468 research outputs found

    Spatial variability of precipitation regimes over Turkey

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    Turkish annual precipitation regimes are analysed to provide large-scale perspective and redefine precipitation regions. Monthly total precipitation data are employed for 107 stations (1963–2002). Precipitation regime shape (seasonality) and magnitude (size) are classified using a novel multivariate methodology. Six shape and five magnitude classes are identified, which exhibit clear spatial structure. A composite (shape and magnitude) regime classification reveals dominant controls on spatial variability of precipitation. Intra-annual timing and magnitude of precipitation is highly variable due to seasonal shifts in Polar and Subtropical zones and physiographic factors. Nonetheless, the classification methodology is shown to be a powerful tool that identifies physically-interpretable precipitation regions: (1) coastal regimes for Marmara, coastal Aegean, Mediterranean and Black Sea; (2) transitional regimes in continental Aegean and Southeast Anatolia; and (3) inland regimes across central and Eastern Anatolia. This research has practical implications for understanding water resources, which are under ever growing pressure in Turkey

    Dairy heifers naturally exposed to Fasciola hepatica develop a type-2 immune response and concomitant suppression of leukocyte proliferation

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    Fasciola hepatica is a parasitic trematode of global importance in livestock. Control strategies reliant on anthelmintics are unsustainable due to the emergence of drug resistance. Vaccines are under development, but efficacy is variable. Evidence from experimental infection suggest vaccine efficacy may be affected by parasite-induced immunomodulation. Little is known about the immune response to F. hepatica following natural exposure. Hence we analysed the immune responses over time in calves naturally exposed to F. hepatica infection.Cohorts of replacement dairy heifer calves (n=42) with no prior exposure to F. hepatica, on three commercial dairy farms, were sampled over the course of a grazing season. Exposure was determined through F. hepatica-specific serum antibody ELISA and fluke egg counts. Concurrent changes in peripheral blood leukocyte sub-populations, lymphocyte proliferation and cytokine responses were measured. Relationships between fluke infection and immune responses were analysed using multivariable linear mixed effect models.All calves from one farm showed evidence of exposure, whilst cohorts from the remaining two farms remained negative over the grazing season. A type-2 immune response was associated with exposure, with increased interleukin (IL)-4 production, IL-5 transcription and eosinophilia. Suppression of parasite-specific PBMC proliferation was evident; while decreased mitogen stimulated IFN-γ production suggested immunomodulation, which was not restricted to parasite-specific responses. Our findings show that the global immune response is modulated towards a non-proliferative type-2 state following natural challenge with F. hepatica This has implications for vaccination programmes in terms of the timing of administration of vaccination programmes, and for host susceptibility to co-infecting pathogens

    Monocytes regulate the mechanism of T-cell death by inducing Fas-mediated apoptosis during bacterial infection.

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    Monocytes and T-cells are critical to the host response to acute bacterial infection but monocytes are primarily viewed as amplifying the inflammatory signal. The mechanisms of cell death regulating T-cell numbers at sites of infection are incompletely characterized. T-cell death in cultures of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) showed 'classic' features of apoptosis following exposure to pneumococci. Conversely, purified CD3(+) T-cells cultured with pneumococci demonstrated necrosis with membrane permeabilization. The death of purified CD3(+) T-cells was not inhibited by necrostatin, but required the bacterial toxin pneumolysin. Apoptosis of CD3(+) T-cells in PBMC cultures required 'classical' CD14(+) monocytes, which enhanced T-cell activation. CD3(+) T-cell death was enhanced in HIV-seropositive individuals. Monocyte-mediated CD3(+) T-cell apoptotic death was Fas-dependent both in vitro and in vivo. In the early stages of the T-cell dependent host response to pneumococci reduced Fas ligand mediated T-cell apoptosis was associated with decreased bacterial clearance in the lung and increased bacteremia. In summary monocytes converted pathogen-associated necrosis into Fas-dependent apoptosis and regulated levels of activated T-cells at sites of acute bacterial infection. These changes were associated with enhanced bacterial clearance in the lung and reduced levels of invasive pneumococcal disease

    Laparoscopic versus Open Appendectomy: Where Are We Now?

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    Rezumat Apendicectomia prin abord laparoscopic versus abord deschis: pentru ce optãm? Scop: Deaei avantajele procedurilor laparoscopice au fost intens studiate pe parcursul ultimelor douã decenii, apendicectomia laparoscopicã nu a putut fi desemnatã ca procedurã standard de tratament din cauza unor dezavantaje de tipul timpilor operatori aei al costurilor crescute. Obiectivul studiului nostru este de a reevalua rezultatele pe termen lung ale abordului laparoscopic versus cel chirurgical deschis pentru aceastã patologie pe baza datelor actuale. Metode: Datele pacienåilor supuaei apendicectomiei între ianuarie 2012 aei iulie 2012 au fost analizate prospectiv. Datele demografice ale pacienåilor, durata procedurii, perioada de internare, nevoia de analgezice, scorul VAS aei rata mortalitãåii au fost înregistrate. Rezultate: Din 241 de pacienåi, 120 (49.8%) au suferit intervenåie deschisã aei 121 (50.2%) au fost operaåi laparoscopic. Perioada intervenåiei a fost similarã între cele douã grupuri (p=0.855). Scorurile VAS dupã prima orã (p=0.001), dupã 6 (p=0.001) aei dupã 12 ore de la operaåie (p=0.028) au fost mai mari în grupul de apendicectomii prin abord deschis (p=0.001). Nu au existat diferenåe statistice vizând ratele de morbiditate între grupul prin abord deschis aei cel prin abord laparoscopic (p=0.617). Concluzii: Cele douã tehnici operatorii sunt similare în ceea ce priveaete perioada de internare, durata operaåiei aei complicaåiile postoperatorii. Apendicectomia laparoscopicã reduce nevoia de analgezice aei scorurile VAS; aceasta ar trebui prin urmare luatã în considerare ca standard de aur în tratamentul chirurgical al apendicitei acute. Cuvinte cheie: apendicitã, apendicectomie, procedurã laparoscopicã, abces abdominal, infecåia plãgii chirurgicale Abstract Purpose: Although the advantages of laparoscopic procedures has been well studied over the last two decade, laparoscopic appendectomy could not to be a standard therapy due to some disadvantages such as longer operative time and higher cost. The objective of our study is to re-evaluate the outcomes of laparoscopic versus open appendectomy with current data. Methods: Between January 2012 and July 2012, the data of the patients who had appendectomy were recorded prospectively. Patients' demographics, duration of procedure, length of hospital stay, need of analgesics, postoperative visual analogue scale scores and morbidity were assessed

    SUNNY-CP : a Sequential CP Portfolio Solver

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    International audienceThe Constraint Programming (CP) paradigm allows to model and solve Constraint Satisfaction / Optimization Problems (CSPs / COPs). A CP Portfolio Solver is a particular constraint solver that takes advantage of a portfolio of different CP solvers in order to solve a given problem by properly exploiting Algorithm Selection techniques. In this work we present sunny-cp: a CP portfolio for solving both CSPs and COPs that turned out to be competitive also in the MiniZinc Challenge, the reference competition for CP solvers

    Reactive arthritis developing after pneumococcal conjunctivitis: a case report

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    BACKGROUND: S. pneumoniae is a known cause of bacterial conjunctivitis and can be transmitted through contact with infected carriers. CASE PRESENTATION: A 38-year-old ophthalmologist developing reactive arthritis following clinic-acquired pneumococcal conjunctivitis. CONCLUSION: (1) Despite the frequency and largely self-limiting nature of infective conjunctivitis, it should be appropriately assessed and managed, as the natural history can occasionally be associated with significant morbidity. (2) Hygienic measures are required to be implemented by both patients and ophthalmic staff to reduce the likelihood of transmission

    Effects of deletion of the Streptococcus pneumoniae lipoprotein diacylglyceryl transferase gene lgt on ABC transporter function and on growth in vivo

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    Lipoproteins are an important class of surface associated proteins that have diverse roles and frequently are involved in the virulence of bacterial pathogens. As prolipoproteins are attached to the cell membrane by a single enzyme, prolipoprotein diacylglyceryl transferase (Lgt), deletion of the corresponding gene potentially allows the characterisation of the overall importance of lipoproteins for specific bacterial functions. We have used a Δlgt mutant strain of Streptococcus pneumoniae to investigate the effects of loss of lipoprotein attachment on cation acquisition, growth in media containing specific carbon sources, and virulence in different infection models. Immunoblots of triton X-114 extracts, flow cytometry and immuno-fluorescence microscopy confirmed the Δlgt mutant had markedly reduced lipoprotein expression on the cell surface. The Δlgt mutant had reduced growth in cation depleted medium, increased sensitivity to oxidative stress, reduced zinc uptake, and reduced intracellular levels of several cations. Doubling time of the Δlgt mutant was also increased slightly when grown in medium with glucose, raffinose and maltotriose as sole carbon sources. These multiple defects in cation and sugar ABC transporter function for the Δlgt mutant were associated with only slightly delayed growth in complete medium. However the Δlgt mutant had significantly reduced growth in blood or bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and a marked impairment in virulence in mouse models of nasopharyngeal colonisation, sepsis and pneumonia. These data suggest that for S. pneumoniae loss of surface localisation of lipoproteins has widespread effects on ABC transporter functions that collectively prevent the Δlgt mutant from establishing invasive infection

    Evolutionary trade-offs associated with loss of PmrB function in host-adapted <i>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</i>

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa colonises the upper airway of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients, providing a reservoir of host-adapted genotypes that subsequently establish chronic lung infection. We previously experimentally-evolved P. aeruginosa in a murine model of respiratory tract infection and observed early-acquired mutations in pmrB, encoding the sensor kinase of a two-component system that promoted establishment and persistence of infection. Here, using proteomics, we show downregulation of proteins involved in LPS biosynthesis, antimicrobial resistance and phenazine production in pmrB mutants, and upregulation of proteins involved in adherence, lysozyme resistance and inhibition of the chloride ion channel CFTR, relative to wild-type strain LESB65. Accordingly, pmrB mutants are susceptible to antibiotic treatment but show enhanced adherence to airway epithelial cells, resistance to lysozyme treatment, and downregulate host CFTR expression. We propose that P. aeruginosa pmrB mutations in CF patients are subject to an evolutionary trade-off, leading to enhanced colonisation potential, CFTR inhibition, and resistance to host defences, but also to increased susceptibility to antibiotics.</p
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