29 research outputs found


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    Bu çalışmada, odun esaslı levhaların yanma dayanımı araştırılmıştır. Deneyde, fırça ile sürme ve daldırma yöntemleri, potasyum karbonat ( 2K2CO3 . 3H2O ), boraks ( Na2B4O7 . 10H2O ) ve wolmanit- CB maddeleri ile Kontrplak, OSB, MDF levhaları kullanılmıştır. Yanma deneyleri, DIN-4102 Part:1 standardı B1 Yanma sınıfına göre hazırlanmış deney düzeneklerinde yapılmıştır. Deney sırasında yanmaya ilk başlama süresi (sn), alev kaynaksız olarak alevli ve kor halde yanma süreleri (sn) tespit edilmiştir. Bu tespitlere göre, deney sonucu istatistiksel olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Ahşap esaslı levhalar, Yanma, Emprenye, Yanmayı geciktirici kimyasal maddeler, Emprenye yöntemler


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    Mobilya üretiminde her geçen gün artan müşteri istekleri firmaların daha kaliteli mobilya üretimini teşvik etmektedir. Buna göre üretilen mobilyaların sağlam, dayanıklı, kullanışlı mobilyalar olması gerektiğini bütün dünya kabul etmiştir. Ancak kalite sadece sağlamlık bakımından değer görmeyip estetiklik, ergonomiklik ve yerine göre kullanışlılık vb. unsurlardan oluşmaktadır. Ülkemizde Türk Standartları Enstitüsü, her sektörden üretilen ürünler için belirli bazı testlere tabi tutulmak üzere standartlar oluşturmuştur.Yapılan çalışmada amaç, ev mobilyaları üretimi yapan ve laboratuvar kurmayı planlayan firmalara örnek model oluşturmaktır. Çalışma kapsamında; mobilya test cihazları ve testler tanıtılarak, ürün gruplarına göre kutu tipi – iskelet tipi – döşemeli tip vb. ev mobilyaları için laboratuvar planlaması yapılmıştır. Bunun için TS EN/ISO/IEC 17025 standardı referans alınmıştır.

    The efficiency of β-cyclodextrin in the post-dyeing removal of hydrolyzed reactive dyes

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    Reaktivna bojila su skupina bojila koja se najviše upotrebljavaju za bojadisanje celuloznih vlakana. Tijekom postupka bojadisanja ovim bojilima, hidroliza bojila može uzrokovati smanjenje učinkovitosti bojadisanja i otežano ispiranje bojila nakon bojadisanja. Uklanjanje hidroliziranog bojila s materijala postupkom ispiranja je vrlo važno kako bi se postigla dobra svojstva postojanosti obojenja. U ovom radu istraživana je primjena β-ciklodekstrina, nano-tvari sastavljene od 7 D-glukopiranozil jedinica povezanih alfa-(1,4) glikozidnim vezama, čime se pospješuje ispiranje hidroliziranog bojila nakon provedbe bojadisanja. Prema dobivenim rezultatima može se reći da je moguća primjena β-ciklodekstrina u ispiranju nakon bojadisanja reaktivnim bojilima za bojila koja s njima stvaraju (inclusion) komplekse.Reactive dyes are the most commonly used dye class in cellulosic fibers dyeing. But during dyeing with these dyes, the hydrolyzation of dye may decrease dyeing efficiency and may cause the washing treatments after dyeing to be much harder. It is very important to remove hydrolyzed reactive dye from the textile material by washing treatments to obtain the desired fastness properties. In this research, usage possibilities of β-cyclodextrins, that are nano-substances structurally consist of 7 D-glucopyranosyl units connected by alpha-(1,4) glycosidic linkages, to enhance hydrolyzed reactive dye in washing treatments after reactive dyeing were investigated. According to the experimental results, it can be said that usage of β-cyclodextrins is possible in washing treatments after reactive dyeing for dyes which form inclusion complex with it

    The efficiency of β-cyclodextrin in the post-dyeing removal of hydrolyzed reactive dyes

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    Reaktivna bojila su skupina bojila koja se najviše upotrebljavaju za bojadisanje celuloznih vlakana. Tijekom postupka bojadisanja ovim bojilima, hidroliza bojila može uzrokovati smanjenje učinkovitosti bojadisanja i otežano ispiranje bojila nakon bojadisanja. Uklanjanje hidroliziranog bojila s materijala postupkom ispiranja je vrlo važno kako bi se postigla dobra svojstva postojanosti obojenja. U ovom radu istraživana je primjena β-ciklodekstrina, nano-tvari sastavljene od 7 D-glukopiranozil jedinica povezanih alfa-(1,4) glikozidnim vezama, čime se pospješuje ispiranje hidroliziranog bojila nakon provedbe bojadisanja. Prema dobivenim rezultatima može se reći da je moguća primjena β-ciklodekstrina u ispiranju nakon bojadisanja reaktivnim bojilima za bojila koja s njima stvaraju (inclusion) komplekse.Reactive dyes are the most commonly used dye class in cellulosic fibers dyeing. But during dyeing with these dyes, the hydrolyzation of dye may decrease dyeing efficiency and may cause the washing treatments after dyeing to be much harder. It is very important to remove hydrolyzed reactive dye from the textile material by washing treatments to obtain the desired fastness properties. In this research, usage possibilities of β-cyclodextrins, that are nano-substances structurally consist of 7 D-glucopyranosyl units connected by alpha-(1,4) glycosidic linkages, to enhance hydrolyzed reactive dye in washing treatments after reactive dyeing were investigated. According to the experimental results, it can be said that usage of β-cyclodextrins is possible in washing treatments after reactive dyeing for dyes which form inclusion complex with it

    Effectiveness of percutaneous vertebroplasty in patients with multiple myeloma having vertebral pain

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    AMAÇ Multipl miyelomun vertebral tutulumu olan hastalarda perkütan vertebroplastinin (PV) etkinliğini, faydalarını ve güvenilirliğini değerlendirmeyi amaçladık. YÖNTEMLER Multipl miyelomlu 41 hastanın 166 omurunda uygulanan PV prosedürleri geriye dönük olarak değerlendirildi. Hastalarımızın çoğu seviye 3 (orta ila şiddetli ağrı) analjezik kullanıyordu. İşlemden önce multipl miyelomun vertebral tutulumunu değerlendirmek için manyetik rezonans görüntüleme yapıldı. Aşağıdaki değişkenler değerlendirildi: etkilenen vertebral seviyeler, vertebral vücut yüksekliği kaybı, PV sırasında vertebral gövdeye uygulanan polimetilmetakrilat (PMMA) çimento miktarı, PMMA çimento sızıntıları ve PV öncesi ve sonrası ağrı, görsel analog skala (VAS) ile değerlendirildi. . SONUÇLAR Hastaların medyan VAS skorları PV'den bir gün önce 9'dan işlemden bir gün sonra 6'ya, işlemden bir hafta sonra 3'e ve sonunda işlemden üç ay sonra 1'e düştü (P <0.001). PV işlemi sırasında 68 vertebral seviyede (% 41) çimento sızıntısı gözlendi. Omurga gövdesine uygulanan ortanca PMMA değeri 6 mL idi. SONUÇ Minimal invaziv ve düşük komplikasyon oranları ile kolay uygulanabilen bir işlem olan PV, multipl miyelom hastalarının ciddi sırt ağrılarında tercih edilmelidir

    How much do we know about the venous thromboembolism? The approach of turkish plastic surgeons to the venous thromboembolism prophylaxis and preferred methods in prophylaxis: A survey study

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    Giriş: Derin ven trombozu (DVT) ve pulmoner emboli (PE) diğer cerrahi branşlarda olduğu gibi günümüz Plastik Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik cerrahi operasyonlarında da hastalar için önemli bir mortalite ve morbidite nedenidir. Bu çalışmada, Türk Plastik Cerrahların Venöz tromboemboli (VTE) farkındalık düzeyini belirlemek, uygulamakta oldukları VTE proflaksi protokolleri hakkında bilgi edinmek, ülkemizdeki VTE risk faktörlerinin sıklığını belirlenmesi amaçlarıyla uygulanan VTE anketinin sonuçlarının sunulması ve verilerin literatür ile karşılaştırılması amaçlandı. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmamızda, Plastik Cerrahi prosedürlerine yönelik DVT ile ilgili 7 sorudan ve 2 sayfadan oluşan bir anket hazırlandı. Bu anket formu basılı ve elektronik olarak hazırlanarak, Türk Plastik Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Derneğinin düzenlediği iki kongrede Türkiye’de çalışan Plastik Cerrahi uzman hekimlerine sunuldu. Ayrıca, anketin elektronik formatı, derneğin forum sayfası üzerinden Plastik Cerrahlara ulaştırılarak sonuçlar e-posta üzerinden toplandı. Bulgular: 57 elektronik, 42 basılı olmak üzere toplam 99 anket değerlendirildi. Anket sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesinde, katılımcıların % 90’in DVT proflaksi uyguladığı, %10 ise uygulamadığı saptandı. Katılımcıların %94’ü preoperatif risk faktörlerini tüm hastaları için sorgularken, %6’sı risk faktörü sorgulaması yapmamaktaydı. Risk grubu sorgulayan cerrahların, en sık karşılaştıkları risk faktörü 93% oranıyla geçirilmiş DVT hikayesi olarak saptanmıştır. Sonuç: VTE‘ye bağlı mortalilite ve morbidite oranlarının azaltılmasında en etkili ve ucuz yöntemin proflaksi olduğunu unutulmamalıdır. Bu bakımdan ülkemiz Plastik cerrahi hasta populasyonuna ait risk faktörlerinin ve toplumdaki edinsel ya da konjenital hiperkoagulabilite oranlarının belirlenmesi ile VTE profilaksisi konusunda kendi branşımıza ait bir protokol oluşturulması gerektiğini düşünmekteyiz.Introduction: Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE) are important causes of morbidity and mortality for patients undergoing Plastic Surgical operations. In this study we evaluated the results of the survey which is prepared to identify the level of the consciousness about the venous thromboembolism (VTE) of the Turkish Plastic Surgeons. On the basis of this survey we also aimed to define the risk factors for VTE and the preferred methods for VTE prophylaxis. We also compared the results of this survey with the literature. Material and Methods: We prepared a survey composed of 2 pages and 7 questions, regarding the Plastic Surgical operations and VTE. The printed forms of this survey were distributed to the Turkish plastic surgeons in two national congresses of the Turkish Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. The electronic forms were distributed through the web page of the Society and the results were collected via e-mails. Results: The study included 99 surveys (57 electronic and 42 printed). Ninety percent of the participants were administering DVT prophylaxis. Ninety four percent of the participants were evaluating the risk factors for VTE before administering VTE prophylaxis. Conclusion: The easiest and the cheapest way to prevent the morbidity and mortality due to VTE is prophylaxis. It is necessary to find out the risk factors for the Plastic Surgical operations. It is also necessary to create a Plastic Surgery specific protocol for VTE prophylaxis

    Portföy performansının ölçülmesi A tipi yatırım fonlarının sharpe modeliyle değerlemesi

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    ABSTRACT In every period of time, investors try to be motivated to maximize their profit. The leading financial institutions, however, whose primary arm is to attract investors funds into financial markets act to maximize the return but minimize the risk. In developing countries, such as ours, investing into stocks is done via investor's own decisions whereas in well-developed countries this process is realised by professional institutions. In developing markets especially in Turkey, funds seem to be "confidential". Investors prefer to make investments on their own in the boundless markets rather than using funds. This point is the primary reason why dounds and portfolio management remain idle and undeveloped. In this reserch, it is pointed out that measuring portfolio performance and publishing these data is essential to develop portfolio management. This rather practical reserch explains the differences between portfolio performances the foundemental scape of this research is to keep these "confidential" fundsfrom undiscovered position that investors always keep in their mind and is to prove that an easy of their measurement will be a guiding light to clarif their structure. To maintain this, in the first section of the research the concept of risk is presented. İn the following section, section two general framework of portfolio management is put forward whereas in the third section, the care of the research , portfolio performance measurement is told. The basis for this research was taken from data of A-type funds in Turkey beetween 1998-2000. Following this, on the fourth section general look to portfolio is developed. The fifth section mainly focuses on practical applications and their results. And finally the conclusion section ends the reserch. The primary aim of this research is to maintain a general concern about A-type funds which are the primary investors that develop stock exchange market and is to make conclusion on the management and measurement of these funds. In recent years, mant of speculations on investment funds arised. It is general concern that there is a need for additional precautions to finish these speculations. The market members have common idea that these funs are intesively inspected but their performances are not. Wherher funds are well-directed or not or what their success against alternatives is remains unknown some of the speculations on funds will be listed as fallows: - some of market players who are stuck in some stocks, are able to pass their stocks to general portfolio. - Portfolio managers and their relatives are alble to sell stocks to general portfolio on hidh prices. - Brokage firms raise the volume by making same-price-transactions. - Portfolio Management and investment consultancy fees reach to very high levels. It should be noted that to prevent these speculations, in addition to close inspections on fallowing the rules. There should also be inspections on portfolio performance. As it is pointed out in our research, it will be essential to publish these measurement on montly basis for both the investors and portfolio managers. Investors will prefer the portfolio directed by high performance groups and these groups will develop their portfolio by organising new ones. This process will result in deeper markets as new resources to economy are injected. In this competitive environment the other fund manegers will try to maximize their efficiency by setting higher goals. It is obvious that investment funds are inevitable needs for the cooperation in such a circumstance in which inflation and interest rate decrease. This is because consultancy and expertising become more important in these circumstances. In high interest rate periods, expertising is not much need for cooperations who invest their idle funds to repo. In the fallowing years, well-organised and not disclosed funds will be the sole medium that attract investors funs to capital market. In this research, we coclude that, there are big differences in portfolio performances. Our goal should be make performance measurement process common as it is in developed markets. This is the only way to create corporate identy and quality. Mainting corporate identity will be possible by increase in corporate investors and develeopment in investment fund will be possible by transparent processes such as annauncing portfolio performances. Corporate profile that would be created by understanding the structure of investment funds will act as a key to carry us to market desired

    Determination of some physical and mechanical properties of edge glued wooden panels (EWP) produced with various manufacturing techniques

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    Bu çalısma, farklı teknikler ile elde edilen ve piyasada mevcut bazı masif ahsap panellerin (MAP) teknolojik özelliklerini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıstır. Bu maksatla, Dogu kayını (Fagus orientalis L.), Uludag göknarı (Abies bornmülleriana Mattf.) ve kızılçam (Pinus brutia Ten.) odunlarından düz, disli ve üçgen biçimli çıtalar kleiberit &#8211; 303 ve dorus &#8211; MD073 tutkalları ile teget ve radyal kesis yönlü olacak sekilde yapıstırılarak en birlestirme metodu ile MAP elde edilmistir. Elde edilen panellerden; TS 11971'e göre, liflere paralel ve dik yönde egilme, liflere dik yönde çekme direnci örnekleri, TS 2470 &#8216;e göre yogunluk, TS 4083 ve TS 4084'e göre daralma ve genisleme örnekleri hazırlanmıstır.Liflere paralel ve dik yönde egilme ve liflere dik yönde çekme deneylerinde TS 11971, agaç malzemelerin yogunlugu deneylerinde TS 2472, boyutsal degisim (daralma ve genisleme) deneylerinde TS 4083 ve TS 4084 esaslarına uyulmustur, Sonuç olarak; liflere dik yönde egilme direncinde kayın &#8211; disli &#8211; dorus etkilesimi (119,40 N/mm2), liflere paralel yönde egilme direncinde kayın &#8211; radyal &#8211; disli &#8211; dorus etkilesimi (16,39 N/mm2), liflere dik yönde çekme direncinde kayın &#8211; radyal &#8211; disli etkilesimi (5,06 N/mm2) en iyi sonucu vermistir. Boyutsal degisim deneylerinin sonuçlarına göre de; boyuna yönde genislemede kayın &#8211; disli &#8211; dorus etkilesimi (% 0,39), enine yönde genislemede kayın &#8211;radyal &#8211; dorus etkilesimi (% 1,22), boyuna yönde daralmada kayın &#8211; disli &#8211; kleiberit 303 etkilesimi (% 0,09), enine yönde daralmada kızılçam &#8211; radyal &#8211; üçgen etkilesimi (% 1,04) en iyi sonucu vermistir.In this study, technical properties of Edge Glued Wooden Panels (EWPs) in the market which were made by dif erent techniques were investigated. EWP's were made of the woods of Oriental Beech (Fagus orientalis L.), Duglas Fir (Abies bornmülleriana Mattf.) and Calabrian Pine (Pinus brutia Ten.). Plain, triangular and finger edge joints and kleiberit-303 and dorus- MD073 glues were used in order to get edge glued wooden panels by considering radial and tangential grain directions. The samples used in bending and tensile strengths, density, shrinking and swelling tests were prepared in accordance with the standards of TS 11971, TS 2470,TS 4083 and TS 4084, respectively.Bending and tensile tests in parallel and perpendicular to the grain direction were made in accordance with the TS 11971, density of the wooden materials were made in accordance with the TS 2472, dimensional changes (swelling, shrinking) were made in accordance with the TS 4083 and TS 4084. The interaction beech &#8211; finger joint &#8211; dorus glue in bending strength in perpendicular to the grain direction (119,40 N/mm2), the interaction of beech &#8211; finger joint &#8211; dorus glue in bending strength in parallel to the grain direction (16,39 N/mm2) and the interaction of beech &#8211; radial direction &#8211; finger joint in tensile strength in perpendicular to the grain direction (5,06 N/mm2) give the best results. According to the results of dimensional changing, the interaction of beech &#8211; finger joint &#8211; dorus glue in swelling in the longitudinal direction (% 0,39), the interaction of beech &#8211; radial direction &#8211; dorus glue in swelling in transverse direction (% 1,22), the interaction of beech &#8211; finger joint &#8211; kleiberit 303 glue in shrinking in the longitudinal direction (% 0,09) and the interaction of Calabrian pine &#8211; radial direction &#8211; rectangular edge joint in shrinking in transverse direction gives the best results

    Portföy performansının ölçülmesi A tipi yatırım fonlarının sharpe modeliyle değerlemesi

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    ABSTRACTIn every period of time, investors try to be motivated to maximize their profit. The leading financial institutions, however, whose primary arm is to attract investors funds into financial markets act to maximize the return but minimize the risk.In developing countries, such as ours, investing into stocks is done via investor's own decisions whereas in well-developed countries this process is realised by professional institutions.In developing markets especially in Turkey, funds seem to be "confidential". Investors prefer to make investments on their own in the boundless markets rather than using funds. This point is the primary reason why dounds and portfolio management remain idle and undeveloped. In this reserch, it is pointed out that measuring portfolio performance and publishing these data is essential to develop portfolio management. This rather practical reserch explains the differences between portfolio performances the foundemental scape of this research is to keep these "confidential" fundsfrom undiscovered position that investors always keep in their mind and is to prove that an easy of their measurement will be a guiding light to clarif their structure. To maintain this, in the first section of the research the concept of risk is presented. İn the following section, section two general framework of portfolio management is put forward whereas in the third section, the care of the research , portfolio performance measurement is told. The basis for this research was taken from data of A-type funds in Turkey beetween 1998-2000. Following this, on the fourth section general look to portfolio is developed. The fifth section mainly focuses on practical applications and their results. And finally the conclusion section ends the reserch. The primary aim of this research is to maintain a general concern about A-type funds which are the primary investors that develop stock exchange market and is to make conclusion on the management and measurement of these funds.In recent years, mant of speculations on investment funds arised. It is general concern that there is a need for additional precautions to finish these speculations. The market members have common idea that these funs are intesively inspected but their performances are not. Wherher funds are well-directed or not or what their success against alternatives is remains unknown some of the speculations on funds will be listed as fallows:- some of market players who are stuck in some stocks, are able to pass their stocks to general portfolio.- Portfolio managers and their relatives are alble to sell stocks to general portfolio on hidh prices.- Brokage firms raise the volume by making same-price-transactions.- Portfolio Management and investment consultancy fees reach to very high levels.It should be noted that to prevent these speculations, in addition to close inspections on fallowing the rules. There should also be inspections on portfolio performance. As it is pointed out in our research, it will be essential to publish these measurement on montly basis for both the investors and portfolio managers.Investors will prefer the portfolio directed by high performance groups and these groups will develop their portfolio by organising new ones. This process will result in deeper markets as new resources to economy are injected. In this competitive environment the other fund manegers will try to maximize their efficiency by setting higher goals. It is obvious that investment funds are inevitable needs for the cooperation in such a circumstance in which inflation and interest rate decrease. This is because consultancy and expertising become more important in these circumstances. In high interest rate periods, expertising is not much need for cooperations who invest their idle funds to repo. In the fallowing years, well-organised and not disclosed funds will be the sole medium that attract investors funs to capital market.In this research, we coclude that, there are big differences in portfolio performances. Our goal should be make performance measurement process common as it is in developed markets. This is the only way to create corporate identy and quality. Mainting corporate identity will be possible by increase in corporate investors and develeopment in investment fund will be possible by transparent processes such as annauncing portfolio performances. Corporate profile that would be created by understanding the structure of investment funds will act as a key to carry us to market desired