研究では,乳房組織をシュミレートするファントム(0~100%乳腺組織,0~100%脂肪組織)を使用して,28kVでMoターゲット―Moフィルタソースアセンブリーを備えた高周波X線発生装置のために,平均乳腺線量用のルックアップテーブルを作成した。同様に,乳房組織をシュミレートするファントムを使用して,乳房X線写真から,ディジタル・イメージプロセシング技術によって,乳房構成の評価を試みた。そして,ディジタイズされた臨床乳房X線写真から,平均乳腺線量を自動的に計算するシステムを構築した。サンプル数が少ないため断定はできないが,日本女性は,基準構成(50%の脂肪および50%の乳腺組織)と比較すると,脂肪が少ない傾向を分析結果は示唆していた。また,平均乳腺吸収線量の限度は,明確に規定されていないが,American College of Radiology(ACR)は4 mGyなどを推奨している。また日本では,3 mGyが推奨されているが,我々の撮影システムはこれらを十分満足していた。このように本システムは,平均乳腺線量の客観的な評価に寄与するとともに,DR(digital radiography)などに応用すると,すなわちルックアップテーブルをDRのコンピュータに保存しておけば,撮影後すぐに乳房構成および平均乳腺線量を算出できる可能性をもつ

    Extended-cycle processによる乳房撮影用増感紙/フィルムシステムの画質改善

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    Extended-cycle process is the term used for a processor in which the processing time has been prolonged usually to approximate 210 seconds. It has been known that the extended-cycle process of some single-emulsion films as used for mammography may enhance film contrast and increase film speed. So the speed was increased in lower speed and higher resolution system than conventional systems by means of using the extended-cycle process in this paper. We investigated how much the resolution of the system was kept. A single screen-single emulsion combination, Konica M-100/CM-H was employed as a low speed and high resolution system. This film after exposure was processed in the different combinations of developing temperatures, 30, 32 and 34℃, and processing time of 210 seconds. On the other hand, Konica M-200/CM-H was employed as a high speed system. This film was processed in the standard-cycle processing (34℃, 90 seconds). Those systems were compared on contrast, speed, screen-film blur and noise by a characteristic curve, MTF (modulation transfer function) and WS (wiener spectrum). Furthermore, the RMI 165 phantom was used to evaluate visibility of mammographic details of these systems. As a result, in the extended-cycle process at the developing temperatures of 32 or 34°C and processing time of 210 seconds for M-100/CM-H, it was possible to increase the speed as much as the higher speed system, M-200/CM-H. Then the contrast, the MTF and the visibility were also improved as compared to the higher speed system. Furthermore patient dose could be reduced at the developing temperature of 34℃ and processing time of 210 seconds in M-100/CM-H.通常,extended-cycle processは処理時間が約210秒に延ばされた現像機のために使われる用語である。乳房撮影に使われるような片面乳剤フィルムにおけるextended-cycle processは,フィルムコントラストを増し,感度をあげることが良く知られている。そこで,本論文ではextended-cycle processにより低感度,高解像度システムの感度を上げ,どの程度解像度が維持されるかを調べた。片面増感紙/片面フィルムの組合わせであるKonica M-100/CM-Hを低感度,高解像度システムとして用いた。露光後のフィルムは現像温度30,32, 34度,処理時間210秒の異なる組合わせで現像処理した。一方,高感度システムとしてKonica M-200/CM-Hを用い,このフィルムは標準現像(34℃,90秒)された。感度,増感紙/フイルムのぼけ,雑音に関して,特性曲線,MTF(modulation transfer function), WS(wiener spectrum)によってこれらのシステムを比較した。さらにこれらのシステムにおける乳房写真の細部視覚評価のためにRM165ファントムを使用した。その結果,M-100/CM-Hに対するextended-cycle process現像温度32, 34℃,処理時間210秒のextended-cycle processにおいて,高感度システムM-200/CM-Hと同等の感度を上げることが可能であった。そのとき,コントラスト,MTF,視覚的検出能も高感度システムより向上した。さらに,現像温度34℃,処理時間210秒では,被曝線量の低減が可能であった

    An artifice in the insertion of the Hickman catheter in small children

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    Although the Hickman catheter is commonly used in pediatric patients, it is difficult to place this catheter safely in small children, especially infants. A multiple-step method, starting with a thinner catheter, makes the placement easier and safer.Keywords: central venous catheter, children, Hickman cathete

    Dose Distributions at Standard Diagnostic X-Ray Energy

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    Exposure dose has been indicated by surface dose or transit dose, but they could not indicate dose distributions inside the body. Modulex as the radiation therapy planning system was used for dose distributions at standard diagnostic X-ray energy. X-ray is low energy X-ray at standard diagnostic radiography, so alterations of the energy and the scattering dose distribution by absorbers are quite different from those at high energy X-rays. Mix-DP was put to the homogeneous tissue use, then Bone equivalent phantom or Lung equivalent phanton was put to the inhomogeneous tissue use. Density correction factors for inhomogeneous phantoms were gotten by the calculation of the water equivalent thickness. In Bone the inhomogeneous correction depended strongly on the bone thickness. In Lung it was in need of one density correction factor and the scattering correction method for the decrease of the back scattering. The calculated dose distributions by Modulex agreed with measured data when each correction was carried out, and it was indicated that those data apply to inclinical situations

    Granularity of Asymmetric Screen-Film System

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    非対称増感紙フィルム系について、両面乳剤フィルムのウィナースペクトル測定に及ぼす影響を検討した。濃度0.5~2.5のノイズ試料のフロント乳剤、バック乳剤、支持体層それぞれで測定したスペクトルの和と、両面同時に測定した全スペクトルとを比較した。その結果、全ウィナースペクトルの値は、フロント乳剤、バック乳剤の和より高くなった。また、試料濃度が高いほど、その差は大きくなった。これらは、マイクロデンシトメータの光学系の配置と両面乳剤フィルムの構造に起因している。したがって、非対称システムのようにフィルムの前面と後面で特性を分けて考える場合、注意を要する。We have examined a factor affecting the Wiener spectrum measurement of double-emulsion film. An asymmetric screen-film system (Kodak HC/INSIGHT system) was used in this study. The results indicated that the total Wiener spectra of double-emulsion films are higher than the sum of spectra obtained with the front emulsion and back emulsion separately. These differences are attributed to the arrangement of the optical system of the microdensitometer used to measure and the structure of double-emulsion film

    Patient Dose on the Radiological Diagnosis of Abdomen - The Situation of Patient nose at Hospitals in Okayama Prefecture -

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    In 1995, we have published a paper about the basic data on the relation between X-ray exposure equipment and patient dose in Vol. 17 of the Journal "Environment Research and Control". In this time, we questioned hospitals in Okayama Prefecture about exposure equipments of abdomen. And we compared each hospital's exposure equipments with the basic data, calculated each patient dose, then we studied that differences. Various imaging system, for example; screen/film or imaging plate has been used at each hospitals, so that exposure are various and patient doses are very different. The exposure equipment decide that the X-ray photograph is good or bad, so we cannot treat it easily. But we think that we have to try to take X-ray photographs which are suit the purpose of diagnosis which as a small patient dose as possible

    Segregation of Odor Identity and Intensity during Odor Discrimination in Drosophila Mushroom Body

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    Molecular and cellular studies have begun to unravel a neurobiological basis of olfactory processing, which appears conserved among vertebrate and invertebrate species. Studies have shown clearly that experience-dependent coding of odor identity occurs in “associative” olfactory centers (the piriform cortex in mammals and the mushroom body [MB] in insects). What remains unclear, however, is whether associative centers also mediate innate (spontaneous) odor discrimination and how ongoing experience modifies odor discrimination. Here we show in naïve flies that Gαq-mediated signaling in MB modulates spontaneous discrimination of odor identity but not odor intensity (concentration). In contrast, experience-dependent modification (conditioning) of both odor identity and intensity occurs in MB exclusively via Gαs-mediated signaling. Our data suggest that spontaneous responses to odor identity and odor intensity discrimination are segregated at the MB level, and neural activity from MB further modulates olfactory processing by experience-independent Gαq-dependent encoding of odor identity and by experience-induced Gαs-dependent encoding of odor intensity and identity