28 research outputs found
Basket of Growth: New Export Industries in Sverdlovsk Region
The authors examine an export basket and reveal the new export goods for Sverdlovsk region, which might be used to transform the productive structure and upgrade export of the region. For each product, in which the region might develop its comparative advantage, the authors develop a measure of efforts, which are supposed to be made to include this good into the export basket, and a measure of the income level for the product. As a result the authors get a cluster of new and the most attractive export goods. Special methodology is used to choose the best cities to allocate the production of the new export goods.Export goods, comparative advantages, industrial cluster, production allocation
Основы реализации режима навигации в бортовом тренажерном комплексе самолета Л-39
Викладені основи реалізації режиму навігації в бортовому тренажерному комплексі підготовки льотчиків, який призначається для встановлення на учбово-тренувальному літаку Л-39. Приведені формули обчислення основних навігаційних параметрів для режиму польоту за заданим маршрутом в форматі літаків типу МіГ-29 (Су-27).Fundamentals of realization the mode of navigation in the airborne simulating complex for military pilots training, which was developed for a placing on the trainer L-39. Calculation formulae of main navigation parameters for a flight mode on the given route in the military aircraft MiG-29 (Su-27) format is given.Изложены основы реализации режима навигации в бортовом тренажерном комплексе подготовки летчиков, который предназначен для установки на учебно-тренировочном самолете Л-39. Приведены формулы вычисления основных навигационных параметров для режима полета по заданному маршруту в формате самолетов типа МиГ-29 (Су-27)
Авиационный индикатор на лобовом стекле ИЛС-39
У статті представлені результати розробки КП "ЦКБ "Арсенал" авіаційного індикатора на лобовому склі. Цей індикатор використовується при модернізації літаків вітчизняного авіаційного парку.The present article offers the results of elaboration of the aviation indicator (Head-up Displau) in the CDB "Arsenal. This indicator is used in modernization of native airplanes.В статье представлены результаты разработки КП "ЦКБ "Арсенал" авиационного индикатора на лобовом стекле. Данный индикатор используется при модернизации самолетов отечественной авиации
QDB: A new database of plasma chemistries and reactions
One of the most challenging and recurring problems when modeling plasmas is the lack of data on the key atomic and molecular reactions that drive plasma processes. Even when there are data for some reactions, complete and validated datasets of chemistries are rarely available. This hinders research on plasma processes and curbs development of industrial applications. The QDB project aims to address this problem by providing a platform for provision, exchange, and validation of chemistry datasets. A new data model developed for QDB is presented. QDB collates published data on both electron scattering and heavy-particle reactions. These data are formed into reaction sets, which are then validated against experimental data where possible. This process produces both complete chemistry sets and identifies key reactions that are currently unreported in the literature. Gaps in the datasets can be filled using established theoretical methods. Initial validated chemistry sets for SF 6 /CF 4 /O 2 and SF 6 /CF 4 /N 2 /H 2 are presented as examples
ATLAS off-Grid sites (Tier 3) monitoring. From local fabric monitoring to global overview of the VO computing activities
The ATLAS Distributed Computing activities have so far concentrated in the "central" part of the experiment computing system, namely the first 3 tiers (the CERN Tier0, 10 Tier1 centers and over 60 Tier2 sites). Many ATLAS Institutes and National Communities have deployed (or intend to) deploy Tier-3 facilities. Tier-3 centers consist of non-pledged resources, which are usually dedicated to data analysis tasks by the geographically close or local scientific groups, and which usually comprise a range of architectures without Grid middleware. Therefore a substantial part of the ATLAS monitoring tools which make use of Grid middleware, cannot be used for a large fraction of Tier3 sites. The presentation will describe the T3mon project, which aims to develop a software suite for monitoring the Tier3 sites, both from the perspective of the local site administrator and that of the ATLAS VO, thereby enabling the global view of the contribution from Tier3 sites to the ATLAS computing activities. Special attention in presentation will be paid generic monitoring solutions for PROOF and xrootd, covering monitoring components which collect, store and visualise monitoring data. One of the popular solutions for local data analysis is the PROOF-based computing facility with a simple storage system based on xrootd protocol. Monitoring of user activities at the PROOF-based computing facility as well as data access and data movement with xrootd is useful, both on the local and global VO level. The proposed PROOF and xrootd monitoring systems can be deployed as a part of the T3mon monitoring suite or separately as standalone components and can easily be integrated in the global VO tools for monitoring data movement, data access or job processing
VM-based infrastructure for simulating different cluster and storage solutions in ATLAS
The current ATLAS Tier3 infrastructure consists of a variety of sites of different sizes and with a mix of local resource management systems (LRMS) and mass storage system (MSS) implementations. The Tier3 monitoring suite, having been developed in order to satisfy the needs of Tier3 site administrators and to aggregate Tier3 monitoring information on the global VO level, needs to be validated for various combinations of LRMS and MSS solutions along with the corresponding Ganglia and/or Nagios plugins. For this purpose the Testbed infrastructure, which allows simulation of various computational cluster and storage solutions, had been set up at JINR (Dubna). This infrastructure provides the ability to run testbeds with various LRMS and MSS implementations, and with the capability to quickly redeploy particular testbeds or their components. Performance of specific components is not a critical issue for development and validation, whereas easy management and deployment are crucial. Therefore virtual machines were chosen for implementation of the validation infrastructure which, though initially developed for Tier3 monitoring project, can be exploited for other purposes. Load generators for simulation of the computing activities at the farm were developed as a part of this task. The poster will cover concrete implementation, including deployment scenarios, hypervisor details and load simulators
Labour market monitoring system
Last years, the prospects for digital transformation of economic processes were actively discussed. It is quite a complex problem having no solution with traditional methods. Opportunities of the qualitative development of the transformation are illustrated by the example of use of Big Data analytics, particularly text analysis, for the assessment of the needs of regional labour markets in the man-power.The problem is solved using the developed by the authors the automated information system of monitoring of matching the staffing needs of employers with the training level. The system presented use the information gathering from open data sources and provides additional opportunities to identify qualitative and quantitative interrelation between the education and the labour market. The system is targeted at a wide range of users: authorities and management of regions and municipalities; the management of universities, companies, recruitment agencies; graduates and prospective students
VM-based infrastructure for simulating different cluster and storage solutions used on ATLAS tier3 sites
ATLAS is a particle physics experiment on Large Hadron Collider at CERN. The experiment produces petabytes of data every year. The ATLAS Computing model embraces the Grid paradigm and originally included three levels of computing centres to be able to operate such large volume of data. With the formation of small computing centres, usually based at universities, the model was expanded to include them as Tier3 sites. The experiment supplies all necessary software to operate typical Grid-site, but Tier3 sites do not support Grid services of the experiment or support them partially. Tier3 centres comprise a range of architectures and many do not possess Grid middleware, thus, monitoring of storage and analysis software used on Tier2 sites becomes unavailable for Tier3 site system administrator and, also, Tier3 sites activity becomes unavailable for virtual organization of the experiment. In this paper we present ATLAS off-Grid sites monitoring software suite, which enables monitoring on sites, which are not under operation of ATLAS Distributed Computing software