17 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi perbedaan antara kualitas pelayanan yang diharapkan dengan kualitas pelayanan yang didapatkan pelanggan sebelum penerapan program Yantek Optimization (YO), menguji apakah terdapat perbedaan signifikan kualitas pelayanan pelanggan sebelum dan sesudah penerapan program YO, mengidentifikasi prioritas utama yang perlu diperbaiki dan perbaikan apa yang perlu dilakukan agar kualitas pelayanan meningkat sesuai harapan pelanggan. Populasi penelitian ini pelanggan PLN ULP Klungkung Bali periode Maret 2023 sebanyak 67.857 pelanggan. Metode Cluster Random Sampling dipilih sebagai teknik penentuan sampel dan rumus slovin sebagai penentuan jumlah sampel sehingga diperoleh jumlah sampel 100 responden. Integrasi dua metode digunakan untuk analisis data dalam penelitian ini yaitu Service Quality (SERVQUAL) dan Importance Performance Analysis (IPA). Penelitian ini juga dilakukan uji validitas dan uji reliabilitas untuk pengujian instrumen kuesioner serta uji paired sample t test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan antara harapan dan kualitas yang dirasakan pelanggan PLN ULP Klungkung Bali sebelum diterapkan program Yantek Optimization. Secara keseluruhan dari 5 dimensi kualitas pelayanan sebelum penerapan Yantek Optimization PLN ULP Klungkung memiliki skor kinerja 2,74 dan skor harapan 4,32. Terdapat skor gap sebesar -1,58 dengan nilai perhitungan kualitas pelayanan ( Q ) sebesar 0,63. Hasil uji paired sample t test didapatkan  nilai sig (2-tailed) sebesar 0,000 dimana lebih kecil dari 0,05. Artinya terdapat perbedaan signifikan penerapan Yantek Optimization terhadap kualitas pelayanan PLN Unit Layanan Pelanggan Klungkung Bali. Analisis perhitungan IPA menunjukkan diperlukan prioritas perbaikan pada dimensi Responsiveness (Kepekaan) sebanyak 4 atribut di PLN ULP Klungkung Bali

    Suitability of Work Roles and Organizational Commitment to Performance in Local Government Employees

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    Purpose: Performance that is not optimal for employees is indicated by the amount of work carried out by employees that has not reached the target and does not meet the needs of society, employee engagement physically and psychologically at work is still relatively low, the suitability of employee work roles is not optimal, and commitment to the organization is still relatively low. All of this will affect the low level of performance of district government employees in achieving organizational goals. Design/methodology/approach: This study uses quantitative research with a causal research design. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis. Findings: This study found that work role suitability has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, organizational commitment has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, and there is a simultaneous significant effect between work role suitability and organizational commitment provided on employee performance. Paper type: Research pape

    Suitability of Work Roles and Organizational Commitment to Performance in Local Government Employees

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    Purpose: Performance that is not optimal for employees is indicated by the amount of work carried out by employees that has not reached the target and does not meet the needs of society, employee engagement physically and psychologically at work is still relatively low, the suitability of employee work roles is not optimal, and commitment to the organization is still relatively low. All of this will affect the low level of performance of district government employees in achieving organizational goals. Design/methodology/approach: This study uses quantitative research with a causal research design. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis. Findings: This study found that work role suitability has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, organizational commitment has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, and there is a simultaneous significant effect between work role suitability and organizational commitment provided on employee performance. Paper type: Research pape

    Toxicity Testing Of White Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) Fruit Extracts Using Brine Shrimp Lethality Test Method As A Candidate Of Anti-Cancer Drug

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    This research aimed to determine the effects of toxic white pomegranate fruit extract (Punica granatum L) against larvae of brine shrimp (Artemia salina Leach) indicated LC50 values below 1000 µg/ml. This study is purely experimental by using Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT). The study was divided into seven groups, namely ethanol extract of white pomegranate fruit (Punica granatum L) with a concentration of 31,25; 62,5; 125; 250; 500; 1000 µg/ml and negative control (seawater). Mortality data percentage of Artemia salina Leach analyzed by probit analysis. Results showed that the extract of white pomegranate fruit extract (Punica Granatum L) has a toxic effect with LC50 values of 248,6 µg/ml calculate from probit analysis. From these results, it can conclude that white pomegranate extract is toxic to larval shrimp (Artemia salina Leach) with Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT) method which means white pomegranate extract has the potential to be an anticancer drug

    Genetic characterization of H5N1 influenza viruses isolated from chickens in Indonesia in 2010

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    Since 2003, highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza viruses have caused outbreaks among poultry in Indonesia every year, producing the highest number of human victims worldwide. However, little is known about the H5N1 influenza viruses that have been circulating there in recent years. We therefore conducted surveillance studies and isolated eight H5N1 viruses from chickens. Phylogenic analysis of their hemagglutinin and neuraminidase genes revealed that all eight viruses belonged to clade 2.1.3. However, on the basis of nucleotide differences, these viruses could be divided into two groups. Other viruses genetically closely related to these two groups of viruses were all Indonesian isolates, suggesting that these new isolates have been evolving within Indonesia. Among these viruses, two distinct viruses circulated in the Kalimantan islands during the same season in 2010. Our data reveal the continued evolution of H5N1 viruses in Indonesia

    Tingkat Reassortant Virus Avian Influenza H5N1 Pada Unggas Dan Monyet Sebagai Model Penularan Virus Flu Burung Dari Manusia Ke Hewan

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    Sejak akhir tahun 2003, virus Avian Influenza subtipe H5Nl telah menyebar di peternakan unggas beberapa negara Asia termasuk China, Vietnam, Thailand, Kamboja, Korea, Jepang dan Indonesia, beberapa negara di Eropa dan Afrika (Steven 2006). Di Indonesia, telah terjadi kematian ayam sebanyak 4,7 juta ekor. bahkan sampai dengan akhir Februari 2004, kematian unggas tereatat sebanyak 6,2 juta ekor. Dan yang terserang flu burung kebanyakan berada di Pulau Jawa, yaitu Propinsi Timur (13 kabupaten), Jawa Tengah (17 kabupaten). Jawa Barat (6 kabupaten). Banten (1 kabupaten), Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (3 kabupaten). Sedangkan daerah di Pulau Jawa yang juga terserang penyakit ini diantaranya adalah Bali (5 kabupaten), Lampung (3 kabupaten), Kalimantan Selatan (1 kabupaten), Kalimantan timur (1 kabupaten) dan Kalimantan Tengah (1 kabupaten) (Rabarjo dan Nidom, 2004 ). Tidak kurang dari 336 orang telah dilaporkan terinfeksi dengan virus avian influenza subtipe H5Nl dan 207 diantaranya meninggaI dunia. Di Indonesia, angka orang yang terinfeksi virus flu burung sebanyak 113 orang sampai dengan 4 Desember 200 dan 91 orang diantaranya meninggal (WHO, 2007)

    Aktivitas antivirus influenza dan ekstrak metanol buah Momordica charanlia

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    The outbreak of influenza a (H1N1) viruses has raised a global concern on the future risk of a Pandemic. Oseltamivir. The current influenza drug. Could not meet the demand if there is a major Autbreak. Thus, there is a need 10 find altenative treatment for influenza A. Our molecular docking work on influenza inhibition aclivity has led to the selection of plani to be studied

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