182 research outputs found

    A Scoping Study to Develop a Computational Fluid Dynamics Based Model to Predict Radiological Materials Packaging Temperatures within a Generic Staging Building

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    The objective of this work is to perform computational fluid dynamics simulations of a ventilated radiological-material-package staging building to determine the effect of including or excluding a variety of physical effects and computational methods on both the predicted package temperatures and required computational resources. The generic building contains 640 drum-packages containing heat-generating, radiological material supported on four racks that are eight levels tall. Additionally, there is a forced ventilation system, lighting, and insulated walls. Computational models were constructed that included or excluded (a) shelving, (b) effects of unsteadiness, and (c) radiation heat transfer. Simulations with each drum modeled separately were compared to simpler simulations with sets of four drums represented by an equivalent box-package. These models employed between 106 to 107 elements.Steady state simulations predicted package temperatures that were within 0.1°C of simulations that included transient effects and required only one-eighth the computational resources. Calculations that excluded shelving predicted temperatures within 0.6°C of simulations that included shelving and required one-fourth the computational resources. Excluding radiation heat transfer systematically increased temperatures by around 1.5°C but reduced computational resources by a factor of four. The box-package model reduced the computational resources by a factor of 3, but systematically predicted higher temperatures by around 1.1°C. These results will be used to develop an efficient computational fluid dynamics model to assess the ability of different staging building designs to prevent the temperature of package components from exceeding specified limits

    The genus Cyriocosmus Simon 1903 and two new species from Peru (Araneae: Theraphosidae: Theraphosinae)

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    A female of Cyriocosmus giganteus Kaderka 2016 is described and illustrated for the first time, a new diagnosis of this species is proposed. Cyriocosmus paredesi sp. nov. from Quebrada Putuiman (Marañon River) and Cyriocosmus foliatus sp. nov. from Umaral near Iquitos, both from Loreto Department in Peru, are described, diagnosed, illustrated and keyed. The male of Cyriocosmus sellatus (Simon 1889) from Rio Blanco, the tributary of Rio Tahuyao, Loreto Department in Peru, is redescribed and figured. The distribution area of this species is updated, and difficulties in the identification of this species are discussed.O

    Neischnocolus iquitos, a new species from Peru (Araneae: Theraphosidae: Theraphosinae)

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    Neischnocolus iquitos sp. nov. from Loreto region, Peru, is described, diagnosed and figured. Males of N. iquitos sp. nov. differ from all known congeners in the presence of two retrolateral processes on palpal tibia, in combination with the presence of a retrolateral keel on embolus and the absence of granulation or microspikes on embolus or tegulum. Females of N. iquitos sp. nov. differ from all known Neischnocolus females in the morphology of the genitalia consisting of a lower sclerotized part with two short, separate seminal receptacles, and an upper part, which is transparent and notched. ________________________________________________________________Publicación registrada en Zoobank/ZooBank article registered:LSIDurn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:4854FB77-99B5-4208-9394-DBA7BB5EC64FActo nomenclatural/nomenclatural act:Neischnocolus iquitos Kaderka, 2020LSIDurn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:F5FB8A3E-922A-47AC-B5B2-B575C206B39D________________________________________________________________Se describe, diagnostica e ilustra Neischnocolus iquitos sp. nov. de la región de Loreto, Perú. Los machos de N. iquitos sp. nov. se diferencian del resto de sus congéneres conocidos a la fecha por tener dos apófisis retrolaterales en la tibia palpal, en combinación con la presencia de una quilla retrolateral en el émbolo, y la ausencia de granulación o micropicos en el émbolo o tegulum. Las hembras de N. iquitos sp. nov. se diferencian de las otras hembras de Neischnocolus en la morfología de la genitalia, consistiendo de una parte inferior esclerotizada con dos receptáculos seminales separados, y una parte superior transparente y con muescas. ________________________________________________________________Publicación registrada en Zoobank/ZooBank article registered:LSIDurn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:4854FB77-99B5-4208-9394-DBA7BB5EC64FActo nomenclatural/nomenclatural act:Neischnocolus iquitos Kaderka, 2020LSIDurn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:F5FB8A3E-922A-47AC-B5B2-B575C206B39D_______________________________________________________________

    Sky well

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    Since the era of Romanticism, landscape painting has fallen into three aesthetic forms of representation: the Pastoral, the Picturesque, and the Sublime. This last form celebrates the awe and fear that arises through human encounters with nature. Many contemporary critics dismiss the Natural Sublime, claiming either that technology has replaced nature as a source of the sublime, or that humankind’s present-day destruction of nature prevents our also standing in awe of it. I disagree with both arguments. To me, humanity’s disruption of Earth’s ecosystems does not impede an individual’s experience of exhilaration witnessing, say, a volcanic eruption. And modern technology has deepened our knowledge of nature—from the tiniest subatomic particles to the vast recesses of outer space—giving us countless new occasions for reverence. My work is a reinterpretation of the genre of landscape and the Natural Sublime. Though they appear representational, the works are actually highly abstracted spaces, devoid of spatial perspective. They also move away from the traditional picture plane as a framing device, and embrace ephemerality in both material and method. My newest works navigate between two spaces—the near and the far—and between two scales—the micro and the macro. They invite the viewer to move between a sense of visual stillness and one of motion. And by compressing disparate images (the night sky and the stony ground) into a single visual space, they offer a simultaneous experience of the temporal and the infinite. My work has a strong sense of tactility and has obviously been touched by hand many times. These works embody ideas about the ephemeral nature of existence, and the presence of the artist’s hand is meant to make these abstractions more accessible. The works are also highly detailed and evidence considerable labor, suggesting by analogy the time it has taken for the objects depicted—these stars and stones—to come into being. Meticulous hand work is complemented by the use of printmaking to create, through an indirect process, the highly varied texture and detail one sees in natural surfaces. My use of printmaking mimics nature in another way: each plate is printed just once; like a leaf, each print is a unique mark. My imagery explores objects we regard as permanent but are not, and this temporal quality is reflected in how my drawings are made. My work strives for the presence and visual weight of an object: I create an enveloping dark density in my drawings, which on a large scale, creates a kind of monument to nature. Along with this stately presence is a fragility and temporality embodied in the materials, in particular my use of paper. I am also experimenting with work that is ephemeral in that it is site-determined but not permanent, changing as it is installed in other sites. Through its immense scale, ephemerality, and lack of visual spatial perspective, my work separates itself from the aesthetics of pastoral and picturesque categories of landscape painting to participate in the contemporary conversation about representation, abstraction, and materiality, and to reinterpret the subject of the Natural Sublime in painting

    Bistriopelma, un género nuevo con dos nuevas especies de Perú (Araneae: Theraphosidae: Theraphosinae)

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    Bistriopelma gen. nov. from the Andean region in Peru is here described, diagnosed and illustrated, together with two new species Bistriopelma lamasi sp. nov. as a type species and Bistriopelma matuskai sp. nov. This new genus differs from all other theraphosid genera, except the genus Phrixotrichus Simon 1889 (sensu Perafán & Pérez-Miles 2014) and the troglobite species Tmesiphantes hypogeus Bertani, Bichuette & Pedroso 2013, in the presence of two abdominal dorsolateral patches of the type III urticating setae. Bistriopelma gen nov. can be distiguished from Phrixotrichus by the different shape of spermathecae in females, consisting of two separate subparallel seminal receptacles in Bistriopelma gen. nov. but strongly divergent in Phrixotrichus and by the different morphology of male palpal bulb (embolus projecting retrolaterally from tegulum in Bistriopelma gen. nov. against posteriorly in Phrixotrichus); furthermore by the presence of basal spine on prolateral tibial apophysis, the absence of the type IV urticating setae and paired tarsal claws denticulate. Bistriopelma gen. nov. is separated from Tmesiphantes hypogeus by the position of the urticating seta patches (middle of abdomen in Bistriopelma gen. nov. and posterior half in Tmesiphantes hypogeus), the different shape of spermathecae (long separate seminal receptacles with subapical constriction in Bistriopelma gen. nov. and short, subtriangular and widely separated in Tmesiphantes hypogeus) and also in the extension of metatarsal scopulae. Additional comments and a distribution map of all species of this genus are provided.Se describe, diagnostica e ilustra Bistriopelma gen. nov. de la región andina de Perú, con dos nuevas especies Bistriopelma lamasi sp. nov., especie tipo, y Bistriopelma matuskai sp. nov. Este género nuevo se diferencia del resto de arañas terafosidas, excepto el género Phrixotrichus Simon 1889 (sensu Perafán & Pérez-Miles 2014) y la especie cavernícola Tmesiphantes hypogeus Bertani, Bichuette & Pedroso 2013, en la presencia de dos manchas abdominales dorsolaterales de las setas urticantes de tipo III. Bistriopelma gen nov. se diferencia de Phrixotrichus en la morfología de la espermateca, estando compuesta en Bistriopelma gen. nov. de dos receptaculos seminales separados y subparalelos pero considerablemente divergentes en Phrixotrichus, en la morfología de los bulbos pedipalpales de machos (émbolo proyectándose retrolateralmente del tegulum en Bistriopelma gen. nov. contra posteriormente en Phrixotrichus); además en la presencia de la espina basal en la apófisis tibial prolateral, en la ausencia de las setas urticantes de tipo IV y en las uñas tarsales con dientes. Se diferencia de Tmesiphantes hypogeus en la posición de los parches de las setas urticantes (centro del abdomen en Bistriopelma gen. nov. y parte posterior en Tmesiphantes hypogeus), en la morfología de las espermatecas (receptáculos seminales prolongados y separados, subapicalmente estrechados en Bistriopelma gen. nov. y cortos, subtriangulares y considerablemente separados en Tmesiphantes hypogeus) y también en la extensión de las escopulas metatarsales. Se presentan comentarios adicionales y el mapa de distribucion de todas las especies de este género

    Descripción del macho de Bistriopelma matuskai Kaderka 2015 y de una nueva especie de Bistriopelma de Perú (Araneae: Theraphosidae: Theraphosinae)

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    The male of Bistriopelma matuskai Kaderka 2015 is described and illustrated, the species is rediagnosed and complemented by new biogeographical data. Additionally, a new species of Bistriopelma, B. titicaca sp. nov., from the Puno region in Peru is described, diagnosed and illustrated. An updated general description and distribution map of Bistriopelma are provided.Se describe e ilustra el macho de Bistriopelma matuskai Kaderka 2015, se presenta una nueva diagnosis de la especie junto con nuevos datos biogeográficos. Adicionalmente, se describe, diagnostica e ilustra una nueva especie de Bistriopelma, B. titicaca sp. nov., del departamento de Puno en Perú. Se provee una descripción general actualizada y un mapa de distribución para el género

    Ami armihuariensis, una especie nueva de Perú (Araneae: Theraphosidae: Theraphosinae)

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    Ami armihuariensis sp. nov. from Cuzco region, Peru is described, diagnosed and figured. Males of Ami armihuariensis sp. nov. differ from all other congeners, except A. pijaos, by the presence of only one retrolateral process on male palpal tibia, from A. pijaos by the granulation in tegular area of male palpal bulb. Additionally,  photographs of A. yupanquii spermatheca  are for the first time presented in order to emphasize the characteristic shape of spermathecae in this genus.Se describe, diagnostica e ilustra Ami armihuariensis sp. nov. de la región de Cuzco, Perú. Los machos de Ami armihuariensis sp. nov. se diferencian del resto de sus congéneres, excepto A. pijaos, por tener una sola apófisis retrolateral en la tibia pedipalpal y de A. pijaos por la granulación en el área tegular de los bulbos pedipalpales de los machos. Adicionalmente, se presentan por primera vez fotografía de la espermateca de A. yupanquii para resaltar la forma característica de las espermatecas en este género

    Geolokace a bezpečnost počítačových sítí

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    Článek seznamuje s problematikou určování geografické polohy uživatelů (zařízení) na Internetu. Na vybraných příkladech jsou uvedeny hrozby využívající geolokaci k novým formám útoků. Závěr je věnován možnostem využití geolokace v oblasti bezpečnosti počítačových sítí a detekce anomálií.This article explains how to determine a geographical location of users (devices) on Internet. Selected examples show threats which use the geolocation for new forms of attacks. Finally the attention is paid to use of geolocation in computer networks security and anomaly detection areas

    Road I/42 VMO Žabovřeská I.

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    Práce se zaměřuje na ověření funkcí modelovacího softwaru Aimsun a jeho chování na konkrétním modelu dopravní situace na brněnském Velkém městském okruhu na úseku silnice I/42 Žabovřeská I. Popisuje možné způsoby dopravních průzkumů a některé z nich aplikuje na daném úseku. Z výsledků průzkumů je sestaven model v softwaru Aimsun a dopravní situace je posouzena v několika variantách. Na základě výsledků je navržen další postup řešení dopravy na daném úseku.Master’s thesis focuses on verification of software functions of modelling software Aimsun and his behavior on model of real traffic situation at the Brno Large city circuit in the stretch of road I/42 Žabovřeská I. Describes possible ways of transport surveys and some of them applies to a given section. From the survey results is compiled model in software Aimsun and traffic situation is assessed in several variants. Based on the results are proposed next steps to find solution of traffic situation in a given section.

    Bistriopelma fabianae, una nueva especie de tarántula (Araneae: Theraphosidae: Theraphosinae) de un bosque de Queñua en el sur de Perú

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    A new species of Bistriopelma Kaderka 2015, Bistriopelma fabianae sp. nov., from the Arequipa region in southern Peru is described, diagnosed, and illustrated. Specimens were found in a Queñua forest (Polylepis rugulosa Bitter) spread out on the slopes of Pichu Pichu volcano in the buffer zone of Salinas and Aguada Blanca National Reserve. Biological and ecological data of B. fabianae sp. nov. are provided as well as notes on B. kiwicha and B. peyoi, two new species recently described from Apurimac and Cusco regions. Publicación registrada en Zoobank/ZooBank article registered:LSIDurn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:BB9DF4D9-6684-46AF-9D15-71FEC64CD032Acto nomenclatural/nomenclatural act:Bistriopelma fabianae Quispe-Colca and Kaderka, 2020LSIDurn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:B63485CD-C00D-4E93-AF02-914AD9A566DASe describe, diagnostica e ilustra una nueva especie de Bistriopelma Kaderka 2015, Bistriopelma fabianae sp. nov., para la región de Arequipa en el sur de Perú. Los especímenes se encontraron en un bosque de Queñua (Polylepis rugulosa Bitter) ubicado en las faldas del volcán Pichu Pichu en la zona de amortiguamiento de la Reserva Nacional de Salinas y Aguada Blanca. Se presentan datos biológicos y ecológicos de B. fabianae sp. nov. y también notas adicionales sobre B. kiwicha y B. peyoi, dos nuevas especies recientemente descritas de las regiones de Apurímac y Cusco. Publicación registrada en Zoobank/ZooBank article registered:LSIDurn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:BB9DF4D9-6684-46AF-9D15-71FEC64CD032Acto nomenclatural/nomenclatural act:Bistriopelma fabianae Quispe-Colca and Kaderka, 2020LSIDurn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:B63485CD-C00D-4E93-AF02-914AD9A566D