11 research outputs found

    Nutrient Adsorption onto Sawdust for the Treatment of Stormwater

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    In this study, the sawdust of radiata pine wood was chosen as an adsorption medium to remove nutrients from stormwater. A series of batch and column experiments was carried out and a mass transfer correlation was developed to investigate the capability of sawdust in removing dissolved nutrients. The results indicate that sawdust is a promising adsorbent medium for nutrient removal. The findings of this research may be useful in designing biofiltration/bioretention systems for treating stormwater


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    PT. X is one of the ice companies in which its largest company is located in Bali, more precisely in the Pidada area, North Denpasar. Based on field observations the area is an area that has a calcareous soil structure. The water source of PT. X was extracted from the groundwater. From the field observation, it was found that the pipeline network, that connected the inlet water to water treatment system and ice production units, was severely covered by faint white scale. In order to discover the origin of this scale, water quality testing need to be carried out.  From the results, it was found that the total hardness in the inlet water, taken from the groundwater tap, was 162.85 mg/l with calcium concentration of 2.15 mg/l and iron 3.83 mg/l. Water quality testing was also carried out in the water treatment unit consisting of resin softener where the total hardness surprisingly increased into 279.81 mg/l, calcium concentration was 2.96 mg/l, iron concentration was 0.55 mg/l. Even after being treated in softener resin, the total hardness increased sharply to 483 mg/l, which categorized as extreme hardness. The increase in total hardness indicates that there was a failure in the operation of the water treatment system, even it also contributed to the higher hardness and calcium concentration. This over-year’s treatment failure has been causing accumulation of hardness and calcium concentration in the compartment of both water treatment system and ice production unit that inflicts a higher hardness level in the effluent

    Evaluasi Pola Operasi Waduk Tamblang di Kabupaten Buleleng Provinsi Bali

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    Bendungan Tamblang dibangun untuk memenuhi kebutuhan irigasi dan air baku di Kecamatan Sawan dan Kecamatan Kubutamban Kabupaten Buleleng. Waduk ini berada di aliran Sungai Tukad Daya dan direncanakan mempunyai total tampungan sebesar 6,137,228 m3 sedangkan tampungan waduk efektif sebesar 4,199,646 m3. Fungsi Waduk Tamblang adalah untuk irigasi sebesar 584 ha serta penyediaan air baku sebesar 306 liter/detik. Simulasi operasi Waduk Tamblang menggunakan alternatif debit andalan 80% dan 90%. Data pendukung berupa data curah hujan harian, data debit permukaan aliran Sungai Tukad Daya dan data klimatologi dianalisis untuk mengetahui curah hujan andalan R50 dan R80, debit andalan, evapotranspirasi potensial, curah hujan efektif, kebutuhan air irigasi (KAI), serta kebutuhan air baku pada Kecamatan Sawan dan Kecamatan Kubutambahan. Operasi waduk disimulasikan ke dalam lima alternatif dengan keandalan inflow Q80 dan Q90. Hasil simulasi operasi Waduk Tamblang terjadi surplus pada simulasi alternatif 4 dan alternatif 5. Pola tanam alternatif 4 yaitu padi-jagung-kacang tanah dan alternatif 5 yaitu padi-buncis-bawang-kedelai dan ini sudah disesuaikan pada pola tanam eksisting. Hasil simulasi alternatif 4 dan 5 ini dapat memenuhi kebutuhan air baku dan air irigasi dengan persentase terlayani 100%

    Pemodelan Sumur Resapan Sebagai Upaya Penurunan Risiko Banjir Kota Denpasar pada DAS Badung

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    Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah Provinsi Bali pada tahun 2013 menyatakan bahwa beberapa wilayah Denpasar terendam banjir karena tingginya curah hujan pada daerah pemukiman sehingga terjadi genangan di beberapa area. Dampak kejadian banjir dapat dikurangi dengan membangun sumur resapan. Sumur resapan mampu menurunkan debit dan limpasan hujan dengan cara meningkatkan kapasitas infiltrasi di daerah aliran sungai. Perencanaan sumur resapan dianalisis dengan menerapkan remote sensing pada DAS Badung yang terdapat di wilayah Denpasar. Selanjutnya dilakukan perhitungan banjir dengan software HEC-HMS dan perencanaan sumur resapan berdasarkan SNI 03-2453-2002. Hasil analisis sumur resapan pada sub DAS Badung dapat menurunkan debit banjir kala ulang 50 tahun sampai 50,70% dan volume limpasan banjir 74,09%. sehingga penerapan pemanenan air hujan dengan sumur resapan dapat dijadikan salah satu referensi sebagai bentuk penerapan konservasi sumber daya air dalam upaya penurunan risiko bencana banjir di Kota Denpasar

    Seepage in soil from the difference of water viscosity using Geo-studio SEEP/W program

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    The soil is an important material for human life. The problem that is often encountered with soil is soil contamination due to the discharge of leachate into the soil. This research aims to observe the influence of leachate viscosity on seepage using Geo-Studio SEEP/W Program. The samples of leachate were taken from ceramic industry and from Suwung landfill site. Soil samples were silty sandy taken from Ida Bagus Oka street, Denpasar, Bali. Seepage modeling in Geo-Studio SEEP/W was conducted on silty sand condition using pure water (without leachate), leachate from ceramic industry, and leachate from Suwung Disposal Site. Seepage modeling on Geo-Studio was conducted on saturated/unsaturated condition. It was found that the leachate viscosity was different each other. The viscosity of leachate from ceramic industry was 0.01366741 N s/m2 and 0.002061309 N s/m2 from Suwung Disposal Site. Due to mixed with leachate, soil hydraulic conductivity decreased from 0.001949 cm/s to 0.0001029 cm/s. The largest discharge and velocity of seepage on silty sand material from Ida Bagus Oka street, Denpasar, obtained by using Geo-Studio SEEP/W Modeling was produced by pure water (without leachate), whereas, the smallest one produced by leachate from Suwung landfill site

    Water supply system in Titab village and Telaga village, Busungbiu district, Buleleng regency

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    The rate of population growth in Titab and Telaga Village, Busungbiu District, Buleleng Regency in 2007-2010 reaches 0.75%, which affects the level of water demand needed for daily needs. One of the efforts to meet the needs of raw water for drinking water, among others, by the development of a potable water supply system infrastructure. Based on the facts, it is necessary to design Water Supply System (SPAM) in Titab and Telaga Village with Titab Reservoir spring with 350 l/dt of debit which is expected to give standard of quantity, quality, continuity of service for Titab and Telaga Village which is 5 km from the dam. In order to maximize the service to the community in Titab and Telaga Village, it is necessary to know the use of drinking water for each household. The next analysis is the calculation of projected drinking water needs over the next 20 years. Planning and calculation of water distribution using WaterCad i8 Software. From the result of projection analysis, the drinking water requirement in Titab and Telaga Village based on the fact of household drinking water usage in 2037 is 5,568 lt/sec. While the effort to maximize water supply network services is by projecting drinking water needs in Titab and Telaga Village based on the fact of household drinking water usage. With the help of WaterNet Software, it will simplify the distribution network planning of drinking water in order to produce integrated drinking water network system to meet the needs of clean water in Titab and Telaga Village

    Analysis of soil effects as leachate filter: A case study of TPA Mandung Tabanan

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    The accumulation in large volume of solid waste in the area of TPA Mandung is creating a new serious problem since the leachate is extremely increasing. The spill drastically contaminates the groundwater and the surrounding environment because the wastewater treatment plant isn’t working on full capacity. Based on those facts, it is necessary to start researching on how the leachate influences the soil characteristics, and how to get the soil to provide a proper filtration. The samples of soil and the leachate from TPA Mandung have, at first, been collected; soil properties have been physically and mechanically tested, while the leachate characteristics have been determined from the parameters of the contained substances. The leachate filtration was performed simultaneously with a hydraulic conductivity test simply varying its height from 7 cm, 9 cm, and 11 cm. The water drained from the hydraulic conductivity test has been reexamined to determine the changes in the leachate parameters after passing through the soil. The K value (hydraulic conductivity coefficient) in the soil hydraulic conductivity test sampled with height 11 cm, 9 cm, 7 cm, were respectively 0.000050 cm/sec, 0.000062 cm/sec, and 0.000065 cm/sec. The results showed a decrease in the coefficient of hydraulic conductivity along with the addition of leachate and the variation in sample height. The leachate in TPA Mandung before and after filtration had COD, BOD5, TSS, TDS and oil levels that exceeded the permitted threshold according to Regulation of Minister of Environment No. 5 of2014 concerning Wastewater Quality Standard